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OBJECTIVES: To determine clinical correlates and outcome of hypoxaemia in children admitted to hospital with an acute lower respiratory tract infection. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Paediatric wards of the Royal Victoria Hospital and the hospital of the Medical Research Council's hospital in Banjul, the Gambia. SUBJECTS: 1072 of 42 848 children, aged 2 to 33 months, who were enrolled in a randomised trial of a Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine in the western region of the Gambia, and who were admitted with an acute lower respiratory tract infection to two of three hospitals. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of hypoxaemia, defined as an arterial oxygen saturation <90% recorded by pulse oximetry, and the relation between hypoxaemia and aetiological agents. RESULTS: 1072 children aged 2-33 months were enrolled. Sixty three (5.9%) had an arterial oxygen saturation <90%. A logistic regression model showed that cyanosis, a rapid respiratory rate, grunting, head nodding, an absence of a history of fever, and no spontaneous movement during examination were the best independent predictors of hypoxaemia. The presence of an inability to cry, head nodding, or a respiratory rate >/= 90 breaths/min formed the best predictors of hypoxaemia (sensitivity 70%, specificity 79%). Hypoxaemic children were five times more likely to die than non-hypoxaemic children. The presence of malaria parasitaemia had no effect on the prevalence of hypoxaemia or on its association with respiratory rate. CONCLUSION: In children with an acute lower respiratory tract infection, simple physical signs that require minimal expertise to recognise can be used to determine oxygen therapy and to aid in screening for referral. The association between hypoxaemia and death highlights the need for early recognition of the condition and the potential benefit of treatment.  相似文献   

Lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) is a well recognised complication of artificial ventilation in intensive care units (ICU). Ideally, specimens for microbiological analysis should be obtained during bronchoscopy, but this is not always possible. Therefore, the microbiological diagnosis of lower respiratory tract infection by broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) obtained during bronchoscopy was compared with catheter lavage (CL) with a balloon-tipped catheter. Adult patients with clinical evidence of lower respiratory tract infection in an adult ICU were randomly assigned to undergo BAL followed by CL or vice versa. Forty ml of normal saline 0.9% were instilled and then aspirated with a flexible bronchoscope to obtain BAL. A similar volume was instilled and aspirated with a 12-gauge Foley balloon-tipped catheter to obtain a CL sample. The number of inflammatory cells, epithelial cells and organisms seen by microscopy were quantified. Culture results were semi-quantified and classified as negative, positive, equivocal or contaminated. Seventy-nine paired specimens were obtained from 66 patients, including specimens from 10 patients taken on two or more occasions. Only 20% of BAL and 16% of CL had one or more epithelial cells and bacteria were seen in 26 BAL and 21 CL specimens, respectively; 35% of BAL and CL specimens were positive and there was a discrepancy in the culture result in only two cases. Staphylococcus aureus was the pathogen isolated most frequently and polymicrobial lower respiratory infection was diagnosed on 10 occasions (15%). CL fluid is as reliable as BAL in diagnosing lower respiratory tract infection in ICU. This approach does not require bronchoscopic expertise and utilises convenient laboratory techniques.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although rapid viral tests are commonly used in children with lower respiratory tract infection, their effect on patient management has not been studied. OBJECTIVES: To examine how physicians utilize an enzyme immunoassay for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV EIA) and a centrifugation-enhanced cellular immunofluorescence assay for multiple viral pathogens [viral respiratory panel (VRP)] in children hospitalized with respiratory illness; to determine the effect of testing on length of stay, antibiotic use and costs; and to determine physician attitudes toward RSV testing. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective study and survey at a large children's hospital. PATIENTS: Previously healthy children < 24 months of age consecutively admitted between January 1 and February 11, 1995, with symptoms of lower respiratory tract infection. RESULTS: Of 200 patients 160 were tested by RSV EIA; 92 were positive and 68 were negative. Tested children were younger, more tachypneic and more likely to require oxygen than those not tested. Overall the length of stay was similar in RSV-positive and -negative patients. Although equal proportions of each group were given antibiotic therapy, RSV-positive children received antibiotic therapy for fewer days than RSV-negative children (median 2 vs. 3 days; P = 0.0387). However, a crude cost analysis did not support a strategy of testing all bronchiolitis patients for RSV. Sixty-five of the 68 RSV-negative children were tested for RSV and other pathogens by VRP. In 55 cases the results were not available until after patient discharge and could not have influenced their management. One hundred three physicians caring for children in the study were surveyed. Of 75 respondents almost all thought that RSV EIA results influenced their management of patients and were important to parents. CONCLUSIONS: Most children hospitalized with symptoms of lower respiratory tract infection were tested for viral pathogens. The VRP provided little clinically useful information. In contrast RSV EIA results may have been used by clinicians to make antibiotic decisions. Physicians felt that rapid testing for RSV was important.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The incidence of Chlamydia pneumoniae and Chlamydia trachomatis infection was studied among infants and young children admitted to hospital for the management of lower respiratory tract infections, over a 12 month period. METHODOLOGY: Respiratory secretions were examined for chlamydiae by cell culture, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reaction-enzyme immunoassay. Sera were tested by micro-immunofluorescence for chlamydial IgG, IgM and IgA. Other bacterial and viral pathogens were also looked for by standard cultural and serological methods. RESULTS: Of 87 patients aged 2 months-3 years, an aetiologic diagnosis was made in 41 (47.1%). C. pneumoniae and C. trachomatis were each detected in 1 (1.2%) of the patients. Among common bacterial pathogens, Haemophilus influenzae (13.8%) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (8.1%) were the most frequently identified. Respiratory viruses and elevated Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibodies were found in 10.3% and 9.1% of patients, respectively. CONCLUSION: Chlamydiae are infrequent causes of community-acquired acute lower respiratory tract infections in infants and very young children in Malaysia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the possible viral etiology in 139 infants with lower respiratory tract infection who required hospitalization in the Infant Unit of our hospital, from October 1994 to June 1995. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 139 patients were admitted, aged from 13 days to 14 months, during this period. The etiological agent was detected by direct immunofluorescence from nasopharyngeal secretions. Monoclonal antibodies were used against Respiratory Syncitial Virus, Influenza A Virus, Influenza B Virus, Adenovirus and Parainfluenza 3 Virus. Antibody detection against these viruses by Complement Fixation Test was done on 29 of these patients, with paired sera (acute and convalescent phase). RESULTS: In 82 patients (59%) we found at least one viral agents from the nasopharyngeal specimens, but in 64 of these only one was detected, in the remaining 18, there were more than one. Significant levels of antibodies were detected in only six of the 29 patients tested. Serology was negative in the remaining 23 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Syncitial Respiratory Virus is the first virus responsible for the lower respiratory tract infection in this age group (49%). There was no correlation between serological diagnosis and antigen detection.  相似文献   

目的:研究我院下呼吸道感染患儿病原菌分布及其耐药性变迁,为临床合理使用药物治疗提供参考依据.方法:对2008年1月到2010年12月住院的所有下呼吸道感染患儿,共907例,进行痰培养并对其鉴定和药敏结果进行回顾性分析.结果:3年中分离的革兰阴性杆菌以肺炎克雷伯菌(KPN)和大肠埃希菌(ECO)为主,KPN和ECO产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBLs)率,分别达31.8%~40.0%和41.7%~54.1%;革兰阳性球菌以肺炎链球菌和金黄色葡萄球菌为主,其中耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)分离率达28.5%~54.4%.病原菌对大部分抗生素有耐药性.结论:儿童下呼吸道感染常见病原菌主要为革兰阴性杆菌,对头孢类耐药率较高,且有逐年升高趋势,故临床上应根据药敏结果合理使用抗生素.  相似文献   

Throat secretions (TS) and bronchial secretions aspirated from tracheostomy sites (TSTA) from six subjects with long term tracheostomy were simultaneously collected and then cultured every two weeks from January, 1990, to December, 1992. Isolated bacteria were mainly alpha-streptococci (96.2%) and Neisseria (69.6%) in TS, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (75.7%) in TSTA. In all cases, P. aeruginosa was isolated from and colonization of the lower respiratory tract by this organism was apparent 24.4 months, on average, after tracheostomy. There were ten episodes of respiratory infection in five cases, eight of which occurred after colonization. P. aeruginosa was the causative organism in seven of these episodes. Findings in patients with long term tracheostomy indicated separate colonization of the upper and lower respiratory tracts and that P. aeruginosa colonized the lower respiratory tract. The colonization of the lower respiratory tract by P. aeruginosa would thus appear to be an important factor inducing respiratory infection.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida (P. multocida) is well recognized as "normal flora" in the upper respiratory tract of cats, dogs and other animals. Recently, various infections due to P. multocida in human have been noted as pulmonary infections in the patients with chronic pulmonary diseases as well as skin abscesses or septicemia after an animal bite or scratch. We report here three cases of respiratory tract infections caused by P. multocida. The first two patients had acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis caused by P. multocida and the other patients with pulmonary emphysema developed pneumonia. These three patients improved by antibiotic therapy. In Japan, P. multocida respiratory tract infection is rare, but it may become more common in the future. Therefore, it seems to be important to take this pathogen into consideration in the management of chronic lung disease.  相似文献   

A prospective study was conducted over a 3-month winter period in three general practice clinics in an urban population in southern Israel to identify the etiological agents of respiratory tract infections (RTI) in adults. RTI was defined as an acute febrile illness with cough, coryza, sore throat or hoarseness. Serum samples were taken from all patients in both the acute and convalescent phases of their illness. Tests were conducted for detection of 17 microorganisms known to cause RTI, including serological tests for 16 known pathogens. An etiological diagnosis was established in 80 (66%) of the 122 patients who participated in the study. The distribution of the etiological agents was as follows: influenza B virus in 27 (22%) patients. Chlamydia pneumoniae in 22 (18%), Legionella spp. in 15 (12%), Mycoplasma pneumoniae in 13 (11%), influenza A virus in 11 (9%), Bordetella pertussis in 9 (7%), adenovirus in 4, Epstein Barr virus in 4, Haemophilus influenzae in 3, beta-hemolytic streptococci in 3, Streptococcus pneumoniae in 2, respiratory syncytial virus in 2, parainfluenza 1 virus in 2 and parainfluenza 2 virus in 1. No patients were found to be infected with Coxiella burnetii, Moraxella catarrhalis or parainfluenza 3 virus. More than one pathogen was identified in 27 (34%) patients in whom an etiological diagnosis was established. It is concluded that RTI is caused by a broad spectrum of etiological agents, a considerable number of patients having evidence of infection with more than one pathogen. The therapeutic significance of these findings should be elucidated in further studies.  相似文献   

The authors treat the problem of lower respiratory tract foreign bodies in children on the basis of their own longterm experience. In the years 1972-1991 in the Pediatric E.N.T. Clinic of the Pediatric Institute, Academy of Medicine in Poznań, 147 foreign bodies were removed. A positive history of foreign body aspiration was obtained in 45.7% of the cases. 44.7% of the foreign bodies were removed during the first 24 hours after their aspiration. Broncho-pulmonary complications occurred in 59.1% of the cases.  相似文献   

In a primary care setting, nurse-midwives will collaboratively manage common lower respiratory conditions that require pharmacologic therapy. As such, they must maintain up-to-date knowledge about the indications, use, and potential side effects of these medications. This article reviews the drugs most commonly used for the out-patient treatment of pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, and bronchitis (both acute and chronic). Differences among common oral antibiotics recommended by the American Thoracic Society are described. Inhaled bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory medications are covered, as well as systemic corticosteroids. The use of isoniazid preventive therapy for latent tuberculous infection is described in detail, with brief mention made of other drugs used for active tuberculosis. Adjunct treatments including immunotherapy, vaccines, oxygen supplementation, and nicotine replacement for smoking cessation also are discussed.  相似文献   

A randomized, double-blind trial was undertaken to measure the effects of zinc supplementation on catch-up growth in severe protein-energy malnutrition, with particular reference to linear growth. One hundred forty-one children between the ages of 6 mo and 3 y were enrolled after admission to a nutritional rehabilitation unit in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and randomly assigned to receive elemental zinc by mouth, 1.5 mg/kg for 15 d, 6.0 mg/kg for 15 d, or 6.0 mg/kg for 30 d, and thereafter they were followed for a total of 90 d. Anthropometric outcome measures included change in knee-heel length, midupper arm circumference, subscapular and triceps skinfold thicknesses, and change in height-for-age, weight-for-age, and weight-for-height z scores. Higher zinc doses were not associated with significant change in any anthropometric measurement, but mortality was significantly greater in children who received high-dose zinc (6.0 mg/kg) initially as opposed to those who received low-dose zinc supplementation (1.5 mg/kg) (Yates-corrected chi-square P value of 0.033 and a risk ratio of 4.53; 95% CI: 1.09 < risk ratio < 18.8). We conclude that there is no benefit to using high-dose zinc supplementation regimens and that they could contribute to increased mortality in severely malnourished children.  相似文献   

目的:分析急性上呼吸道感染患者抗菌药物的合理性应用.方法:对本院2010年6月份520例上呼吸道感染患者的门急诊处方进行回顾性分析.结果:520张处方中,应用抗菌药物450例,使用率为66.5%,多为单一口服用药,部分联合静脉滴注左氧氟沙星注射液或者头孢曲松、头孢唑林等.阿莫西林分散片居首位,其次为大环内脂类的阿奇霉素分散片、罗红霉素颗粒、喹诺酮类的左氧氟沙星、头孢菌素类、B-内酰胺类加酶抑制剂.结论:我院医师在治疗急性上呼吸道感染时,这种滥用现象值得重视.医院更应加强对临床医师抗菌药物知识的培训与再教育,提高抗菌药物的临床合理应用水平.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between the physiologic and biologic effects of grain dust inhalation, we exposed 15 nonsmoking, nonasthmatic, nonatopic male grain handlers to buffered saline and aqueous corn dust extract by inhalation challenge in a crossover study. The inhalation challenges to buffered saline and corn dust extract were separated by at least 14 d. Compared with buffered saline, inhalation of corn dust extract resulted in significant airflow obstruction, which was observed within 30 min of exposure and persisted for 5 h. Inhalation of corn dust extract resulted in an acute inflammatory response characterized by higher concentrations of neutrophils (p = 0.001), IL-1 beta (p = 0.001), IL-1RA (p = 0.001), IL-6 (p = 0.001), IL-8 (p = 0.001), and TNF-alpha (p = 0.04) in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. mRNA levels specific for IL-1 beta, IL-1RA, IL-6, and IL-8 from cells present in the BAL fluid were significantly greater after challenge with corn dust extract than after challenge with buffered saline. Importantly, no significant differences were observed in the concentration of lymphocytes or eosinophils in the BAL fluid following inhalation of corn dust extract, and the concentrations of histamine and 15-HETE were similar in BAL fluid after the two challenges. The maximal percentage decrease in FEV1 was significantly associated with the absolute neutrophil concentration in the BAL fluid (p = 0.001), as well as the concentration of TNF-alpha (p = 0.03), IL-1 beta (p = 0.005), IL-1RA (p = 0.001), IL-6 (p = 0.001), and IL-8 (p = 0.001) in the BAL fluid.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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