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For reflective metals like tungsten used in certain plasma facing components of fusion devices, the black body or grey assumption is clearly impossible. For optical measurements of their temperature under heat fluxes coming from the plasma, knowledge of their thermo-optical properties is required.

The two-colour pyroreflectometry technique presented in this paper is a potential solution to measure ‘in situ’ the temperature on tungsten above 600 °C. The main assumption of the technique is that the indicatrix of reflection does not vary within the narrow wavelength range used. With this technique, the diffusivity factor ηd is introduced to determine the convergence temperature T* that is assumed to be equal to the true temperature T.

Aim of the study presented in this paper was to validate the two-colour pyroreflectometry technique for tungsten plasma components and to develop and test dedicated systems for plasma facing components application.

The validation was performed in two steps:

• comparison of the temperature measured by the proposed technique with thermocouple,

• comparison of the diffusion factor ηd measurements by the proposed technique with direct measurements using multi-directional reflectometer.

Finally, two specific optical probes allowing remote measurements (in the range 0.5–2 m) were developed and successfully tested at a high heat flux facility dedicated to the thermal fatigue of plasma facing components using electron beam scanning, this facility is considered thermally and geometrically relevant for fusion environment.

The results obtained demonstrated the suitability of the two-colour pyroreflectometry technique to determine the true temperature on tungsten plasma facing components and to detect possible modifications of its surface properties through the measurements of the diffusivity factor. However, an ultimate validation in real fusion environment including parasitic signal from reflections from other locations or bremsstrahlung from plasma is still necessary before routinely using such a diagnostic in a fusion machine.  相似文献   

The operation of W7-X stellarator for pulse length up to 30 min with 10 MW input power requires a full set of actively water-cooled plasma facing components. From the lower thermally loaded area of the wall protection system designed for an averaged load of 100 kW/m2 to the higher loaded area of the divertor up to 10 MW/m2, various design and technological solutions have been developed meeting the high load requirements and coping with the restricted available space and the particular 3D-shaped geometry of the plasma vessel. 80 ports are dedicated alone to the water-cooling of plasma facing components and a complex networking of kilometers of pipework will be installed in the plasma vessel to connect all components to the cooling system. An advanced technology was developed in collaboration with industry for the target elements of the high heat flux (HHF) divertor, the so-called “bi-layer” technology for the bonding of flat tiles made from CFC NB31 onto the CuCrZr cooling structure. The design, R&D and the adopted technological solutions of plasma facing components are presented. At present, except the HHF divertor, most of plasma facing components has been already manufactured.  相似文献   

NSTX high power divertor plasma experiments have used in succession lithium pellet injection (LPI), evaporated lithium, and injected lithium powder to apply lithium coatings to graphite plasma facing components. In 2005, following the wall conditioning and LPI, discharges exhibited edge density reduction and performance improvements. Since 2006, first one, and now two lithium evaporators have been used routinely to evaporate lithium onto the lower divertor region at total rates of 10-70 mg/min for periods 5-10 min between discharges. Prior to each discharge, the evaporators are withdrawn behind shutters. Significant improvements in the performance of NBI heated divertor discharges resulting from these lithium depositions were observed. These evaporators are now used for more than 80% of NSTX discharges. Initial work with injecting fine lithium powder into the edge of NBI heated deuterium discharges yielded comparable changes in performance. Several operational issues encountered with lithium wall conditions, and the special procedures needed for vessel entry are discussed. The next step in this work is installation of a liquid lithium divertor surface on the outer part of the lower divertor.  相似文献   

Plasma facing components for fusion applications must exhibit long-term stability under extreme conditions, and therefore material imperfections cannot be tolerated due to a high risk of technical failures. To prevent or abolish defects in refractory metals components during the manufacturing process, some methods of electro-chemical machining as S-ECM and C-ECM were developed, enabling both the processing of smooth plain defect-free surfaces of different geometry and the removal of bulk material for the shaping of three-dimensional structures, also without cracks. It is discussed, that tungsten ablation with accurate electro-chemical molding is very sensitive to the kind of electric current, and therefore current investigations focused also on the effects of frequency profiles on the sharpness of edge rounding.  相似文献   

This review summarizes surface morphology changes of tungsten caused by heat and particle loadings from edge plasmas, and their effects on enhanced erosion and material lifetime in ITER and beyond. Pulsed heat loadings by transients (disruption and ELM) are the largest concerns due to surface melting, cracking, and dust formation. Hydrogen induced blistering is unlikely to be an issue of ITER. Helium bombardment would cause surface morphology changes such as W fuzz, He holes, and nanometric bubble layers, which could lead to enhanced erosion (e.g. unipolar arcing of W fuzz). Particle loadings could enhance pulsed heat effects (cracking and erosion) due to surface layer embrittlement by nanometric bubbles and solute atoms. But pulsed heat loadings alleviate surfaces morphology changes in some cases (He holes by ELM-like heat pulses). Effects of extremely high fluence (∼1030 m−2), mixed materials, and neutron irradiation are important issues to be pursued for ITER and beyond. In addition, surface refurbishment to prolong material lifetime is also an important issue.  相似文献   

After the successful completion of the prequalification activity for ITER divertor procurement, Japanese Domestic Agency (JADA) and ITER Organization (IO) have entered into the procurement arrangement of divertor Outer Vertical Target (OVT) in June 2009. In accordance with the arrangement, JADA is going to fully procure the outer target components which correspond to 60 divertor cassettes. JADA has started to manufacture an OVT full-scale prototype in order to pick out/solve technical and quality issues and to establish a rational manufacturing process toward the start of the series of production of the OVT components to be installed in ITER. This paper presents the overview of JADA's manufacturing activity and the procurement schedule on the divertor outer target procurement.  相似文献   

Tungsten is considered in fusion technology as functional and structural material in the area of blanket and divertor for future application in DEMO. The KIT design of a He-cooled divertor includes joints between W and W-alloys as well as of W with Eurofer-steel. The main challenges range from expansion mismatch problem for tungsten/steel joints over metallurgical reactions with brittle phase formation to crack stopping ability and excellent surface wetting. These requirements were only met partly and insufficiently in the past e.g. by direct Cu-casting of tungsten onto steel.Both, the joining needs and the observed failure scenarios of conventionally joined components initiated the development of improved joining technologies based on electro-chemical processing routes. As electrolytes aqueous and aprotic, water free, system are integrated into this development line. In the first step principle requirements are presented to guarantee a reproducible and adherent deposition of scales based on Ni and Cu acting as inter layers and filler, respectively, to generate a real metallurgical bonding as demonstrate by 1100 °C joining tests. The development field aprotic systems based on ionic liquids is discussed with respect to enable development of refractory metal based fillers with focus high temperature W–W brazing.  相似文献   

During plasma disruptions, time-varying eddy currents are induced in the vacuum vessel (VV) and Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) of EAST. Additionally, halo currents flow partly through these structures during the vertical displacement events (VDEs). Under the high magnetic field circumstances, the resulting electromagnetic forces (EMFs) and torques are large. In this paper, eddy currents and EMFs on EAST VV, PFCs and their supports are calculated by analytical and numerical methods. ANSYS software is employed to evaluate eddy currents on VV, PFCs and their structural responses. To learn the electromagnetic and structural response of the whole structure more accurately, a detailed finite element model is established. The two most dangerous scenarios, major disruptions and downward VDEs, are examined. It is found that distribution patterns of eddy currents for various PFCs differ greatly, therefore resulting in different EMFs and torques. It can be seen that for certain PFCs the transient reaction force are severe. Results obtained here may set up a preliminary foundation for the future dynamic response research of EAST VV and PFCs which will provide a theoretical basis for the future engineering design of tokamak devices.  相似文献   

A baking system for the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) plasma facing components (PFCs) is designed and operated to achieve vacuum pressure below 5 × 10?7 mbar in vacuum vessel with removing impurities. The purpose of this research is to prevent the fracture of PFC because of thermal stress during baking the PFC, and to accomplish stable operation of the baking system with the minimum life cycle cost. The uniformity of PFC temperature in each sector was investigated, when the supply gas temperature was varied by 5 °C per hour using a heater and the three-way valve at the outlet of a compressor. The alternative of the pipe expansion owing to hot gas and the cage configuration of the three-way valve were also studied. During the fourth campaign of the KSTAR in 2011, nitrogen gas temperature rose up to 300 °C, PFC temperature reached at 250 °C, the temperature difference among PFCs was maintained at below 8.3 °C, and vacuum pressure of up to 7.24 × 10?8 mbar was achieved inside the vacuum vessel.  相似文献   

On the basis of the design and the specification of the dome-liner elaborated by EFDA, a manufacturing route based on high temperature brazing has been developed and proved by means of the fabrication and testing of several samples and mock-ups. The dome is protected with tungsten armour tiles joined onto heat sinks obtained from a bimetallic plate made of precipitation hardened copper–chromium–zirconium alloy and stainless steel realized by explosion bonding. The brazed joint between the tungsten tiles and the heat sink has been qualified by means of thermal fatigue tests on small-scale mock-ups in reactor relevant conditions. The properties of the explosion bonding joint between the front copper alloy plate to the rear steel backing has been assessed by means of an extensive metallurgical and mechanical test program according to the specification provided by EFDA. The dimensional stability during the fabrication route has been investigated by means of the realization of a relevant curved component that has been dimensionally tested after the completion of each step of the manufacturing route. The results of the experimental activity are presented and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The rate at which Li films will erode under plasma bombardment in the NSTX-U divertor is currently unknown. It is important to characterize this erosion rate so that the coatings can be replenished before they are completely depleted. An empirical formula for the Li erosion rate as a function of deuterium ion flux, incident ion energy, and Li temperature was developed based on existing theoretical and experimental work. These predictions were tested on the Magnum-PSI linear plasma device capable of ion fluxes >1024 m−2 s−1, ion energies of 20 eV and Li temperatures >800 °C. Li-coated graphite and TZM molybdenum samples were exposed to a series of plasma pulses during which neutral Li radiation was measured with a fast camera. The total Li erosion rate was inferred from measurements of Li-I emission. The measured erosion rates are significantly lower than the predictions of the empirical formula. Strong evidence of fast Li diffusion into graphite substrates was also observed.  相似文献   

We analyze the first wall blanket W/EUROFER configuration for DEMO under steady-state normal operation and off-normal conditions, such as vertical displacement events (VDE) and runaway electrons (RE). The main issue is to find the optimal thickness of the W armor which will prevent tungsten surface from evaporation and melting and, on the other hand, will keep EUROFER below the critical thermal stresses. Under steady-state operation heat transfer into the coolant must remain below the critical heat flux (CHF) to avoid the possible severe degradation of the coolant heat removal capability. From the plasma side it is particularly demanding to keep the bulk plasma contamination during the reactor long operational discharges below the fatal level. The possible damage of the FW materials due to the plasma sputtering erosion is estimated. The minimum thickness of the tungsten amour about 3 mm for W/EUROFER sandwich structure will keep the maximum EUROFER temperature below the critical limit for EUROFER steel under steady-state operation and ITER like cooling conditions.  相似文献   

V. K. Ezhov 《Atomic Energy》2009,106(4):251-255
Experimental data on the solubility of fluorine in liquid uranium, tungsten, and molybdenum hexafluorides in the temperature range 66–90°C and fluorine partial pressure 226–1066 kPa are presented. Computed values of Henry’s constant for these systems and constants in the equation expressing the linear approximation of the temperature dependence of Henry’s constant are given. Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 106, No. 4, pp. 198–201, April, 2009.  相似文献   

Qualification of tungsten (W) and graphite (C) based brazed plasma facing components (PFCs) is an important R&D area in fusion research. Pre-qualification tests for brazed joints between W–CuCrZr and C–CuCrZr using NDT (IR thermography and ultrasonic test) and thermal fatigue test are attempted. Mockups having good quality brazed joints of W and C based PFCs were identified using NDT. Subsequently, thermal fatigue test was performed on the identified mockups. All brazed tiles of W based PFC mockups could withstand thermal fatigue test, however, few tiles of C based PFC mockup were found detached. Thermal analyses of mockups are performed using finite element analysis (ANSYS) software to simulate the thermal hydraulic condition with 10 MW/m2 uniform heat flux. Details about experimental and computational work are presented here.  相似文献   

The design of a graded transition between tungsten and steel for plasma facing components of a nuclear fusion reactor is proposed and the interest of such a transition is demonstrated by FEM calculations of the thermo-mechanical behaviour in the operating conditions of the DEMO reactor. The transition consists in stacked layers of W-WC and WC-Fe between W and Eurofer steel. The maximum surface temperature of the structural component could be maintained below 1300 °C for a very simple multilayer geometry, from FEM calculations. The maximum strains and equivalent elastic stresses could be reduced by a factor of about 3 as compared to a direct W/steel joint. Considerations about processing techniques of such a component are discussed, based on the literature background and a few preliminary tests.  相似文献   

In the present study, interfacial microstructures and hardness distributions of W-coated ODS steels as plasma facing structural materials were investigated. A vacuum plasma spraying (VPS) technique was employed to fabricate a W layer on the surface of the ODS ferritic steel substrates. The microstructural observations revealed that the VPS-W has very fine grains aligned toward the spraying direction, and a favorable interface between W and ODS ferritic steels by a mechanical inter-locking without an intermetallic layer. However, crack-type defects were found in VPS-W. Because a brittle inter-diffused layer does not exist at the joint interface, the hardness was gradually distributed in the joint region. After neutron irradiation, irradiation hardening significantly occurred in the VPS-W. However, the hardening of VPS-W was less than that of bulk W irradiated at 773 K. Thus, the VPS is considered to be one of the promising ways to join dissimilar materials between W and ODS steels, which can avoid the formation of an interfacial intermetallic layer and create favorable irradiation hardening resistance on the W coated layer.  相似文献   

Direct metal deposition (DMD) is an automated 3D deposition process arising from laser cladding technology with co-axial powder injection to refine or refurbish parts. Recently DMD has been extended to manufacture large-size near-net-shape components. When applied for manufacturing new parts (or their refinement), DMD can provide tailored thermal properties, high corrosion resistance, tailored tribology, multifunctional performance and cost savings due to smart material combinations. In repair (refurbishment) operations, DMD can be applied for parts with a wide variety of geometries and sizes. In contrast to the current tool repair techniques such as tungsten inert gas (TIG), metal inert gas (MIG) and plasma welding, laser cladding technology by DMD offers a well-controlled heat-treated zone due to the high energy density of the laser beam. In addition, this technology may be used for preventative maintenance and design changes/up-grading. One of the advantages of DMD is the possibility to build functionally graded coatings (from 1 mm thickness and higher) and 3D multi-material objects (for example, 100 mm-sized monolithic rectangular) in a single-step manufacturing cycle by using up to 4-channel powder feeder. Approved materials are: Fe (including stainless steel), Ni and Co alloys, (Cu,Ni 10%), WC compounds, TiC compounds. The developed coatings/parts are characterized by low porosity (<1%), fine microstructure, and their microhardness is close to the benchmark value of wrought alloys after thermal treatment (Co-based alloy Stellite, Inox 316L, stainless steel 17-4PH). The intended applications concern cooling elements with complex geometry, friction joints under high temperature and load, light-weight mechanical support structures, hermetic joints, tubes with complex geometry, and tailored inside and outside surface properties, etc.  相似文献   

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