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2007中国(温州)国际电力电工及高低压电器展览会(以下简称CEE2007)的招展和招商工作正在如火如荼的进行,近日展会组委会宣布:浙江省电气行业协会和温州市电气行业协会经过一段时间的考察,对德纳展览有限公司的展会操作经验和专业化的展会操作模式充分认可,两协会表示将积极加入到展会的筹备中。  相似文献   

甘露 《中国照明》2008,(8):32-32
说起商业照明,人们一定会想到雷士。十年时间。这个注册资金只有一百万、毫不起眼的小工厂,就被吴长江打造成了中国照明行业品牌知名度最高的本土企业之一。“自主创新”是雷士成功的秘诀之一。  相似文献   

<正>近期,鹰峰电子在第三届"能有界-心无界"设计师及用户优选品牌评选活动中,荣获2014设计师及用户优选——电气行业最佳品牌管理团队。本次评选活动以"低碳、创新、发展——相信品牌的力量"为主题,致力于推动电气行业的品牌建设。本次长达一年的"争霸赛"一直秉着公开、公平、公正的原则,通过线上投票、线下投票、专家投票、行业资深用户投票、微信投票、行业媒体投票等多种渠道搜集投票。获此荣誉是广大行业用户对鹰峰电子品牌及团队的充分肯定。鹰峰电子一直以客户关注为焦点,创造客户满意为目标,从"技术、品质、责任"三方面严格要求自我。鹰峰电子  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国电气工业取得了举世瞩目的成就,发展速度更是创造了世界电气工业发展史之最。在伟大的成就面前,中国电气工业还存在不少遗憾之处,如没有ABB、西门子、施耐德电气这样全球领先的综合品牌,就是在低压电器这样高度竞争的市场上也没有强有力的高端品牌,  相似文献   

由智能建筑电气传媒机构主办的“影响中国智能建筑电气行业——2012年度优秀品牌评选”活动正式启动。  相似文献   

肖吉德 《电气时代》2008,(11):50-53
《战国策》由西汉刘向编定,记载了战国当时七国的风云变幻,合纵连横,战争绵延,政权更迭,富于雄辩与运筹的机智,令人叹为观止。  相似文献   

王为民  翁爽 《国家电网》2011,(10):66-71
凭借“多普达”品牌的成功,HTC在大陆市场已具有一定的知名度。但HTC仍然认为,自己是一个后来者,应该端正好心态,专心铸造智能手机领域的第一品牌。  相似文献   

近日,由工业领域专业赛尔媒体筹办以工程项目设计师主导的品牌评选活动,整个品牌评选历时1年,已进入企业报名阶段。  相似文献   

2009年11月26日,ABB宣布,日前举行的“建国60周年中罔建筑电气行业成就与发展论坛”中,ABB成为惟一荣获“建国60周年中国建筑电气行业卓越品牌成就奖”的企业,同时,ABB还获得“建围60周年建筑电气行业外资企业在华贡献奖”,北京ABB低压电器有限公司总经理王中丹女上被授了“建国60周年建筑电气行业外企企业家成就奖”。  相似文献   

2010年12月22日,由赛尔传媒、中国设计师网主办的“能有界·心无界”设计师优选品牌颁奖典礼在北京国际会议中心隆重举行并成功落下帷幕,标志着历时一年的“能有界·心无界”设计师优选品牌评选活动圆满结束。  相似文献   

2003年,经中国名牌推进委员会评比认定,在低压电器行业的万能式断路器和塑料外壳式断路器两大类低压断路器产品中,共有5家企业8个品牌的产品被中国名牌推进委员会评为2003年的中国名牌产品.其中万能式断路器和塑料外壳式断路器各占了4个.  相似文献   

中国电器工业协会计划举办一个“中国电器工业最具影响力品牌”的宣传活动.引起了业界的广泛关注。这也引发了人们关于电器工业领域内企业品牌以及新能源企业品牌如何创立和发展的思考。带着以上几个问题,记者走访了知名品牌专家薛华。  相似文献   

Sulfur hexafluoride and the electric power industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of gas-insulated electrical equipment has a demonstrated value for society. The problems relating to SF6 are not without solution and can lead to new opportunities. To this end, besides the current efforts to curtail the releases of SF6 into the environment, a comprehensive and focused program is needed to develop alternative gaseous insulators and alternative high-voltage technologies  相似文献   

fiber optic sensing applications in the electric power industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fiber optic telecommunications is a well-established discipline which finds applications in all industrial areas for signaling and control. However, fiber optics for intrinsic sensing of fluid levels, gas presence, temperature, pressure, or rotation, is rapidly being applied to the medical, petrochemical, and marine professions. Not to be overlooked are several new fiber optic sensing techniques which are now capable of accurately measuring electric current, voltage levels, and even breaker status. By monitoring such parameters, the power industry can take full advantage of the benefits of fiber optics, especially in high electromagnetic field environments. This paper surveys those techniques and experiences with fiber optic sensing applicable to today's power industry.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型钻井装备中电传动系统的设计特色。采用SIMOREGK6RA24控制单元与自行设计研制的功率单元接口,实现了大功率直流传动装置的全数字控制。  相似文献   

With the failure in the 1970s of the old “social contract” between utilities and the public, stakeholders are now working toward a new consensus. PURPA, IRP, and the “DSM revolution” have contributed novel approaches toward developing a new social contract and a refashioned electric utility industry.  相似文献   

Tariff regulation is a fiscal method of managing economic processes with the help of taxes, requiring constant development, which is directly related to the development of the electric power industry and technological progress in general. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the need to find and implement methods for optimising tariff regulation in such an economically important industry as the electric power industry. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to identify problem areas in tariff regulation in the electric power industry, consider and analyse optimisation methods used in other countries, and reveal the positive impact of these methods on the electric power industry and the economy as a whole. The primary method in this study is a system analysis, which was used for a detailed consideration of the subject matter, with the aim of a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of tariff regulation in the electric power industry as a system with many related and interacting elements. This study also applied the following research methods: logical analysis, comparison, synthesis, deduction, and classification. The study presents the results of tariff setting mechanisms in the industry, examines the existing types of regulated prices and tariffs in the consumer electricity market, and considers the state, private, and public levels of tariff regulation in the Russian Federation. The methods of improving and developing tariff regulation in other countries, which have been successfully applied and have already shown a positive result, were also considered. The study materials are of practical value for teachers and students in the field of electric power industry, managers of tariff regulation bodies.  相似文献   

经过最近20多年的努力,我国已发展成为世界电动工具的生产大国和外贸出口大国。据行业统计资料,2003年,全国电动工具的总产量已接近2亿台,销售数量大致有1.8亿台,年销售总额约280亿元。  相似文献   

印度电力市场化改革概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了印度电力工业的发展状况和改革历程,并以《2003电力法案》为时间界线,阐述了印度电力工业改革的整体方案,介绍了印度电力工业的交易模式,包括市场准入规则、邦间电力交易和电力监管情况等.  相似文献   

The author studied the Japanese involvement in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and visited eight Japanese R&D laboratories, where he discussed the AI and expert system related activities in the power industry. A comprehensive look at the combined Japanese effort is provided. The current topics of interest are: AI and its application in power engineering; problems in AI applications development and their solutions; practical system examples; and AI applications to power systems of the future. Out of the 97 papers cited, ten were produced by electric utilities, ten by manufacturers, 17 by universities, and 60 were joint efforts. This shows the level and importance of joint collaborative research among the Japanese researchers. Even though they are working on many theoretical aspects of the AI technology, including automated knowledge acquisition and verification, they still use a significant amount of theoretical work done in the US for successful prototyping of AI based tools. The use of AI tools in the Japanese electric power industry is far more widespread than what is seen in the US or in Europe  相似文献   

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