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Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning (ICWC) discharges, in pulsed-mode operation, were carried out in the divertor tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) and JET to simulate the scenario of ITER wall conditioning at half-field (AUG) and full-field (JET). ICWC-plasma and antenna coupling characterization results obtained during the Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency (ICRF)-Wall Conditioning experiments performed in helium-hydrogen mixture in AUG and helium-deuterium mixtures in JET are presented here. Safe operational regimes for optimum ICWC in ITER could be explored for different magnetic fields. Satisfactory antenna coupling in the Mode Conversion scenario along with reproducible generation of ICRF plasmas and reliable wall conditioning were achieved by coupling RF power from one or two ICRF antennas at two (AUG, JET) different resonant frequencies. These results are in qualitative agreement with the predictions of 1-D TOMCAT code. Present study of ICWC indicates towards the beneficial effect of application of an additional (along with toroidal magnetic field) stationary vertical (BV ? BT) magnetic field on antenna coupling and plasma parameters. The results obtained from JET and AUG tokamaks, presented in this paper, emphasizes the proposed phenomenological schemes for further development of ICWC in superconducting tokamaks.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on encouraging results obtained on the characterization of RF produced plasmas during pulsed-mode wall conditioning discharges in ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) regime in the limiter tokamak TEXTOR. Recent Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning (ICWC) experiment carried out in TEXTOR tokamak, lead to the identification of various dependences of the antenna-plasma coupling efficiency on the plasma parameters for possible ICWC-discharge cleaning in ITER at half field. Our ICWC experiments emphasize on (i) study of antenna coupling during the mode conversion scenario, (ii) reproducible generation of ICRF plasmas for wall conditioning, by coupling RF power from one or two ICRF antennas and (iii) effect of application of an additional (along with toroidal magnetic field) stationary vertical (BV ? BT) or oscillating poloidal magnetic field (Bp ? BT) on antenna coupling and relevant plasma parameters.  相似文献   

Each of the two ITER ICRF antennas consists of a close-packed array of 24 straps arranged in a 6 poloidal by 4 toroidal array. Three poloidally adjacent straps (a “triplet” of straps) are fed together through a 4-port junction from one 20 Ohm feeding line. The complete array has to radiate 20 MW of RF power over a frequency range of 40 MHz to 55 MHz and for different toroidal phasings. The RF optimization of the antenna has been performed numerically on one triplet of straps (1/8th of the antenna) [1], [2]. In parallel a number of reduced-scale mock-ups of one triplet of the ITER ICRH antenna were constructed in order to validate the results of the numerical optimization [1], [3].The aim of this work is primarily to benchmark the CST MWS® [4] numerical modeling against numerous measurements done on the mock-up of the 2007 design. Moreover MWS calculates the 3D distribution of the currents and of the fields of the triplet. Hence it gives the possibility to check the fields and current distributions resulting from the optimisation study of the ITER ICRH antenna triplet done by changing geometrical parameters of the straps and antenna box of the mock-up of 2007 design [1], [2], [3]. The considered parameters are: strap width, antenna box depth and vertical septum recess with respect to the front of the current strap. The impact of the presence of the Faraday screen is also evaluated.Excellent agreement between modeled and measured S parameters is obtained. Analysis of the fields and currents distributions on the straps is reported. Excellent current balance is confirmed.  相似文献   

The dependency of the tritium diffusion in Zircaloy-2 on the temperature as well as on the oxygen and hydrogen concentration was investigated. From the determined diffusion coefficients the following values for the frequency factor d0 and the activation energy Ea were obtained: D0 = (1.04+0.28?0.17 ) 10?3 [cm2 · s?1 ], Ea = -42.1 ± 1.1 [kJ · mol?1 ]. In the concentration range from 1350 to 11300 ppm oxygen and 15 to 1000 ppm hydrogen no systematic influence of these elements on the tritium diffusion coefficients was observed.  相似文献   

For low single-pass absorption of ion cyclotron range frequency (ICRF) wave in the EAST plasma cavity modes are expected to be excited between the low field side (LFS) antenna and the hybrid cut-off layer. The toroidal spectrum for D(H) minority heating scenarios in EAST is modeled by using FELICE(Finite Elements Ion Cyclotron Emulator), a full wave code based on plane-stratified geometry. The excitation of cavity modes is studied. The methods for suppressing cavity modes are also discussed, to increase the efficiency of minority ion heating.  相似文献   

Atomic-scale computer simulation has been used to investigate the primary damage created by displacement cascades in copper over a wide range of temperature (100 K ? T ? 900 K) and primary knock-on atom energy (5 keV ? EPKA ? 25 keV). A technique was introduced to improve computational efficiency and at least 20 cascades for each (EPKAT) pair were simulated in order to provide statistical reliability of the results. The total of almost 450 simulated cascades is the largest yet reported for this metal. The mean number of surviving point defects per cascade is only 15-20% of the NRT model value. It decreases with increasing T at fixed EPKA and is proportional to (EPKA)1.1 at fixed T. A high proportion (60-80%) of self-interstitial atoms (SIAs) form clusters during the cascade process. The proportion of clustered vacancies is smaller and sensitive to T, falling from 30% to 60% for T ? 600 K to less than 20% when T = 900 K. The structure of clusters has been examined in detail. Vacancies cluster predominantly in stacking-fault-tetrahedron-type configurations. SIAs tend to form either glissile dislocation loops with Burgers vector b = 1/2<1 1 0> or sessile faulted Frank loops with b = 1/3<1 1 1>. Despite the fact that cascades at a given EPKA and T exhibit a wide range of defect numbers and clustered fractions, there appears to be a correlation in the formation of vacancy clusters and SIA clusters in the same cascade. The size and spatial aspects of this are analysed in detail in part II [unpublished], where the stability of clusters when another cascade overlaps them is also investigated.  相似文献   

We used the average of the Thomas-Fermi (TF) electron distribution instead of that of Hartree-Fock (HF) electron distribution as the screening length of an isolated atom. Based on the Firsov theory, we proposed a new Firsov formula of the electronic energy loss which has a simple form ΔEe(Eb) ∞ Se(E) exp(γb)/(1 + βb)6, where Se(E) is the electronic stopping cross section, b = p/a, p and a are the impact parameter and the screening length, respectively, and β and γ are the fitting parameters. Using the present screening lengths with the shell effect and the new Firsov formula, the depth distributions of channeling were simulated by the ACOCT code for 20 keV B+ ions impinging along the [1 1 0] channel direction of silicon (1 1 0) surface. The ACOCT depth profiles of channeling using the new Firsov (solid) local model for the AMLJ potential are in good agreement with the experimental ones.  相似文献   

It has long been known that the stopping and ranges of atoms and clusters depends on the projectile-target atom mass ratio. Recently, Carroll et al. [S.J. Carroll, P.D. Nellist, R.E. Palmer, S. Hobday, R. Smith, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 2654] proposed that the stopping of clusters also depends on the cohesive energy of the target. We investigate this dependence using a series of molecular-dynamics simulations, in which we systematically change the target cohesive energy, while keeping all other parameters fixed. We focus on the specific case of Au402 cluster impact on van-der-Waals bonded targets. As target, we employ Lennard-Jones materials based on the parameters of Ar, but for which we vary the cohesive energy artificially up to a factor of 20. We show that for small impact energies, E0 ? 100 eV/atom, the range D depends on the target cohesive energy U, D ∝ Uβ. The exponent β increases with decreasing projectile energy and assumes values up to β = 0.25 for E0 = 10 eV/atom. For higher impact energies, the cluster range becomes independent of the target cohesive energy. These results have their origin in the so-called ‘clearing-the way’ effect of the heavy Au402 cluster; this effect is strongly reduced for E0 ? 100 eV/atom when projectile fragmentation sets in, and the fragments are stopped independently of each other. These results are relevant for studies of cluster stopping and ranges in soft matter.  相似文献   

In Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS), Auger-neutralization is an omnipresent charge exchange mechanism, especially when noble gas ions are used as projectiles, with a primary energy below the threshold energy, Eth, for collision induced charge exchange processes (neutralization and reionization). Recent experiments revealed a significant dependence of the ion survival probability, P+, on the crystal plane, when He+ ions are scattered from a metal surface. This is in contrast to the fact, that the neutralization probability in LEIS is usually assumed to be independent of the chemical environment of the collision partner (absence of matrix effects). In order to investigate this crystal effect, an existent theory on Auger-neutralization (based on a Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals) is adapted to the LEIS geometry. With this model, Auger-neutralization rates are calculated for a Ag(1 1 0) surface. Trajectories for He particles scattered from this surface into different azimuth directions are obtained by means of Molecular Dynamics simulations. Subsequently, the ion survival probability is calculated and compared to measurements. Good agreement is obtained which gives confidence in the applicability of this model in the LEIS regime. Moreover, it was possible to obtain detailed information on the properties of the neutralization process.  相似文献   

The stopping cross sections ε(E) of silicon for protons and alpha particles have been measured over the velocity range 0.3-1.2 MeV/u from a Si//SiO2//Si (SIMOX) target using the Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) with special emphasis put on experimental aspects. A detection geometry coupling simultaneously two solid-state Si detectors placed at 165° and 150° relative to each side of the incident beam direction was used to measure the energies of the scattered ions and determine their energy losses within the stopping medium. In this way, the basic energy parameter, Ex, at the Si/SiO2 interface for a given incident energy E0 is the same for ions backscattered in the two directions off both the Si and O target elements, and systematic uncertainties in the ε(E) data mainly originating from the target thickness are significantly minimized. A powerful computer code has been elaborated for extracting the relevant ε(E) experimental data and the associated overall uncertainty that amounts to less than 3%. The measured ε(E) data sets were found to be in fair agreement with Paul’s compilation and with values calculated by the SRIM 06 computer code. In the case of 4He+ ions, experimental data for the γ effective charge parameter have been deduced by scaling the measured stopping cross sections to those of protons crossing the same target with the same velocity, and compared to the predictions of the SRIM 06 computer code. It is found that the γ-parameter values generated by the latter code slightly deviate from experiment over the velocity region around the stopping cross section maximum where strong charge exchanges usually occur.  相似文献   

Recent ion cyclotron resonance frequency(ICRF) coupling experiments for optimizing ICRF heating in high power discharge were performed on EAST. The coupling experiments were focus on antenna phasing and gas puffing, which were performed separately on two ports of the ion cyclotron resonance heating(ICRH) system of EAST. The antenna phasing was performed on the I-port antenna, which consists of four toroidally spaced radiating straps operating in multiple phasing cases; the coupling performance was better under low wave number ∣k_‖∣(ranging from 4.5 to 6.5). By fuelling the plasma from gas injectors, placed as uniformly spaced array from top to bottom at each side limiter of the B-port antenna, which works in dipole phasing, the coupling resistance of the B-port antenna increased obviously.Furthermore, the coupling resistance of the I-port antenna was insensitive to a smaller rate of gas puffing but when the gas injection rate was more than a certain value(1021 s~(-1)), a sharp increase in the coupling resistance of the I-port antenna occurred, which was mainly caused by the toroidal asymmetric boundary density arising from gas puffing. A more specific analysis is given in the paper.  相似文献   

Adopted values for the reduced electric quadrupole transition probability, B(E2)↑, from the ground state to the first-excited 2+ state of even-even nuclides are given in Table I. Values of τ, the mean life of the 2+ state, E, the energy, and β2, the quadrupole deformation parameter, are also listed there. The ratio of β2 to the value expected from the single-particle model presented. The intrinsic quadrupole moment, Q0, is deduced from the B(E2)↑ value. The product E × B(E2)↑ is expressed as a percentage of the energy-weighted total and isoscalar E2 sum-rule strengths.Table II presents the data on which Table I is based, namely the experimental results for B(E2)↑ values with quoted uncertainties. Information is also given on the quantity measured and the method employed. The literature has been covered to January 1986.  相似文献   

A new method for describing the nature of radial electric field and its relation with toroidal rotation in edge plasma of small size divertor tokamak is proposed in this work. The expression of radial electric field in the edge plasma of small size divertor tokamak can be divided into two parts. The first part E r (0) is related to electrostatic potential of plasma in edge plasma of this tokamak. The second part E r (1) is related to contribution of toroidal rotation of radial current in edge plasma of this tokamak. The results of this work provide the following: (1) A new one-dimensional ordinary differential equation for toroidal velocity is obtained. The one-dimensional ordinary differential equation suggest new tool to explaining tokamak experiments involving measurements of plasma rotation and radial electric field. (2) Also the results of this work shows that, the main contribution to the radial electric field inside separatrix (plasma core) gives the term E r (1).  相似文献   

The intensity ratios, ILk/I1 (k = l, η, α2, β1, β2,15, β3, β4, β5,7, β6, β9,10, γ1,5, γ6,8, γ2,3, γ4), have been evaluated for elements with atomic number 36 ? Z ? 92 at incident photon energies ranging EL1 < Einc ? 200 keV using currently considered to be more reliable theoretical data sets of different physical parameters, namely, Li (i = 1-3) subshell photoionization cross sections based on the relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater model, the X-ray emission rates based on the Dirac-Fock model, and the fluorescence and Coster-Kronig yields based on the Dirac-Hartree-Slater model. At incident photon energies above the K-shell ionization threshold, the contribution to the production of different L X-ray lines due to the additional Li (i = 1-3) subshell vacancies created following decay of the primary K-shell vacancies have also been included in the present calculations. The important features pertaining to dependence of the tabulated intensity ratios on the incident photon energy and atomic number have been discussed.  相似文献   

A thin germanium crystal has been irradiated at GANIL by Pb beams of 29 MeV/A (charge state Qin = 56 and 72) and of 5.6 MeV/A (Qin = 28). The induced ion emission from the sample entrance surface was studied, impact per impact, as a function of Qin, velocity vin and energy loss ΔE in the crystal. The Pb ions transmitted through the crystal were analyzed in charge (Qout) and energy using the SPEG spectrometer. The emitted ionized species were detected and analyzed in mass by a time-Of-flight multianode detector (LAG). Channeling was used to select peculiar ΔE values in Ge and hence peculiar Pb ion trajectories close to the emitting entrance surface. The experiment was performed in standard vacuum. No Ge emission was found. The dominating emitted species are H+ and hydrocarbon ions originating from the contamination layer on top of the crystal. The mean value 〈M〉 of the number of detected species per incoming Pb ion (multiplicity) varies as (Qin/vin)p, with p values in agreement with previous results. We have clearly observed an influence of the energy deposition ΔE in Ge on the emission from the top contamination layer. When selecting increasing values of ΔE, we observed a rather slow increase of 〈M〉. On the contrary, the probabilities of high multiplicity values, which are essentially connected to fragmentation after emission, strongly increase with ΔE.  相似文献   

A split-type special correcting winding (split-type SCW) for the l = 2 torsatron toroidal magnetic system with split-type helical coils is considered. The split-type SCW gives the possibility of controlling the position of the magnetic surface configuration in the direction perpendicular to the torus equatorial plane. Numerical simulations were carried out to investigate the influence of the split-type SCW magnetic field on centered and distant relative to the torus surface magnetic surface configuration with a plane magnetic axis, being promising for the fusion reactor. The configuration is realized in the l = 2 torsatron with split-type helical coils and with the coils of an additional toroidal magnetic field. The calculations show that the split-type SCW magnetic field influence on the initial magnetic surface configuration leads mainly to the magnetic surface configuration displacement along the straight z axis of torus rotation. The displacement of ∼0.1a, a is the minor radius of the torus, has no critical effect on the magnetic surface parameters. An idea on the split-type SCW magnetic field structure is obtained by numerical simulations of the effect of this field as a minority magnetic field imposed on the magnetic field of a well-known configuration. The split-type SCW magnetic field is directed, predominantly along the major radius of the torus within its volume. The displacement range of the closed magnetic surface configuration depends on the split-type SCW magnetic field value.  相似文献   

Radiation events in Ga stablised δ-Pu are investigated by means of Molecular Dynamics simulations. Pu 5 at.% Ga is considered using the Modified Embedded Atom Method to govern the atomic interactions. Cascades were initiated with Primary Knock-on Atom (PKA) energies in the range of 0.4-10 keV, with trajectories deduced through comprehensive sampling of a representative set of directions, combined with different Ga atomic positions. The displacement threshold energy, Ed, for Pu and Ga atoms was also determined through similar extensive studies to aid the understanding and interpretation of the cascade results.Values of Ed between 5 and 40 eV were determined for Pu, with Ga PKAs requiring generally more energy to create a defect with Ed between 8 and 70 eV. Low energy collision cascades, initiated with energies in the range of 0.4-1 keV, show that the cascades form in a similar manner to other fcc metals with a vacancy rich zone surrounded by isolated interstitial defects. A feature of these cascades is that the displaced Ga atoms return to lattice sites during the ballistic phase, leading to a lack of Ga-type residual defects. Higher energy cascades show similar features but with the development of an amorphous region at the cascade core of around 5 nm diameter at 5 keV. Quantitatively, the residual number of defects found shows no distinct variation to that for previous work on pure Pu, suggesting the inclusion of Ga does not significantly effect the susceptibility or resistance of Pu to initial cascade development.  相似文献   

Electrode biasing system was designed, constructed, and installed on the IR-T1 tokamak, and then biasing experiments were carried out. Also, using a Mach probes the effects of radial electric field (produced by biased electrode) on the poloidal and toroidal components of the edge plasma velocity were investigated. The results showed an increase in both toroidal and poloidal components of the edge plasma velocity during biasing regime. Results compared and discussed. During positive biasing, increased Er tends to slow the poloidal rotation in the electron diamagnetic drift direction, i.e., to speed up rotation in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. An increased toroidal rotation velocity has the opposite effect on the poloidal rotation.  相似文献   

A compilation of the available experimental internal conversion coefficients (ICCs), αT, αK, αL, and ratios K/L and K/LM of high multipole (L > 2) transitions for a number of elements in the range 21 ? Z ? 94 is presented. Our listing of experimental data includes 194 data sets on 110 E3 transitions, 10 data sets on 6 E4 transitions, 11 data sets on 7 E5 transitions, 38 data sets on 21 M3 transitions, and 132 data sets on 68 M4 transitions. Data with less than 10% experimental uncertainty have been selected for comparison with the theoretical values of Hager and Seltzer [R.S. Hager, E.C. Seltzer, Nucl. Data Tables A 4 (1968) 1], Rosel et al. [F. Rösel, H.M. Fries, K. Alder, H.C. Pauli, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 21 (1978) 91], and BRICC. The relative percentage deviations (%Δ) have been calculated for each of the above theories and the averages are estimated. The Band et al. [I.M. Band, M.B. Trzhaskovskaya, C.W. Nestor Jr., P.O. Tikkanen, S. Raman, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 81 (2002) 1] tables, using the BRICC interpolation code, are seen to give theoretical ICCs closest to experimental values.  相似文献   

In the present study the differential cross sections of the 45Sc(p,p)45Sc reaction were measured. Two independent experiments were performed. At first a sandwiched thin ScBr3 target was used for beam energies ELAB = 2300-5500 keV (in steps of 25 and 50 keV) and for detector angles 140°, 160°, and 170°. Secondly a thick Sc2O3 sample was formed and irradiated for ELAB = 3100-5500 keV with a detector placed at 140°, to validate the results of the first measurement.  相似文献   

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