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<正>今天与上初一的侄儿谈及了英语的学习。"小学生变成中学生了,有什么感想?""差不多!""姑姑一直在农村中学教英语,你看能不能给我介绍介绍你们老师的一些好方法?""好了吧!就别提我们英语老师了,我最讨厌她了!一天到晚吧嗒吧嗒讲;背书背书,听写听写,错一个罚一百遍……"他的滔滔不绝让我一下有种发蒙的感觉。"你说得也太夸张了吧,每个老师的教学风格不一样,你应该去适应老师的方法。""我适应不了!比如说我们班某某某,成绩差,每次一说到学  相似文献   

<正>进入初中后,我结交了不少新朋友,其中一位称得上是我的"死党",他便是我的同桌。他长得不算玉树临风,却是那种让人一看就忘不了的人。个子不高,腿也不长,可他居然创造了一个奇迹——跑得比兔子还快!每次跑步,他都能跑出飞一般的速度,快得惊人,我们便送他外号"飞毛火腿"。上英语课时,他经常答非所问,和正确答案相去十万八千里。他  相似文献   

<正>我们昨天下午讨论在家做家务的事情。我认为,对孩子们来说学着帮助父母做一些力所能及的家务是很重要的。我们不应该太依赖我们的父母。对于我而言,我经常扫地、倒垃圾和打扫自己的房间。周末,我经常帮助我妈妈做饭和洗碗。做家务可以帮助培养我们的独立能力,而且还可以让我们知道我们的父母是多  相似文献   

<正>我学习英语已有数年时间,总结我的英语学习经验,我最大的体会就是:重在方法,贵在坚持。掌握了合适的语言学习方法后,就会觉得学得很轻松,而且更有信心和毅力学好。现在的我刚从初中过来,回想以前自己学习英语的方法,现在觉得还是很有效果的。以下是我总结的经验,希望能帮助广大学弟学妹在初中阶段学好英语。  相似文献   

合作探究是我们课程改革下的热点名词,它主张以小组合作教学的方式展开具有实践性、延伸性的探究活动,以促进学生的自主发展与个性成长。英语学习是不少学生的"心头病",明知道它重要得必须"爱不释手",却被困扰得"头疼不已"。我们在教学中如何帮助学生迈过这道坎,学好、用好英语呢?我觉得,这个时候,我们这些摆渡人就需要"合作探究"这叶扁舟的帮忙了。  相似文献   

<正>读了梁启超先生写的《敬业与乐业》一文,我感触良多。我想,若将他的"敬业与乐业"移用到学习方面,便是"敬学与乐学",那照样也讲得通。先说说"敬学"。欧阳修认为,立身以立学为先,立学以读书为本。此话我深以为是。何以立身?我们也许可以列出诸多要素,譬如事业有成,人缘好,修养高……凡此种种,应该都是建立在"立学"这个前提下的。《礼记》中说:"人不学,不知道……"汉代的刘向说:"书犹药也,善读之  相似文献   

<正>新课标教学改革的冲击波,给不断成熟的英语教学注入了新的活力,也给我们教学实践者一个探索的时机和改革的动力。当今许多学生存在着因认为英语"难学"而产生的"厌学"情绪,怎样使学生学习英语从"厌学"、"弃学"转化为"想学"或"好学"方面做些探索,进而促使学生从"不会学"到"会学",从"学得死"变为"学得活",最终从"厌学"转化为"好学"呢?我认为应该从以下三个方面来进行培养:一、努力设计一些学生感兴趣的话题,调动学生的学习  相似文献   

<正>在我班上,有位学生小a,人称"数学金刚"。身为小天才,小a站在科学之母的肩膀上,傲视其他学科,尤其是英语!自高二以来,他的数学成绩高居榜首,如金刚般霸气;英语成绩却雄踞榜尾,毫不动摇,如金刚般顽固,实在让我伤脑筋!看着班上其他学生节节拔高,而小a"稳如泰山",我心急火燎!高考步步逼近,再困难我也得帮他,不能让英语拖了他的后腿!于是,我开启了与这位"数学金刚"斗智斗勇的时光。  相似文献   

<正>初中英语的教学目的是使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识,培养学生在交际中初步运用英语的能力。因此,在教学中要以学生为中心,加强训练指导,加大学生自学的活动量,从而发挥其"主体"作用。特别是要加强口语训练。有位家长告诉我,他的孩子学了将近六年英语,每次英语成绩总是在80分以上。可是,从国外归来的亲戚用英语与他交谈,他却不知所云。从这个事例看出:在英语教学中,确实存在一些问题,相当部分教师只重视读写训练,而忽视听说训练的培养。怪不得那位家长的孩子学了近六年英语,不懂得听说。  相似文献   

<正>三年级时,我开始学英语,已经五十一岁的妈妈竟嚷着要陪我一起学。我百思不得其解,笑她道:"老来学皮匠,难道您想到外交部当翻译?"妈妈笑而不语。此后,每当我读英语时,妈妈都会认真地跟着我读。最初,妈妈常常是嘴巴张着,却没声音;或是脸憋得通红,就是发不准音。每次看到妈妈"为难"的样子,我都故意读得很快,一看她跟不上,我便哈哈大笑。可没过多  相似文献   

Helping Others     
<正>All of us know that everyone needs help and everyone can help others.For example,it’s our duty to clean up the classroom.We can help our classmates keep the classroom clean and tidy.Our English teacher often tells us,"Helping others is helping ourselves!You help others to-  相似文献   

从航拍照片来看,受灾情况似乎并不严重.但是实际到达当地的话,就会发现大多数房屋一楼的墙壁完全被海啸所毁.汽车翻车并被冲进了屋内.渔船的巨大船首已经堵在了宅前.我们慢慢沿着鹿岛御儿神社的半岛步行,有一辆小汽车停在路边,一位年轻的女士坐在副驾驶席上.在她旁边站着的女士看到我们后过来攀谈.她说自己家中一篇狼藉,并要带我们去看看.到了之后发现果然,家中散落着瓦砾、被褥、床垫和榻榻米、破烂的家具、食器,混杂着污泥,无处立脚.我们站在满是泥巴的被褥上听着这位女士的讲述.  相似文献   

杨明 《建筑技艺》2013,(1):49-53
看到这个题目可能很多建筑师心里都在暗恨,如果材料真的能决定建筑,那么将置建筑师于何地?其实我本人也是建筑师,之所以这么说,恰恰是因为建筑材料在建筑师的操作当中是相对容易被忽略的一件事情,我希望通过跟大家一起回顾材料的发展来探讨材料与建筑的关系。所有的客观事物构成了我们生存的空间,也给予我们各种感觉。孩子们搭积木、玩泥巴,实际上就是在运用材料,因此材料本身对于建筑师而言都曾经是玩具。现在我想很多建筑师也仍然把建筑当成自己的玩具,只不过是非常成人化的,而且是大家一起玩的玩具。但是我希望大家更关注一点,那就是材料还是我们的工具。当你掌握了一种强  相似文献   

弗莱多日托中心座落于坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆市的郊区。作为“21世纪行动议程”下的一个项目,日托中心现在正苦于利用有限的资源去帮助那些感染艾滋病的孤儿与其他无家可归、或父母无钱供养的儿童。这个日托中心于2001年成立,接收了一大批来自当地Mabibo地区、年龄在两岁至六岁的儿童。左图中和老师站在一起的小女孩名叫Maimuna,是个孤儿,父母四年前死于艾滋病。现在她就住在日托中心里,是中心接收的17个年幼孤儿中的一位。由于资源短缺,另外有些父母无钱负担孩子的住宿,所以学校的教室在下午的时候就被用作学生的宿舍。  相似文献   

深圳天安物业管理有限公司(下文简称天安物业)脱胎于天安数码城,以科技产业园区运营管理为特色核心业务,定位于“智慧园区综合运营服务商”.发展20余年,天安物业立足产业园区,不断“折腾”,持续挖掘新服务空间,顺应行业转型升级的趋势,提升服务品质,拓展业务范围,提高物业服务企业的经营能力,形成了以“园区运营”为特色的核心竞争力.  相似文献   

<正>Hello,everyone.I’m Zhou Ming.It’s nice to speak about help here.As we know,nobody is perfect.So it is nature1when you need help.If you want to get help from others,you should help others first.What can you get when you offer help to others?You’ll get friendship when you help your classmates.If we give a hand to the old people,we can understand the meaning of pleasure.You can get happy2when you help patients.If you help others,  相似文献   

深圳市绿色建筑协会作为地方行业组织,也是中国绿建会深圳分会.自2008年12月成立以来一直努力寻求发展之道.在中国绿建委的指导下,在地方行业主管单位深圳市住房和建设局的大力支持下,2010年度协会工作取得了一些成绩,更大的收获是锻炼了一支团结、实干的队伍,为今后工作奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   

《Utilities Policy》2007,15(1):20-35
In response to concerns that competitive electricity markets may be subject to the development of an investment cycle, a number of adjustments to the market structure have been proposed for stabilizing investment in generating capacity. This paper reviews the advantages and disadvantages of these capacity mechanisms and presents a policy framework for selecting the most suitable capacity mechanism. The choice of capacity mechanism depends upon circumstances such as whether the market in question has a mandatory power pool and whether it is strongly interconnected to other markets. This analysis focuses specifically upon options for European markets, which typically are of the decentralized type (without mandatory power pools) and have significant exchanges with neighboring markets. These two factors complicate the implementation of a capacity mechanism.  相似文献   

班级管理工作是学校管理工作的重中之重,班级管理质量也直接影响着教育教学的效果。本文将从培养学生良好习惯和用爱关怀学生两个方面来具体阐述如何高效管理班级。一方面,班主任应该以心待人、以情感人,给学生营造一个和谐的学习环境,从而和谐、愉快地创造一个有凝聚力、有朝气、有活力的班集体,实现班级管理的高效性。另一方面,班主任也要关爱学生,不放弃,不抛弃,用信心去激励学生,用爱心去感化学生,从而帮助学生,达到教育学生的效果。  相似文献   

As the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) shifts its emphasis from project-based subsidies to housing vouchers, a key question is the amount of relocation help that should be provided to voucher recipients. To address these and related issues, this article examines the use of and influence of relocation counseling at four distressed federally subsidized housing developments (in Baltimore, Maryland; Newport News, Virginia; Kansas City, Missouri; and San Francisco, California) where families were provided with vouchers and relocation counseling in order to expedite moves into the private housing market. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques were used to examine the different approaches to relocation counseling provided by four types of providers: 1) community-based non-profit housing agencies; 2) a private company and its subcontractor, an out-of-town consultant specializing in relocation counseling; 3) a state housing agency; and 4) the on-site housing management company. Underutilization of relocation counseling was a problem: only two-fifths of the sample reported using relocation services. Middle-aged tenants and those at the Baltimore site were most likely to take advantage of the services; those living in overcrowded units were least likely. Programs need to be developed to increase participation rates while recognizing that tenant involvement must remain voluntary in nature at such sites. Although there was some evidence that the more intensive relocation counseling provided in Newport News opened up more housing options for residents, in general the counseling had limited impact. Those who used relocation counseling did not consider more housing options than others, nor were they more likely to focus their housing search on distant neighborhoods. Furthermore, residents depended on friends and relatives, rather than relocation counselors, to learn about their new home. Even though many respondents made short-distance moves (especially in Baltimore and Kansas City), they usually were able to improve their housing and neighborhood conditions. These findings suggest that it may be unreasonable to expect families-particularly those relying on public transportation—to relocate to new and unfamiliar neighborhoods without support, or without intensive counseling, encouraging them to do so. Spatial deconcentration may not always be an appropriate goal for all voucher recipients. David P. Varady co-principal investigator, Professor of Planning is Professor of Planning at the University of Cincinnati. Professor Varady has written widely about community conservation and housing policy, both in the United States and the United Kingdom. His most recent book, co-edited with Wolfgang F.E. Preiser and Francis P. Russell,New Directions in Urban Public Housing, was published by the Center for Urban Policy Research, Fall, 1988. Carole C. Walker co-principal investigator, is Assistant Director of the Center for Urban Policy Research at Rutgers University. In her years at the Center, she has studied a broad range of public policy issues, including program evaluation, affordable housing,subdivision regulations, and land use development. She is the author of numerous research studies and co-author with David Listokin ofThe Subdivision and Site Plan Handbook. Kirk McClure investigator, is an Associate Professor with the Graduate Program in Urban Planning at the University of Kansas. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of housing and community development. He has recently completed research evaluating the ten-year performance of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program and is now engaged in an examination of the secondary mortgage market as an aid to affordable housing. Janet Smith-Heimer, investigator, is the founding principal of Bay Area Economics (BAE), a national consulting firm specializing in urban and real estate economics. She has been actively engaged in urban development since 1978 and has developed expertise in affordable housing, economic development, and military base closure. Sherry Larkins research assistant, is a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at Rutgers University. Her areas of interest are race relations, urban sociology, and substance abuse.  相似文献   

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