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<正>英语中有很多习语,涉及的范围也很广泛,有些习语是关于人和动物的,有些甚至是关于植物的。你了解与植物相关的英语习语吗?一起来看看吧!1.the apple of the eye掌上明珠She’s the apple of her father’s eye.她是父亲的掌上明珠。How happy it would be to be the apple of one’s eye!能成为一个人的掌上明珠(宠儿)将是何等的幸福!2.the apple of discord争吵,不和The boundary line between the countries was the  相似文献   

QIN Yousuo 《世界建筑》2009,(5):118-119
今天,现代“Landscape Architecture”学科范围大大扩展,“风景”一词含义已容纳不下学科的发展,“Landscape”(An expanse of natural scenery seen by eye inoneview——Webster's Dictionary)还是译为“景观”一词为好,“景”是物,是对象(An expanse of natural scenery),而“观”是人,是人在“观”(Seen by eye in one view),“景”作为物,作为对象,容易扩展,从传统的自然风景(Natural scenery)扩展到更广的范围:“观”也可以从“用眼睛看”的i接含义,扩展到思想积体验(观点.观察),“Landscape Architecture”译或“景观建筑学”为宜。  相似文献   

<正>There are many expressions using the word"eye"in English.So today,let’s start with the word"eye".英语中有很多表达中使用了"眼睛"这个词。今天我们就从"眼睛"这个词说起吧。When it comes to relationships,people’s eyes can be a window into their hearts.This means that their eyes can tell a lot about how they feel.I will tell a story about a man and a woman who are teachers at the same school.The woman is interested in the man.She uses many methods to catch his eye,or get him to notice her.Once he sets eyes  相似文献   

<正>1.冠词的分类英语中冠词分为定冠词(the)和不定冠词(a和an)两类。an用于元音素之前,a用于辅音音素之前,the表示特指。2.不定冠词的用法(1)表示人或事物的某一类。如:This is a pen,not a pencil.(2)指某一类人或事物中的任意一个。如:A bee has six legs.(3)不定冠词表示单数概念,相当于不强调数目概念的"一",如果强调数的概念,应用one。如:There is an apple on the desk./There is only one apple on the desk.(4)指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物,相当于a cer-  相似文献   

<正>【介绍认识】(1)This is...常用来介绍人或物,表示"这是……",其复数形式为These are...;表示"那是……"用That is...,复数形式为Those are...。(2)英美人自我介绍时很直率,简洁明了,一般用My name is...或I’m...就可以了。【表达平台】1.This is my sister.这是我的妹妹。2.These are his brothers.这些是他的哥哥。【提建议】祈使句常用来表示说话人的建议、请求、命令等,常用句型为:Let’s+动词原形。肯定回答一般用:All right./OK./Good idea.否定回答用:Sorry,but.../No,thanks.等。  相似文献   

<正>"A society is defined not only by what it creates but also by what it refuses to destroy."—John C.SawhillChina as one of the earliest civilization of the world,hosted an undeniably unique traditional architecture,a refl ection of the country’s colorful history and culture.Notable as the world’s second biggest economy and the world’s most  相似文献   

<正>一、考点词汇选析1.style style意为"风格;时尚;说话的态度;文体;仪表品位"等。常见短语有:change one’s style of living改变生活方式come into style流行起来keep to the style of保持……的作风make a style of one’s own创立自己的风格beautiful style风度优雅high style时髦样式the western style西式,西洋风格in(out of)style时髦(不时髦)a style of……的风格(作风,文体)  相似文献   

<正>The Teacher’s Notation During a Christmas exam,one of the questions was,"What causes a depression?"One of the students wrote,"God knows,I don’t know.Merry Christmas."The exam paper came back with teacher’s notation:"God gets 100,you get zero.Happy New Year."老师的批语在圣诞节考试期间,有一个问题是:"什么引起萧  相似文献   

<正>英语中有这样一类词语,它们合写和分开写在表意及功能方面都有所差别,若不加以分析比较,同学们很容易混淆。现将这类词语列举出来,看看区别在哪里。1.every one与everyone every one意为"每个(人或物)",可指人,也可指物,其后可加of短语,用作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:Every one of us likes English.Every one of the books is interesting.everyone意为"每人;大家",其用法相当于everybody,属不定代词,在句中可作主语和宾  相似文献   

<正>"Tough girl"was one of the ten most popular Internet buzzwords of 2013.Then how did"tough girl"become so popular?What’s the meaning of it?What’s the difference between a tough girl and other girls?"女汉子"一词是2013中国网络十大热词之一。那么"女汉子"这一词是如何变得如此流行的呢?它的定义是什么?女汉子和其他女孩子的区别在哪儿?  相似文献   

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