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My Hero     
<正>I am a music fan and piano music is my favourite.Of all the Chinese pianists,Li Yundi is my hero.He was born in central China in 1982.As a young boy,he could sing some difficult songs.He began to learn to play the accordion at the age of four.When he was seven years old,he showed an interest in playing the piano.Since then,he has practised it hard every day.Sometimes he enjoyed himself in the music world so much that he forgot to have meals.He won the first prize in several  相似文献   

<正>Liu Qian is a young magician from Taiwan.He did a magic trick in CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala in 2011,using Dong Qing’s ring,and this program made him become one of the hottest magicians in China.Liu Qian was born in 1976 in Taiwan.He became interested in magic when he was 7years old.At the age of 12,he took part in Taiwan’s Youth Magic Contest.At first,he didn’t  相似文献   

<正>My favourite film star is Jet Li.He is an actor,a kung fu superstar and a philanthropist.Jet Li was born in Beijing on April 26,1963.He entered the film industry in 1980.In1982,the film Shaolin Temple made him famous.In the 1990s,he acted in many Hong Kong  相似文献   

<正>We Chinese think Shen Nong was one of the three Great Emperors in Chinese ancient history.Shen Nong was born in the south of China about 5,000 years ago.He did a lot of things in his life.He taught people about farming.And he tasted all kinds of plants to find useful medicine to help sick people.Lots of people said he found tea.Shen Nong died because he ate some poisonous plants.However,  相似文献   

为了研究倒T形型钢 混凝土组合结构 (地下组合墙体系统 ,即CBS)的抗弯受力性能 ,以剪切连接度、U形补助连接钢筋、栓钉长度、受拉钢筋及墙体厚度作为主参变量 ,进行了 1 1根两跨型钢 混凝土组合梁的试验研究。研究结果发现U形补助连接钢筋及栓钉的附加长度明显地改善了结构的延性 ,墙体厚度及受拉钢筋的增大提高了结构的刚度和强度。并且验证了倒T形型钢 混凝土组合结构的跨中极限抗弯承载力计算可以直接利用一般型钢 混凝土组合梁的抵抗负弯矩极限承载力的计算公式  相似文献   

<正>Matteo Ricci was born in 1552 and he was an Italian priest1who introduced Christianity2and Western ideas to China in the sixteenth century. Matteo Ricci was the oldest child in his family, and he studied first at home and then entered a school that was opened in 1561. He completed his classical studies, and at the age of 16, he went to Rome to study theology3and law in a Jesuit4school.  相似文献   

李时珍是我国16世纪伟大的医学家和药物学家,他的《本草纲目》是中国科学技术发展史中的不朽巨著。他对荷花情有独钟,在《本草纲目》中以7000字的篇幅详细论述了莲的释名、地理分布、种质资源、栽繁技术、食用药用。特别对莲各部器官的药物医疗功效,在前人研究的基础上删繁补缺、勘订讹误,提出了自己独到的见解。李氏对莲之爱,表达了一个人民医药学家的高尚情操。他出身于世医之家,有世交师长,生长在莲藕之乡,这些是造就一代伟人的重要历史背景。  相似文献   

郭屹民 《建筑师》2014,(5):6-20
20世纪20年代,今和次郎以全然不同于当时主流的方式将视线投向于对日常生活的关注。他的考现学以考察"现在"的立场,揭示了人们与社会、身体与物质之间的关系。生不逢时的遭遇并不能掩盖其具有的先驱性。本文沿着从观察到定着,从考现到发现的线索,对于日本当代建筑重要一支的日常再现的线索进行阐述。  相似文献   

姚承祖是继“香山匠人”明代工部左侍郎蒯祥之后的又一名建筑匠师,他出身于木匠世家,毕生从事建筑行业。经他设计建造的众所周知的四处建筑物分别是:苏州怡园的藕香榭、吴县光福乡香雪海的梅花亭、灵岩山的大雄宝殿以及木渎镇的严家花园。姚承祖晚年曾在苏州鹰扬巷6号筑有“补云小筑”,也是一座绝世佳作的古典园林。  相似文献   


Although born and educated to pre‐university level in South Africa, William Holford is invariably associated with Great Britain where he lived throughout his adult like and where he was accorded so many honours. Most of the writings by and about him consequently relate to this British background and not a great deal is known outside South Africa of his professional association with the land of his birth. He was in fact involved in a number of projects in South Africa in the post‐war years, including those in Pretoria, Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town and Durban, which are discussed in this paper. The projects are viewed against the backdrop of the principles and premises of planning as enunciated by Holford himself, on which basis the connections between his statements and their application in practice ‐ between rhetoric and reality ‐ are assessed.  相似文献   

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