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This paper takes stock of the housing and environment debate and argues that much of the optimism of the early 1990s has declined. Our own work is reviewed as an example of the limits of previous approaches to analysing contemporary housing and environmental issues. There appears to be a paradox in that housing organisations are now much more environmentally aware; many are developing green housing projects, and yet the development of theory has lagged behind. It is argued that the analysis of environmental issues in housing studies needs to be strongly linked to wider debates and cross-cutting themes such as social and economic sustainability, social integration and fair competition in the context of globalisation.  相似文献   

A Lesson to Me     
<正>This morning,I got up too late.So I rode my bike hurriedly to school.There are two crossings on my way for~① school.Because it was too late today,I decided go~② on riding even when the light was red.I was lucky at the first crossing because the light was green.But at the second crossing I found the light was red.If I stopped to wait,I would  相似文献   

【关于欣频】 猫科狮子座A型。月亮在射手。上升在水瓶。台湾政大广告系毕业。政大广告研究所硕士。现就读北大博士班。  相似文献   

荷兰阿姆斯特丹的NOTHING广告公司(Nothing,commercial creativity agency),新办公室内最大限度地使用了纸这种造价低且环保的材质,整个设计被他们称为Total Package。Total Package的尝试竞为使用者带来了意想不到的乐趣。  相似文献   

周逸采访 《家饰》2008,(3):152-152
初见汪耘那天.她刚刚从工地上赶过来.样子很累.午饭也没吃.但是表情却有着若有所思的快乐.她说正惦记着昨天晚上没有看完的韩剧呢。这样一个人.生活怎么可能不摇曳多姿?  相似文献   

张晨采访 《家饰》2009,(3):27-36
郑树芬(Simon Chong)进入我们的视野,可能真因为他的搭档太过闪耀。作为与黄志达(Ricky Huang)合作长达十多年的合伙人,他实在是一个太低调的存在。可是一旦第一次用分离的目光看他的作品,又不得不感叹其深厚的人文气质和纯真的设计态度,正如Simon都市熟男的形象一般,散发着一股历经沉淀后的优雅与感性。  相似文献   

翟峰 《城乡建设》2009,(5):23-23
随着地震灾区永久性住房的建成。群众过渡安置房、学校、医院等60余万套的活动板房将被陆续拆除。板房资源怎样“变废为宝”,需要政策明示,技术支持,分类指导。  相似文献   

孔祥云采访 《家饰》2008,(11):35-50
这位来自荷兰的设计师能够在设计界赫赫有名的根本原因,就是他的设计作品虽然怪,却有着其独特的创意美学。纵观这些年来Richard Hutten的设计作品,总是以“怪”而闻名.却又“怪”得无可厚非,充满幽默感和创意美学。对他而言.“设计不是一个理性的过程.是一个感性的过程,你可以用心感受得到,而我想做的正是要把设计变得有趣。”  相似文献   

Two drawings in Antoine de Saint Exupery's The Little Prince put forth the fundamental problem of comprehension with the respect to the medium of drawing. The first drawing, which the narrator produced as a child, actually represents a boa constrictor that has swallowed an elephant whole and is mistaken for a hat by all the adults to whom it is shown. (Figure 1.) Frustrated by the adults' persistent misreading, the narrator produced a second drawing, which clearly shows the elephant inside. To his chagrin, the adults were still baffled by the rudimentary section, which convinced him to abandon drawing and what, he later lamented, might have been a "magnificent career as a painter."  相似文献   

This Is Me     
<正>Hello, my name is Zhu Jinxing. I am 13 years old. I come from Lianyungang. Now I am study(1)in Luoyang Middle School. I am in Class One, Grade Seven. Now I live in No. 303,Haiyang Road. There are four peoples(2)in my family. They are my grandfather, my parents  相似文献   

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