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Many industrialized western countries depend on imported foreign crude. In 1977, for example, the United States imported 46% of its oil and petroleum products, chiefly from Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other OPEC nations. By September 1, 1983, the United States imported only 28% of its oil. The chief suppliers were Mexico, with 826,000 barrels per day, Canada, with 479,000, and Venezuela, with 419,000. Saudi Arabia is now seventh on the list of suppliers for the United States. This shift is responsible for the trend toward a heavier crude supply mix on the international market. Transportation fuels and petrochemical feedstocks are in increasing demand; hence many refiners would like to get out of the fuel oil business, More “bottom-of-the-barrel” conversion capability will be required in many refineries to efficiently process these heavier feedstocks and maximize production of light products.  相似文献   

During the last decade there has been increased interest in the production of synthetic fuels and chemicals feedstocks from coal and oil shale due to declining petroleum reserves. Table 1 gives the projected gasoline to mid-distillate ratio through the year 2000 and beyond; the shift is away from high-octane fuels requiring a relatively high aromatics content and a relatively low hydrogen content to highly paraffin-based fuels having a high hydrogen content. Figure 1 shows the projected United States energy supply and demand through the year 1990 [2], Current petroleum production in the contiguous United States is about 9 million bbl/day and has declined at a rate of about 0.5 million bbl/day per year for a number of years. Alaskan oil will arrest this decline in production briefly but will not make up for even the loss in the rate of petroleum production incurred in the contiguous 48 states during the last 5 years. In all probability, declining production from current oil fields will not be offset by further new discoveries, and thus the United States will become increasingly dependent on foreign oil. Further, petroleum feedstocks are becoming harder to process as crude quality decreases, and as it becomes more and more necessary to process the bottom of the barrel. Declining oil supply in the face of increasing demand will ultimately require that some of the projected gap be made up with synthetics made from coal and oil shale. Such synthetic feedstocks and heavier petroleum fractions contain higher concentrations of nitrogen than light petroleum stocks, are decidedly more difficult to process, and will place increasing demands on hydroprocessing catalysts and processes.  相似文献   

During the last decade there has been increased interest in the production of synthetic fuels and chemicals feedstocks from coal and oil shale due to declining petroleum reserves. Table 1 gives the projected gasoline to mid-distillate ratio through the year 2000 and beyond; the shift is away from high-octane fuels requiring a relatively high aromatics content and a relatively low hydrogen content to highly paraffin-based fuels having a high hydrogen content. Figure 1 shows the projected United States energy supply and demand through the year 1990 [2], Current petroleum production in the contiguous United States is about 9 million bbl/day and has declined at a rate of about 0.5 million bbl/day per year for a number of years. Alaskan oil will arrest this decline in production briefly but will not make up for even the loss in the rate of petroleum production incurred in the contiguous 48 states during the last 5 years. In all probability, declining production from current oil fields will not be offset by further new discoveries, and thus the United States will become increasingly dependent on foreign oil. Further, petroleum feedstocks are becoming harder to process as crude quality decreases, and as it becomes more and more necessary to process the bottom of the barrel. Declining oil supply in the face of increasing demand will ultimately require that some of the projected gap be made up with synthetics made from coal and oil shale. Such synthetic feedstocks and heavier petroleum fractions contain higher concentrations of nitrogen than light petroleum stocks, are decidedly more difficult to process, and will place increasing demands on hydroprocessing catalysts and processes.  相似文献   

惠慧 《硫酸工业》2012,(4):17-20
对2012年上半年中国硫磺进口情况进行统计,并对国内硫磺销售情况进行分析.2012年上半年我国共进口硫磺6011 kt,与2010年同期相比增加30.8%.1-5月硫磺市场波动明显,6月以疲软下跌收尾.2011年上半年我国硫磺主要进口国为沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋和加拿大,硫磺采购主要集中江苏、贵州、云南、湖北、山东等地.对未来硫磺市场进行了预测,并对主要影响因素进行了分析.  相似文献   

对2010年上半年中国硫磺进口情况进行统计,并对国内硫磺销售情况进行分析。2010年1—6月我国共进口硫磺4949kt,与去年同期相比减少24.8%。硫磺价格在2009年9月-2010年3月出现了一轮大幅上涨,随后开始回落。2010年上半年我国硫磺主要进口国为沙特阿拉伯、加拿大和哈萨克斯坦。对未来硫磺市场进行了预测,并对主要影响因素进行了论述。  相似文献   

张俊华 《当代石油石化》2011,19(3):19-23,50
介绍了国际原油贸易的作价方式,分析了沙特阿拉伯调整出口美国原油作价方式的原因及影响.  相似文献   

The possibility of producing carbon black from Iraqi refinery products has been investigated. The products considered as feedstocks included five different furfural extracts from lube oil processing in addition to vacuum residue, reduced crude and a heavy Qaiyarah crude oil. A laboratory-scale experimental apparatus based on the oil furnace process and operated at different air/feed ratio was used to compare the suitability of the feedstocks for carbon black production. The results indicate that the most suitable feedstocks were extracts LVI 60 and LVI 150, and vacuum residue.  相似文献   

对2011年上半年中国硫磺进口情况进行统计,并对国内硫磺销售情况进行分析。2011年上半年我国共进口硫磺4595.3 kt,与2010年同期相比减少7.16%。1—5月硫磺价格一路上扬,6月开始表现出横盘态势。2011年上半年我国硫磺主要进口国为沙特阿拉伯、哈萨克斯坦和日本。对未来硫磺市场进行了预测,并对主要影响因素进...  相似文献   

李静 《日用化学品科学》2007,30(2):10-11,15
叙述了中东地区各国化妆品和盥洗用品市场的现状。随着海湾地区和沙特阿拉伯国家人们可任意支配收入的增加和旅游业的发展,带动了这一地区化妆品市场的增长。曾经一度使用的天然油皂也逐渐被外国品牌的液体皂和浴用凝胶所代替。驱动这一地区化妆品和香水增长的主要国家是富油区的沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国的一些海湾国家——科威特、巴林和卡塔尔,这些国家的经济增长主要是由石油支配。此外,商场和美容保健中心的繁荣也反映出海湾国家化妆品和香水的消费在世界上也处于领先地位。  相似文献   

Soybean quality is of concern to processors throughout the world, as deterioration during storage, handling and shipment can result in crude oil which is difficult to process and has high refining losses. Little information is available comparing the relative quality of soybeans in export shipment based on crop year and origin. Shipments of soybeans originating from the United States, Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina were sampled in Europe and Asia during a four-year period. Soybean samples were graded, protein and oil contents determined, and oil quality characteristics assessed by laboratory procedures. Results of these analyses present, for the first time, direct comparisons of the quality of soybeans exported from the principal producing countries. The data suggests that United States (U.S.) farmers and exporters must continue their efforts to improve the physical characteristics of soybeans in export shipment; the emphasis of breeding and genetic engineering research should be to increase the protein content of soybeans grown in the U.S.; and that the high quality of crude oil recovered from U.S. soybeans should prove an advantage to the processor using soybeans imported from the United States.  相似文献   

对2008年我国硫磺进口及销售情况进行统计分析。2008年我国硫磺进口量为8414.94kt,同比减少12.77%,而进口价格则出现了一波惊人的暴涨和暴跌,从年初的3350~3900元/t上涨至年中最高的5600~5900元/t,后又跌至年底的600~700元/t,最大跌幅超过90%。我国硫磺主要进口国为加拿大、沙特阿拉伯和日本,收货地集中在华东的南通港、西南的防城港以及北方的青岛港,下游采购集中在江苏、云南、贵州、山东及湖北等省。  相似文献   

2009年中国硫磺市场的统计与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对2009年我国硫磺进121情况进行统计,并对国内硫磺销售情况进行分析。2009年我国硫磺进口量为12167.9kt,与2008年相比增加44.60%。进口价格在沉寂了3个季度后,于第四季度展开一波强势上扬,从9月底的600影t左右上涨至年末的1150元/t左右,涨幅约91.6%。2009年我国硫磺主要进口国为加拿大、沙特和美国,收货地依然集中于华东的南通港、西南的防城港和北方的青岛港,下游采购集中于江苏、云南、贵州、山东和湖北省。  相似文献   

浆态床重油改质技术新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浆态床加氢工艺是一种重要的劣质重油/渣油轻质化技术,随着原油的劣质化和产品的清洁化,其重要性凸显,各大石油公司均大力研究和开发。本文重点介绍了典型浆态床加氢工艺(包括Eni公司的EST、Chevron公司的VRSH、UOP公司的UniflexTM等)的技术特征和进展情况。在详细分析浆态床加氢反应机理的基础上,指出了其未来的研究方向:研究重油反应过程的胶体稳定性以控制生焦;开发新型高效催化剂以降低成本;研究浆态床反应器流体力学和传质特性以指导工程放大。  相似文献   

The Food and Drug Administration has been examining bulk and packaged olive oil products in a continuing program to detect adulteration of olive oil products. Thirteen of 20 products collected in 1983–84 labeled as olive oil contained undeclared esterified (synthetic) olive oil and four contained undeclared olive-residue oil (derived from olive pomace and pits). Seven of 13 brands of imported olive oil contained undeclared esterified oil, suggesting that considerable quantities of esterified oil have been shipped to the United States identified as olive oil.  相似文献   

油砂开发利用的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
世界上油砂资源十分丰富,其探明储量换算成油砂油,远大于世界石油的探明储量.加拿大油砂储量居世界首位,其次为前苏联、委内瑞拉、美国和中国.油砂分离制取油砂油始于19世纪90年代末的加拿大,但由于在廉价原油的开采及油砂分离成本较高等因素的制约下,对油砂研究进展缓慢.当前,由于世界原油价格的不断上涨,油砂油的生产在不少国家已有利可图.中国在油砂分离方面的研究刚刚起步,目前仅处在实验室研究阶段.  相似文献   

自2016年OPEC+首次承诺集体减产以来,全球原油市场的扰动因素更多地来自于供给端,各产油国的产能管理和协调措施成为影响油价走势的主要决定因素,在一定程度上缓冲了全球经济复苏缓慢背景下能源需求增长疲软对油市的冲击,对国际原油价格走势起到"稳定器"的作用。2020年3月OPEC+联盟减产协议破裂以及沙特增产降价开启了全球原油供给端增产战和价格战,4月中旬OPEC+虽勉强达成减产协议,但减产力度远不及预期,协议的后续执行仍存变数,这也意味着主要产油国产能管理近乎失效。而此次全球范围内新冠疫情扩散背景下原油市场面临的不仅是供给端"稳定器"失效,需求端的萎缩以及未来进一步的利空预期也带来巨大的下行压力,国际原油市场未来总体将呈现供需两弱格局,加之当前中东地缘政治乱局,未来原油价格将加快进入剧烈震荡的下行区间。  相似文献   

黄波 《工业催化》2010,18(8):68-69
随着原油来源的多样化和加工重质化,加工产品中含有的砷会对下游装置产生极大不利影响。针对聚丙烯装置C_3原料净化工艺的特点,适合采用常温液相氧化铜法脱砷。研究开发了9801型脱砷剂,并与国外同类产品进行对比。工业应用表明,9801型脱砷剂可成功用于聚丙烯装置原料C~=脱砷净化。  相似文献   

对2011年我国硫磺进口情况进行统计,并对国内销售情况进行分析。2011年我国硫磺进口量为9523.2 kt,较2010年减少9.21%。上半年市场基本以价格上涨为主,6月初达到最高点,华东市场均价为1800元/t。下半年市场陷入僵持、疲软的行情,年底华东市场均价跌破1700元/t。2011年我国主要硫磺进口国为沙特阿拉伯、哈萨克斯坦和加拿大。硫磺采购主要集中在江苏、云南、贵州、山东、湖北等地。  相似文献   

Extractions of a crude oil, a bitumen-derived liquid and bitumen were conducted at several temperatures and pressures with carbon dioxide and propane in order to assess the effect of the size and type of compounds in the feedstocks on the extraction process. The pure-solvent density at the extraction conditions was not the only variable governing extraction, and the proximity of the extraction conditions to the pure-solvent critical temperature affected the extraction yields and the compositions of the extract phases. Higher oil yields were obtained at lower solvent reduced densities when the extraction temperatures were in the vicinity of the pure solvent critical temperature. In the crude oil and native bitumen extractions, as the extraction time and/or the extraction pressure increased, heavier compounds were found in the extract phases. This preferential extraction was not observed with the bitumen-derived liquid. The non-discriminatory extraction behaviour of the bitumen-derived liquid was attributed to its thermal history and to the presence of olefins and significant amounts of aromatics. Phase behaviour calculations using the Peng-Robinson equation of state and component lumping procedures provided reasonable agreement between calculated and experimental results for the crude oil and bitumen extractions, but failed to predict the bitumen-derived liquid extractions.  相似文献   

薛庆  李展 《当代石油石化》2021,29(1):24-30,54
2020年,受新冠疫情冲击,石油需求大幅萎缩,国际石油市场供应严重过剩,石油库存一度创下历史最高水平,炼油毛利空前低迷,上游投资大幅削减,国际油价触及2005年以来新低.2021年,由于欧美疫情防控效果不佳、疫苗接种推广困难重重,石油需求仍难恢复疫情前水平.为缓解供应过剩压力、推升油价,以沙特、俄罗斯为核心的OPEC+...  相似文献   

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