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传统的协同过滤推荐算法中仅仅根据评分矩阵进行推荐,由于矩阵的稀疏性,存在推荐质量不高的问题.本文提出了一种结合项目属性相似性的混合推荐算法,该算法通过计算项目之间属性的相似性,并且与基于项目的协同过滤算法中的相似性动态结合,通过加权因子的变化控制两种相似性的比重来改善协同过滤中的稀疏性问题,并且将综合预测评分和基于用户的协同过滤预测评分相结合来提高推荐质量,最终根据综合评分来进行推荐.通过实验数据实验证明,该算法解决了协同过滤算法的矩阵稀疏性问题.  相似文献   

在推荐系统中,协同过滤推荐算法往往面临数据集的高度稀疏性和推荐精度有限的问题.为了解决上述问题,在基于物品的协同过滤推荐框架下,分别在物品相似度的计算和用户对物品的评分预测阶段,利用社交网络中朋友关系信息选择性地填充评分矩阵中的缺失值,最大化利用评分矩阵中的已有信息,提出融合社交网络信息的协同过滤推荐算法.最后,在Epinions数据集上的实验表明,文中算法在一定程度上缓解数据稀疏性问题,同时在评分误差和分类准确率两个指标上优于其它协同过滤算法.  相似文献   

针对传统协同过滤推荐算法的数据稀疏性问题,提出了基于GEP-RBF的协同过滤推荐算法.该算法对目标用户偏好的分类范畴进行了分析,构建了局部用户-项目评分矩阵,同时利用GEP优化RBF神经网络,预测局部用户-项目评分矩阵的缺失评分,平滑评分矩阵,并给出了用户评分项目交集阈值修正相似度的方法,提高用户相似度计算的准确性.实验结果表明,该算法能有效地缓解数据稀疏性问题,从而提高了协同过滤推荐系统的推荐质量.  相似文献   

李斌  张博  刘学军  章玮 《计算机科学》2016,43(12):200-205
协同过滤是现今推荐系统中应用最为成功且最广泛的推荐方法之一,其中概率矩阵分解算法作为一类重要的协同过滤方式,能够通过学习低维的近似矩阵进行推荐。然而,传统的协同过滤推荐算法在推荐过程中只利用用户-项目评分信息,忽略了用户(项目)间的潜在影响力,影响了推荐精度。针对上述问题,首先利用Jaccard相似度对用户(项目)做预处理,而后通过用户(项目)间的位置信息挖掘出其间的潜在影响力,成功找到最近邻居集合;最后将该邻居集合融合到基于概率矩阵分解的协同过滤推荐算法中。实验证明该算法较传统的协同过滤推荐算法能够更有效地预测用户的实际评分,提高了推荐效果。  相似文献   

为解决协同过滤算法中的数据稀疏性问题,提出了一种改进的协同过滤算法。该算法使用slope one算法计算出来的评分预测值来填充评分矩阵中的未评分项目,然后在填充后的用户-项目评分矩阵上通过基于用户的协同过滤方法给出推荐。利用slope one算法计算出来的评分预测值作为回填值,既能降低评分矩阵的稀疏性,也保证了回填值的多样性,从而减少均值、中值等单一填充值造成的推荐误差。在MovieLens-1M数据集上对本文改进算法和协同过滤算法及均值中心化处理的算法作五折交叉实验,结果表明,基于评分预测值填充数据后的协同过滤算法有效的缓解了数据稀疏性问题,并且有更好的推荐效果。  相似文献   

高娜  杨明 《计算机科学》2016,43(3):57-61, 79
协同过滤推荐算法由于其推荐的准确性和高效性已经成为推荐领域最流行的推荐算法之一。该算法通过分析用户的历史评分记录来构建用户兴趣模型,进而为用户产生一组推荐。然而,推荐系统中用户的评分记录是极为有限的,导致传统协同过滤算法面临严重的数据稀疏性问题。针对此问题,提出了一种改进的嵌入LDA主题模型的协同过滤推荐算法(ULR-CF算法)。该算法利用LDA主题建模方法在用户项目标签集上挖掘潜在的主题信息,进而结合文档-主题概率分布矩阵和评分矩阵来共同度量用户和项目相似度。实验结果表明,提出的ULR-CF算法可以有效缓解数据稀疏性问题,并能显著提高推荐系统的准确性。  相似文献   

协同过滤推荐算法是目前应用最为广泛的个性化推荐方法之一,但传统的推荐算法在计算目标用户邻居集时只考虑用户项目评分矩阵中的具体数值,没有考虑用户偏好以及用户评分与项目属性之间的关系,推荐精度也有待进一步提高。针对这一问题,提出了一种基于用户偏好和项目属性的协同过滤推荐算法(UPPPCF)。本算法在传统的用户项目评分矩阵基础上综合考虑用户偏好以及项目属性,把评分矩阵转变成基于用户偏好的用户项目属性评分矩阵,然后根据这一评分矩阵来计算目标用户的最近邻居集,克服了传统相似性计算方法只依靠用户评分值的不足,同时本文对预测值判定给出了一种有效的度量方法。在 MovieLen 数据集上的实验结果表明,本文提出的UPPPCF算法能够有效弥补传统协同过滤算法中的不足,而且在推荐精度上有了明显的提高。  相似文献   

协同过滤算法广泛应用于推荐系统中,论文针对传统协同过滤算法中数据稀疏性及推荐准确率不高的问题,提出了一种改进的协同过滤算法。首先通过SVD++算法对用户-项目评分矩阵进行填充,初步缓解数据的稀疏性问题,然后通过计算相似度引入项目属性,最后通过改进Slope One算法对评分矩阵进行二次预测计算,提高推荐算法的准确度。在数据集MovieLens100K数据集上对论文提出的混合推荐算法作五折交叉实验,结果表明混合算法提高了推荐系统的预测准确度。  相似文献   

推荐系统在电子商务中应用广泛,协同过滤是推荐系统中应用最为成功的推荐技术之一。随着电子商务系统数据不断增加,用户-项目评分矩阵稀疏性问题日趋明显,成为推荐系统的瓶颈。本文提出基于LDA的协同过滤改进算法,提升稀疏评分矩阵下的推荐质量。首先,根据用户与项目评分矩阵,建立LDA模型,得到用户-项目概率矩阵,作为协同过滤的原始数据;然后根据属性对项目聚类,对用户-项目概率矩阵进行裁剪;最后,考虑上下文信息,在传统协同过滤相似度计算基础上,通过引入时间因子函数改进相似度计算公式。在Movie Lens数据集上的实验结果表明,本文提出模型的MAE指标优于传统协同过滤算法。  相似文献   

针对传统协同过滤算法稀疏矩阵和推荐精度不高的问题,根据一种社会心理学模型提出了基于群体动力学的协同过滤算法.该算法综合考虑了个体因素和环境因素对用户评分行为的影响,以此来调整传统的评分预测方法,然后为用户进行推荐.实验结果表明,该算法可以明显地提高推荐的精确度,有效地缓解稀疏矩阵问题;同时该算法还可以有效减少积累误差.最后将该算法成功运用在西安景点的推荐服务上.  相似文献   

The rapid development of online services and information overload has inspired the fast development of recommender systems, among which collaborative filtering algorithms and model-based recommendation approaches are wildly exploited. For instance, matrix factorization (MF) demonstrated successful achievements and advantages in assisting internet users in finding interested information. These existing models focus on the prediction of the users’ ratings on unknown items. The performance is usually evaluated by the metric root mean square error (RMSE). However, achieving good performance in terms of RMSE does not always guarantee a good ranking performance. Therefore, in this paper, we advocate to treat the recommendation as a ranking problem. Normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG) is chosen as the optimization target when evaluating the ranking accuracy. Specifically, we present three ranking-oriented recommender algorithms, NSMF, AdaMF and AdaNSMF. NSMF builds a NDCG approximated loss function for Matrix Factorization. AdaMF is based on an algorithm by adaptively combining component MF recommenders with boosting method. To combine the advantages of both algorithms, we propose AdaNSMF, which is a hybird of NSMF and AdaMF, and show the superiority in both ranking accuracy and model generalization. In addition, we compare our proposed approaches with the state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms. The comparison studies confirm the advantage of our proposed approaches.  相似文献   

李伟  王新房  刘妮 《计算机工程》2009,35(16):65-67
针对推荐系统存在的稀疏性问题,提出将非邻近序列模式挖掘算法与基于项目的协作过滤推荐算法相结合的推荐方法,通过构造Markov概率的路径加权转移矩阵,计算资源被推荐的可能性,向用户进行推荐。结果证明,在数据稀疏的情况下,较传统的基于项目的协作过滤推荐算法,该算法能有效提高推荐系统的推荐质量。  相似文献   

托攻击是当前推荐系统面临的严峻挑战之一。由于推荐系统的开放性,恶意用户可轻易对其注入精心设计的评分从而影响推荐结果,降低用户体验。基于属性优化结构化噪声矩阵补全技术,提出一种鲁棒的抗托攻击个性化推荐(SATPR)算法,将攻击评分视为评分矩阵中的结构化行噪声并采用L2,1范数进行噪声建模,同时引入用户与物品的属性特征以提高托攻击检测精度。实验表明,SATPR算法在托攻击下可取得比传统推荐算法更精确的个性化评分预测效果。  相似文献   

In QoS-based Web service recommendation, predicting quality of service (QoS) for users will greatly aid service selection and discovery. Collaborative filtering (CF) is an effective method for Web service selection and recommendation. CF algorithms can be divided into two main categories: memory-based and model-based algorithms. Memory-based CF algorithms are easy to implement and highly effective, but they suffer from a fundamental problem: inability to scale-up. Model-based CF algorithms, such as clustering CF algorithms, address the scalability problem by seeking users for recommendation within smaller and highly similar clusters, rather than within the entire database. However, they are often time-consuming to build and update. In this paper, we propose a time-aware and location-aware CF algorithms. To validate our algorithm, this paper conducts series of large-scale experiments based on a real-world Web service QoS data set. Experimental results show that our approach is capable of addressing the three important challenges of recommender systems–high quality of prediction, high scalability, and easy to build and update.  相似文献   

As the number of Twitter users exceeds 175 million and the scale of social network increases, it is facing with a challenge to how to help people find right people and information conveniently. For this purpose, current social network services are adopting personalized recommender systems. Existing recommendation algorithms largely depend on one of content-based algorithm, collaborative filtering, or influential ranking analysis. However, these algorithms tend to suffer from the performance fluctuation phenomenon in common whenever an active user changes, and it is due to the diversities of personal characteristics such as the local social graph size, the number of followers, or sparsity of profile content. To overcome this limitation and to provide consistent and stable recommendation in social networks, this study proposes the dynamic competitive recommendation algorithm based on the competition of multiple component algorithms. This study shows that it outperforms previous approaches through performance evaluation on actual Twitter dataset.  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering (CF) is a technique commonly used for personalized recommendation and Web service quality-of-service (QoS) prediction. However, CF is vulnerable to shilling attackers who inject fake user profiles into the system. In this paper, we first present the shilling attack problem on CF-based QoS recommender systems for Web services. Then, a robust CF recommendation approach is proposed from a user similarity perspective to enhance the resistance of the recommender systems to the shilling attack. In the approach, the generally used similarity measures are analyzed, and the DegSim (the degree of similarities with top k neighbors) with those measures is selected for grouping and weighting the users. Then, the weights are used to calculate the service similarities/differences and predictions.We analyzed and evaluated our algorithms using WS-DREAM and Movielens datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that shilling attacks influence the prediction of QoS values, and our proposed features and algorithms achieve a higher degree of robustness against shilling attacks than the typical CF algorithms.  相似文献   

针对推荐系统中存在的数据稀疏性和推荐准确性问题,利用信任传递思想,融合个体影响力计算模型和用户评分预测模型,使用结构投影非负矩阵分解推荐算法,采用随机梯度下降逼近方法,提出了一种以保留原始数据结构特征为目的、融合个体影响力和信任传递的结构投影非负矩阵分解推荐算法TP-SPNMF。通过多组对比实验证明,相比其他算法,TP-SPNMF算法不仅降低了MAE和RMSE,还提高了系统的预测准确性。  相似文献   

Recommender systems are one of the most important technologies in e-commerce to help users filter out the overload of information. However, current mainstream recommendation algorithms, such as the collaborative filtering CF family, have problems such as scalability and sparseness. These problems hinder further developments of recommender systems. We propose a new recommendation algorithm based on item quality and user rating preferences, which can significantly decrease the computing complexity. Besides, it is interpretable and works better when the data is sparse. Through extensive experiments on three benchmark data sets, we show that our algorithm achieves higher accuracy in rating prediction compared with the traditional approaches. Furthermore, the results also demonstrate that the problem of rating prediction depends strongly on item quality and user rating preferences, thus opens new paths for further study.  相似文献   

王雪蓉  万年红 《计算机应用》2011,31(9):2421-2425
传统的协同过滤推荐算法基于互联网模式单纯从某个角度研究电子商务推荐问题,推荐质量明显不高。为改善推荐效果,提高推荐系统的伸缩性和实用价值,基于研究云模式的用户行为相似性度量公式、用户行为等级函数、关联规则函数,定义关联聚类方法,改进相应算法,提出一种云模式用户行为关联聚类的协同过滤推荐算法。最后使用MovieLens和阿里巴巴的云测试数据进行局部实验与全局实验,并对各种算法的实验结果进行对比分析。实验结果表明,该算法推荐效果明显优于传统算法,具有较强的伸缩性和较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

基于改进贝叶斯概率模型的推荐算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有基于矩阵分解的协同过滤推荐系统预测精度与推荐精度较低的问题,提出一种改进的矩阵分解方法与协同过滤推荐系统。首先,将评分矩阵分解为两个非负矩阵,并对评分做归一化处理,使其具有概率语义;然后,采用变分推理法计算贝叶斯概率模型实部后验的分布;最后,搜索相同偏好的用户分组并预测用户的偏好。此外,基于用户向量的稀疏性设计一种低计算复杂度、低存储成本的推荐结果决策算法。基于3组公开数据集的实验结果表明,本算法的预测性能以及推荐系统的效果均优于其他预测算法与推荐算法。  相似文献   

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