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傅建国  陈进 《染整技术》2008,30(4):29-31
联系本单位的节能、降耗、减排工作及相关单位的经验,讲述了当前节能降耗及减排的必要性和将来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

通过在油脂工厂内部采取绿色照明、变频技术、无功补偿、工艺与设备改造等节电、节能技术和废水深度处理及回收利用等各种节能降耗措施,有效地降低了能源和资源的消耗,提高了经济效益。  相似文献   

碱回收是目前制浆造纸工业治理环境污染的重要途径,有些观点认为碱回收只有社会效益和环境效益,而没有经济效益。如何降低生产消耗?就需要我们加强生产技术的管理,节能降耗,以赢得最好的生产运行和效益。我公司于1994年建成投产,主要产品是红麻和麦草漂白浆板。碱回收系统是与日产50t浆而配套的设备。主体设备是5效长管升膜蒸发器,日处理固形物75t的碱回收炉和传统的道尔苛化设备。就其生产工艺和设备都是国外70年代水平。怎样发挥设备的能力,创出最佳的效益,我们做了如下几个方面的工作:1提高员H业务素质,增强操作责任心建厂初…  相似文献   

通过对大型纸机设置填料回收系统,对纸机流送系统除渣器排放的尾渣进行部分回收,实现了节能降耗、经济效益和生态效益的相结合。天章#19机使用填料回收系统后,以生产75g/m2天阳涂布原纸为例,减少填料流失5.9kg/t纸、减少纤维流失3.1kg/t纸,成本降低16.97元/t纸。  相似文献   

陈树文  郭怡婷 《食品与机械》2016,32(10):101-104
文章介绍中国碳酸饮料企业制取生产工艺用热水的现状,结合传统的制冷机组冷凝热回收方法,提出采用回收制冷机组的冷凝热预热制取蒸气用水、制取工艺用低温热水以减少锅炉耗能的新方法,为碳酸饮料企业节能降耗提供了可以参考和借鉴的新方法。  相似文献   

《中外玩具制造》编辑部:我厂订阅《中外玩具制造》多年,觉得办得真不错,不少同行也有这本杂志,希望贵刊能助我们一臂之力。我们是一家大型注塑加工生产企业,拥有100~  相似文献   

通过对高压风网排出风量的研究,解决车间取暖问题,稳定冬季生产的面粉质量,节能降耗。  相似文献   

以福建南纸日产200 t马尾松TMP生产线为例,通过完善系统流程,应用先进热回收技术及盘磨软启动技术,实施节水措施,取得了节能降耗的效果.  相似文献   

陈立秋 《染整技术》2009,31(9):42-51
热风拉幅烘燥的节能技术颇多,文章着重低附加量工艺液织物的处理,烘房排气/进气系统的创新,设置节能型热风喷嘴,排气湿度的控制,落布回潮率的控制,热定形机废气的热回收等技术的议述.  相似文献   

在原料、辅料能源价格持续上涨,啤酒成本大幅攀升,啤酒销售利润严重受挫的今天,节能降耗压缩啤酒生产成本势在必行。河南哈曼啤酒有限公司采取积极有效措施,从基础工作做起,对制糖余热回收及工艺设备等进行了深度挖掘改造,在节能降耗方面取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

研究不同风干温度对风干肉色泽、质构、消化率、酸价和加工能耗的影响。结果表明:温度对风干肉色泽、质构影响显著,对风干肉的消化率和酸价影响不显著。60℃以上温度风干的风干肉其亮度值(L*)和黄度值(b*)显著大于55℃以下温度风干的L*和b*。35℃风干的产品红度值(a*)最高,硬度最小(P0.05),是适宜加工风干肉的温度。除了a*外,35℃风干产品和15℃风干产品的品质没有显著差异(P0.05),但35℃风干时间远小于15℃的风干时间(P0.05)。风干能耗不止和风干温度有关系,还和风干设备的工作原理及参数设置有直接的关系。  相似文献   

探讨纺织厂热力能源潜力与循环利用.分析了纺织厂空调热力能源潜力的影响因素,提出了热力耗能循环利用的措施.指出:采用热能转移,实现以余补缺;充分利用二次回风;合理制定温湿度标准,控制冷源运行时间;发挥水的阶梯循环效应;使用天然冷源;拓宽热力能源渠道等措施是做好热力能源循环利用、节能降耗的关键环节.  相似文献   

风冷式空气压缩机站房的热排风回用的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章介绍了空压站热排风回用的一种方法,并从设备初投资、运行费用和污染物排放量三个方面来进行比较分析,阐述了其产生的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Elimination of oxygen by “hot packaging” reduced the 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) value of meat patties by about 50% in control and myoglobin added, and between 30-40% in ferrous iron added turkey patties, as compared with “cold packaging.” The TBARS values of hot and cold vacuum packaged patties were significantly lower than those of loosely packaged patties after 1 wk refrigerated storage. Most lipid oxidation in meat patties occurred at day 0, and only small changes in TBARS values were observed after 1 wk storage. Although the prooxidants in meat were major factors in promotion of lipid oxidation of cooked meat, hot packaging minimized their effects.  相似文献   

过盘兴 《造纸科学与技术》2007,26(6):112-114,117
围绕当前节能降耗重点问题,本文对广纸近二年中已实施完成的节电、节水、节浆、节汽改造项目和产品结构调整措施项目进行了介绍,并分析了取得的效益。  相似文献   

The energy consumption of a tubular water blancher and a water blancher with screw conveyor were measured as a basis for suggesting energy conserving modifications. The former required 0.54 MJ/kg and the latter 0.91 MJ/kg, indicating the importance of complete steam condensation. A pilot scale experiment with a water blancher heated with heat exchange and by steam injection confirmed the energy savings potential of heating with an exchanger to minimize escape of steam rather than by steam injection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To produce specialty malt, malts were roasted by combined microwave–hot air at various specific microwave powers (SP = 2.5 to 3 W/g), microwave heating times (tmw = 3.3 to 3.5 min), oven temperatures (Toven = 180 to 220 °C), and oven heating times (toven = 60 to 150 min). The response variables, color, energy consumption by microwave (Emw) and oven (Eoven), total energy consumption (Etot), quantity of neo-formed contaminants (NFCs), which include hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural, furan, and acrylamide were determined. Response surface methodology (RSM) was performed to analyze and predict the optimum conditions for the specialty malt. Production using combined microwave–hot air roasting process based on minimum energy consumption and level of NFCs. At 95% confident level, SP, Toven, and toven were the most influencing effects with regard to Etot, whereas tmw did not affect Etot. Toven and toven significantly affected malt color. Only Toven significantly influenced the NFCs content. The optimum parameters were: SP = 2.68 W/g for 3.44 min, Toven = 206 °C for 136 min for coffee malt, SP = 2.5 W/g for 3.48 min, Toven = 214 °C for 136 min for chocolate malt, and SP = 2.5 W/g for 3.48 min, Toven = 211 °C for 150 min for black malt. Comparing with conventional process, combined microwave–hot air reduced Etot by approximately 40%, 26%, and 26% for coffee, chocolate, and black malts, respectively, and reduced HMF, furfural, furan, and acrylamide contents by 40%, 18%, 23%, and 95%, respectively, for black malt. Practical Application: An important goal for research institutions and the brewery industry is to produce colored malt by combining microwave and hot air roasting, while saving energy, getting desirable color, and avoiding the formation of carcinogenic and toxic neo-formed contaminants (NFCs). Therefore, one objective of this study was to compare energy consumption and content of NFCs during roasting of malt by hot air-only and combined microwave–hot air processes as well as to determine the effect of specific power, microwave processing time, oven temperature, and oven processing time during combined microwave–hot air roasting. Another objective was to predict the optimum conditions for the production of coffee, chocolate, and black malts.  相似文献   

为了完成国民经济可持续发展的战略任务,促进企业节能降耗技术的应用,分析了企业节能降耗标准化的意义及其工作现状。从节能基础标准、节能技术标准与管理标准、节能降耗工作标准三个方面论述了建立企业节能降耗标准化体系的内容,并对企业节能降耗管理,调整产品结构以及加快产品节能技术研发等方面做了深入探讨,指出降耗节能是我国企业未来发展的方向,也是我国实现可持续发展的必要技术手段,企业在节能降耗工作中,要营造良好的节能意识氛围,通过实施标准化,促进企业节能工作的程序化、定量化和系统化,提高企业节能技术水平。  相似文献   

现代纸机能耗构成特点及节能途径初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨旭  陈克复  王蓓 《中国造纸》2011,30(2):58-62
主要分析了现代纸机能耗的组成、分布及其特点,并在此基础上探讨了相关的节能措施,尤其是能耗最大的干燥部分通风系统的节能方法。  相似文献   

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