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 共查询到10条相似文献,搜索用时 46 毫秒
<正>Dear Martina,How are you doing recently? I miss you very much. I have something good to tell you. I am gonig to England to study in your school next term, and we'll meet each other then.Will you please help me look for an apartment? I hope to find a clean and bright house,Iwhich is not very far from our school, so that I can go to school by bike. It would be wonderful  相似文献   

<正>Dear Jamie,Thank you for your letter. I am very glad that you are my pen pal.You asked me about my favorite things in your last letter. Well, let me tell you about it.My favorite subject is P.E. I want to be a football player in the future. I don’t like math because I’m not good at numbers. I love my father’s cooking because it’s great. I don’t like fast food because it’s bad for our health. My favorite country is Spain. I want to go and paint  相似文献   

NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING. By V. Joseph Kostka. Obtainable from author, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. 1957. 142 pp. $4.00.

THE CITY IN MID-CENTURY. H. Warren Dunham, Editor. Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1957. 192 pp. $4.00.

THE MAKING OF DUTCH TOWNS: a Study of Urban Dhvelopment from the Xth to the XVIIth Centuries. By Gerald L. Burke with an introduction by Sir William Holford. Clever-Hnuw Press, Ltd., London, 1956. 174 pp. $5.50.

REGIONAL STUDIES AT U. S. UNIVERSITIES. A Survey of Regionally Oriented Research and Graduate Education Activities organized by Harvey S. Perloff. Resources for the Future, Iric. 1145 19th Street N.W., Washington 6, D. C. May 1957. 118 pp. Single copies free on request. Additional copies 50 cents each.

SHOPPING CENTERS: Locating Controlled Regional Centers. By Eugene J. Kelley. The Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control, Saugatuck, Conn., 1956. 171 pp.

AMERICAN COMMODITY FLOW. A Geographical Interpretation of Rail and Water Traffic Based on Principles of Spatial Interchange. By Edward L. Ull-man. University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1957. 213 pp. $4.00.

THE INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE OF AMERICAN CITIES. By Gunnar Alexandersson. The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Neb., 1956. 133 pp. incl. maps, charts, and tables. $6.50.

THE BOURNVILLE VILLAGE TRUST, 1900-1955. Boumville Village Trust, Birmingham 29, England. 135 pp. 12/6.

REAL ESTATE and CITY PLANNING. By Richard L. Nelson and Frederick T. Aschman. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1957. 507 pp. $10.00.  相似文献   

给朱剑飞的回信   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
你的文章我看了好几遍,我觉得是重要时刻的重要文章。我试写了几次回应.但由于我平时多是对自己的具体实践经验进行总结,并不真正擅长理论概括.所以至今没能如期完成作业。时间这么紧了,干脆就写封回信作为回应吧。  相似文献   

<正>When I was a little girl, you and I loved decorating~2 the living room and tree.We loved Christmas. After decorating, we would bake cakes. "Make enough mince pies, because Santa likes them,"you would tell me, so we would always make more.当我还是个小女孩的时候,你和我喜欢装饰客厅和圣诞树。我们喜欢圣诞节。  相似文献   

编者按这是曾昭奋先生写给同济大学徐千里、支文军两先生的信 ,现征得三位先生同意 ,公开发表于此 ,以供参考。发表时 ,根据三位先生提供的资料 ,增加了几个注解。  相似文献   

<正>每当有人问起我有没有兄弟姐妹时,我都会说我有一个弟弟。他们会追问更多你的情况,"他多大了?""他是做什么的?"我都会回答:"哦,他已经去世了。"最近有人问我,为什么说"有"一个弟弟而不是"曾经有"。我是故意的,我解释道。我是一个姐姐,一个古怪的、坏脾气的、31岁的姐姐。如果想当姐姐,就必须要有一个弟弟,所以……  相似文献   

<正>Dear editor,I'm a middle school student and I'm writing to praise a policeman. I hope that you can help me find him.This summer, I went to Hong Kong for holiday. One day, on my way to Hong Kong Sea Park, it suddenly rained. Because of the rain, I fell on the ground and my right leg was badly hurt. At that moment, a policeman saw me and quickly sent me to the hospital nearby. After he  相似文献   

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