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荷兰的社会住房以覆盖面广、居住品质高等特点著称。在百余年的长期发展中,荷兰形成了在政府授权和监管下,由独立非营利机构"住房协会"以市场化方式提供和管理社会住房的发展模式。本文聚焦于荷兰社会住房发展中政府和住房协会的不同角色、住房协会的管理与运营框架,以及对住房协会社会责任的约束和监督机制,以期为我国保障性住房的发展与管理提供有益的经验借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

自20世纪初以来,荷兰对于社会住房建设积累了丰富的实践经验。其中,荷兰独特的政策与社会住房体系在一百多年内的演变,以及政府与社会住房机构在不同历史阶段所扮演的角色差异是本文讨论的主要内容。总体来看,随着社会住房机构的逐渐独立,政府的决定权在不断下放,社会住房机构在良好的社会住房管理体制和积极的房地产发展下,从依靠政府贷款走向了经济独立的发展模式,从而成为荷兰社会住房建设的主体。此外,租金管制与住房补贴制度也较大地推动了社会住房的发展。随着中国保障性住房建设进程的加快,公共租赁住房将在保障房建设中扮演越来越重要的角色,但当前大城市公共租赁住房的建设普遍面临着土地、融资和管理等诸多难题。荷兰社会住房的建设经验可以为中国公租房建设在机构设置和政策制定方面提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

徐菊芬 《住宅科技》2011,31(10):46-50
文章首先引用经典理论,认为不同收入阶层、城市管理者的行为和决策直接影响到空间资源的分配;然后分析住房需求和供给市场对居住空间分异的影响机制。经济收入的分化导致当前城市社会出现了多样的收入阶层和消费群体;城市化的快速推进、旧城更新以及新区建设都不同程度地激发了住房需求的增长。在住房供给方面,地方政府、房产商以及商业银行以不同的角色参与到住房供给的利益分配中,其中地方政府通过土地出让获取丰厚的财政收入,是趋利性住房供应制度的实施者;房产商作为住房开发的主体,是物质居住空间的塑造者;商业银行通过对房产商及个人提供贷款而间接作用于居住空间,是需求方和供给方的资金纽带,客观上推动社会空间居住分异得以形成。  相似文献   

商品住宅市场的过快发展凸显出我国保障性住房建设与管理的落后,产生原因是多方面的,本文从我国保障性住房管理机制不完善的角度进行了分析.文章从建立一个强有力的保障性住房机构、加大财政性资金的投入、改变现有保障性住房的管理办法、完善现有保障性的住房法律体系4个方面对我国保障性住房的行政管理机制作了一定的研究.  相似文献   

快速的工业化和城市化进程给城市住房带来了巨大的压力.部分国家的经验显示,政府对住房市场进行干预并逐步建立国家住房保障体系,是应对这一困境的必由之路.对于正在经历快速城市化和工业化过程的中国而言,城市居民的住房问题是关系到国计民生的大事.中国经历了多年的住房制度改革,当前正在逐步建立和完善国家住房保障体系.在此过程中,汲取其他国家住房保障体系发展中的经验和教训尤为重要.荷兰作为"福利国家"的典型代表,国家在住房保障体系上投入之大、方式之有效、成果之卓著,都堪称"西欧模式"的典范,许多政策经验也一直被其他国家广为学习.本文全面回顾了荷兰住房保障体系的发展过程,分析荷兰公共住房发展多个历史阶段的政策特征,力图全面把握其发展的宏观脉络,评价其优点和缺陷.在此基础上,本文总结了荷兰模式对中国住房保障体系健康发展的借鉴和启发.  相似文献   

社会住房,又称公共住房或保障性住房,并不存在统一的概念定义,但世界各国对社会住房的概念定义都普遍强调以下几点.一是社会住房多为公共机构所有,并由其负责建设维护与运营管理,这其中既包括各级政府及其管辖的各类公共管理机构,也包括私营部门的各种非营利组织;二是社会住房主要面向社会上的低收入阶层,提供可满足基本生活需求的可支付住房(affordable housing);三是社会住房的获得和使用受到严格限制,特别是住房的租金水平和租户的收入水平.  相似文献   

欧洲与法国社会住房政策的主要问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现在人们普遍认为,欧盟的27个国家中存在三种主要的社会住房政策模式:"剩余"模式(residual model),主要存在于南欧及前东欧的共产主义国家,其主要特征是社会住房仅供给那些最贫穷的阶层."一般"模式(generalist model),这一模式下,虽然受到一种或多种形式的收入和租金上额的限制,但社会住房将提供给更广大的社会群体,这种模式主要存在于德国、英国、法国和比利时."普惠"模式(universal model),社会住房更多的以一种不带任何社会目标的"公共住房"的形式出现,其目的在于形成强大的社会租赁部门,为所有人提供大量的可支付的租赁住房.瑞典、丹麦和荷兰仍在一定程度上执行这一模式.第一部分介绍这三大模式,以及当前欧盟众多国家不同的社会住房情况.第二部分揭示了欧洲住房政策的普遍趋势以及为何走向"普惠"模式的废除,许多实行"一般"模式的国家如何向"剩余"模式靠拢及其原因.最后一部分重点是法国的情况,揭示2000年代的住房危机以及国家住房政策的主要方向是怎样向社会住房的"剩余"模式靠拢.最后,分析了这一过程对城市问题的主要影响,如社会融合和房地产的贬值.  相似文献   

本文旨在为解决中国大城市中的低收入人群安居问题提供一种思路和模式。文章详细地阐述和分析了西欧福利国家荷兰的百年社会住房体系——它的历史发展沿革、法律框架、外部监督管理机制、开发机构的内部组织以及资金运作机制,通过分析取其长处并结合当前国内住房市场的现状,文章最后提出了构建我国大城市社会住房体系的五点基本原则,供广大规划和决策者讨论参考。  相似文献   

保障性住房由于受到市场经济的制约以及政府主导因素的影响,在建设方式和空间分布上具有和普通商品住房不同的特点。本文总结国内大城市在保障性住房建设中普遍存在的布局规律,将其归纳为中心散点型、城市外围集聚型、郊区"大盘"建设型三种建设模式。第一种建设方式将呈现下降趋势,而后两种方式将成为未来保障性住房建设主要发展趋势。文章最后针对这三种建设模式提出相应的建设引导策略。  相似文献   

近年来,我国在保障性住房建设领域的投入力度不断增加,面对保障性住房建设的庞大资金需求,我国保障性住房建设规模的重要瓶颈是资金投入不足,融资渠道有限,政府无力来承担保障性住房建设的全部资金,因此,如何正确处理保障性住房建设的融资问题是政府及相关部门亟待解决的关键。本文通过分析我国政府在保障性住房建设融资问题上的作用及关系基础上,指出当前我国保障性住房建设融资现状,并给出如何解决保障性住房建设融资问题的具体对策,为更好地处理保障性住房建设融资问题提供理论依据和指导建议。  相似文献   


Jim Kemeny in 1992 criticized existing housing research for neglecting social theory and being overly positivist and policy focused. The result has been a strengthening of the conceptual basis of housing research in general, but also a growing schism between researchers who focus on policy relevancy and those that pursue more theoretical work. This paper challenges this schism and argues for theoretically based and policy-relevant research. First, the paper argues that the policy-making process is complex and can vary between different countries, situations and over time. Therefore, it is argued that many styles of research can influence policy in the right circumstances. Second, the paper challenges the idea that there can be theoretically free housing research arguing that all research has a theoretical foundation even though in many studies it is not explicit. Finally, the paper engages with the debate about where theory for housing research should come from and what it would look like.  相似文献   

通过整理2009和2011年美国住房调查数据,本文分析了美国的住房状况和住房政策,指出美国住房发展的核心问题不是总量缺乏,而是社会支付能力不足。本文在全面分析美国各项住房政策的基础上,描述了美国联邦和地方政府运用税收减免、公共住房建设、租房券资助、财政补贴和包容性区划等多种手段,体现出政策设计的组合与互补。最后,本文提出为了有针对性地制定住房政策,我国应当开展详尽的大规模住房状况调查,并根据实际情况组合运用各项住房发展政策。  相似文献   


Four positions concerning theorising housing-related phenomena are discussed. (1) Theory of housing (v1): It is possible and desirable to construct a theory of housing to which all housing-related research topics can be related. (2) Theory about housing: It is not possible, nor desirable to try to construct a theory of housing; one should rather apply theoretical resources developed in established disciplines and research fields in theorising housing-related topics. (3) Theory from housing: It is possible and desirable to theorise housing by scrutinising the nature of housing as a special activity and experience. (4) Theory of housing (v2): It is possible and desirable to construct a theory about the invariable relationships between features of the housing system and features of society. Theory of housing (v1) is shown to be questionable basically due to the fact that housing is not a research topic but a common denominator of various topics. Theory about housing is acceptable with the qualification that housing research can feed back to more general theorising. Theory from housing offers a limited perspective on theorising but it can serve as a necessary check to other theorising. Problems with Theory of housing (v2) have to do with the balance between abstract generalisation and concrete empirical/historical analysis.  相似文献   

Housing markets reflect our housing consumption profile over the life cycle. As we age, marry and have kids, we seek larger dwellings and to a greater extent owner-occupied housing. The up-trading process has two key characteristics: first, it is equity induced. Second, it impacts both the supply and demand sides of housing markets. This is our point of departure. The paper combines a housing ladder with a house price index to show how up-trading amplifies shocks and introduces a multiplier into the housing market. The interplay between market segments results in up-trading induced price dispersion and a price response in the segments on top of the ladder that exceeds those of segments further down, even when shocks are equal across market segments. Finally, as up-trading impacts both housing supply and housing demand, even balanced shocks to net demand might impact house prices. Focusing on different market segments, shocks to demand might have both direct (the size effect) and indirect (the up-trading effect) effects on the house price index. This paper highlights policy options at a finer level when in need of stimulating or dampening house price cycles.  相似文献   

住宅与社会学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分别从“以住宅为工具研究社会问题”和“以社会学的方法为工具研究住宅问题”两个角度概括阐述一个世纪以来住宅问题在社会学研究领域内的发展。  相似文献   

目前我国住房的核心矛盾已经从供需不足转为供需不匹配,相应的制度亟待改革。本文参考经历过类似转变时期的日本,从完善法律体系、供给体系及规划实施体系三方面入手进行考察,探讨做什么、谁去做以及怎样做三个问题。首先,相对于管理,日本住房体制更关注保障居住权利,并通过法律法规明确各方责任,形成权力制约。其次,政府并不直接提供住房,而是鼓励多方合作,从刚性"管制"转为弹性"引导"。最后,通过完善的统计系统和监督体制、相对独立的住房规划体系、切实可行的居住质量和居住面积等指标体系来确保有效提供住房。日本所有的住房政策都明确地指向一个目标:解决不同人群的多元居住需求,并通过细致严谨的规划管理体系保障实施,这对于我国从居住需求角度出发改革住房制度具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, social housing accounts for 37 per cent of the total stock, and as much as 75 per cent of the total rented stock. For observers from outside the Netherlands this seems an anachronism. The dominant institution within the Dutch social rented sector is the housing association: a private organisation, functioning within the public framework of the Housing Act. This paper puts forward an explanation of why the Netherlands' social housing sector is so large. An overview is provided of the social housing institutions at sector level, their effectiveness is evaluated, and questions on the efficiency of the housing associations are posed. Several variants for the future status of housing associations are assessed and the political choice made in 2000 by the Netherlands government is elucidated. Finally, there is a discussion about the recent proposals encouraging housing associations to opt out of the public system and some recommendations are formulated for the Dutch social housing sector. It is possible that these could provide a source of inspiration for housing politicians elsewhere in Europe.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to review the ways in which subjective well-being has been conceptualized within housing research, with a view to evaluating the use of the concept, the insights it has generated, the problems that have been experienced and the possible range of lessons that might be taken forward. The article begins with an analysis of the reasons why subjective well-being has become popular as a conceptual tool in many fields. The article continues with a discussion of the range of definitions that appear in the literature which leads into discussions of the research techniques and methodologies that have been used in empirical research. Empirical studies which focussed on the impact of physical housing conditions and tenure on subjective well-being are reviewed in order to evaluate what is known about the impact of housing on both personal and collective subjective well-being. This review highlights issues of status, reference groups and adaptation that are important insights from the subjective well-being approach that should set the agenda for further research in this area. The conclusion is that the relationship between housing and subjective well-being is a complex one that repays further study in order to understand the rich texture of the role of housing in people’s lives. The article concludes with suggestions for both conceptual and methodological approaches and the focus of future research.  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的加快,重庆 大量尚在使用寿命期内的旧厂区住宅被简单 推翻重建,既不利于城市文脉传承也造成了 资源浪费。为使该问题得到改善,文章以目 前我国廉租房建设的发展现状为基础,通 过对重庆市旧厂区住宅现状以及廉租房空 间需求进行详细调研,并结合相关研究,提 出“将城市旧厂区旧住宅改造为廉租房”的 新思路,并从套内空间、套型组合以及建筑 公共空间等几方面提出旧厂区住宅建筑的改 造策略和方法,为我国廉租房建设提供借鉴 和参考。  相似文献   

Housing Careers: Immigrants in Local Swedish Housing Markets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Immigration to Sweden has changed character between the 1960s and today. Early immigration occurred as a response to labour market need whereas immigrants arriving during the last decade have had difficulties entering the labour market. The aim of this study is to analyse the housing careers of different immigrant groups within different local housing markets. The housing careers of immigrant groups are then compared and related to the housing career of the total population. Earlier studies have shown that the year of immigration is of importance for the type of housing career made as well as the cultural distance between the immigrant group and the Swedish population. The immigrants included in this study have arrived from Finland, ex-Yugoslavia, Chile, Africa, Iran and Turkey, representing the three different phases of immigration to Sweden. The analyses here show that both the structure of the local housing market and time spent in Sweden are important to the housing careers of immigrants.  相似文献   

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