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目的为了探究不同贮藏温度对采后上海青叶片衰老及活性成分的影响。方法以上海青为实验材料,分别在0,5,10,15,20,25,30℃下贮藏,对上海青叶片的感官品质、色差、叶绿素含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量、类胡萝卜素含量、叶黄素含量、叶酸含量和亚硝酸盐含量的变化进行分析。结果与20,25,30℃相比,在10℃和15℃下贮藏可减缓上海青叶片L^*值、b^*值、MDA含量和亚硝酸盐含量的增加,以及|a^*|值、叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量、叶黄素含量和叶酸含量的降低;与10℃和15℃贮藏条件相比,在0℃和5℃下贮藏可显著抑制上海青叶片L^*值、b^*值、MDA含量和亚硝酸盐含量的增加,以及|a^*|值、叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量、叶黄素含量和叶酸含量的降低,减缓上海青叶片的黄化衰老进程,从而维持上海青良好的外观品质。在贮藏温度为20,25,30℃时,上海青的最大贮藏期不超过4 d;贮藏温度为10℃和15℃时,最大贮藏期分别不超过9 d和7 d;贮藏温度为0℃和5℃时,最大贮藏期分别不超过40 d和15 d。结论在低温条件下贮藏,尤其是在0℃下贮藏可最大限度地减缓采后上海青叶片的衰老进程,可维持其较高的活性成分,并抑制其组织中亚硝酸盐的积累,显著延长上海青的贮藏期。  相似文献   

为了研究RDX和HMX在机械刺激下的临界反应阈值以及丙酮重结晶工艺对它们的影响,采用BAM撞击感度仪和摩擦感度仪测试了不同温度条件下的临界撞击能量和临界摩擦力。结果显示,80、60、40 ℃和25 ℃下,RDX的临界撞击能量分别为5.0、7.5、7.5、7.5 J,HMX的分别为4.0、4.0、5.0、5.0 J;RDX的临界摩擦力分别为120、120、128、144 N,HMX的分别为108、108、108、120 N。丙酮重结晶后,RDX在25 ℃的临界撞击能量和临界摩擦力分别为5.0 J、128 N;HMX在80、60、40 ℃和25 ℃下的临界撞击能量均为7.5 J,临界摩擦力分别为108、108、120、128 N。撞击感度和摩擦感度的结果表明:在25~80 ℃范围内,RDX和HMX的机械感度随着温度的提高呈下降趋势,重结晶工艺对RDX和HMX的机械感度存在着一定的影响。  相似文献   

海昏侯漆器纹饰在文创产品中的设计融合研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴国荣  范猛  蔡克中 《包装工程》2019,40(24):310-314
目的探析海昏侯漆器纹饰在文化创意产品方面的传承、创新和应用。方法将"文质彬彬、器以载道"的思想与海昏侯漆器纹饰"形与意"、"形与神"结合起来,将中国古典写意手法与抽象简约的现代艺术技法相结合。在对海昏侯漆器纹饰的"形"与"意"充分推敲、理解的基础上,结合西汉纹饰的时代性、地域性、民族性的特征,对其传统装饰图案、色彩、线条及工艺等进行分析、整合、提炼,创造出符合时代要求的文化创意产品。结论将现代设计艺术与海昏侯漆器纹饰有机融合有利于提升海昏侯文化创意产品的附加值,引起消费者的文化认同感和南昌海昏侯文化创意产品个性的形成。"文与质,形与神"兼具的海昏侯漆器纹饰文化需要传承与创造、研究与挖掘、传播与推广。  相似文献   

目的 通过对葡萄物流运输、贮藏保鲜过程中使用的包装技术进行分类和系统介绍,分析其研究现状及存在问题,并展望未来发展前景,以促进葡萄贮运保鲜包装技术提升。方法 针对贮运保鲜中葡萄果实容易出现的问题,介绍缓冲包装、气调包装、活性包装以及智能包装等包装技术的研究及应用现状,分析不同包装技术的优势,并讨论未来可能的发展方向。结论 多种包装技术配合使用,提升运输包装缓冲减振效果,精确调控气调包装内部气氛,控制活性包装中药剂释放与分子迁移,提升智能指示标签的精确性,保证RFID智能包装系统的稳定性等,有利于葡萄贮运保鲜中品质的保持与货架寿命的延长。  相似文献   

Bleeding complications arising from trauma, surgery, and as congenital, disease‐associated, or drug‐induced blood disorders can cause significant morbidities and mortalities in civilian and military populations. Therefore, stoppage of bleeding (hemostasis) is of paramount clinical significance in prophylactic, surgical, and emergency scenarios. For externally accessible injuries, a variety of natural and synthetic biomaterials have undergone robust research, leading to hemostatic technologies including glues, bandages, tamponades, tourniquets, dressings, and procoagulant powders. In contrast, treatment of internal noncompressible hemorrhage still heavily depends on transfusion of whole blood or blood's hemostatic components (platelets, fibrinogen, and coagulation factors). Transfusion of platelets poses significant challenges of limited availability, high cost, contamination risks, short shelf‐life, low portability, performance variability, and immunological side effects, while use of fibrinogen or coagulation factors provides only partial mechanisms for hemostasis. With such considerations, significant interdisciplinary research endeavors have been focused on developing materials and technologies that can be manufactured conveniently, sterilized to minimize contamination and enhance shelf‐life, and administered intravenously to mimic, leverage, and amplify physiological hemostatic mechanisms. Here, a comprehensive review regarding the various topical, intracavitary, and intravenous hemostatic technologies in terms of materials, mechanisms, and state‐of‐art is provided, and challenges and opportunities to help advancement of the field are discussed.  相似文献   

随着制造业的智能化发展,机器人抛光、打磨、去毛刺和装配等连续接触式作业的需求日益增加。力控末端执行器作为机器人力-位混合控制与连续接触式作业的关键部件,其性能对于提升机器人作业质量和拓展应用范围具有重要影响。因此,对现有机器人力控末端执行器进行研究,分析其性能特点与关键技术,指明其发展方向,对于高性能力控末端执行器的研制具有重要意义。首先,介绍了力控末端执行器的发展背景,阐述了其组成与分类、工作模式和工作原理;其次,简述了力控末端执行器研发中涉及并联机构构型综合理论与优化技术、恒力补偿作动部件设计技术、质量力补偿技术、柔性碰撞技术、解耦控制技术和力波动抑制技术等;然后,分别对机械式、气动式和电驱式等单自由度与多自由度力控末端执行器的国内外研究现状进行了概述,并分析了各自的优缺点;最后,指出力控末端执行器将向高精度、高频响、电驱化、多自由度柔顺、重载化、高集成化和智能化等方向发展。分析表明,当前普遍应用的力控末端执行器多为机械式或气动式,但存在迟滞大、响应速度较慢和力控制精度不高等缺点,且仅能实现单自由度恒力控制,因此,开展高精度高频响的智能电驱式多自由度力控末端执行器的研制,对于提高机器人连续接触式作业系统的力控制精度、曲面适应性、加工装配质量和效率具有重要意义,可有效提升工厂机器人智能化作业水平。  相似文献   

张海林  李冲 《包装工程》2020,41(16):26-30
目的将地区因素引入到城市的文创产品设计中,并建立复杂性分析,提升文创设计水平。在京津冀一体化的基础上,以文创产品为依托,促进地区形象的展现与经济的发展,为文创产品的发展提出参考性建议。方法以京津冀地区特色为主要依据,结合京津冀地区的历史文化,促进地区文化与文创产品的融合与发展。充分发挥京津冀一体化优势,加强各地区文化之间的联系。以具体产品为例,分析其标准、作用、感受等方面的因素。探讨提高文创设计水平的方法。结论通过综合分析文创产品现状,发现京津冀旅游文创产品在发展中的短板,在京津冀一体化发展的基础上,提出对素材的获取、信息的连接及传递等方面的建议。提升地区文创产品水平,进一步有效地提升区域形象带动经济的发展。  相似文献   

目的 为建构设计市场学与产业化战略设计体系,揭示设计学促进生产力发展的创新本质,提升设计在产业链中的战略级价值与地位,破解企业产品打造、品牌塑造、业绩增长、融资上市等核心难题,驱动“政.企.学”融合创新升级。方法 基于设计学与金融科技、经济管理等学科以及“农.工.商”等产业融合进行研究,凝练28年“产.学.研”实践探索与学术理论研究成果,通过调研提炼与应用验证,建构设计产业化核心体系。结论 基于设计市场学原理、设计产业化战略理论,提出并阐明了“上市产业链、上市沸腾器、产业.企业IPO战略设计、产业战略标准‘芯片’、星云战略设计与资源系统”的核心概念与内涵,总结了“以终为始、领域细分、科技聚核、文化铸魂、集群创孵”战略设计原理,升级了“顶层战略标准制定、科技产品创新打造、文化品牌设计塑造、产业创孵平台建构”战略设计方法,构建了“设计市场学-产业化-上市链-IPO战略-标准”理论与实践体系,对探索“政产学研科教文”全域融合创新发展具有导向性意义与战略级价值。  相似文献   

杨晨  杨天明 《包装工程》2019,40(14):258-263
目的 以合理挖掘与保护文化精髓为基础进行地方性旅游文创项目的开发研究,以文化提升地方旅游的内涵质量,使文化创意和设计服务与相关产业融合发展,促进地方经济文化事业的发展。方法 在分析研究辽海地域文化价值释义、文化遗产的特质和传承过程分析、文创项目开发之践行的基础上,阐述文创艺术品的图案式样、色彩识别、造型体现、文化承传等要素。结果 依据文化创意艺术品的文化基因、情感体验、实用性与艺术性等特质,注重设计内涵的提炼与完善,设计出了具有特色性应用的文创艺术品样例。结论 应高度重视城市地域旅游文化资源品牌建设,积极有效地保持传承与再生本土文化的研究态度,与时俱进,结合现代艺术设计手法对文化进行创新,这是时代发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

陈琳 《影像技术》2008,20(1):24-27
景物美不等于影像美。其原因何在,本文认为是由于双视野与单视野的效果差异、多感官与单感官感受差异、整体与局部及环境与对象之间的影响、人眼与“照相机”感光差异的影响、强度感受与“强度×时间”积累的影响、一瞥与注目的差异、选择性的影响、透视强弱的影响、视及有限与无限的影响、感受性变化的影响、清晰与朦胧的差异、瞬间与长短之影响、真实与转换的差异等单一作用或多重作用的结果。  相似文献   

覃京燕 《包装工程》2019,40(4):59-71
目的探讨人工智能等新型科技影响下审美意识的嬗变,以及审美意识对人工智能与创新设计的方法、策略与表现形式的引导转化,审美意识统领下设计方法与设计评判的思辨,以及对可持续发展目标的再审视。方法采用了对比研究法、文献调查法、案例分析、认知计算法、社会计算、文化计算等人工智能研究方法。结果以中国为例,提出"统、象、生、场、中、简、空、衡"八大审美意识,分析审美意识对人工智能时代智能体的创新机制与设计方法的影响。结论创新设计的审美意识的"鉴"、"赏"、"创"3个方面,在感知、感受、趣味、理想、标准、创新6个维度形成了对人工智能与创新设计的交互影响,包括感知认知计算、体验感质协同、三体鉴别辨赏、具身离身心智、普适普惠意义、时空永续共生6个方面。  相似文献   

A facile method was used to prepare polydopamine (PDA) nanoparticles. The effect of the initial pH of the dopamine solution on the formation kinetics, chemical structure, and biocompatibility of PDA nanoparticles was evaluated. Additionally, camptothecin (CPT) was chosen as a model anti-cancer drug with which to evaluate the efficiency of drug loading and release behavior of PDA nanoparticles. The results indicated that the size and yield of PDA nanoparticles, consisting of quinoid and indoline species, were closely related to the pH value of the precursor solution. At a reaction time of 6 h, the uniform particle sizes of PDA nanoparticles were ~400, 250, 150, and 75 nm in solutions with initial pH values of 7.5, 8, 8.5, and 9, respectively, and with corresponding yields of 3, 7, 20, and 34 %. The amounts of CPT loaded in 1 mg of PDA nanoparticles synthesized at pH values of 7.5, 8, 8.5, and 9 for 6 h were 10.85, 11.81, 10.17, and 6.19 μg, respectively. After the first day, 19, 20, 25, and 36 % of the CPT was released from PDA nanoparticles synthesized at pH values of 7.5, 8, 8.5, and 9, respectively, depending on the particle size. The PDA nanoparticles had excellent haemocompatibility: there was no apparent hemolysis, and they did not cause acute toxicity in A549 and HeLa cells. The loading of CPT into PDA nanoparticles significantly reduced the viability of A549 and HeLa cells, comparable to free CPT. It can be concluded that the PDA nanoparticles prepared by our facile method are potential carriers of anticancer drugs for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

肖体江 《包装工程》2018,39(16):260-263
目的探究现代办公家具的多样化设计路径及其发展策略。方法由社会发展对办公家具的更多要求出发,总结办公家具对人们日常工作与生活的影响,再以办公家具的基本概念及特点切入,探讨办公家具的功能、材料等方面的多样性要求,在此基础上深入分析办公家具的发展方向,并整理出趣味、绿色、动态、智能四方面的拓展路径,同时深入细节逐一分析设计理论及案例,探寻未来发展的应对策略。结论面对日渐白热化的市场竞争和多样化的现实需求,办公家具的设计必须改变旧有的设计理念及方向,逐渐丰富自身的内涵与功能,实现人性化、趣味化、智能化、生态化,从而在丰富家具形式及家具功能的基础上,拓展更多的价值方向,给人们的办公生活带来全新的使用体验。  相似文献   

EDI膜堆的调试运行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过电去离子(EDI)装置的试验和多次的现场调试,根据影响EDI运行的主要因素:进水电导率、进水流量(包括淡水流量、极水流量、浓水流量)、运行电压、运行电流、水的pH、温度、压力(包括入水、产水、极水、浓水的压力),总结出现场调节较多的参数是进水流量、极水流量、浓水流量、运行电压和运行电流、运行压力,并且提出了上述参数的调节方法、调节范围和调节时的注意事项.  相似文献   

The scope of interest of the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (UFFC) Society shall include theory, technology, materials, and applications relating to: (1) the generation, transmission, and detection of mechanical waves and vibrations and their interactions with other phenomena; (2) medical ultrasound, including hyperthermia, bioeffects, tissue characterization and imaging; (3) ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and piezomagnetic materials, including crystals, polycrystalline solids, films, polymers, and composites; (4) frequency control, timing and time distribution, including crystal oscillators and other means of classical frequency control, and atomic, molecular and laser frequency control standards. Areas of interest range from fundamental studies to the design and/or applications of devices and systems.  相似文献   

王文英 《包装工程》2021,42(14):362-364
目的 探索极简主义在平面设计中的表现及应用方向、路径.方法 极简主义简明、简单、独特的特点给了平面设计领域很大的发展空间,基于此,本文尝试从极简主义在平面设计中的应用价值与必要性着手,就极简主义所带来的视觉效果、作品格调与内涵等方面的强化与提升展开探索,得出两者融合与创新的可行性和重要意义,然后结合色彩、形式与内涵等方面的突出特点,对平面设计中极简主义风格的尝试进行深入分析与总结,并结合包装设计、广告设计、网页设计等设计领域详细分析应用方向与路径,总结其在未来发展的有效策略.结论 极简主义简约而不简单的特点让平面设计摆脱了烦琐的境遇,能够将有限的资源与空间合理组合,以高品质的表现形式与深刻的文化内涵为平面设计开拓更宽广的设计路径.  相似文献   

Implanted microchips can store users' medical, financial, and other personal information, and provide users with easy and quick access to various locations and items. While adopted for their convenience outside of the healthcare sector, these invasive, semi-permanent implantable devices create augmented bodies that can be subject to ubiquitous surveillance. Situating human microchip implantations within surveillance literature, we draw from neoliberal perspectives of surveillance to examine augmented bodies, particularly as sources for market activity and as subjects of social control and sorting when these bodies are used as access control mechanisms, payment methods, and tracking means in employment, residential, commercial, and transportation sectors. History has demonstrated time and time again how unfettered technology applications and uses have led to real and/or perceived misuse by private and public sectors. Through the lens of function creep, we identify a pattern of expansion of applications and uses of technology beyond those originally intended across new technologies, such as DNA genetic genealogy databases, IoT wearables, and COVID-19 contact tracing apps, and provide illustrative examples of function creep, particularly the use of these technologies in criminal investigations and prosecutions despite not being intended or marketed for such use. By demonstrating the lack of clearly defined boundaries in the applications and uses of various new technologies and their associated data, and the ways they were misused, we demonstrate how human microchip implantations are headed on a similar path. The current and potential future uses of this technology raise concerns about the absence of regulation, law, and policy barring or limiting its application and use in specific sectors, and the impact of this technology on users’ security, data protection, and privacy. Undeniably, the present and potential future functions, applications, uses, and extensions of human microchip implantations in various sectors warrant a proactive examination of their security, privacy, and data protection consequences and the implementation of proactive policies to regulate new and currently unregulated uses of this technology and its associated data within these sectors.  相似文献   

The adhesion and removal of particles to and from substrates is a topic of great interest for both scientific and technological reasons. When a particle contacts a substrate, the adhesion-induced stresses cause deformations of the materials, which, in turn, affect adhesion. The size and nature of these deformations depend on both the interaction potential and mechanical properties, such as their elastic moduli and yield strengths of the contacting materials. Because of the number of interacting factors, particle adhesion and removal is a complex topic. Much of the present understanding of particle adhesion is based on the theoretical work of Johnson, Kendall, and Roberts, Derjaguin, Muller, and Toporov, and Maugis and Pollock, augmented by systematic experimentation. This paper will review the current understanding of particle adhesion and will illustrate effects of the particle-substrate interface using scanning electron micrographs.  相似文献   

严英仕 《制冷》2014,(4):21-26
通过探讨电冰箱压缩机电路控制保护器的工作机理,通过结合实践探讨关键记忆金属元件双金属片材料基础理论,包括双金属片的基本特性,如何工作,规格品种,标准试验方法,主要指标(曲率半径、挠性、热变形、弹性模量、机械力、温度力),应力与温度关系,物理和机械性能(电阻率和电阻、硬度),稳化热处理,耐腐蚀性及保护,特别是蠕变式园盘的热变形与温度力的组合、"热变形与温度力"和温度、直径、厚度的关系等规律,从而初步掌握电冰箱压缩机保护器设计与工艺编制中所需双金属片应用知识。  相似文献   

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