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研究分析老、中、青年肾移植患者服用普乐可复天数、总胆红素、尿酸的三维图像,使临床指标形象化显现,为预测疾病提供信息。将60岁以上老年患者、40~59岁中年患者与小于40岁青年患者分三组,采用MATLAB7.0做三维图像,分析图像特征并且对老年、中年、青年组图像进行比较。三维图像显示出各项指标间存在内在关系与个体差异。体内指标与服药天数相关,体内指标对临床预防疾病具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肾移植术后受者微嵌合体与免疫耐受的相关性。方法 采集接受男性供体肾脏移植术后女性受者不同生存期外周血及尿沉渣标本 ,采用Y染色体 3对引物SRY1、DYZ11st和DYZ12nd,应用PCR和RT PCR方法检测标本中微嵌合体特异性标志Y染色体DNA和mRNA的表达 ,同时测定移植肾功能。结果 在 130例肾移植受者中 ,检测到嵌合阳性者 98例 ,占 75 .39% ,嵌合阴性者 32例 ,占 2 4 .6 1%。嵌合阳性与阴性两组比较 ,移植肾平均存活时间分别为 8.7± 3.5年和 5 .4± 3.3年 ;嵌合阳性者发生过排斥反应者 11例 ,占 11.2 2 % ,而嵌合阴性者9例 ,占 2 8.13% ;血清肌酐在嵌合阳性者为 74 .3μmol L±32 .5 μmol L ,而嵌合阴性者为113.6 μmol L±37.8μmol L。结论 受者体内嵌合阳性比阴性者具有更好的移植肾功能和低排斥率 ;受者生存期愈长 ,嵌合阳性率愈高 ;体内的嵌合状态与免疫耐受具有相关性  相似文献   

研究不同年龄的肾移植患者服用环孢素A与百令胶囊的合用药时,患者年龄与体内血红蛋白、红细胞的相关三维图像,为临床合理用药提供信息,使临床血常规指标形象化显现。方法:将合用环孢素A、百令胶囊的老年、中年、青年患者的年龄与用药后的红细胞、血红蛋白指标分为三组,采用MATLAB做三维图像、分析图像特征并对比分析老年组、中年组与青年组的图像异同。结果:三维图像显示出各项指标间存在内在关系与个体差异。结论:环孢素与百令胶囊的合用对老、中、青年肾移植者的红细胞、血红蛋白指标有不同影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年高血压的临床特点并做相关分析。方法选择2003年至2007年我院收治的60例老年高血压与48例非老年高血压在血压特点、临床表现及合并症方面进行对比分析。结果老年高血压组单纯收缩期高血压明显增多,脉压增大,临床症状更明显,心脑血管合并症发生率也明显增高。结论老年高血压以单纯收缩期高血压多见,脉压明显增大,此血压特点导致老年高血压心脑血管疾病发生的危险性明显增加,因此老年高血压在降压治疗过程中,除要平稳降压,兼顾合并症的治疗外,还要有针对性的降低脉压,以减小心脑血管疾病发生的危险。  相似文献   

黄荣 《化工之友》2008,27(15):73-73
对100例老年患者的临床资料进行分析,并与同期住院发现的25~45岁青年肺结核100例比较,可见①老年患者易形成高危易感人群;②老年患者病程较长;③误诊率高;④老年患者以Ⅳ型为主,因此就诊时应加以注意。  相似文献   

通过分析342例老年患者上消化道出血病因,文中分类归纳了这些病例的原发疾病、出血诱发因素、伴随疾病、临床及生化特征和治疗转归,以此来提高对于此症的重视和治疗水平。  相似文献   

目的 探讨心尖肥厚型心肌病(AHCM)的临床表现、心电图特点、冠状动脉造影(CAG)结果 和长期预后情况.方法 对53例经超声心动图确诊的AHCM患者,进行病史回顾、体格检查、心电图和CAG检查,并通过电话和门诊随访,了解心血管事件发生情况.结果 AHCM患者病史不典型,但心电图有特征性变化,表现为胸前导联巨大例置T波,尤其以V4导联显著,伴有ST段下移,常被误诊为冠心病.30例行CAG者中28例示左冠状动脉明显增粗;3例发现器质性狭窄,并成功置入支架;7例发现心肌桥,均位于左前降支.经0.4~7.5年的随访,仅1例死于癌症.结论 AHCM有比较典型的心电图表现,左冠状动脉内径增粗,常并发肌桥和冠心病,远期预后较好.  相似文献   

本文分析50例老年人心律失常的病因,以期引起重视,使患者及时得到诊治。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年心力衰竭的误诊原因。方法采集我院28例老年心衰的误诊病例,对其基础病因,临床表现及误诊进行临床分析。结果误诊为急性或慢性支气管炎12例,支气管哮喘3例,急性胃肠炎6例,慢性胃炎1例,结核性胸膜炎1例,脑血管意外2例,慢性肾功能不全2例,肝硬化1例。结论老年人因全身各系统器官在形态、结构及功能上发生一系列改变而导致老年心衰患者临床表现不典型,缺乏特异性,使诊断困难,误诊率较高,故对老年患者出现可疑心衰症状时,应高度警惕,及时进行相关检查,以获得早期诊断,及时治疗。  相似文献   

目的对老年患者手术麻醉处理进行研究。方法 2008年10月至2010年10月之间在我院进行手术的老年患者40例,其中麻醉处理中硬膜外阻滞27例,静吸复合麻醉7例,腰麻2例,颈丛臂丛阻滞3例,其他1例。结果所有患者术后并发症观察,术后随访48h内无死亡病例,1例为中毒性休克,局麻药毒性反应1例,轻度肺功能不全2例。结论高龄并不是手术和麻醉的禁忌证,麻醉中要全面考虑患者身体条件,合理选择麻醉方法和麻醉药,尽量缩短手术时间,预防并发症。  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to present information regarding new effects for certain nutrients other than those traditionally known. Zinc has been found to prevent and reduce the duration of common colds. In developing countries, zinc has been shown to reduce the duration and severity of diarrhea and even decrease relapses. Iron supplementation in iron deficient children, has been shown to improve several aspects of brain function. In studies where iron was given to the mother, 3 of 5 randomized, controlled trials showed a beneficial effect of iron supplementation on the Psychomotor Development Index at some time points, whereas 2 did not. The chances for infants supplemented with docosahexaenoic acid in the fi rst year of life of having at least 1 event of allergic manifestation or upper respiratory infection or at least 1 event of wheezing/asthma, wheezing/asthma/atopic dermatitis, any allergy, or an upper respiratory tract infection during the fi rst 3 years of life were significantly lower than in the non supplemented group. Epidemiological studies have established a relationship between low levels of serum vitamin D and reduced lung function in healthy adults and asthma onset and severity in children. There was a trend for an independent association between higher levels of maternal circulating 25(OH)D3 levels in pregnancy and decreased odds of lower respiratory tract infections in offspring.  相似文献   

龙桑田 《国外塑料》2004,22(6):90-91
【《亚洲塑料橡胶》2003第9期文】现在,在许多产品设计中都整体考虑到如何利用塑料,以使现今的高性能电器产品更结实、更耐用,延长它们的使用寿命。但当它们使用终了后,面临的是怎么样的问题呢?  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a growing global public health problem. The implementation of evidence-based clinical practices only defers the development of kidney failure. Death, transplantation, or dialysis are the consequences of kidney failure, resulting in a significant burden on the health system. Hence, innovative therapeutic strategies are urgently needed due to the limitations of current interventions. Photobiomodulation (PBM), a form of non-thermal light therapy, effectively mitigates mitochondrial dysfunction, reactive oxidative stress, inflammation, and gut microbiota dysbiosis, all of which are inherent in CKD. Preliminary studies suggest the benefits of PBM in multiple diseases, including CKD. Hence, this review will provide a concise summary of the underlying action mechanisms of PBM and its potential therapeutic effects on CKD. Based on the findings, PBM may represent a novel, non-invasive and non-pharmacological therapy for CKD, although more studies are necessary before PBM can be widely recommended.  相似文献   

废旧新闻纸脱墨工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用脱墨剂XYT-6对废旧新闻纸进行了脱墨实验,并对影响脱墨效果的各种工艺参数进行了研究.比较了几种脱墨剂的脱墨效果及成本.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), three major gasotransmitters, are involved in pleiotropic biofunctions. Research on their roles in hypertension and kidney disease has greatly expanded recently. The developing kidney can be programmed by various adverse in utero conditions by so-called renal programming, giving rise to hypertension and kidney disease in adulthood. Accordingly, early gasotransmitter-based interventions may have therapeutic potential to revoke programming processes, subsequently preventing hypertension and kidney disease of developmental origins. In this review, we describe the current knowledge of NO, CO, and H2S implicated in pregnancy, including in physiological and pathophysiological processes, highlighting their key roles in hypertension and kidney disease. We summarize current evidence of gasotransmitter-based interventions for prevention of hypertension and kidney disease in animal models. Continued study is required to assess the interplay among the gasotransmitters NO, CO, and H2S and renal programming, as well as a greater focus on further clinical translation.  相似文献   

Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) assay is a long-established assay used to detect cell death-associated DNA fragmentation (3’-OH DNA termini) by endonucleases. Because these enzymes are particularly active in the kidney, TUNEL is widely used to identify and quantify DNA fragmentation and cell death in cultured kidney cells and animal and human kidneys resulting from toxic or hypoxic injury. The early characterization of TUNEL as an apoptotic assay has led to numerous misinterpretations of the mechanisms of kidney cell injury. Nevertheless, TUNEL is becoming increasingly popular for kidney injury assessment because it can be used universally in cultured and tissue cells and for all mechanisms of cell death. Furthermore, it is sensitive, accurate, quantitative, easily linked to particular cells or tissue compartments, and can be combined with immunohistochemistry to allow reliable identification of cell types or likely mechanisms of cell death. Traditionally, TUNEL analysis has been limited to the presence or absence of a TUNEL signal. However, additional information on the mechanism of cell death can be obtained from the analysis of TUNEL patterns.  相似文献   

刘伟 《中国胶粘剂》2003,12(3):23-25
制备了丙烯酸羟基树脂 ,确定了单体配方、合成工艺条件。  相似文献   

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