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过程系统工程研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱宇 《化工进展》1997,(1):20-25
本文讨论了过程系统工程中值得引起注意的两个前沿研究领域的发展动态;计算机集成过程系统(CIPS)及智能过程工程。  相似文献   

成思危 《化工进展》1992,(1):5-8,41
本文简要介绍了过程系统工程的意义、方法和应用。作者还从战略角度对过程系统工程的现状及今后的发展提出了个人的看法。  相似文献   

过程系统工程面临的挑战和发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
杨友麒  成思危 《化工进展》2002,21(8):527-535
分析了21世纪过程工业的发展趋势及面临的挑战;指出了过程系统工程的研究对象正在由传统的中观向微观和宏观两个方向延伸,小到以分子模拟为手段的产品设计,大到供应链管理的优化和生态系统,均已成为研究的热点;提出了绿色过程系统工程、动态过程和批处理过程系统工程必将成为21世纪初的新增长点,系统集成是当前最受到重视的领域之一。  相似文献   

过程系统的能量综合和优化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
华贲 《化工进展》1994,(3):6-15
本文论述了从能量变化的角度分析过程系统以及按照Yong经济学关系建立系统优化的目标函数和约束条件的必要性,概述了按照过程系统能量结构特点所建立的三环节Yong经济分析模型,及其在四类子系统-单元过程设备两级能量综合优化中的应用。然后讨论了全局综合优化问题,介绍了以Yong经济学为基础提出的3个全局综合优化策略:子系统分解协调优化、复合措施和全局改进方案的Yong经济评价调优,及这一系统方法的研究、  相似文献   

绿色过程系统工程进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨友麒  石磊 《化工进展》2004,23(1):17-23
介绍了由于可持续发展的要求、绿色壁垒的出现及企业形象认证等因素促使绿色过程系统工程作为一门学科分枝应运而生。与传统过程系统工程集中研究人为系统而把环境要求作为约束条件不同,绿色过程系统工程强调过程系统和自然系统之间关系,目的在于把人为系统放回到自然系统中去以形成经济一技术一社会和谐发展的统一体。评述了近20年来在该领域的工作进展。提出了绿色过程系统应成为一门大学教育课程。  相似文献   

过程系统工程的发展和面临的挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过程系统工程是一门蓬勃发展中的重要学科。对这门学科的发展沿革做了简略回顾,然后对这门学科所做出的贡献和差距、存在的问题进行了探讨,最后指出过程系统工程在21世纪所面临的挑战及发展机遇。  相似文献   

可持续系统是一种全局性的系统工程,按规模大小可分为4个层次:全球性的系统,地理边界为特征的系统,局部的或分布的业务系统,可持续发展技术。本文从这4个层次上探讨了可持续发展带来的挑战。今后任何工业过程,包括化学工程,不可能再作为一个孤立的对象来对待,必须考虑工业过程、人类社会及生态环境的交互作用。过程系统工程处于独特位置,最适合把各学科的成果汇集到一个系统工程框架中,来应对这种挑战。  相似文献   

生物炼制的挑战与过程系统工程的机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过程系统工程在生物炼制发展的过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文介绍了过程系统工程相关技术在生物炼制工艺开发、企业生产和区域系统设计中的应用情况。针对生物炼制发展过程中的要求,讨论了过程系统工程技术在生物反应过程模拟、企业生产过程优化、生产管理优化等研究方向应用的可能性与必要性。文章认为,过程系统工程应用于生物炼制领域有两个重要的未来发展方向,一是针对包括农林业生产在内的生物炼制产业链的大系统分析,二是加强同经济学、管理学等其它学科领域的交叉融合。  相似文献   

工业园区生态化发展的挑战与过程系统工程的机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
贾小平  石磊  杨友麒 《化工学报》2021,72(5):2373-2391
生态化成为过程工业园区可持续发展的必然选择。基于多要素、跨介质、多过程和多目标协同的园区内在特征,其生态化过程有赖于过程系统工程的研究范式和方法。在介绍过程工业园区生态化历程及特点的基础上,提出园区生态化趋势与研究需求;重点综述了在工业园区尺度上应用过程系统工程方法驱动其生态化发展的研究现状;分别就可持续性分析评价、节能、节水、碳管理、物质集成、多重网络集成优化及园区信息化等展开系统化评述。提出工业园区生态化给过程系统工程发展带来的挑战和机遇。  相似文献   

杨友麒 《化工进展》1999,18(2):61-63
所谓企业集约化经营就是从系统工程的观点出发,把企业看成是一个由许多具有不同层次结构和功能结构的子系统组成,它们之间由物质流、能量流、信息流等相互联系。按照市场经济需求,对企业的生产经营诸要素进行综合优化配置,以使企业在T为产品进入市场时间(Time to Market), Q为质量(Quality), C为成本(Cost),S为服务(Service),E为环境保护(Environment)诸方面,均能满足市场需求及社会可持续发展的要求。  相似文献   

This is an overview of the development of process systems engineering (PSE) in a smaller world. Two different spatio-temporal scopes are identified for microscale and nanoscale process systems. The features and challenges for each scale are reviewed, and different methodologies used by them discussed. Comparison of these two new areas with traditional process systems engineering is described. If microscale PSE could be considered as an extension of traditional PSE, nanoscale PSE should be accepted as a new discipline which has looser connection with the extant core of chemical engineering. Since "molecular factories" is the next frontier of processing scale, nanoscale PSE will be the new theory to handle the design, simulation and operation of those active processing systems.  相似文献   

发展从源头消除污染的绿色技术是过程工业可持续发展的必然要求,任何单元技术的突破对过程工程的绿色化都是不可或缺的。然而过程工程是一个系统科学,不仅要考虑单个技术,重点还要考虑从原料替代、介质创新到单元强化及系统集成的整个链条,归根到底是要通过新介质(如催化剂、溶剂等)的原始创新和新工艺集成创新实现过程工业的绿色化。基于系统论的科学思想综合考虑过程工程这一复杂大系统,以离子液体介质创新为核心,综述了在原料替代、新型介质设计、传递规律、系统集成方面的新进展,以期为绿色化工技术的发展提供重要的科学基础。  相似文献   

Deformation of polycarbonate (PC) impact-modified with a core–shell rubber (MBS) was examined at the microscale and nanoscale. The stress-whitened zone (SWZ) that formed ahead of a semicircular notch was sectioned and examined in an optical microscope and transmission electron microscope. At the microscale, the texture of the SWZ consisted of fine shear lines that formed when cavitation of the rubber particles relieved triaxiality and enabled the PC matrix in the SWZ to deform in shear. Examination of thin sections from the SWZ in the transmission electron microscope revealed nanoscale deformation of the rubber particles. When the particle concentration was low (2%), only random cavitation of rubber particles was observed. At higher particle concentrations (5 and 10%), cooperative cavitation produced linear arrays of cavitated particles. The matrix ligaments between cavitated particles were strong enough that they did not fracture; higher strains were accommodated by particle cavitation and matrix extension in the regions separating the arrays. The cavitated arrays were also observed in the damage zone that accompanied the fracture surface of specimens impacted at ?20°C. Cooperative cavitation may have implications for the impact strength of blends with higher concentrations of rubber particles. The possibility that particle–particle interactions facilitate cavitation and promote matrix shear deformation is especially relevant to low-temperature impact strength. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the research and development of process system engineering (PSE) in the wastewater treatment process (WWTP). A diverse range of PSE applications have evolved in the wastewater treatment process, such as modeling, control, estimation, expert system, fault detection and monitoring system. This article describes several types of PSE that have proven to be effective in WWTP. The merits and shortcoming of PSE and its detailed applications are presented. Since its development is the forefront in WWTP, a reasonable review of the research progress in this field is addressed.  相似文献   

纳米银的制备研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纳米银具有独特的光学、电学、催化性质,其制备方法受到了较多的关注。综述了纳米银的制备方法,包括化学还原法、微乳液法、光化学法、电化学法、超声波还原法、溶胶-凝胶法等。介绍了这些方法的基本原理、特点和研究进展,并对这些方法进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着高品位矿物的消耗枯竭,生产成本高、环境污染严重的传统火法冶炼技术已不能适应我国经济社会可持续发展的需要。以生物堆浸和生物槽浸为代表的生物冶金技术具有操作简单、成本低廉、环境友好等特点,可用于低品位、复杂矿物的处理,目前已广泛应用于铜、金等有价金属的回收利用。但是,生物冶金过程中相对较慢的反应速度是限制其应用范围进一步扩大的主要原因。生物冶金技术的基本过程与化工过程紧密相关,化工技术的发展在历史上曾极大地促进生物冶金技术的推广应用,通过化工技术强化生物冶金过程仍是未来生物冶金研究的主要方向之一。因此,本工作综述了近年来与生物冶金有关的化工过程研究进展,主要从工业应用角度分析了生物堆浸和生物槽浸过程的影响因素,以期帮助研究者更好地了解相关领域的发展现状,正确把握研究方向。要点:(1)介绍了矿石粒度及堆体孔隙、溶浸液条件和化工分离技术对生物堆浸的影响。(2)介绍了搅拌槽式生物冶金反应器中溶解氧浓度、温度和内构件的影响。(3)展望了进一步提高生物浸出效率、扩大生物冶金应用范围的研究方向。  相似文献   

Atomistic-based simulations such as molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, and Monte Carlo-based methods have come into wide use for material design. Using these atomistic simulation tools, we can analyze molecular structure on the scale of 0.1–10 nm. However, difficulty arises concerning limitations of the time and length scale involved in the simulation. Although a possible molecular structure can be simulated by the atom-based simulations, it is less realistic to predict the mesoscopic structure defined on the scale of 100–1000 nm, for example the morphology of polymer blends and composites, which often dominates actual material properties. For the morphology on these scales, mesoscopic simulations such as the dynamic mean field density functional theory and dissipative particle dynamics are available as alternatives to atomistic simulations. It is therefore inevitable to adopt a mesoscopic simulation technique and bridge the gap between atomistic and mesoscopic simulations for an effective material design. Furthermore, it is possible to transfer the simulated mesoscopic structure to finite elements modeling tools for calculating macroscopic properties for the systems of interest.In this contribution, a hierarchical procedure for bridging the gap between atomistic and macroscopic modeling passing through mesoscopic simulations will be presented and discussed. The concept of multiscale (or many scale) modeling will be outlined, and examples of applications of single scale and multiscale procedures for nanostructured systems of industrial interest will be presented. In particular the following industrial applications will be considered: (i) polymer-organoclay nanocomposites of a montmorillonite–polymer–surface modifier system; (ii) mesoscale simulation for diblock copolymers with dispersion of nanoparticels; (iii) polymer–carbon nanotubes system and (iv) applications of multiscale modeling for process systems engineering.  相似文献   

Polymer reaction engineering studies the design, operation, and optimization of reactors for industrial scale polymerization, based on the theory of polymerization kinetics and transfer processes (e.g., flow, heat and mass transfer). Although the foundation and development of this discipline are less than 80 years, the global production of polymers has exceeded 400 million tons per annum. It demonstrates that polymer reaction engineering is of vital importance to the polymer industry. Along with the maturity of production processes and market saturation for bulk polymers, emerging industries such as information technology, modern transportation, biomedicine, and new energy have continued to develop. As a result, the research objective for polymer reaction engineering has gradually shifted from maximizing the efficiency of the polymerization process to the precise regulation of high-end product-oriented macromolecules and their aggregation structures, i.e., from polymer process engineering to polymer product engineering. In this review, the frontiers of polymer reaction engineering are introduced, including the precise regulation of polymer chain structure, the control of primary aggregation structure, and the rational design of polymer products. We narrow down the topic to the polymerization reaction engineering of vinyl monomers. Moreover, the future prospects are provided for the field of polymer reaction engineering.  相似文献   

高凯  徐海平  任树怀 《耐火材料》2000,34(2):115-117
“通用工程数据处理系统”是一套智能化的工程数据处理系统,在Windows下用C++Builder 开发而成。系统设计中引入了专家系统的设计思想,实现了数据处理的智能化,具有知识获取、数据存储、知识推理、统计分析、检索排序、数据转换等功能,全部操作可视化,简便快捷,为各类工程数据处理提供了安全、通用、简便的集成环境,具有很高的实用价值。  相似文献   

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