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Human dendritic cells (DC) are highly professional antigen presenting cells for the priming of naive cytotoxic T cells. Gene transfer in DC would be a useful strategy to load DC with relevant de novo synthesized antigens for immunotherapeutical purposes. As a first step towards a DC-based gene therapy, we examined the efficiency of nonviral transfection in different types of cultured human dendritic cells with a humanized red-shifted green fluorescent protein reporter gene. Plasmid DNA transfection by electroporation or lipofection was used to transfect CD34+ progenitor cell-derived DC (PC-DC) and Langerhans' cells (PC-LC), as well as monocyte-derived DC (Mo-DC). While lipofection was unsuccessful in all types of DC, we obtained high-efficiency gene transfer by electroporation in PC-LC (16%) and PC-DC (12%). In contrast, electroporation was strikingly less efficient in Mo-DC (< or = 2%). The potent allostimulatory capacity of DC was still retained in electroporated PC-DC and PC-LC. In conclusion, electroporation of antigen expressing plasmid DNA is an efficient tool for nonviral gene transfer in PC-DC and PC-LC, but not in Mo-DC and could be useful for the development of DC-based tumor immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Glial-neuronal communication was studied by monitoring the effect of intercellular glial Ca2+ waves on the electrical activity of neighboring neurons in the eyecup preparation of the rat. Calcium waves in astrocytes and Müller cells were initiated with a mechanical stimulus applied to the retinal surface. Changes in the light-evoked spike activity of neurons within the ganglion cell layer occurred when, and only when, these Ca2+ waves reached the neurons. Inhibition of activity was observed in 25 of 53 neurons (mean decrease in spike frequency, 28 +/- 2%). Excitation occurred in another five neurons (mean increase, 27 +/- 5%). Larger amplitude Ca2+ waves were associated with greater modulation of neuronal activity. Thapsigargin, which reduced the amplitude of the glial Ca2+ increases, also reduced the magnitude of neuronal modulation. Bicuculline and strychnine, inhibitory neurotransmitter antagonists, as well as 6-Nitro-7-sulphamoylbenzo[f]quinoxaline-2,3-dione (NBQX) and D(-)-2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid (D-AP7), glutamate antagonists, reduced the inhibition of neuronal activity associated with glial Ca2+ waves, suggesting that inhibition is mediated by inhibitory interneurons stimulated by glutamate release from glial cells. The results suggest that glial cells are capable of modulating the electrical activity of neurons within the retina and thus, may directly participate in information processing in the CNS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers are designed to replace blood volume and to increase oxygen delivery to tissues after blood loss. The goals of the present study were two-fold: a) to determine the systemic and regional vascular effects of resuscitation with recombinant human hemoglobin (rHb1.1) in rats during controlled hemorrhage; and b) to determine whether nitric oxide (NO) or prostaglandins were involved in the observed responses. DESIGN: Paralyzed, ventilated rats were hemorrhaged (18 mL blood/kg body weight) during halothane anesthesia and allowed to stabilize for 30 mins. Systemic and regional hemodynamics and oxygen delivery were monitored at three time points, using the radioactive microsphere method. Microspheres were first infused at the end of the hemorrhage stabilization period (t=0 min). rHb1.1 (1 g/kg body weight) or rHb1.1 diluent (phosphate buffered saline, 36 mL/kg body weight) were infused over 20 mins and microspheres were administered again, 30 mins later (t=50 mins). Saline (0.5 mL), indomethacin (5 mg/kg to inhibit cyclooxygenase), or NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA, 100 mg/kg, to inhibit NO synthase) were then infused in rHb1.1-treated rats and microspheres injected once more (t=80 mins). SETTING: Research laboratory. SUBJECTS: Male Wistar rats (n=37). INTERVENTIONS: Recombinant human hemoglobin (rHb1.1), rHb1.1 diluent (phosphate buffered saline) resuscitation of hemorrhaged rats. Saline, L-NMMA, or indomethacin treatment after resuscitation. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Resuscitation with rHb1.1 increased mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output, and systemic oxygen delivery significantly when compared with diluent. After rHb1.1 resuscitation, regional blood flows were significantly increased in skin, kidney, spleen, and heart compared with diluent resuscitation. Compared with saline treatment after rHb1.1 resuscitation, L-NMMA increased MAP and regional resistances in virtually all tissues; indomethacin did not alter MAP, but increased resistance in the brain. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that rHb1.1 resuscitation was more effective than diluent in improving systemic and regional hemodynamics and oxygen delivery, suggesting that rHb1.1 may be of benefit in the treatment of acute blood loss. Increased resistance after L-NMMA in the presence of rHb1.1 indicated that rHb1.1 resuscitation did not eliminate NO dependent circulatory control. Increased resistance after indomethacin in brain indicated that vasodilator prostanoids were important in regulating vascular resistance in these tissues after rHb1.1 resuscitation.  相似文献   

IL-17 is defined as a proinflammatory cytokine and produced by activated CD4+ T cells. In rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue, high levels of IL-17 contribute to IL-6 production by synoviocytes. The present study was performed to see whether Th cells that produce IL-17 are associated with the Th1, Th2, or Th0 subset. Thirty-three CD4+, alphabeta+ T cell clones were developed from synovial membranes and synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Thirteen clones were defined as Th1 since they produced IFN-gamma but not IL-4, and four clones were defined as Th0 type that produced both IL-4 and IFN-gamma. Sixteen clones were defined as Th2 since they produced high levels of IL-4 and/or IL-10 but not IFN-gamma. IL-17 was measured in a bioassay, where IL-6 production from synoviocytes was a measurement for IL-17 activity in the presence and absence of blocking anti-IL-17 mAb. Three Th1 clones and two Th0 clones produced IL-17. In contrast, none of the sixteen Th2 clones analyzed produced IL-17. In addition, six Th2 clones were further cultured in conditions that induced a switch to Th1 type. Induction of this Th1 phenotype also led to production of IL-17 in two of these clones. The results demonstrate that some cells of the Th1/Th0 phenotype produce IL-17 but not cells of the Th2 phenotype. Thus, IL-17 may define a new subset of T cells, and IL-17 production appears to be a mechanism for Th1/Th0 cells, the most frequent Th subtype present in the rheumatoid synovium, to contribute to the local inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

To reach its target tissue, methylmercury must traverse brain capillary endothelial cells, the site of the blood-brain barrier. Methylmercury uptake from blood plasma into these cells is mediated in part by an amino acid carrier that transports the methylmercury-L-cysteine complex; however, the mechanism by which it is released from the endothelial cells into brain interstitial space is unknown. Using bovine brain capillary endothelial cells in culture, the present study examined the hypothesis that methylmercury is transported out of these cells as a glutathione (GSH) complex. GSH concentration in cultured bovine brain capillary endothelial cells was 13.1 +/- 3.3 nmol/mg protein. Depletion of intracellular GSH in [203Hg]methylmercury-preloaded cells by exposure to 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene or diethyl maleate decreased the rate of [203Hg]methylmercury efflux. Incubation of [203Hg]methylmercury-preloaded cells with high concentrations of S-methylglutathione, S-ethylglutathione, S-butylglutathione, and sulfobromophthalein-glutathione inhibited [203Hg]methylmercury efflux. The GSH analogs gamma-glutamylglycylglycine and ophthalmic acid also inhibited [203Hg]methylmercury efflux, but to a lesser degree than the glutathione S-conjugates, whereas L-leucine, L-methionine, and L-alanine had no effect. Efflux was not affected by depletion of intracellular ATP with 2-deoxyglucose or antimycin A. These results indicate that complexation with GSH and subsequent transport of the complex by an ATP-independent mechanism may be involved in the transport of methylmercury out of brain capillary endothelial cells.  相似文献   

An accurate analysis of the morphological changes which take place during pathological processes of the posterior pole is important for a correct diagnosis and therapeutic approach. The purpose of the study was to determine the intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility of the Image-net system 100 (Topcon, Japan) to take measurements on the retina. The program 'Linear/Areal Measurement functions' of Image-net system 100 which is an image digitalization technique, was tested. Twelve patients were consecutively selected from the patients of the Retina Center of the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Genoa. Three images of each eye were taken from each subject and only the best image was used in this study. The intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility of both the distance between two pre-set points (linear measurement), and the perimeter and area of preselected retinal zones were calculated. The repeatability (or intraobserver reproducibility) of the linear sizes was measured by the coefficient of variation and ranged from 0.32% to 7.38%, while the interobserver reproducibility ranged from 0.46% to 5.22%. The repeatability and reproducibility of the perimeters ranged from 0.72% to 9.63% and from 0.6% to 5.7%, respectively, while the repeatability and reproducibility of the areas ranged from 0.72% to 9.63% and from 0.6% to 5.7%, respectively. Although the results were quite good, the quality of the image of the fundus and the number of observers influenced the coefficient of variation; furthermore, the anatomy of the areas to be measured and the computer 'mouse' could increase the value of the coefficient of variation.  相似文献   

Sleep consists of two complex states--NREM and REM sleep--and disturbances of the boundaries between the states of sleep and wakefulness may result in violence. We investigated our population for reports of violence associated with sleep. REM behavior disorder is rarely associated with injury to the sufferer or others. NREM sleep related nocturnal wandering associated with self-inflicted injuries has variable etiologies. In the elderly, it is associated with dementia. In young individuals, it may be associated with mesio-temporal or mesio-frontal foci and an indication of a complex partial seizure. It also may be related to abnormal alertness and is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness, micro-sleeps, and hypnagogic hallucinations in sleep disorders such as narcolepsy or sleep disordered breathing.  相似文献   

Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) induces apoptotic cell death in bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells and B-lymphoma cells. Using a BHV-1 glycoprotein H null mutant, we have demonstrated that although penetration of BHV-1 is not required, attachment of BHV-1 viral particles is essential for the induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The wide distribution of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and substance P (SP)-immunoreactive cell bodies, nerve terminals and corresponding receptors in pressor nuclei controlling emotion and stress implies that CRF and SP may play important roles in pressor responses of these nuclei; hence CRF or SP was microinjected into these nuclei respectively in Wistar male rats anesthetized with urethane to test this possibility. Microinjection of CRF into nucleus amygdaloideus centralis, nucleus paraventricularis, nucleus ventromedialis, lateral hypothalamus-perifornical region, periaqueductal gray matter, nucleus parabrachialis, locus coeruleus or rostral ventrolateral medulla respectively could evoke pressor responses (but CRF injection into nucleus dorsomedialis could not elicit significant pressor responses). Injection of substance P into all the above nuclei could also elicit hypertensive responses of different magnitudes, whereas normal saline injection into these nuclei had no effect. These results indicate that both CRF and SP in the above mentioned nuclei may play important roles in hypertension induced by prolonged emotional stress.  相似文献   

Recent studies of the factors regulating neurogenesis in vertebrates reveal three emerging themes. First, the number of cellular stages involved in this process may be greater than has previously been appreciated. Second, homologues of genes that regulate neurogenesis in invertebrates appear to play analogous roles in development of vertebrate nervous systems. Third, extrinsic factors can act to regulate neuron number during neurogenesis by controlling survival and differentiation, and not simply proliferation, of neural progenitor cells.  相似文献   

In the present study, we use the anatomically well defined septohippocampal projection to study the molecular events involved in the reaction of neurons to axotomy. The expression of three immediate early genes (c-fos, c-jun, and jun B) was investigated in rat septohippocampal neurons after axotomy by bilateral fimbria-fornix transection (FFT). Moreover, the extent of retrograde degeneration in the septal complex was assessed by analyzing DNA fragmentation. In a postoperative time course analysis, a strong increase of c-jun immunoreactivity (IR) was observed in the nuclei of neurons in the medial septum/diagonal band complex (MSDB) 2 and 6 d postaxotomy, which was followed by a decline after 12 d and 3 weeks, respectively. Nine weeks after FFT, c-jun IR had disappeared. The c-jun-positive MS neurons were identified as former septohippocampal projection cells by double-labeling with the retrogradely transported tracer Fluoro-Gold injected into the hippocampus before axotomy. In line with the immunocytochemical data, there was a massive induction of c-jun mRNA in the axotomized MS neurons as visualized by in situ hybridization histochemistry. c-fos mRNA and c-fos or jun B IR were not detectable in either unoperated or lesioned medial septal neurons. Experiments using the TdT-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick-end-labeling technique, designed to detect nuclear DNA fragmentation in degenerating neurons, complemented this study. During the postoperative time range studied, MS neurons did not exhibit DNA fragmentation. We conclude that MSDB neurons survive axotomy by FFT and display characteristic changes in gene expression.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of EGF and angiotensin II (AII) on the formation of inositol phosphates and aldosterone secretion, and observed the role of tyrosine phosphorylation in EGF or AII-mediated aldosterone secretion. As cultured glomerulosa cells were incubated with increasing concentrations of EGF (0.01-100 ng/mL), aldosterone secretion increased and reached a plateau at EGF concentration of 10-50 ng/mL. Although EGF alone did increase aldosterone secretion in glomerulosa cells, it did not enhance AII-induced aldosterone secretion when both EGF and AII were added. EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation peaked at around 1 min after stimulation and at a concentration of 10-50 ng/mL. AII stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation, but the stimulatory effect was less than that observed in the presence of EGF. Although the latter induced tyrosine phosphorylation of various proteins, it failed to stimulate the formation of inositol phosphates. On the other hand, AII stimulated the production of inositol phosphates in a dose-dependent manner, with maximal stimulation at 10(-8)M. The addition of 10 ng/mL EGF did not affect the AII-induced formation of inositol phosphates. In conclusion, EGF-stimulated aldosterone secretion might be mediated by tyrosine kinase. However, since EGF did not stimulate inositol phospholipid hydrolysis in cultured porcine adrenal glomerulosa cells, its effect does not seem to be mediated by phospholipase C.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tachykinins, such as substance P, might be involved in the development of airway hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation. OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to investigate the effects of the tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist SR 140333 (Nolpitantium) and the NK2 receptor antagonist SR 48968 (Saredutant) on the activation of alveolar macrophages in the guinea-pig. METHODS: Guinea-pigs sensitized and challenged by ovalbumin administered by aerosol or naive guinea-pigs were exposed by aerosol to the neutral endopeptidase, phosphoramidon and, 15 min later, to substance P. Twenty-four hours later, bronchoalveolar lavages were performed and the cell composition of bronchoalveolar lavage fluids and the arachidonate release from alveolar macrophages stimulated in vitro with fMLP were evaluated. RESULTS: Antigen challenge in sensitized guinea-pigs induced an increase in the total number of cells and granulocytes in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids that was not reduced by pre-treatment of guinea-pigs with a single dose of SR 140333 or SR 48968 (1 mg/kg). Substance P exposure in phosphoramidon-pretreated guinea-pigs did not induce an increase in the total number of cells. In contrast, antigen or substance P exposure induced a significant increase in the in vitro fMLP-induced arachidonate release from alveolar macrophages. Pre-treatment of the guinea pigs with SR 140333 or SR 48968 did not reduce the increase in arachidonate release from fMLP-stimulated alveolar macrophages from sensitized and challenged guinea-pigs. Pre-treatment of the animals by SR 140333 and SR 48968 reduced the enhanced arachidonate release induced by fMLP from substance P-exposed guinea-pigs. CONCLUSION: The present data demonstrate the importance of NK1- and NK2-receptor stimulation in the development of substance P-induced increased reactivity of alveolar macrophages.  相似文献   

Lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells generated from peripheral blood lymphocytes incubated with recombinant interleukin-2 were transfected with the human tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha gene by means of novel liposomes with a positive change on their surface. The cells secreted significant amounts of TNF-alpha into the culture medium and exhibited reinforcement of cytotoxicity toward a human glioma cell line (U251-SP), being three times more cytotoxic than nontransfected LAK cells. The mechanism for the reinforcement of cytotoxicity is considered to involve not only an increase in TNF-alpha secretion from LAK cells but also its expression on their surface. Intratumoral or intrathecal injection of LAK cells transfected with the TNF-alpha gene may be useful for the treatment of patients with malignant gliomas.  相似文献   

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