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Bola型表面活性剂1.表面性质与胶团   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bola型两亲化合物是一个疏水部分连接两个亲水部分构成的两亲化合物。Bola化合物物表面张力-浓度曲线上通常有两个转折点,在浓度较低的第一个转折点处形成聚集数很小的预胶团,在第二个转折点形成结构松散的,强烈水化的胶团。Bola化合物一般以U型构象吸附于溶液表面。疏水链较长的bola化合物在球形胶团中采取折叠构象。  相似文献   

梳型两亲聚合物的制备及其性能研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
林圣森  杜志平 《精细化工》2011,28(3):232-236
通过聚乙二醇单甲醚(MPEG)或/和十二醇接枝苯乙烯-马来酸酐共聚物(SMA)的方法,分别制备了梳型两亲聚合物SMA-g-MPEG、SMA-g-C12H25OH和SMA-g-MPEG+C12H25OH,并用FTIR和1HNMR确定了其结构。研究了聚合物的水溶性及其水溶液的表面活性。水溶性测定结果表明,SMA-g-MPEG的水溶性较好,在其质量浓度100 g/L时仍能形成透明溶液;SMA-g-MPEG+C12H25OH的水溶性次之,在其质量浓度100 g/L时会形成凝胶;SMA-g-C12H25OH的水溶性最差,在其质量浓度≥60 g/L时便会形成凝胶。表面张力测定结果表明,25℃时,SMA-g-MPEG降低表面张力的能力有限,表面张力曲线上没有出现平台;SMA-g-MPEG+C12H25OH的表面活性稍好一些,最后表面张力曲线上出现平台,其临界胶束质量浓度(CMC)为4.22 g/L,临界胶束质量浓度时表面张力(γCMC)为43.9 mN/m;SMA-g-C12H25OH的表面活性最好,其CMC为1.21 g/L,γCMC为33.2 mN/m。  相似文献   

低聚表面活性剂--两亲分子表面活性的突破   总被引:25,自引:7,他引:25  
Gemini表面活性剂将两个单链单头基普通表面活性剂在离子头基处通过化学键联接在一起,从而阻抑了表面活性剂有序聚集过程中的头基分离力,极大地提高其表面活性。针对当前为提高表面活性而进行的大量尝试而言,Gemini表面活性剂是概念上的突破,因而被誉为新一代的表面活笥剂。由于这种特殊的分子结构,Gimini表面活性剂通常生成比其单链单头基表面活性剂更低曲率的分子聚集体,这造成Gemini表面活性剂水溶  相似文献   

Bola型表面活性剂是以一根疏水链连接2个亲水基团构成的两亲化合物.介绍了Bola型表面活性剂分子的结构与性能,概述了Bola型双亲表面活性剂与传统表面活性剂相比的优点及其在液相中形成的囊泡的特征.重点介绍了各种类型的Bola型双亲表面活性剂的主要合成方法及用途.最后对其研究前景作了展望.  相似文献   

综合归纳散见于众多文献中的关于表面活性剂溶液性质与分子聚集体结构的实验研究方法,并将分篇发表。在此篇中介绍了表面活性剂胶团水溶液性质的黏度研究方法,涉及特性黏度[η]、Huggins常数KH、Kramer常数Kk、胶团表面水化度W、胶团引流体力学半径Rx以及胶团球形形状和尺寸分散性的判定等。  相似文献   

闫哲 《精细化工》2012,29(2):118-121,177
通过C16~18脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚对苯乙烯-马来酸酐共聚物(SMA)进行酯化接枝改性,制备了5个梳状两亲型SMA衍生物,即SMA-g-O-3、SMA-g-O-6、SMA-g-O-10、SMA-g-O-15和SMA-g-O-20。通过测定反应体系中原料SMA和酯化产物的酸值的变化可确定酯化反应率,其酯化率都在90%以上,且随脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚中EO加合数的减少,酯化率相应增加,最高可达95.62%;对酯化物的水溶性及其水溶液的表面活性的研究结果表明,SMA-g-O-20的水溶性较好;25℃时,SMA钠盐水溶液降低表面张力能力有限,表面张力曲线上没有出现拐点,而改性后的SMA衍生物表面活性有较大提高,其中SMA-g-O-15水溶液的表面活性最好,其水溶液的CMC值为0.078 g/L,γCMC为26.74 mN/m。  相似文献   

T-型表面两亲分子形成的复杂纳米液晶超分子结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T-型表面两亲分子是近年成功设计的一类三嵌段液晶分子之一,这类分子具有与三嵌段波拉两亲分子相反的拓扑构型。通过调节分子中各不相容嵌段的相对体积大小,能获得多种新型的二维多角形蜂窝状纳米结构,实现从分子水平上控制其自组装行为,获取超分子纳米结构的目的,为设计具有二维纳米结构的新型功能材料提供了崭新的途径。综述了这类表面两亲分子的自组装行为及它们形成的多种新型复杂液晶超分子结构。  相似文献   

简要介绍了bola型表面活性剂的特性及分类;重点综述了bola型表面活性剂的结构及合成方法.依照bola型表面活性剂的离子型或非离子型的分类,综述了一些典型的合成方法.并对今后bola型表面活性剂的发展方向和趋势作了展望.  相似文献   

根据黏度和表面张力的测定数据研究了羧酸盐表面活性剂(HF-E)与两亲聚合物的相互作用,结果表明,HF-E/两亲聚合物混合溶液的表观黏度随HF-E质量浓度的增加先升高后下降;两亲聚合物的质量浓度越大,HF-E/两亲聚合物混合溶液表面张力越高;随着水的矿化度的升高,HF-E/两亲聚合物混合溶液的表观黏度先略有增加,到一定值后反而降低,而表面张力则随矿化度的增加而降低;温度升高,HF-E/两亲聚合物混合溶液的表观黏度随之降低而其与大庆模拟油间的界面张力则升高。优化后的高黏度低界面张力二元体系配方为HF-E和两亲聚合物的质量浓度分别为3和1.5 g·L-1;此外,还加入质量浓度为1 g·L-1的烷基醇酰胺(NS)。  相似文献   

The equation of Patwardhan and Kumar for water activities of mixed electrolyte solutions is extended to aqueous solutions containing non-electrolytes. This equation and the linear isopiestic relation are used to predict water activities of 56 ternary aqueous solutions in terms of the data of their binary subsystems. Both equation of Patwardhan and Kumar and the linear isopiestic relation can provide good predictions for water activities of the present 40 electrolyte solutions, and the linear isopiestic relation generally yields better predictions. The predictions of the extended equation of Patwardhan and Kumar and the linear isopiestic relation are in general quite reasonable for the present 8 ternary solutions of electrolytes and non-electrolytes, and the results of the linear isopiestic relation are usually better. The predictions of these two methods generally agree well with the experimental data for the 8 non-electrolyte mixtures being studied, and the linear isoniestic relation is better.  相似文献   

Three carbohydrate‐modified polysiloxane bola surfactants (ATPS‐GA) were synthesized using a two‐step method. Their chemical structures were characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FT‐IR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR). Their surface properties and aggregation properties in aqueous solution were determined using surface tension measurements and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Surface tension measurement results indicated that the three bola surfactants are under 25 mN m?1, and much lower than those of conventional hydrocarbon bola surfactants due to the siloxane moiety at the end of the hydrophobic chains. TEM analysis results indicated that the ATPS‐GA can self‐assemble into spherical micelles with a wide range of average diameters from 100 nm to above 600 nm.  相似文献   

Four ionic bolaamphiphiles were synthesized from four bolasingle systems and the surface properties of bolasingle systems and bola\oppositely charged conventional mixed surfactant systems were studied. Variations in the structure of the hydrophobic chain of bolaamphiphiles has a great influence on their antimicrobial activities. The bolaform surfactants prepared have significant antimicrobial and antifungal activities relative to their conventional analogues. The Г (saturated adsorption amount) and A min (minimum average area per surfactant molecule) of these bolaamphiphiles in both water and 0.1 M NaCl solutions were calculated and CMC of the mixed systems with oppositely charged conventional surfactants in both water and 0.1 M NaCl solutions were determined.
Hanan El-Sharkawy AliEmail:

石玉冰 《化工设计》2010,20(4):17-20,25
在Eyring的液体粘性流动模型的基础上,根据Sandler的水溶液过量自由焓溶质聚集模型,导出有机物水溶液的粘度模型。利用该模型方程参数与温度的关系,可预测低压下各种温度和不同组成的有机物水溶液的粘度。用该模型计算了7个体系442个不同温度和组成的二元水溶液和3个体系164个不同温度和组成的三元水溶液的粘度,计算值与实验值的总平均相对偏差分别为1.554%和2.588%,计算值与实验数据吻合很好。  相似文献   

The contact angles of the aqueous solution of ethanol and that of n‐propanol on copper, aluminum, and stainless steel surfaces are reported. The contact angles were measured under atmospheric conditions, and then under vapor‐liquid equilibrium conditions at 1 atm and different temperatures. The results showed the variations of the contact angles with the concentrations of aqueous solutions on different metal material surfaces with different roughness. Some unstable behavior of the wetting ability around the azeotropic point of a binary solution is reported. Influences of concentration, kind of materials, and the surface roughness on the wetting ability are discussed. The model for predicting the contact angle of alcohol aqueous solutions on metal surfaces under atmospheric and vapor‐liquid two‐phase equilibrium conditions at 1 atm is derived from the Young equation.  相似文献   

Density, pH, viscosity, conductivity and the Raman spectra of aqueous NaB(OH)4 solutions precisely measured as functions of concentration at different temperatures (293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 313.15 and 3...  相似文献   

水溶液中电沉积Ni-La-P合金的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
含稀土金属的合金具有特殊的功能,常用作电催化材料。由于稀土元素的标准平衡电位较负,在水溶液中很难沉积。因此,采用柠檬酸和氯化铵为混合配位体,硼酸为稳定剂从水溶液中电沉积出Ni- La- P合金镀层。详细介绍了镀液各个组分及工艺条件的选择,获得灰白色、细致的合金镀层。对所得的镀层进行SEM 观察和XPS分析,结果表明所得镀层为Ni- La- P合金。  相似文献   

The simple equation relating the activity coefficient of each solute in mixed electrolyte solution to its value in binary solutions under isopiestic equilibrium was tested by comparison with the experimental data for the 18 electrolyte solutions consisting of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 electrolytes. The isopiestic measurements were made on the quaternary system BaCl2-NH4Br-NaI-H2O and its ternary subsystems NaI-NH4Br-H2O, NaI-BaCl2-H2O, and NH4Br-BaCl2-H2O at 298.15K. The results were used to test the applicability of the Zdanovskii's rule to the mixed electrolyte solutions which contain no common ions, and the agreement is excellent. The activity coefficients of the solutes in the above quaternary and ternary systems calculated from the above-mentioned simple equation are in good agreement with the Pitzer's equation.  相似文献   

利用离子-分子共存理论建立了可计算强电解质水溶液组元质量作用浓度的热力学通用模型. 以KCl-H2O, CsCl-H2O, NaCl-H2O及BaCl2-H2O二元系为示例,计算了上述4个二元系在温度为298.15 K、质量摩尔浓度在0.2 mol/kg到饱和浓度范围内的组元质量作用浓度. 热力学模型计算的以纯物质为标准态、以摩尔分数为浓度单位的组元质量作用浓度经过转换后,与文献报道的以无限稀为标准态、以质量摩尔浓度为浓度单位的组元活度可良好吻合. 这说明本工作建立的强电解质水溶液的质量作用浓度热力学模型可用于预测组元活度,基于强电解质水溶液中存在离子和分子结构的推断是合理的,质量作用浓度在计算的组元浓度范围内遵守质量作用定律.  相似文献   

R_(12)TAC-SDS混合溶液的表面张力和泡沫性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桑青  尹宝霖  魏西莲  孙得志 《精细化工》2001,18(10):566-568
测定了 3 十二烷氧基 2 羟丙基三甲基氯化铵 (R12 TAC)和十二烷基硫酸钠 (SDS)复配体系的表面张力和泡沫性能。实验表明 ,复配体系的CMC及γCMC均低于单一组分。当R12 TAC和SDS以等量比复配时 ,体系表现出良好的泡沫性能。其中起泡性参数Cs为 1.99mmol/L ,Rmv 为0 86 ,稳泡性参数Ct为 2 .5 0mmol/L ,t1/ 2 m 为 91.5s。对相互作用参数的计算表明 ,该复配体系具有强烈的增效作用  相似文献   

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