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“肉末烧饼”是当年清宫御膳食品,就是一种夹肉末而食的烧饼.关于它还有一段有趣的传说.相传有一天夜里,慈禧作了个梦,梦见吃夹了肉末的烧饼.第二天早膳时,果然上的是“肉末烧饼”.慈禧一看,联想到夜梦之事,心里特别  相似文献   

以莜麦面替代面粉,以植物油替代动物脂调制干油酥开发莜麦黄桥烧饼。应用L(934)正交试验极差分析和综合模糊评判模型对成品进行评价。结果表明:酵面皮与莜麦干油酥比值、发酵面中酵母的用量、干油酥中植物油的用量和焙烤温度是影响成品口感的重要因素。L(934)正交试验确定最优工艺条件为:酵面皮与干油酥的比值为7∶3,发酵面中酵母用量为16 g,莜麦干油酥中植物油用量为260 g,焙烤温度为220℃。模糊综合评判模型评价结果,9个莜麦黄桥烧饼成品的口感优劣顺序为1#>3#>8#>6#>7#>9#>2#>4#>5#,与L(934)正交试验结果相同。  相似文献   

以冷冻鱼糜为原料,采用微波加热工艺制作鱼饼,研究斩拌时间和凝胶化处理时间对微波熟制鱼饼品质的影响。结果表明:斩拌时间对鱼饼的凝胶特性、质构、持水性、白度和感官品质均有极显著影响(P<0.01);随着斩拌时间的延长,鱼饼的破断力、凹陷深度、凝胶强度、弹性、内聚性、咀嚼性和感官评分呈现先增大后减小趋势,白度呈上升趋势,持水性呈先下降后上升再下降趋势;凝胶化处理时间对鱼饼弹性影响不显著(P>0.05),但对鱼饼的凝胶特性、硬度、咀嚼性、内聚性、持水性、白度和感官评分有极显著影响(P<0.01);凝胶化处理20 min显著改善了鱼饼品质,此时鱼饼的破断力、凹陷深度、硬度、弹性、咀嚼性、白度和感官评分均达到最大值,相比未进行凝胶化处理时分别增加86.92%、38.67%、37.05%、6.94%、43.07%、3.41%和14.65%;正交试验结果表明,鱼饼的最佳斩拌和凝胶化处理工艺为斩拌6 min,凝胶化处理20 min,此条件下鱼饼的凝胶强度为2 157.53 g·mm,白度为79.72,感官评分为8.66 分。  相似文献   

顶空固相微萃取与GC-MS联用法分析米饭及其制品气味成分   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以新鲜米饭和方便米饭为原料,采用75μm CAR-PDMS涂层探头的固相微萃取器顶空取样,提取样品的挥发性成分,用气-质联用仪(GC-MS)对挥发性成分进行鉴定,检出新鲜米饭含有挥发性风味物质41种,方便米饭含有35种,均以挥发性羰基化合物和烃类化合物为主。方便米饭的醇类和烷烃含量相对较少,含有呋喃,吲哚等新鲜米饭没有的物质,这些差异构成了这两种米饭的不同气味。  相似文献   

黄万国  嵇新亮 《肉类研究》2000,14(1):28-28,30
本文详述了淮扬酥鸡的加工技术和工艺配方及质量要求.  相似文献   

Does It Look Cooked? A Review of Factors That Influence Cooked Meat Color   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT:  Adequate cooking of meat is necessary to inactivate microbial pathogens. This is particularly important for ground meat products and some variety meats where pathogens can be present internally. Consumers are being advised on appropriate temperatures to which meat products should be cooked, and to use a meat thermometer to ensure these temperatures are reached. However, consumers are more likely to assess cooking status by the color of the meat or juice. This article reviews the factors that can influence the final color of cooked meat. In most instances, these factors influence color by modifying the meat pigment myoglobin prior to and during cooking. Many factors can prolong the pink "uncooked" color in meat, including high pH, modified atmosphere packaging, rapid thawing, low fat content, nitrite, and irradiation. Such factors may lead to overcooking and loss of food quality, and consumer rejection. Alternatively, factors that cause "premature browning" of meat, where the interior of the product looks cooked but a microbiologically safe temperature has not been reached, are food safety issues. Pale, soft exudative meats can prematurely brown, as can meats packaged under oxygenated conditions, frozen in bulk or thawed over long periods, or those that have had salts or lean finely textured beef added. Meats cooked from a frozen state or irradiated in aerobic conditions might also be at risk, but this might depend on meat species. In summary, the color of cooked meat is not a good indicator of adequate cooking, and the use of a food thermometer is recommended.  相似文献   

茶叶的历史已经5000多年了,从最初的药用、食用一直到饮料,茶文化从某种方面代表着中国的文化,现在,茶叶又被制作成了各种各样的菜点,本期这例“怡然绿茶糕”就是以茶为原料的新式甜品。  相似文献   

秋实 《中国食品》2006,(4):4-35
COTE A’L’OS 比利时带骨眼肉 原料:茄子,青椒,红椒,西红柿,西红柿,土豆,牛带骨眼肉,熏肉等。  相似文献   

菜籽饼粕中菜籽多酚的提取新工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用酸性乙醇体系提取菜籽饼粕中的菜籽多酚,确定了提取的最佳工艺:40目的菜籽饼粕,pH为2.0的(体积分数)70%乙醇溶液,料液比(g:mL)为1:4,提取温度为40℃,提取时间为40min,分3次提取。在此条件下,菜籽饼粕中菜籽多酚的提取率达到2.09%,高于以往的丙酮提取法。  相似文献   

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