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提出移相全桥DC/DC变换器闭环系统设计方案,基于PWM控制器件UCC3895设计一个双闭环控制系统,该系统采用电压外环和电流内环的控制方式,在电压环中引入双零点、双极点的PI补偿,电流环中引入斜坡补偿,结合实际应用对闭环系统进行实验测试,结果表明所设计的闭环系统动态响应快,稳定性好.  相似文献   

提出一种基于超级电容的双向DC/DC变换器。根据DC/DC变换器的基本原理,在小信号假设条件下,采用状态空间平均法,建立变换器的数学模型;根据双向变换器的双向传递能量的工作原理,制定有效合理的控制策略;利用Matlab/Simulink库中超级电容模块搭建双向DC/DC变换器进行仿真,仿真和实验结果均表明,系统能够实现能量的双向传递,验证了其正确性和合理性。  相似文献   

软开关技术是电力电子技术中一个重点研究领域,在降低IGBT以及MOSFET开关管开关损耗的同时,还使电路工作的稳定性得以提升,保证电路工作更具可靠性,最为关键的为,软开关技术也为增加电路工作频率的一类主要技术。本文基于选取一种基于PSpice的移相全桥ZVZCS PWM DC/DC变换器进行仿真,以为其实践应用提供参考。  相似文献   

为提升CLLLC谐振型双向DC-DC变换器的工作效率,文中提出一种基于间歇控制技术的变频恒压控制方法。首先,建立变换器基波等效模型得到变换器的电压增益和传输效率特性,通过对原边逆变器的变频控制来改变电压增益,实现输出的恒压控制;然后,针对变换器在轻载时效率较低的情况,提出一种效率优化控制方法,在改变原边逆变器工作频率的同时改变间歇控制占空比,使副边整流器的输入等效负载维持在最优负载处,实现变换器的高效恒压输出;最后,搭建一台30 W的实验样机验证所提方法的可行性和有效性。实验结果表明,变换器轻载时,采用间歇控制变频恒压方法的工作效率比采用变频恒压控制方法提高约6%,在整个负载范围内效率可达87%以上。  相似文献   

文中提出了一种输出带耦合电感的变换器拓扑。该拓扑通过两组全桥变换器桥间移相以及次级交错耦合电抗器,增加了原边回路阻抗,保证了储能元件的所储能量能够有效地流经滞后桥臂开关管的并联二极管,实现全桥移相变换器中滞后桥臂开关管的零流关断零压开通;分析了输出采用单一电感时实现软开关的方法及存在的问题,提出了变换器电路拓扑,并分析了工作原理,给出了软开关的实现条件和关键参数的设计;最后对变换器进行了Saber仿真和实验,仿真和实验都表明理论分析的正确性。  相似文献   

介绍了一种纯电动汽车超级电容器充放电系统的大功率双向DC/DC变换器。首先给出了纯电动汽车电传动系统的结构图,然后介绍了双向DC/DC变换器的拓扑,并针对超级电容器充放电系统设计双向DC/DC变换器的控制器。  相似文献   

双向DC/DC转换器是实现高低压电能双向传输功能的直流转换器,在各种直流稳压电源设计上应用广泛。通过小信号分析法,将非线性的DC/DC转换器变换为线性的数学模型进行研究,确定了全桥DC/DC转换器在升/降压模式下的传递函数,然后通过离散型PID控制算法,分析了系统控制的稳定性并确定了PID参数,设计了转换器补偿网络。最后通过仿真模型和样机实验验证,证明了双向全桥DC/DC转换器的升/降压控制系统的有效性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于双全桥结构的单向零电流开关大功率(兆瓦级)DC/DC变换器,该变换器通过采用两个全桥变换器来实现零电流开关,实现了较低的功率损耗和输出滤波电感。为了验证提出的变换器在大功率应用中的有效性,构建了小型样机并在大功率直流电网进行了实际测试。实验证明,相比传统的两种单向大功率全桥变换器,提出变换器所需的滤波电感和半导体器件的功率损耗均较少,分别仅为1.72mH和924.5kW。  相似文献   

零电压零电流移相全桥DC/DC变换器关键技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了一种带饱和电感的移相全桥ZVZCS-PWM DC/DC变换器的工作过程,并介绍了几个关键参数的设计原则。该电路简单高效,超前臂、滞后臂都能在很宽的范围实现软开关。最后通过试制一台逆变弧焊电源,证明了设计原则的正确性。  相似文献   

DC/DC变换器是建筑光伏系统的重要组成部分,主要功能包括升压、最大功率跟踪和电力载波等,文中重点研究DC/DC变换器的升压能力。利用开关电容-电感技术对准Z源升压型DC/DC变换器进行改进,得到一种改进型准Z源DC/DC变换器,其升压能力增强,电容电压应力降低。该变换器在占空比小的情况下可实现高增益升压;当电压增益相同时,改进型Z源DC/DC变换器比传统Z源变换器开关管导通时间短,更有利于开关管的散热,延长开关器件的使用寿命。文中先分析改进型准Z源升压型DC/DC变换器拓扑的推演过程,详细分析其工作原理,分析变换器增益特性和电容电压应力特性,在理论研究的基础上,仿真和实验结果验证了新型变换器的优点。  相似文献   

A DC-DC power converter topology that combines the ease of control and wide range of conventional DC-DC converters, with low switching losses, low dv/dt and low electromagnetic interference that is typical of zero voltage switched resonant converters is proposed. Consequently, the ratings of these components are substantially lower than for similarly rated resonant topologies. While resonant elements are used to ensure zero voltage switching of all devices, they have little or no role in the actual power transfer and can thus be reasonably sized. As the resonant elements are not involved in the primary power transfer, the converter is referred to as a pseudo-resonant converter. It is shown that the converter offers significantly higher levels of performance than either the pulse width-modulated (PWM) or typical resonant converters. Operation at very high frequencies is possible and is shown with the fabrication of a 200 W 1 MHz DC-DC converter  相似文献   

A novel zero-current-transition full bridge DC/DC converter   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper proposes a novel zero-current-transition pulse-width modulation full-bridge dc/dc converter. The proposed converter not only achieves zero current switching for the main switches and auxiliary switch in the entire load ranges, but it also realizes soft commutation for the output rectifier diodes. Furthermore, the auxiliary circuit also helps to turn on the main switches softly. Simulation results and experimental results verify the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

The analysis and design of a zero voltage switching (ZVS) full bridge DC/DC power converter topology is presented in this paper. The converter topology presented here employs an asymmetrical auxiliary circuit consisting of a few passive components. With this auxiliary circuit, the full bridge converter can achieve ZVS independent of line and load conditions. The operating principle of the circuit is demonstrated, and the steady state analysis is performed. Based on the analysis, a criterion for optimal design is given. Experiment and simulation on a 350-400 V to 55 V, 500 W prototype converter operated at 100 kHz verify the design and show an overall efficiency of greater than 97% at full load.  相似文献   

A novel zero voltage switching (ZVS) dual bridge dc/dc converter is presented. The proposed converter is composed of two dual-transistor-forward converter, coupled with a single high frequency transformer. ZVS is realized by introducing a proper leakage inductance to the secondary of the high frequency isolation transformer with a corporation of a designed pulse-width modulation control. Operation principle and ZVS condition of the proposed converter are analyzed. Experimental results obtained from a 3.2-kW prototype are given. Extensions of the proposed converter topologies and experimental results of one extension converter are presented.  相似文献   

针对多个H桥的接入和接出,造成各路变流器不均流均压问题,提出群系统一致性策略对群H桥模块进行协同控制。考虑H桥通信拓扑和信息交互权值以及H桥模块接入和接出系统等情况,分析了系统稳定特性,然后将所有H桥一致性信息与电压电流双闭环控制策略相结合,实现了群H桥电流状态快速一致和电压的稳定。通过Matlab/Simulink仿真结果表明,所提出的控制方案能有效地实现群H桥变流器的电流一致和电压稳定,提高系统的鲁棒性,对大规模的混合储能接入微电网有一定的理论意义。  相似文献   

摘要:由于双向DC/DC变换器在储能逆变系统中承担能量双向流动任务,因此,系统能量管理关键是对变换器控制策略进行有效选择。针对双闭环控制策略在双向DC/DC变换器动态性能、谐波抑制和抗干扰能力等方面的不足,提出了一种鲁棒反演滑模控制策略,建立了锂离子电池PNGV等效电路模型,搭建双重化双向DC/DC变换器主电路,最终利用实验平台对锂离子电池组在两种控制策略下的充放电情况进行对比分析,同时对鲁棒反演滑模控制策略下输入电压大幅扰动进行了研究。实验和仿真验证了所提出方法的有效性,在锂离子电池组充放电控制上鲁棒反演滑模控制策略相对于双闭环控制策略更具有优势,且该控制策略对于提高蓄电池的充放电效率具有普遍性。  相似文献   

当LLC全桥变换器的变压器副边绕组匝数较多时,分布电感和分布电容较大,在变换器的幅频特性中出现附加的谐振峰,使调频控制的控制范围减小,甚至完全失效。提出LLC全桥调频控制和移相控制相结合的变结构控制方法,兼顾扩大控制范围和减小开关应力两方面的性能。根据大功率配网故障定位仪的要求,研制了LLC全桥变结构控制的高压直流变换器样机。用F28335 DSP实现整机控制,完成调频和移相控制的转换,并根据故障状态,分别实现恒流、恒功率和恒压反馈控制。设计的高压直流变换器,最大输出电压为20 k V,最大输出电流为0.5 A,最大输出功率4 k W。样机在实际应用中取得良好效果,验证了分析方法和设计方案的正确性。  相似文献   

A single-stage power factor correction ac/dc converter based on zero voltage switching (ZVS) full bridge topology with two series-connected transformers is proposed in this paper. The proposed converter offers a very wide ZVS range due to the configuration of two series-connected transformers. It features a high efficiency over wide load ranges. Furthermore, it shows the low voltage stress on a dc link capacitor. The proposed converter also gives the high power factor and low input current harmonics complied with IEC 61000-3-2 Class D requirements by integrating a boost stage operated in a discontinuous current mode. The ZVS conditions, large signal modeling, and design procedure are discussed in detail. Experimental results are presented to show the validity of the proposed converter.  相似文献   

This paper introduces, analyzes, and experimentally verifies a novel DC/DC converter called the current-source parallel-resonant converter. The converter consists of a large choke inductor, two switches, and a parallel-resonant circuit. Each switch consists of a MOSFET in series with a diode. It has a nonpulsating input current with a very low AC ripple. The MOSFETs are driven with respect to ground and, therefore, have a simple gate-drive circuit. The analysis of the converter is carried out in the frequency domain using Fourier series techniques. Analytical expressions are derived for performance parameters of the converter. A prototype of the converter circuit was designed, built, and tested. The theoretical results were in good agreement with the experimental results  相似文献   

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