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目的:制备可添加于婴儿液态配方乳的乳脂肪球膜磷脂-维生素A脂质体,并优化其制备参数。方法:本实验采用薄膜水合-高压均质法,应用乳脂肪球膜磷脂为膜材,制备维生素A脂质体,在单因素实验基础之上,探讨制备脂质体过程中磷脂浓度、主药与磷脂比例、胆固醇与磷脂比例、维生素E占磷脂百分比浓度、反应温度等制备因素对形成脂质体后包封率的影响规律。采用二次旋转正交组合实验方法设计实验,经SAS软件与Matlab软件处理数据得到配方原料指标和反应温度对脂质体包封率的影响。结果:优化得到制备脂质体工艺参数:磷脂浓度7.43%,磷脂与主药比例28.95∶1,磷脂与胆固醇比例为6.53∶1,维生素E占磷脂百分比浓度为0.83%,反应温度59.58℃,得到优化后最高包封率为88.77%,脂质体在扫描电子显微镜下观察,其超微结构为球状囊泡。结论:本实验首次以乳脂肪球膜磷脂作为膜材包埋维生素A制备脂质体,将传统的薄膜水合法与高压均质法相结合,成功制备出可添加于婴儿食品的可食性脂质体。   相似文献   

张雪  杨洁  韦伟  金青哲  王兴国 《食品科学》2019,40(1):292-302
乳中的脂肪以乳化的脂肪球形态分散于水相中,脂肪球被三层脂肪球膜包裹,近年来的研究表明脂肪球膜中的成分对婴幼儿的生长发育有至关重要的作用。本文介绍了乳脂肪球膜特别是其磷脂的组成及含量,添加入婴幼儿配方奶粉中乳脂肪球膜的营养作用,以及目前市售的富含脂肪球膜的产品及制备方式,为缩小配方奶与婴幼儿营养需求的差异提供科学依据。  相似文献   

乳脂肪以脂肪球的形式存在,乳脂肪球膜是包裹在乳脂肪球周围的三层生物薄膜,具有很高的营养价值。随着食品科学研究的深入和分离技术的发展,乳脂肪球膜中的活性成分及其功能作用正在逐渐被揭示。乳脂肪球膜是含有蛋白质、磷脂、鞘脂、神经节苷脂、胆碱、唾液酸和胆固醇的混合物,这些成分是具有重要功能的食品成分,应用于配方食品生产。本文综述了乳脂肪球膜中常见的蛋白质、脂质及其生物活性,综述了近年来乳脂肪球膜及其成分在改善肠道健康、改善大脑发育、改善肥胖及相关并发症、改善老年人虚弱、抗癌、抗氧化和缓解疲劳等方面的体内研究和临床研究进展,并讨论了其可能的作用机制,以期为乳脂肪球膜配料的研发及其在配方食品中的应用提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

乳脂肪球大小和膜蛋白组分的变化决定了脂肪球稳定性,从而影响巴氏杀菌乳在贮藏期内的品质稳定性。本研究通过十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和液相色谱-质谱联用法分析不同预热温度(50、60、70?℃)和不同均质压力(20、30、40、45?MPa)对脂肪球膜蛋白的影响,并通过稳定性分析仪探究脂肪球膜蛋白变化与稳定性的关系。结果表明,均质工艺对脂肪球膜蛋白种类无显著影响,但对脂肪球膜蛋白的含量有一定影响:黄嘌呤氧化还原酶(xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase,XO)、嗜乳脂蛋白(butyrophilin,BTN)、脂肪滴结合蛋白(adipophilin,ADPH)在预热60 ℃时的含量最低,黏液素(mucin 1,MUC1)在预热60 ℃时的含量最高,脂肪酸结合蛋白(fatty acid binding protein,FABP)、组织糖蛋白高碘酸烯夫6/7(periodic acid Schiff 6/7,PAS6/7)的含量随着预热温度的升高而减少,组织糖蛋白高碘酸薛夫IV(cluster of differentiation 36,CD36)的含量随着预热温度的升高而增多;XO、PAS6/7、BTN、ADPH、FABP在均质压力40 MPa时含量最低,CD36的含量随均质压力的增加而减少;脂肪球膜蛋白构成中,牛血清白蛋白(bovine serum albumin,BSA)、αs1-酪蛋白(casein,CN)和β-CN含量增加,其中BSA含量增加最明显。综上,推测均质工艺导致αs1-CN、β-CN和BSA组分参与了脂肪球膜的构建,并对脂肪球稳定性产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

综述了MFGM的组成、结构、MFGM的分离纯化,并对MFGM对人类具有有益生理效应的组分进行了总结,为今后MFGM的研究开发和更广泛的应用提供了一定的应用参考.  相似文献   

综述了乳脂肪球膜的组成、分离提取方法与应用的研究进展,对有效利用乳脂肪球膜资源提供参考。  相似文献   

随机选取16头处于泌乳中期的荷斯坦奶牛,分为2组。对照组仅饲喂基础日粮,试验组在基础日粮中添加400 g/d共轭亚油酸(CLA)微囊粉,试验为期8 d,对第8天采集乳样进行乳成分分析,重力法分层后分析牛乳脂肪球粒径大小,液相色谱串联质谱测定大粒径和小粒径乳脂肪球的磷脂酰胆碱(PC)含量。结果发现,与对照组相比,饲喂CLA可降低牛乳的乳脂肪含量(P<0.05)。牛乳经重力分层后,CLA处理组平均粒径参数D[3,2]、D[4,3]、DV(10)、DV(50)、DV(90)在F1~F6层均显著降低(P<0.05),比表面积(SSA)则显著升高(P<0.05)。磷脂含量分析发现与CON组相比,CLA组在F1层中的PC(28∶0)、PC(30∶0)、PC(31∶0)、PC(32∶0)、PC(30∶1)含量显著下降(P<0.05)。在F6层中21种PC化合物含量都显著降低(P<0.05)。这些结果表明CLA处理可降低牛乳脂肪、脂肪球粒径和磷脂酰胆碱的含量,增加乳脂肪球比表面积,从而为生产不同粒度的乳脂肪球打下基础。  相似文献   

人乳是婴幼儿生命初始阶段唯一能够摄入的食物,蛋白质是人乳中重要的营养成分,而牛乳作为代替人乳的常用原料已经被广泛的应用于婴幼儿食品中。本研究利用SDS-PAGE电泳和LC-MALDL-TOF蛋白组学方法将人乳与牛乳中乳脂肪球膜蛋白进行分离,能够发现人乳与牛乳脂肪球膜蛋白存在较大的差异。牛乳脂肪球膜中已鉴定出488种蛋白,人乳脂肪球膜中鉴定出的蛋白为1545种。牛乳脂肪球膜具有173种特异性蛋白,人乳脂肪球膜具有1230种特异性蛋白,在人乳与牛乳中存在315种同源蛋白。从蛋白质的GO(Gene Ontology)功能注释上来看,人乳脂肪球膜蛋白参与的生物过程有37%为代谢过程;具有的分子功能55%为结合作用;34%为参与细胞器构成。人乳脂肪球膜中有24种蛋白参与免疫相关的通路,主要为抗原加工和呈递。与牛乳相比,对人乳中乳脂肪球膜蛋白质在组成及功能上的研究,能够促进深入地了解人乳蛋白,并为以牛乳为原料的婴幼儿产品添加功能性蛋白提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:富含乳脂肪球膜的乳清蛋白粉是婴幼儿配方乳粉的配料之一。有关专家在综合分析乳脂肪球膜对婴幼儿营养健康作用的研究文献基础上,形成《乳脂肪球膜及其配料的科学共识》。方法:组织科技界和产业界的相关专家,通过文献检索分析与研讨的形式开展研究。结果:乳脂肪球膜是包裹在乳脂肪液滴表面,由极性脂质、胆固醇和蛋白质等组成的复杂的3层磷脂蛋白膜,而鞘磷脂和神经节苷脂为乳脂肪球膜配料的特征性指标,其安全性和耐受性在临床试验中得到证实。现有研究表明在婴幼儿配方乳粉中添加“富含乳脂肪球膜的乳清蛋白粉”,可促进婴儿大脑认知发育,增强婴儿免疫力。目前乳脂肪球膜原料生产企业尚无统一的质量标准体系,乳脂肪球膜相关配料的组分复杂,且因获得方法不同而存有较大差异。对原料和终产品的检测方法,特别是对膜蛋白的检测方法尚不成熟,应加强乳脂肪球膜配料及主要特征成分检测方法、产品质量控制、营养功能与临床研究。政府有关部门、食品科技界及产业界也应加强对乳脂肪球膜及其配料的认知,助推我国婴幼儿配方食品产业健康发展。  相似文献   

李晓东  潘悦  刘璐  朱启鹏 《食品科学》2021,42(21):372-379
乳脂肪球膜(milk fat globule membrane,MFGM)是包裹在天然乳脂肪球外部的3 层膜状结构,然而牛乳基和大豆基婴儿配方奶粉缺少MFGM,脂肪球结构与母乳存在较大差异,因此添加外源MFGM以及制备与母乳脂肪球结构接近的婴儿配方奶粉成为了近期的研究焦点。本文综述了MFGM的相关特性和生产开发途径,以及牛乳MFGM在仿母乳脂肪球结构乳液和婴儿配方奶粉中的应用。体外模拟婴儿胃肠道消化实验以及啮齿动物体内实验结果表明,仿母乳脂肪球结构乳液和婴儿配方奶粉能够促进婴儿脂肪消化并且改善脂质代谢过程。  相似文献   

The isolation of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) material from buttermilk on a commercial scale has provided a new ingredient rich in phospholipids and sphingolipids. An MFGM-derived phospholipid fraction was used to produce liposomes via a high-pressure homogenizer (Microfluidizer). This technique does not require the use of solvents or detergents, and is suitable for use in the food industry. The liposome dispersion had an average hydrodynamic diameter of 95 nm, with a broad particle-size distribution. Increasing the number of passes through the Microfluidizer, increasing the pressure, or reducing the phospholipid concentration all resulted in a smaller average liposome diameter. Changing these variables did not have a significant effect on the polydispersity of the dispersion. Electron microscopy showed that the dispersions formed had a range of structures, including unilamellar, multilamellar, and multivesicular liposomes. The composition of the MFGM phospholipid material is different from that of the phospholipids usually used for liposome production in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The MFGM-derived fraction comprises approximately 25% sphingomyelin, and the fatty acids are primarily saturated and monounsaturated. These differences are likely to affect the properties of the liposomes produced from the phospholipid material, and it may be possible to exploit the unique composition of the MFGM phospholipid fraction in the delivery of bioactive ingredients in functional foods.  相似文献   

Fat is present in milk as droplets of triglycerides surrounded by a complex membrane derived from the mammary epithelial cell called milk fat globule membrane (MFGM). Although numerous studies have been published on human or bovine MFGM proteins, to date few studies exist on MFGM proteins from goat milk. The objective of this study was thus to investigate the protein composition of the goat MFGM. Milk fat globule membrane proteins from goat milk were separated by 6% and 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE and were Coomassie or periodic acid-Schiff stained. Most of MFGM proteins [mucin-1, fatty acid synthase, xanthine oxidase, butyrophilin, lactadherin (MFG EGF-8, MFG-E8), and adipophilin] already described in cow milk were identified in goat milk using peptide mass fingerprinting. In addition, lectin staining provided a preliminary characterization of carbohydrate structures occurring on MFGM proteins from goat milk depending on αS1-casein genotype and lactation stage. We provide here first evidence of the presence of O-glycans on fatty acid synthase and xanthine oxidase from goat milk. A prominent difference between the cow and the goat species was demonstrated for lactadherin. Indeed, whereas 2 polypeptide chains were easily identified by peptide mass fingerprinting matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight analysis within bovine MFGM proteins, lactadherin from goat milk consisted of a single polypeptide chain. Another striking observation was the presence of caseins associated with MFGM preparations from goat milk, whereas virtually no caseins were found in MFGM extracts from bovine milk. Taken together, these observations strongly support the existence of a singular secretion mode previously hypothesized in the goat.  相似文献   

During the isolation of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) from milk, washing is considered the most critical stage in which loss of MFGM components occurs. In this study, using a cream separator, the influence of washing on the recovery of MFGM proteins was investigated. The residue of non-MFGM proteins in the MFGM material obtained after washing was quantitatively determined using densitometric analysis of one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE after silver staining of the gel. Using deionized water as the washing solution did not increase the loss of MFGM proteins compared with other common salt solutions in terms of recovery of MFGM proteins and contamination with non-MFGM proteins. The increase in wash temperature from 38 to 46°C did not show a significant decrease in yield of MFGM proteins because of variation between the experimental replicates. Coalescence of fat globules occurs during isolation. To increase MFGM purity while maintaining a high MFGM protein recovery, using larger volumes of wash solution is more advisable rather than increasing the number of washings from 2 to 3.  相似文献   

The nutritional value and characterization of minor milk components on mammalian immune function are not fully understood. The aim of this research was to test the ability of a milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) isolate to modulate murine immune function in vitro, by studying its effects on splenocyte proliferation, apoptosis, and cytokine production. Proliferation of spleen cells was not affected by the MFGM isolate; however, in the presence of polyclonal activators, the MFGM isolate suppressed cell proliferation. Results obtained by flow cytometry did not support programmed cell death as the cause of the MFGM immune-modulating capacity. A mode of suppression on the splenocyte activation process was suggested from a marked decrease in the production of IFN-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α cytokines, typical indicators of immune cell activation. The effect of MFGM on IL-4 secretion was significantly less than that for the other 2 cytokines. The activity exerted by the MFGM over concanavalin A-stimulated cells differed from that observed in cells treated with lipopolysaccharide, suggesting a different mode of action depending on the activator used. These results indicate the potential of MFGM extracts as functional ingredients with bioactive modulating capacity.  相似文献   

Emulsifying properties of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) materials isolated from reconstituted buttermilk (BM; i.e., BM-MFGM) and BM whey (i.e., whey-MFGM), individually or in mixtures with BM powder (BMP) were compared with those of a commercial dairy ingredient (Lacprodan PL-20; Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S, Viby, Denmark), a material rich in milk polar lipids and proteins. The particle size distribution, viscosity, interfacial protein, and polar lipids load of oil-in-water emulsions prepared using soybean oil were examined. Pronounced droplet aggregation was observed with emulsions stabilized with whey-MFGM or with a mixture of whey-MFGM and BMP. No aggregation was observed for emulsions stabilized with BM-MFGM, Lacprodan PL-20, or a mixture of BM-MFGM and BMP. The surface protein load and polar lipids load were lowest in emulsions with BM-MFGM. The highest protein load and polar lipids load were observed for emulsions made with a mixture of whey-MFGM and BMP. The differences in composition of MFGM materials, such as in whey proteins, caseins, MFGM-specific proteins, polar lipids, minerals, and especially their possible interactions determine their emulsifying properties.  相似文献   

Shotgun proteomics, using amine-reactive isobaric tags (iTRAQ), was used to quantify protein changes in milk fat globule membranes (MFGM) that were isolated from d 1 colostrum and compared with MFGM from d 7 milk. Eight Holstein cows were randomly assigned to 2 groups of 4 cow sample pools for a simple replication of this proteomic analysis using iTRAQ. The iTRAQ labeled peptides from the experiment sample pools were fractionated by strong cation exchange chromatography followed by further fractionation on a microcapillary high performance liquid chromatograph connected to a nanospray-tandem mass spectrometer. Data analysis identified 138 bovine proteins in the MFGM with 26 proteins upregulated and 19 proteins downregulated in d 7 MFGM compared with colostrum MFGM. Mucin 1 and 15 were upregulated greater than 7-fold in MFGM from d 7 milk compared with colostrum MFGM. The tripartite complex of proteins of adipophilin, butyrophilin, and xanthine dehydrogenase were individually upregulated in d 7 MFGM 3.4-, 3.2-, and 2.6-fold, respectively, compared with colostrum MFGM. Additional proteins associated with various aspects of lipid transport synthesis and secretion such as acyl-CoA synthetase, lanosterol synthase, lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, and fatty acid binding protein were upregulated 2.6- to 5.1-fold in d 7 MFGM compared with colostrum MFGM. In contrast, apolipoproteins A1, C-III, E, and A-IV were downregulated 2.6- to 4.3-fold in d 7 MFGM compared with colostrum MFGM. These data demonstrate that quantitative shotgun proteomics has great potential to provide new insights into mammary development.  相似文献   

Fragments originating from the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), which is rich in polar lipids and membrane-specific proteins, are gaining interest for their functional and nutritional properties. Acid buttermilk cheese whey was used as a source for MFGM purification, because its MFGM content is more than 5 times higher than that of standard rennet whey. Because polar lipids are the main constituent of the MFGM and only occur in membranous structures, the polar lipid content was taken as a parameter for the total MFGM fragment content. The process of thermocalcic aggregation was evaluated on its recovery of MFGM fragments in the pellet. This method, originally intended for whey clarification and defatting, is a combination of calcium addition, a pH increase, and a thermal treatment. The influence of pH (6.5 to 8), temperature (40 to 70°C), and calcium concentration (0.1 to 0.24 g/100 g) on the pellet mass and dry matter (DM) content and on recovery of protein and polar lipids (and thus indirectly on MFGM fragments) was investigated by means of a response surface Box-Behnken orthogonal design. Reduced quadratic models were fit to the experimental data and were found to be highly significant. No outliers were observed. The recovery of MFGM fragments was found to be highly dependent on the pH, and less dependent on temperature and calcium addition. Next to MFGM proteins, whey proteins were also found to be involved in the formation of aggregates. Optimal conditions were found at 55°C, pH 7.7, and 0.205 g of calcium/L of whey. Under these conditions, 91.0% of the whey polar lipids were recovered in a firm and compact pellet of only 7.86% of the original whey mass, with a polar lipid concentration of 8.34% on pellet DM. Washing with water and centrifugation of the pellet was successful because after one washing step, virtually all sugars were removed, whereas 75.9% of the whey polar lipids could still be recovered. As such, the polar lipid content of the washed pellet increased to 10.70% on a DM basis. However, a second washing step resulted in serious losses of MFGM material.  相似文献   

The proteins and polar lipids present in milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) fragments are gaining attention for their technological and nutritional properties. These MFGM fragments are preferentially enriched in side streams of the dairy industry, like butter serum, buttermilk, and whey. The objective of this study was to recover MFGM fragments from whey by tangential filtration techniques. Acid buttermilk cheese whey was chosen as a source for purification by tangential membrane filtration because it is relatively rich in MFGM-fragments and because casein micelles are absent. Polyethersulfone and cellulose acetate membranes of different pore sizes were evaluated on polar lipid and MFGM-protein retention upon filtration at 40°C. All fractions were analyzed for dry matter, ash, lipids, proteins, reducing sugars, polar lipid content by HPLC, and for the presence of MFGM proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE. A fouling coefficient was calculated. It was found that a thermocalcic aggregation whey pretreatment was very effective in the clarification of the whey, but resulted in low permeate fluxes and high retention of ash and whey proteins. By means of an experimental design, the influence of pH and temperature on the fouling and the retention of polar lipids (and thus MFGM fragments), proteins, and total lipids upon microfiltration with 0.15 μM cellulose acetate membrane was investigated. All models were highly significant, and no outliers were observed. By increasing the pH from 4.6 to 7.5, polar lipid retention at 50°C increased from 64 to 98%, whereas fouling of the filtration membrane was minimized. A 3-step diafiltration of acid whey under these conditions resulted in a polar lipid concentration of 6.79 g/100 g of dry matter. As such, this study shows that tangential filtration techniques are suited for the purification of MFGM fragments.  相似文献   

Buttermilk, the by-product from butter manufacture, has gained much attention lately because of the application potential of its milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) components as health ingredients. Microfiltration (MF) has been studied for buttermilk fractionation because of its ability to separate particles from dissolved solutes. However, the presence in this by-product of skim milk solids, especially casein micelles, restricts concentration of MFGM. The use of cream washed with skim milk ultrafiltrate to produce buttermilk with lower casein content was studied as well as fractionation of this buttermilk by MF. Results have shown that washing the cream prior to churning yields buttermilk with 74% less protein than normal cream buttermilk. Analysis of the protein profile of washed cream buttermilk revealed that caseins and whey proteins were the main classes of proteins removed. The MF of washed cream buttermilk resulted in permeation fluxes 2-fold higher than with normal cream buttermilk. The second separation of the cream induced high losses of phospholipids in the skim phase. However, retention of remaining phospholipids in washed cream buttermilk by the MF membrane was higher resulting in a phospholipids concentration factor 66% higher than that of normal cream buttermilk. The results presented in this study highlight the impact of casein micelles on the separation of MFGM components as well as their effect on permeation flux during MF.  相似文献   

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