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V. A. Malyusov V. Yu. Orlov N. A. Malafeev N. N. Umnik N. M. Zhavoronkov 《Atomic Energy》1962,11(5):1079-1083
This study determines the value of the separation factor of lithium isotopes in the evaporation of liquid metallic lithium in a single-stage still. At a temperature of 500 °C the value of the separation factor is 1.08 ± 0.02. We carried out studies of the separation of lithium isotopes by the method of molecular distillation in an 8 -stage cascade-type metal still. It was shown that when the cells of the still are filled with metallic packing and the condensation temperature of the lithium is raised to 350 °C, the efficiency of one stage of the still is 0.4–0.5. 相似文献
The article discusses the latest experimental data on the states of four-nucleon and five-nucleon nuclei. They confirm the existence of three unbound excited states of He4: He4 (20.1 MeV, 0+, T = 0), He4 (22 MeV, 2–, T = 0), He4 (24–25 MeV, 1–, T = 1). The H4 and Li4 nuclei formed in the above processes have no bound states, and their lifetimes are of the order of 10–22 sec. The H5 nucleus also has no bound state and decays to H3 + 2n with an energy of Q 1 MeV and a lifetime of the order of 10–22 sec. The report that radioactivity has been observed in H5 is erroneous. An analysis of the binding energies of nuclei of known masses indicates that the tetraneutron also has no bound state. The H4, H5, and n4 nuclei, as well as the heavier hydrogen and neutron isotopes, lie beyond the limit of stability for decay with the emission of nucleons.Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 3–9, July, 1964 相似文献
Lithium, owing to its many advantages, is of immense interest to the fusion community for its use as plasma facing component (PFC) material. Various experiments are under progress in the Center for Plasma Material Interactions (CPMI) at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) aimed at understanding the plasma-lithium interactions. In one such experiment called Solid/Liquid Lithium Divertor Experiment (SLiDE), it was recently observed that the flow of liquid lithium in the presence of magnetic fields is dominated by thermoelectric Magnetohydrodynamic (TEMHD) effects. To describe these results accurately, a knowledge of the thermoelectric properties of lithium is essential. For this purpose, an apparatus to measure the Seebeck coefficient of lithium was developed. Using this apparatus, the Seebeck coefficient of lithium as a function of temperature has been obtained. The Seebeck coefficient of lithium-7 is found to gradually increase from 11 μV/K to 25 μV/K, as the temperature is raised from 25 °C to 240 °C. These measurements are in good agreement with Kendall’s thermoelectric measurements on natural Li. Furthermore, using the same apparatus, the thermoelectric curve of lithium-6 is obtained and for the first time are reported in this paper. 相似文献
A. NystromM. Thoennessen 《Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables》2012,98(2):95-119
Currently, thirty-four yttrium, thirty-five zirconium, thirty-four niobium, thirty-five technetium, and thirty-eight ruthenium isotopes have been observed and the discovery of these isotopes is described here. For each isotope a brief synopsis of the first refereed publication, including the production and identification method, is presented. 相似文献
Yoshinori Kawamura Yoshihiro Onishi Kenji Okuno Toshihiko Yamanishi 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2008,83(4):655-660
In a fusion reactor system, a monitoring of hydrogen isotopes including tritium is necessary for the safety of system control and operation. A gas chromatography using a cryogenic separation column is one of the methods for hydrogen isotope analysis. Synthesis zeolite such as molecular sieve 5A (CaA) is a candidate material of the separation column, and its property varies by the ratio of silica to alumina, the kinds of cation and so on. If the factor affected the hydrogen adsorption property of the synthesis zeolite is clarified, it may lead to the development of the new zeolite optimized to the separation column. So, in this work, adsorption capacity of hydrogen (H2) and deuterium (D2) for mordenite (MOR) and NaY type zeolite (NaY) were investigated at various temperatures, and were compared with CaA. The amount of adsorption per unit weight of MOR was larger than that of CaA, and that of NaY was smaller than that of CaA. The adsorption isotherms were expressed by sum of two Langmuir equations, and the Langmuir coefficients of H2 and D2 were proposed. Furthermore, the Langmuir coefficients of HD, HT, DT and T2 were estimated by the reduced mass. The correlation between the adsorption properties and the physical parameters of the zeolite were not confirmed. 相似文献
《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(12):2923-2929
T-11M lithium program is focused on a solution of technological issues of a steady-state tokamak with liquid lithium plasma facing components (PFC). Lithium, collected by the chamber wall of such tokamak is able to capture a considerable amount of tritium, which is unacceptable. In order to restrict the level of lithium deposited on the chamber wall and captured tritium it was suggested early to use a cryogenic target technique. Such target placed in the plasma of glow discharge (GDH, He or Ar) during the tokamak conditioning can play the role of collector of lithium and tritium atoms which were sputtered by GD bombardment of the wall. The collected lithium and tritium can be evacuated mechanically together with target from tokamak chamber through vacuum lock without venting. Cryogenic target, cooled by liquid nitrogen (LN), was installed in the T-11M and tested in different modes of wall conditioning and tokamak operations. The maximum speed of the lithium collection during GDH was 3.5 mg/h, that corresponds “to contamination” of wall by lithium during approximately 200 regular shots of T-11M which are equivalent to two-week regular operations. It was established that considerable part of lithium was collected in ionized state. On this basis it can be suggested the creation in tokamak chamber an equivalent ionic pump for extraction both lithium and tritium from chamber without venting during regular tokamak operation. 相似文献
The spreading of burning liquid sodium has been investigated using a depth-averaged shallow water equation for isothermal and non-isothermal (burning) conditions. In the latter case, the spreading is one-way coupled with the flame through a separate energy equation for the pool, with appropriate source terms for radiative and conductive heat transfer from the flame, and a sink term (for the continuity equation) to account for loss due to burning. Pool fires on soil and concrete surface have been considered with appropriate friction and heat transfer terms in the momentum and energy equations, respectively. Using this model, numerical simulations have been carried out for a wide range of leak rates, and for a range of burning rates of liquid sodium. Results obtained from the non-isothermal model show that the non-isothermal effects of liquid sodium spreading can safely be neglected for the case or spreading of burning liquid sodium on a typical ground surface such as concrete or soil. Based on these conclusions, dimensionless correlations are proposed for the prediction of spreading parameters such as, equilibrium pool radius, pool formation time, and for mass inventory under pool fire conditions for liquid sodium. These parameters which are obtained from the spreading code can be specified, as input parameters for the existing sodium fire safety codes. 相似文献
钛膜中氢同位素的深度分布 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为评估氢同位素效应对其在贮氢金属中深度分布的影响,对H/D-Ti、D/T-Ti、D-Ti及T-Ti样品用7.4MeV的4He离子束进行30°方向弹性反冲(ERD)分析.由H/D-Ti样品ERD能谱获得其1.7μm深度的D分布,结合D-Ti样品ERD能谱的~3 μm深度的H、D分布进行了模拟分析.结果表明,H、D含量均随深度增加,其分布曲线基本一致,说明在Ti中H、D的分布互不干涉,样品制备过程中其同位素效应不明显.用同样的方法对DT-Ti样品中的D、T分布进行了模拟分析.结果表明,在1.7 μm深度内D、T的分布基本均匀,但由于D、T的能谱过于靠近,其解谱误差较大.用3.0 MeV的质子对HD-Ti和D-Ti进行的质子背散射(PBS)分析表明,两样品中的D分布趋势一致,证明了Ti中H、D的分布互不干涉,样品制备过程其同位素效应不明显的结论. 相似文献
Scientific Research Institute of Stable Isotopes. Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 73, No. 4, pp. 328–331, October, 1992. 相似文献
低温精馏氢同位素分离影响因素研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
本文系统研究了低温精馏氢同位素分离中总板数、进料位置、回流比、采出率等操作条件对系统分离性能的影响,获得了精馏柱上的浓度和温度分布.随着进液位置向底端移动,再沸器和冷凝器中HD浓度均减小;随着回流比的增大,再沸器和冷凝器中HD浓度均减小;顶端采出率增大,再沸器中HD浓度明显增大;在相同的总板数下,H2/HD和D2/DT两个体系的分离特性明显有差别. 相似文献