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A lower hybrid heating system has been designed for heating a tokamak reactor to ignition and for sustaining steady-state operation by driving the toroidal plasma current. The power spectrum from an active/passive waveguide grill is computed, and the resulting equilibrium current density profile is computed from a full electromagnetic WKB analysis of wave propagation in a cylinder. The corresponding toroidal current profile is a low-current equilibrium which is stable to various ideal modes at an economically acceptable beta. The electronic circuitry is designed to minimize the electric power required for current drive, and the resulting design appears to provide reliable operation in a reactor environment. The same system can drive current during reactor startup if some of the waveguides are modified slightly. A typical sequence of startup equilibria is calculated.  相似文献   

As a part of the scheduled expansion of the Alcator C-Mod lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) system from 12 to 16 klystrons to accommodate installation of a second LH antenna, the active control system (ACS) is being redesigned to accommodate the additional klystrons. Digitizers and output modules will be cPCI modules provided by D-tAcq Solutions. The real-time application will run on a standard PC server running Linux. Initially, the new ACS system will be designed to control 8 klystrons on the second LH antenna and the existing ACS will control the remaining 8 klystrons on the existing LH antenna. Experience gained operating the existing LHCD system has given us insight into the design of a more robust, compact, efficient and simple system for the new ACS. The design upgrade will be patterned on the digital plasma control system (DPCS [1]) in use on C-Mod.  相似文献   

Recent developments have made it possible to consider high-temperature superconductor (HTS) for the design of tokamak toroidal field (TF) magnet systems, potentially influencing the overall design and maintenance scheme of magnetic fusion energy devices. Initial assessments of the engineering challenges and cryogenic-dependent cost and parameters of a demountable, HTS TF magnet system have been carried out using the Vulcan tokamak conceptual design (R = 1.2 m, a = 0.3 m, B0 = 7 T) as a baseline. Jointed at the midplane to allow vertical removal of the primary vacuum vessel and routine maintenance of core components, structural D-shaped steel support cases provide cryogenic cooling for internally routed YBCO superconducting cables. The cables are constructed by layering ~50 μm thick commercially available YBCO tape, and the interlocking steel support cases self align during assembly to form internal resistive joints between YBCO cables. It is found that designing the TF magnet system for operation between 10 K and 20 K minimizes the total capital and operating cost. Since YBCO is radiation-sensitive, Monte Carlo simulation is used to study advanced shielding materials compatible with the small size of Vulcan. An adequate shield is determined to be 10 cm of zirconium borohydride, which reduces the nuclear heating of the TF coils by a factor of 11.5 and increases the YBCO tape lifetime from two calendar years in the unshielded case to 42 calendar years in the shielded case. Although this initial study presents a plausible conceptual design, future engineering work will be required to develop realistic design solutions for the TF joints, support structure, and cryogenic system.  相似文献   

A novel real time fast electron bremsstrahlung (FEB) diagnostic system based on the lutetium yttrium oxyorthosilicate scintillators (LYSO) and silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) has been developed for tokamak. The diagnostic system is dedicated to study the FEB emission in the hard x-ray (HXR) energy range between 10 and 200 keV during the lower hybrid current drive. The system consists of a detection module and three data acquisition and processing (DAP) boards. The detection module consists of annulus LYSO-SiPM detector array and a 12-channel preamplifier module. The DAP boards upload the data to the host computer for displaying and storing through PXI bus. The time and space resolutions of the system are 10 ms and 4cm, respectively. The experimental results can show the evolution over time and the spatial distribution of FEB. This paper presents the system performance and typical discharge results.  相似文献   

The Vulcan conceptual design (R = 1.2 m, a = 0.3 m, B0 = 7 T), a compact, steady-state tokamak for plasma–material interaction (PMI) science, must incorporate a vacuum vessel capable of operating at 1000 K in order to replicate the temperature-dependent physical chemistry that will govern PMI in a reactor. In addition, the Vulcan divertor must be capable of handling steady-state heat fluxes up to 10 MW m?2 so that integrated materials testing can be performed under reactor-relevant conditions. A conceptual design scoping study has been performed to assess the challenges involved in achieving such a configuration. The Vulcan vacuum system comprises an inner, primary vacuum vessel that is thermally and mechanically isolated from the outer, secondary vacuum vessel by a 10 cm vacuum gap. The thermal isolation minimizes heat conduction between the high-temperature helium-cooled primary vessel and the water-cooled secondary vessel. The mechanical isolation allows for thermal expansion and enables vertical removal of the primary vessel for maintenance or replacement. Access to the primary vessel for diagnostics, lower hybrid waveguides, and helium coolant is achieved through ~1 m long intra-vessel pipes to minimize temperature gradients and is shown to be commensurate with the available port space in Vulcan. The isolated primary vacuum vessel is shown to be mechanically feasible and robust to plasma disruptions with analytic calculations and finite element analyses. Heat removal in the first wall and divertor, coupled with the ability to perform in situ maintenance and replacement of divertor components for scientific purposes, is achieved by combining existing helium-cooled techniques with innovative mechanical attachments of plasma facing components, either in plate-type helium-cooled modules or independently bolted, helium-jet impingement-cooled tiles. The vacuum vessel and first wall design enables a wide range of potential PFC materials and configurations to be tested with relative ease, providing a new approach to reactor-relevant PMI science.  相似文献   

Maintaining plasma current under steady state conditions is one of the most important pre-requisites for a tokamak-based reactor. Lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) system aims to drive tokamak plasma current by means of RF power. The LHCD system on SST-1 tokamak is based on two 500 kW, CW klystrons operating at 3.7 GHz. A waveguide transmission line transmits power from source to the antenna. A phased array waveguide antenna is used to couple power to the plasma. The antenna side of the transmission line is placed inside the tokamak vacuum vessel. The design and fabrication of this In-Vessel system has to satisfy the demands of high power RF as well as ultra high vacuum (UHV) compatibility. This paper describes some of the critical UHV compatible In-Vessel RF devices, their design, fabrication, and test results.  相似文献   

In the framework of the EFDA task HCD-08-03-01, the ITER lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) system design has been reviewed. The system aims to generate 24 MW of RF power at 5 GHz, of which 20 MW would be coupled to the plasmas. The present state of the art does not allow envisaging a unitary output of the klystrons exceeding 500 kW, so the project is based on 48 klystron units, leaving some margin when the transmission lines losses are taken into account. A high voltage power supply (HVPS), required to operate the klystrons, is proposed. A single HVPS would be used to feed and operate four klystrons in parallel configuration. Based on the above considerations, it is proposed to design and develop twelve HVPS, based on pulse step modulator (PSM) technology, each rated for 90 kV/90 A. This paper describes in details, the typical electrical requirements and the conceptual design of the proposed HVPS for the ITER LHCD system.  相似文献   

Electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) efficiency research is of great importance for the neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) stabilization. Improving ECCD efficiency is beneficial for the NTM stabilization and the ECCD power threshold reduction. ECCD efficiency has been investigated on the J-TEXT tokamak. The electron cyclotron wave (ECW) power scan was performed to obtain the current drive efficiency. The current drive efficiency is derived to be approximately η0 = (0.06–0.16) × 1019 A m−2 W−1 on the J-TEXT tokamak. The effect of the residual toroidal electric field has been included in the determination of the current drive efficiency, which will enhance the ECCD efficiency. At the plasma current of Ip = 100 kA and electron density of ne = 1.5 × 1019 m−3, the ratio of Spitzer conductivity between omhic (OH) and ECCD phases is considered and the experimental data have been corrected. The correction results show that the current drive efficiency η1 caused by the fast electron hot conductivity decreases by approximately 79%. It can be estimated that the driven current is approximately 24 kA at 300 kW ECW power.  相似文献   

石跃江  凌必利  万宝年  丁伯江 《核技术》2000,23(12):846-850
用7个NaI(Tl)闪烁探测器组成的阵列观测能量范围在20-500keV,来自HT-7托卡马克等离子体的硬X射线轫致辐射。实验结果显示,硬X射线的径向辐射强度分布与低杂波的功率谱和等离子体的密度及磁志强度等放电参数密切相关。通过测量不同放电参数下硬X射线的径向强度分布,研究低杂波在等离子体中传播和吸收机制。  相似文献   

We have derived new bootstrap current fraction scalings for systems codes by solving the Hirshman–Sigmar model, which is valid for arbitrary aspect ratios and collision conditions. The bootstrap current density calculation module in the ACCOME code was used with the matrix inversion method without the large aspect ratio assumption. Nine self-consistent MHD equilibria, which cover conventional, advanced and spherical tokamaks with normal or reversed shear, were constructed using numerical calculations in order to compare the bootstrap current fraction values with those of the new model and all six existing models. The Wilson formula successfully predicted the bootstrap current fraction, but it requires current density profile index for the calculation. The new scaling formulas and IPDG accurately estimated the bootstrap current fraction for the normal and weakly reversed shear tokamaks, regardless of the aspect ratio. However, none of the existing models except the Wilson formula can accurately estimate the bootstrap current fraction for the reversed shear tokamaks, which is promising for the advanced tokamak operation mode.  相似文献   

In recent decades, tokamak discharges with zero total toroidal current have been reported in tokamak experiments, and this is one of the key problems in alternating current(AC) operations.An efficient free-boundary equilibrium code is developed to investigate such advanced tokamak discharges with current reversal equilibrium configuration. The calculation results show that the reversal current equilibrium can maintain finite pressure and also has considerable effects on the position of the X-poi...  相似文献   

A discharge with electron temperature up to 14 keV has been achieved in EAST. Analysis of the electron cyclotron current drive(ECCD) efficiency at high electron temperature under EAST parameters is presented using C3PO/LUKE code. Simulation results show that the ECCD efficiency of X-mode increases with central electron temperature up to 10 keV and then starts to decrease above 10 keV, at a specific magnetic field and toroidal angle. The efficiency degradation is due to the presence of the third ...  相似文献   

The phased current distribution at current straps for the KSTAR ICRF antenna causes a power imbalance at each strap owing to the mutual couplings between current straps. In order to mitigate the effect of coupling, a decoupler connecting two phased feeding lines are designed based on both a lumped element antenna model and a distributed transmission line model. Though the decoupler parameter is dependent on the loading resistance, which depends on plasma condition, an analysis shows that the decoupling is effective in the wide range of loading resistance assuming the low variation of mutual inductance between straps. A circuit analysis also shows that the RF characteristics of a complex RF transmission system are matched well for the asymmetric antenna current spectrum aiming for a non-inductive current drive of KSTAR. The calibration result of decoupler after installation is also discussed.  相似文献   

The conceptual design of the purpose-built assembly tools required for ITER tokamak assembly is given. The ITER machine assembly is sub-divided into five major activities: lower cryostat, sector sub-assembly, sector assembly, ex-vessel, and in-vessel [1]. The core components, vacuum vessel (VV) and toroidal field coil (TFC), are assembled from nine 40° sub-assemblies, each comprising a 40° VV sector, two TFCs, and the associated VV thermal shield (VVTS). The lower cryostat activities must be completed prior to sector assembly in pit to prepare the foundations for the core components, and to locate the lower components to be trapped once the core components installation begins. In-vessel and ex-vessel activities follow completion of sector assembly. To perform these assembly activities requires both massive, purpose-built tools, and standard heavy handling and support tools. The tools have the capability of supporting and adjusting the largest of the ITER components; with maximum linear dimension 19 m and mass 1200 tonne, with a precision in the low mm range. Conceptual designs for these tools have been elaborated with the collaboration of the Korean Domestic Agency (KO DA). The structural analysis was performed as well using ANSYS code.  相似文献   

随着EAST放电时间的增长,HT-7上采用的关系型数据库已经不能很好的满足要求,因此在EAST低杂波系统中我们采用了专门为核聚变开发的mdsplus数据库.  相似文献   

Analysis and design of the Alfven wave antenna system for the SUNIST spherical tokamak are presented. Two candidate antenna concepts, folded and unfolded, are analyzed and compared with each other. In the frequency range of Alfven resonance the impedance spectrums of both two concept antennas for major modes are numerically calculated in a 1-D MHD framework. The folded concept is chosen for engineering design. The antenna system is designed to be simple and requires least modification to the vacuum vessel. The definition of the antenna shape is guided by the analyses with constraints of existing hardware layouts. Each antenna unit consists of two stainless steel straps with a thickness of 1 mm. A number of boron nitride tiles are assembled together as the side limiters for plasma shielding. Estimation shows that the structure is robust enough to withstand the electromagnetic force and the heat load for typical discharge duty cycles.  相似文献   

A recently installed Thomson scattering diagnostic on COMPASS tokamak uses two high power lasers. The presented protection system ensures laser safety of the personnel. Protection covers three areas–laser laboratory, spectrometer laboratory and tokamak hall. Laser protection system inputs are controlling the covering of the laser beam path, the entrance doors, the beam shutters and the laser cooling. Six regimes are defined for the protection system, covering all operation of the laser system, including laser service and low power beam alignment. Hardware implementation of the protection is based on PLC. The system is controlled via PCs with a touch screen. Connection to the COMPASS personnel protection system is described.  相似文献   

This paper describes the timing system designed to control the operation time-sequence and to generate clocks for various sub-systems on J-TEXT tokamak. The J-TEXT timing system is organized as a distributed system which is connected by a tree-structured optical fiber network. It can generate delayed triggers and gate signals (0 μs–4000 s), while providing reference clocks for other sub-systems. Besides, it provides event handling and timestamping functions. It is integrated into the J-TEXT Control, Data Access and Communication (J-TEXT CODAC) system, and it can be monitored and configured by Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). The configuration of this system including tree-structured network is managed in XML files by dedicated management software. This system has already been deployed on J-TEXT tokamak and it is serving J-TEXT in daily experiments.  相似文献   

The ITER plasma control system (PCS) will play a central role in enabling the experimental program to attempt to sustain DT plasmas with Q = 10 for several hundred seconds and also support research toward the development of steady-state operation in ITER. The PCS is now in the final phase of its conceptual design. The PCS relies on about 45 diagnostic systems to assess real-time plasma conditions and about 20 actuator systems for overall control of ITER plasmas. It will integrate algorithms required for active control of a wide range of plasma parameters with sophisticated event forecasting and handling functions, which will enable appropriate transitions to be implemented, in real-time, in response to plasma evolution or actuator constraints.In specifying the PCS conceptual design, it is essential to define requirements related to all phases of plasma operation, ranging from early (non-active) H/He plasmas through high fusion gain inductive plasmas to fully non-inductive steady-state operation, to ensure that the PCS control functionality and architecture will be capable of satisfying the demands of the ITER research plan. The scope of the control functionality required of the PCS includes plasma equilibrium and density control commonly utilized in existing experiments, control of the plasma heat exhaust, control of a range of MHD instabilities (including mitigation of disruptions), and aspects such as control of the non-inductive current and the current profile required to maintain stable plasmas in steady-state scenarios. Control areas are often strongly coupled and the integrated control of the plasma to reach and sustain high plasma performance must apply multiple control functions simultaneously with a limited number of actuators. A sophisticated shared actuator management system is being designed to prioritize the goals that need to be controlled or weigh the algorithms and actuators in real-time according to dynamic control needs. The underlying architecture will be event-based so that many possible plasma or plant system events or faults could trigger automatic changes in the control algorithms or operational scenario, depending on real-time operating limits and conditions.  相似文献   

ITER will be the world's largest magnetic confinement tokamak fusion device and is currently under construction in southern France. The ITER Plasma Control System (PCS) is a fundamental component of the ITER Control, Data Access and Communication system (CODAC). It will control the evolution of all plasma parameters that are necessary to operate ITER throughout all phases of the discharge. The design and implementation of the PCS poses a number of unique challenges. The timescales of phenomena to be controlled spans three orders of magnitude, ranging from a few milliseconds to seconds. Novel control schemes, which have not been implemented at present-day machines need to be developed, and control schemes that are only done as demonstration experiments today will have to become routine. In addition, advances in computing technology and available physics models make the implementation of real-time or faster-than-real-time predictive calculations to forecast and subsequently to avoid disruptions or undesired plasma regimes feasible. This requires the PCS design to be adaptable in real-time to the results of these forecasting algorithms. A further novel feature is a sophisticated event handling system, which provides a means to deal with plasma related events (such as MHD instabilities or L-H transitions) or component failure. Finally, the schedule for design and implementation poses another challenge. The beginning of ITER operation will be in late 2020, but the conceptual design activity of the PCS has already commenced as required by the on-going development of diagnostics and actuators in the domestic agencies and the need for integration and testing. This activity is presently underway as a collaboration of international experts and the results will be published as a subsequent publication. In this paper, an overview about the main areas of intervention of the plasma control system will be given as well as a summary of the interfaces and the integration into ITER CODAC (networks, other applications, etc.). The limited amount of commissioning time foreseen for plasma control will make extensive testing and validation necessary. This should be done in an environment that is as close to the PCS version running the machine as possible. Furthermore, the integration with an Integrated Modeling Framework will lead to a versatile tool that can also be employed for pulse validation, control system development and testing as well as the development and validation of physics models. An overview of the requirements and possible structure of such an environment will also be presented.  相似文献   

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