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Five-channel interference filter polychromator is designed and fabricated for measuring electron temperature and density from Thomson scattered spectrum of SST-1 tokamak plasma. The instrument is designed for measuring electron temperature in the range of 20 eV-3 keV and electron density of 1018-1019 m−3. Optical ray tracing software, Zemax is used for simulating and optimizing the optical design. Each polychromator is a stand-alone unit with field programmable gate array (FPGA) based controller unit for easy operation, monitoring of the temperature variation of the instrument and communicating to a central personal computer (PC). The control unit also protects the avalanche photo diode (APD) detectors from damage due to high current flow, sets the slow channel gain and switches on the biasing power supply. Characteristics of the present polychromator design are relatively high signal throughput and variable bandwidth selection of filters combined with a stable, low cost and relatively simple configuration. Filter selection, arrangement order of filters, statistical error analysis, mechanical and optical design and estimation of electron temperature and density are discussed in this article. The fabricated filter polychromator is tested for its image quality, optical alignment, and integrated performance.  相似文献   

The magnet system of the Steady-State Superconducting Tokamak-1 at the Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India, consists of sixteen toroidal field and nine poloidal field. Superconducting coils together with a pair of resistive PF coils, an air core ohmic transformer and a pair of vertical field coils. These magnets are instrumented with various cryogenic compatible sensors and voltage taps for its monitoring, operation, protection, and control during different machine operational scenarios like cryogenic cool down, current charging cycles including ramp up, flat top, plasma breakdown, dumping/ramp down and warm up. The data acquisition system for these magnet instrumentation have stringent requirement regarding operational flexibility, reliability for continuous long term operation and data visualization during operations. A VME hardware based data acquisition system with ethernet based remote system architecture is implemented for data acquisition and control of the complete magnet operation. Software application is developed in three parts namely an embedded VME target, a network server and a remote client applications. A target board application implemented with real time operating system takes care of hardware configuration and raw data transmission to server application. A java server application manages several activities mainly multiple client communication over ethernet, database interface and data storage. A java based platform independent desktop client application is developed for online and offline data visualization, remote hard ware configuration and many other user interface tasks. The application has two modes of operation to cater to different needs of cool-down and charging operations. This paper describes application architecture, installation and commissioning and operational experience from the recent campaigns of SST-1.  相似文献   

对SST-1托卡马克重要部件复合材料绝缘子进行有限元分析,获得绝缘子的高压绝缘性能及低温力学性能,并根据分析结果,对结构进行优化。结果显示,优化后结构提高了绝缘子的绝缘性能及低温力学性能,可满足SST-1托卡马克对绝缘子的设计要求。  相似文献   

Vacuum chambers of Steady State Superconducting (SST-1) Tokamak comprises of the vacuum vessel and the cryostat. The plasma will be confined inside the vacuum vessel while the cryostat houses the superconducting magnet systems (TF and PF coils), LN2 cooled thermal shields and hydraulics for these circuits. The vacuum vessel is an ultra-high (UHV) vacuum chamber while the cryostat is a high-vacuum (HV) chamber. In order to achieve UHV inside the vacuum vessel, it would be baked at 150 °C for longer duration. For this purpose, U-shaped baking channels are welded inside the vacuum vessel. The baking will be carried out by flowing hot nitrogen gas through these channels at 250 °C at 4.5 bar gauge pressure. During plasma operation, the pressure inside the vacuum vessel will be raised between 1.0 × 10?4 mbar and 1.0 × 10?5 mbar using piezoelectric valves and control system. An ultimate pressure of 4.78 × 10?6 mbar is achieved inside the vacuum vessel after 100 h of pumping. The limitation is due to the development of few leaks of the order of 10?5 mbar l/s at the critical locations of the vacuum vessel during baking which was confirmed with the presence of nitrogen gas and oxygen gas with the ratio of ~3.81:1 indicating air leak. Similarly an ultimate vacuum of 2.24 × 10?5 mbar is achieved inside the cryostat. Baking of the vacuum vessel up to 110 °C with ±10 °C deviation was achieved with a net mass flow rate of 0.8 kg/s at 1.5 bar gauge inlet pressure and supply temperature of 230 °C at the heater end. Also during gas feed system installation, the pressure inside the VV was raised from 3.01 × 10?5 mbar to 1.72 × 10?4 mbar by triggering a pulse of lower amplitude of 25 voltage direct current (VDC) for 100 s to piezoelectric valve. This paper describes in detail the design and implementation of the various vacuum subsystems including relevant experimental results.  相似文献   

Steady State Superconducting Tokamak-1 (SST-1) at Institute for Plasma Research (IPR), India is now in engineering validation phase. The assembled Toroidal Field (TF) magnet system of SST-1 will be operated at 10 kA of nominal current at helium cooled condition of 4.5 K. A reliable and fail proof quench detection (QD) system is essential for the safety and the investment protection requirements of the magnets. This QD system needs to continuously monitor all the superconducting coils, which include 16 TF magnets, return-loop, bus bars and current leads. In case of any event initiating the normal resistive zone and reaching thermal run-away, the QD system needs to trigger the magnet protection circuits. Precision instrumentation and control system with 204 signal channels had been developed for detection of quench anywhere in the entire TF magnet system. In the present configuration of quench detection scheme, the voltage drop across each double pancake (DP) of each TF coil are compared with its two adjacent DPs for the detection of normal zone and cancelation of inductive couples. Two identical redundant systems with one out of two configurations are successfully commissioned and tested at IPR. This paper describes the design and implementation of the QD system, Installation experience, validation test and initial results from the recent SST-1 magnet system charging.  相似文献   

Steady-state Superconducting Tokamak (SST-1) was installed and it is commissioning for overall vacuum integrity, magnet systems functionality in terms of successful cool down to 4.5 K and charging up to 10 kA current was started from August 2012. Plasma operation of 100 kA current for more than 100 ms was also envisaged. It is comprised of vacuum vessel (VV) and cryostat (CST). Vacuum vessel, an ultra-high (UHV) vacuum chamber with net volume of 23 m3 was maintained at the base pressure of 6.3 × 10−7 mbar for plasma confinement. Cryostat, a high-vacuum (HV) chamber with empty volume 39 m3 housing superconducting magnet system, bubble thermal shields and hydraulics for these circuits, maintained at 1.3 × 10−5 mbar in order to provide suitable environment for these components. In order to achieve these ultimate vacuums, two numbers of turbo-molecular pumps (TMP) are installed in vacuum vessel while three numbers of turbo-molecular pumps are installed in cryostat. Initial pumping of both the chambers was carried out by using suitable Roots pumps. PXI based real time controlled system is used for remote operation of the complete pumping operation. In order to achieve UHV inside the vacuum vessel, it was baked at 150 °C for longer duration. Aluminum wire-seals were used for all non-circular demountable ports and a leak tightness < 1.0 × 10−9 mbar l/s were achieved.  相似文献   

A new CO2 laser dispersion interferometer has been developed in the HL-2M tokamak to measure the electron density. In order to meet the needs of high-precision measurement, a data acquisition system with real-time signal conditioning (RSC) method is proposed. It can eliminate part of the impacts of environmental factors, such as mechanical vibration, light path changes, and plasma refraction effect during experiments. In harsh environments, the system can measure the line-integrated density with a high precision of 2 × 1018 m−2 with the RSC method. The system has been tested in a recent HL-2A experimental campaign, and the results show that the RSC method plays an important role in the plasma electron density measurement.  相似文献   

An ion extractor system has been designed for the steady state superconducting tokamak (SST-1) neutral beam injector (NBI) for an experiment using a prototype ion source with fully integrated regulated high voltage power supply (RHVPS) and data acquisition and control system (DACS) developed at Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) to obtain experience of NB operation. The extractor system is capable of extracting positive hydrogen ion beam of ∼10 A current at ∼20 kV. This paper presents the beam optics study for detailed design of an ion extraction system which could meet this requirement. It consists of 3 grid accel-decel system, each of the grid has 217 straight cylindrical holes of 8 mm diameter. Grids are placed on a specially designed G-10 block; a fiber reinforc plastic (FRP) isolator of outer diameter of 820 mm and 50 mm thickness. Provisions are made for supplying high voltage to the grid system through the embedded feed-throughs. Extractor system has been fabricated, mounted on the SST-1 neutral beam injector and has extracted positive hydrogen ion beam of 4 A at 20 kV till now.  相似文献   

For the heating of plasma in steady-state superconducting tokamak (SST-1) (Y.C. Saxena, SST-1 Team, Present status of the SST-1 project, Nucl. Fusion 40 (2000) 1069–1082; D. Bora, SST-1 Team, Test results on systems developed for the SST-1 tokamak, Nucl. Fusion 43 (2003) 1748–1758), a neutral beam injector is provided to raise the ion temperature to 1 keV. This injector has a capability of injecting hydrogen beam with the power of 0.5 MW at 30 keV. For the upgrade of SST-1, power of 1.7 MW at 55 KeV is required. Further, beam power is to be provided for a pulse length of 1000S. We have designed a neutral beam injector (S.K. Mattoo, A.K. Chakraborty, U.K. Baruah, P.K. Jayakumar, M. Bandyopadhyay, N. Bisai, Ch. Chakrapani, M.R. Jana, R. Onali, V. Prahlad, P.J. Patel, G.B. Patel, B. Prajapati, N.V.M. Rao, S. Rambabu, C. Rotti, S.K. Sharma, S. Shah, V. Sharma, M.J. Singh, Engineering design of the steady-state neutral beam injector for SST-1, Fusion Eng. Des. 56 (2001) 685–691; A.K. Chakraborty, N. Bisai, M.R. Jana, P.K. Jayakumar, U.K. Baruah, P.J. Patel, K. Rajasekar, S.K. Mattoo, Neutral beam injector for steady-state superconducting tokamak, Fusion Technol. (1996) 657–660; P.K. Jayakumar, M.R. Jana, N. Bisai, M. Bajpai, N.P. Singh, U.K. Baruah, A.K. Chakraborty, M. Bandyopadhyay, C. Chrakrapani, D. Patel, G.B. Patel, P. Patel, V. Prahlad, N.V.M. Rao, C. Rotti, V. Sreedhar, S.K. Mattoo, Engineering issues of a 1000S neutral beam ion source, Fusion Technol. 1 (1998) 419–422) satisfying the requirements for both SST-1 and its upgrade. Since intense power is to be transported to SST-1 situated at a distance of several meters from the ion source, the optical quality of the beam becomes a primary concern. This in turn, is determined by the uniformity of the ion source plasma and the extractor geometry. To obtain the desired optical quality of the beam, stringent tolerances are to be met during the fabrication of ion extractor system.

SST-1 neutral beam injector is based on positive ion source. The extraction system consists of three grids, each having extraction area of (width) 230 mm × (height) 480 mm and 774-shaped apertures of 8-mm diameter. To obtain horizontal focal length of 5.4 m and vertical of 7 m, each grid consists of two halves with 387 apertures. Two halves are inclined at an angle of 1.07 ± 0.01°. For long pulse operation, active water cooling is provided by in-laid down of dense network of 22 wavy semicircular (r = 1.1 ± 0.05 mm) cooling channels in the space available between the apertures. The required flatness of the copper plate is 100 μm and positioning tolerance of aperture is ±60 μm. The measurement obtained after fabrication is compared with the specifications. It is pointed out that fabrication within set tolerance limit could be achieved only through process of fabrication and high-resolution measurements.  相似文献   

Maintaining plasma current under steady state conditions is one of the most important pre-requisites for a tokamak-based reactor. Lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) system aims to drive tokamak plasma current by means of RF power. The LHCD system on SST-1 tokamak is based on two 500 kW, CW klystrons operating at 3.7 GHz. A waveguide transmission line transmits power from source to the antenna. A phased array waveguide antenna is used to couple power to the plasma. The antenna side of the transmission line is placed inside the tokamak vacuum vessel. The design and fabrication of this In-Vessel system has to satisfy the demands of high power RF as well as ultra high vacuum (UHV) compatibility. This paper describes some of the critical UHV compatible In-Vessel RF devices, their design, fabrication, and test results.  相似文献   

介绍了在图形化开发环境LabVIEW及其调用动态链接库机制的基础上,设计并实现的BESⅢ MDC电子学测试系统软件.该软件完成了系统的各项硬件调试和性能检测,为测试系统提供了一种有效、简便、可行的调试手段.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2001,28(6):565-583
In this paper, we mix two approaches, the standard methodology and the dynamics reconstruction theory to calculate the stability characteristics of BWR neutronic signals. We review the singular system analysis (SSA) methodology considering the continuous and discrete case, focusing our attention on oscillating signals. We analyze analytic and real neutronic signals, showing that the use of SSA methodology improves the decay ratio calculations.  相似文献   

Steady State Tokamak (SST-1) vacuum vessel baking as well as baking of the first wall components of SST-1 are essential to plasma physics experiments. Under a refurbishment spectrum of SST-1, the nitrogen gas heating and supply system has been fully refurbished. The SST-1 vacuum vessel consists of ultra-high vacuum (UHV) compatible eight modules and eight sectors. Rectangular baking channels are embedded on each of them. Similarly, the SST-1 plasma facing components (PFC) are comprised of modular graphite diverters and movable graphite based limiters. The nitrogen gas heating and supply system would bake the plasma facing components at 350 o C and the SST-1 vacuum vessel at 150 o C over an extended duration so as to remove water vapour and other absorbed gases. An efficient PLC based baking facility has been developed and implemented for monitoring and control purposes. This paper presents functional and operational aspects of a SST-1 nitrogen gas heating and supply system. Some of the experimental results obtained during the baking of SST-1 vacuum modules and sectors are also presented here.  相似文献   

The Toroidal Field (TF) magnet system of SST-1 has sixteen NbTi/Cu based coils with about one hundred Inter-Pancake (IP) and Inter-Coil (IC) joints. New box type helium leak tight, low DC resistance joints have been designed, fabricated and tested at 5 K temperature and 10 kA DC transport current. The prototype of this joint has been validated in laboratory as well as on spare TF coil winding pack. Moreover, the performance of these joints has been realised and validated on actual sixteen TF winding packs, the joint resistance of ~0.5 nΩ repeatedly measured on hundreds of IP joints. The quality of terminations and joints was ensured at various stages of fabrication. The quality of joint box material was ensured by visual inspection, chemical analysis, radiography test, ultrasonic test, eddy current test, etc. This paper describes joint design drivers, joint design detail, prototype joint fabrication processes, quality assurance (QA)/quality control (QC) adopted during prototype and actual joint fabrication process, joint resistance measurement on actual TF coils and analysis of measured joint resistance in detail.  相似文献   

BESIII剂量率在线检测和保护系统读出电子学设计   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为保护束流管, BESIII将使用PIN硅光电二极管来实时检测对撞点附近的剂量率水平,其中的信号读出电子学采用电流A/D转换方案.对几种弱电流放大与测量方法进行了比较,主要介绍了电流A/D方法的工作原理、软硬件实现以及实际性能.  相似文献   

A novel concept of bridge joint for Poloidal field (PF) magnet of SST-1 with damaged winding pack has been realized. This joint has been fabricated on 5th and 6th layers of PF#3T coil winding pack (WP) after validation at 10 kA at liquid helium temperature of 4.2 K in current lead test chamber. The joint resistance of bridge joint was measured ∼1.6 nΩ at flat top DC current of 10 kA. This type of joint could be economically useful for revival of a shorted and damaged WP superconducting PF magnets of Tokamaks. In this paper, details of bridge joint design, fabrication and validations are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了Chooz中微子探测器中的电子学系系统,简述EMI9356KBA B53型光电倍增管的性能和组成该电子学系统的信号扇入/扇出、信号多级触发、时间数字转换、波形数字化以及数据获取等各系统的设计原理。  相似文献   

Long pulse(of the order of 1000 s or more) SST-1 tokamak experiments demand a data acquisition system that is capable of acquiring data from various diagnostics channels without losing useful data(and hence physics information) while avoiding unnecessary generation of a large volume data.SST-1 Phase-1 tokamak operation has been envisaged with data acquisition of several essential diagnostics channels.These channels demand data acquisition at a sampling rate ranging from 1 kilo samples per second(KSPS) to 1 mega samples per second(MSPS).Considering the technical characteristics and requirements of the diagnostics,a data acquisition system based on PXI and CAMAC has been developed for SST-1 plasma diagnostics.Both these data acquisition systems are scalable.Present data acquisition needs involving slow plasma diagnostics are catered by the PXI based data acquisition system.On the other hand,CAMAC data acquisition hardware meets all requirements of the SST-1 Phase-1 fast plasma diagnostics channels.A graphical user interface for both data acquisition systems(PXI and CAMAC) has been developed using LabVIEW application development software.The collected data on the local hard disk are directly streaming to the central server through a dedicated network for post-shot data analysis.This paper describes the development and integration of the data acquisition system for SST-1 Phase-1 plasma diagnostics.The integrated testing of the developed data acquisition system has been performed using SST-1 central control and diagnostics signal conditioning units.In the absence of plasma shots,the integrated testing of the data acquisition system for the initial diagnostics of SST-1 Phase-1 operation has been performed with simulated physical signals.The primary engineering objective of this integrated testing is to validate the performance of the developed data acquisition system under simulated conditions close to that of actual tokamak operation.The data acquisition is synchronized with a clock and trigger provided by the central timing system.  相似文献   

本文论述了-个微波功率源的连锁保护装置的设计.该系统核心是连锁保护控制电路,实现了对微波系统连锁保护信号和调制器连锁保护信号的实时监测和控制,且实现和PLC信号的传输.  相似文献   

SST-1 toroidal field (TF) magnet system is comprising of sixteen superconducting modified ‘D’ shaped TF coils. During single coil test campaigns spanning from June 10, 2010 till January 24, 2011; the electromagnetic, thermal hydraulic and mechanical performances of each TF magnet have been qualified at its respective nominal operating current of 10,000 A in either two-phase or supercritical helium cooling conditions. During the current charging experiments, few quenches have initiated either as a consequence of irrecoverable normal zones or being induced in some of the TF magnets. Quench evolution in the TF coils have been analyzed in detail in order to understand the thermal hydraulic and quench propagation characteristics of the SST-1 TF magnets. The same were also simulated using 1D code Gandalf. This paper elaborates the details of the analyses and the quench simulation results. A predictive quench propagation analysis of 16 assembled TF magnets system has also been reported in this paper.  相似文献   

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