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<正>Have you ever heard of a rattlesnake~1? It is a poisonous~2 American snake. When it is angry or afraid, it makes a noise like a rattle~3 with its tail. It's very scary. But Heather Ramirez and her husband, from California, the United States, make a living in an unusual way. They are selfemployed snake catchers! They catch snakes, especially rattlesnakes which have gone indoors,and return them to the wild.  相似文献   

<正>Hello,everyone!I’d like to talk about my plan for the summer holidays.I’d like to visit some homes for the elderly.These old people live there without their children.They need more people to look after them.I’ll talk with them and I hope I can make them less lonely.And I would also  相似文献   

本文通过“三尺巷”的典故引出中国传统建筑中的元素之一--“墙”,并通过《尔雅》、《说文解字》、《玉篇》及《康熙字典》等古典文献,对“墙”的起源、发展、字体结构和意义等做了追根溯源式的剖析,弄清建筑领域中相对不受关注的“墙”的丰富内涵及其在中国传统建筑领域中的重要作用。最终,本文引用《中华大字典》、《辞海》等书籍中的关于“墙”的解释,完整归纳出了“墙”的涵义。  相似文献   

Be a Sport Star     
<正>Hello,everyone!My name is Jing Zitian.I think I can be a sport star.I like sports.And football is my favorite.I am in the school football team.Every day,I play football after school.I play football very well.I often teach my classmates to play football in P.E.class.They all like me.I like football because I think it is great fun and it makes me strong and happy.  相似文献   

上海近年来集中出现了一批对里弄进行保护与再生的项目,如将少量典型弄堂完整的博物馆式保留,供人参观和研究;又如对弄堂进行低价格的修护,但并不改变它的功能,保存弄堂群体生活的状态;再有一种形式就是置换居住功能,植入商业场所,例如田子坊。本文就田子坊再生模式试图加以反思和分析。  相似文献   

文章从景观设计理念、周边地理人文环境、住宅区景观设计及维护措施等方面介绍南华康城的景观环境设计。  相似文献   

李辽 《今日工程机械》2011,(12):66-68,16
夏天挥汗如雨,您怎样用空调?夏季火灾频发,如何防范电气元件和油品集体"捣鬼"?长期存放的设备如何保养?一系列的问题如同夏天的烈日在狠狠地拷问您!赤日炎炎,酷暑难耐,让人容易变得烦躁。对于整天需要施工作业的操作手来说,的确是不小的挑战。更何况心爱的挖掘机设备,在忙碌了千百个日日夜夜后,仍将面临夏季所带来的严峻考验。想让小挖不"罢工","砍柴"岂能不"磨刀"。炎炎夏日,小编为您支招!  相似文献   

文章从户型定位、户型设计、户型特点等方面论述了菏泽南华康城的户型设计,目的在于探讨一种既能满足人们的家居需求,又能到达节能省地的效果的居住模式。  相似文献   

<正>Hi!Everybody!Do you have any hobbies?Now let me tell you my hobbies.I am Wang Lu.I’m 14 years old.I’m in Class Six,Grade Seven,Yangxi Middle School.I like playing sports with my classmates.I can play tennis,ping-pong and volleyball.I have a sports collection.I often play basketball after class.I like learning English and  相似文献   

管仲是春秋初期杰出的政治家相思家,他的思想论述汇集而成一部不朽巨著《管子》。本文从《管子》一书入手,就城市功能、分级、密度、选址、型制、布局和防洪等方面探讨管仲的城市营建思想。通过这一研究,昭示世人:管仲在历史上最早以科学、系统的观点论述了城市营建问题,形成了较先进的城市营建思想体系,对中国古代城市规划建设作出了巨大的贡献。管仲堪称中国古代城市规划建设的一代宗师。  相似文献   

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