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The factors affecting intracellular ice formation (IIF) and growth is essential to the mechanistic understanding of cellular damage through freezing. In the aid of high speed and high-resolution cryo-imaging technology, the broad bean intracellular ice formation and growth processes were successfully captured during freezing. Cytochalasin B(CB)was used to solubilize the cytoskeleton. Images of IIF were compared between cells with and without cytoskeleton. The behavior of intracellular ice crystal formation in plant tissues with or without CB was evaluated using changes of cell areas, the probability of crystallization, and growing rate of intracellular ice crystal. Moreover, light intensity figures were used to determine cell damage. This study showed that the cytoskeleton was involved in ice crystal nucleation mechanism during freezing responses of the plant cells.  相似文献   

速冻食品的冰晶形态及辅助冻结方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章简述了食品速冻技术以及不同冻结速度下形成的冰晶形态及观测冰晶的方法,综述了压力辅助冻结、电场辅助冻结以及磁场辅助冻结等技术在近几年的研究进展。直接法能直接观察到冻结过程形成的冰晶,而间接法则是通过观察冻结后冰晶在食品内部留下的间隙来分析冰晶特征。压力辅助冻结能提高过冷度,在压力释放时水分瞬间冻结,使形成的冰晶细小且分布均匀;电场辅助冻结能降低成核温度促使形成更小尺寸的冰晶;磁场辅助冻结能增强氢键抑制冰晶的生长,3种辅助冻结方式有利于提高冷冻食品的品质,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的:探究外加静电场对食品冷冻过程中冰晶生长的影响规律.方法:基于相场法中经典的Kobayashi模型,将电场自由能密度引入相场模型,采用有限差分法五点差分格式离散偏微分方程,编程实现了冰晶生长的模拟及可视化.结果:模拟结果和其他模拟结果以及试验结果呈现的冰晶组织特征一致,冰晶形态具有典型的六重对称性;随着电场强度的增...  相似文献   

杨燕  袁训锋  乔希民  范娜 《食品与机械》2018,34(12):108-114
针对食品速冻保鲜工艺因大冰晶破坏细胞结构造成品质下降的问题,将细胞溶液视为水和溶质二元系统,采用五重对称强界面能各向异性相场模型,再现冰晶生长演化过程,探讨了冷冻时间对冰晶生长行为的影响。结果表明:冰晶生长模拟结果与实际形貌一致,两者主枝中部具有发达的侧向分支,主枝根部出现缩颈,主枝和侧枝尖端具有棱角。在主枝和侧枝之间扩散通道不畅通,形成半封闭液相区其溶质浓度达到1.76%,冰晶生长受到抑制。固液界面区域的无量纲温度在冰晶主枝根部变化平缓,而在尖端变化急剧。随着冷冻时间延长,无量纲温度和溶质浓度先快速增加后逐渐趋于稳定,尖端生长速率和曲率半径先急剧减小后逐渐趋于稳定,冰晶从初期近似五边形经过5主枝结构向五重对称多分支小平面结构转变。  相似文献   

The effects of trehalose and sucrose on the rate of ice crystal growth in ice cream during accelerated shelf‐life were compared. Experimental and theoretical freezing curves were shown to be in good agreement. Glass transition temperatures (Tg) of maximally freeze concentrated trehalose and sucrose solutions (40% w/w) were found to be ?39.5 °C and ?47 °C respectively. For ice cream mixes, the Tg value increased from ?46.4 °C for the 100% sucrose‐based mix to ?42.0 °C for the 100% trehalose sweetened ice cream. However, no differences in viscosity, nucleation rate or inhibition of ice crystal growth were observed with increasing trehalose concentration in ice cream.  相似文献   

Clean label foods have gained a lot of attention because it satisfies consumers' interest in minimally processed foods with minimal ingredients and no artificial additives. The growing concern about food quality has stimulated the integration of ice slurry technology in food processing. An ice slurry is a two-phase system colding medium composed of ice crystals, liquid water and some additives. Ice slurry with ice fraction of 5%–30% was 5–6 times than that of conventional chilled water under the same conditions. The appearance of the food is less likely to be damaged by the ice slurry while also being able to cool down quickly compared to traditional ice preservation methods. It further extends the shelf life of food products. The purpose of this review is to provide an understanding and practical suggestions for the application of ice slurry in the food industry. The methods of producing ice slurry and their advantages and disadvantages are reviewed, and the current applications and heat and mass transfer characteristics of ice slurry in the food industry are also discussed. Finally, the current challenges and prospects for ice slurry production and application were pointed out.  相似文献   




雪莲果保健冰淇淋的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以雪莲果为原料制取雪莲果浆汁,配以其他辅料研制成具有保健功能的冰淇淋。通过正交试验,确定出雪莲果保健冰淇淋的最佳配方。最佳配方为:添加20%雪莲果浆汁、11%蔗糖、10%奶油、12%奶粉。试验还确定出添加0.15%的抗坏血酸可对雪莲果保健冰淇淋有较为理想的护色效果。  相似文献   

The morphology adopted by ice in frozen tissues is accepted as one of the factors responsible for freezing damage. For this reason ice nucleation and growing mechanisms have been extensively studied. However, under the conditions used in the industry, where important temperature gradients exist, the classical analysis of nucleation and growth, depending on the supercooling, is complicated by the dendritic growth of crystals as well as by the possibility of the location of the ice crystal inside or outside the cells. In the present paper experiments which verify the existence of dendritic ice growth during the freezing of beef are described. The dendritic growth rate of ice in beef is measured as a function of the supercooling and an analysis of the expected mechanism, according to freezing conditions, is also provided.  相似文献   

王金锋  李文俊  谢晶 《食品与机械》2016,32(10):200-204
文章主要通过综述冻结过程的数值模型、求解微分方程、预测冻结时间及分析送风速度、温度和送风方式等,讨论数值模拟技术在食品冻结过程中的应用现状;总结了国内外研究者针对不同冻结对象所采用的数值模拟方法,为今后数值模拟方法在食品传热过程中进一步发挥作用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Power ultrasound has been proven to be useful in promoting the nucleation of ice in water-based solutions, and different mechanisms have been proposed to describe this phenomenon. In the present work, the use of ultrasound waves to induce dynamic nucleation in deionised water, sucrose solution, and agar gel samples was studied, and the mechanism of ultrasound assisted nucleation was discussed. The samples were frozen in an ethylene glycol–water mixture (− 20 °C) in an ultrasonic bath system after putting them into tubing vials. Ultrasound irradiation (25 kHz, 0.25 W cm−1) was applied continuously for 1, 3, 5, 10 or 15 s at different sample's temperatures in the range of 0 °C to − 5 °C. The nucleation temperatures of the water, sucrose solution and agar gel samples without ultrasound irradiation, occurred stochastically at − 7.4 ± 2.4 °C, −10.6 ± 1.7 °C and − 7.5 ± 0.92 °C, respectively and followed normal distributions. Unlike agar gel samples, the nucleation temperatures of water and sucrose were induced by applying ultrasound for 5 s at different temperatures after a short delay, and linear relationships between the ultrasound irradiation temperatures and the nucleation temperatures were observed. Evaluation of the effect of different durations of ultrasound application on agar gels indicated that 1 s was not long enough to induce nucleation, 3 s was optimal, 5 s and 10 s produced heat and inhibited nucleation, and 15 s did not exhibit significant differences from 3 s and 10 s. It was concluded that longer irradiation durations (especially 5 s and 10 s) caused the sample to heat up, which interrupted or delayed the nucleation. Ultrasound irradiation for 3 s induced nucleation in agar gel samples at different temperatures resulting in a linear relationship between irradiation and nucleation temperatures. The observations indicated that the Hickling's theory, according to which vigorous collapses of bubbles are the only driving mechanism of nucleation, is not adequate to describe the ultrasound assisted nucleation. The results, however, were in agreement with results of some other researchers suggesting that secondary phenomena such as flow streams are also important for the initiation of nucleation. In conclusion, the use of ultrasound as a means to control the crystallisation process offers promising application in food freezing, though further investigations are needed for understanding the mechanisms, especially in solid foods.  相似文献   

冰淇淋是优良的益生菌载体,但其加工中的老化、凝冻和硬化等阶段性降温至冷冻的过程,会造成益生菌生理损伤,导致益生菌活力下降,功能性变差。近年,有关冰淇淋中冷冻胁迫致益生菌的损伤,冰淇淋中益生菌活性的保护,以及组学技术推动下的菌株损伤相关代谢研究取得了一定进展,为研究影响冰淇淋中益生菌存活能力、菌体细胞膜特性及代谢酶活性,明确冰淇淋基质中益生菌冷冻胁迫损伤的分子机制,建立冰淇淋加工和贮藏过程中益生菌的保护策略提供了可能,也为未来改善益生菌冰淇淋的功效和品质提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The paper presents a study of food freezing using hydrofluidisation method, characterised by very high heat transfer coefficients exceeding 2500 W · m−2 K−1, which constitutes a novel and promising technology. A numerical analysis of a system with a stationary group of food products was performed. This study aimed to investigate the geometrical parameters governing the freezing process, i.e., the position of food products above the orifices (from 50 mm to 70 mm), their mutual position, the diameter of orifices (3 mm or 5 mm), and the spacing of the orifices in an array (from 8 mm to 12 mm). In this method, the freezing time was from 3 min for 10 mm spherical food sample in moderate refrigerating medium temperatures up to 12 min for 30 mm spherical sample. Moreover, the freezing times at different liquid temperatures were compared in the range of −20 °C to −5 °C. Reducing the temperature by 5 K may lead to shortening the process by up to 50%. The hydrofluidisation method was assessed versus the immersion freezing for spherical products of different sizes showing the reduction of the process time from about 35% to over 60%.  相似文献   

冰葡萄酒酿造过程中主要化学组分发生显著变化,尤其在主发酵期间糖分消耗和乙醇的产生,这些变化对冰葡萄酒的品质具有重要影响。本研究以威代尔(Vidal)冰葡萄汁为实验材料,接种酵母菌(ST)进行发酵酿制,利用HPLC-ELSD法测定冰葡萄酒发酵及陈酿过程中糖分含量的变化,同时检测乙醇浓度变化,酿造完成后进行微生物检测及感官风味评定。研究结果表明,冰葡萄汁中主要糖类为葡萄糖和果糖,在发酵过程中,葡萄糖含量从180.56 g/L下降至53.24 g/L,其中在第7 d到第28 d下降最快;果糖含量从223.65 g/L下降至160.54 g/L;乙醇浓度变化与葡萄糖含量变化呈负相关。最终成品的酒精度为11.0%v/v。冰葡萄酒在橡木桶中进行陈酿过程中,葡萄糖含量下降至47.64 g/L,果糖含量下降至151.25 g/L,酒精度下降至9.8%,微生物检测及感官评定均符合标准。本研究结果可为冰葡萄酒酿造提供理论依据,同时也为快速鉴定冰葡萄酒的真伪奠定了基础。   相似文献   

Ice cream quality is dependent on many factors including storage temperature. Currently, the industry standard for ice cream storage is −28.9°C. Ice cream production costs may be decreased by increasing the temperature of the storage freezer, thus lowering energy costs. The first objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of 4 storage temperatures on the quality of commercial vanilla-flavored light and full-fat ice cream. Storage temperatures used were −45.6, −26.1, and −23.3°C for the 3 treatments and −28.9°C as the control or industry standard. Ice crystal sizes were analyzed by a cold-stage microscope and image analysis at 1, 19.5, and 39 wk of storage. Ice crystal size did not differ among the storage temperatures of light and full-fat ice creams at 19.5 or 39 wk. An increase in ice crystal size was observed between 19.5 and 39 wk for all storage temperatures except −45.6°C. Coldness intensity, iciness, creaminess, and storage/stale off-flavor of the light and full-fat ice creams were evaluated at 39 wk of storage. Sensory evaluation indicated no difference among the different storage temperatures for light and full-fat ice creams. In a second study, light and full-fat ice creams were heat shocked by storing at −28.9°C for 35 wk and then alternating between −23.3 and −12.2°C every 24 h for 4 wk. Heat-shocked ice creams were analyzed at 2 and 4 wk of storage for ice crystal size and were evaluated by the sensory panel. A difference in ice crystal size was observed for light and full-fat ice creams during heat-shock storage; however, sensory results indicated no differences. In summary, storage of light or full-fat vanilla-flavored ice creams at the temperatures used within this research did not affect quality of the ice creams. Therefore, ice cream manufacturers could conserve energy by increasing the temperature of freezers from −28.9 to −26.1°C. Because freezers will typically fluctuate from the set temperature, usage of −26.1°C allows for a safety factor, even though storage at −23.3°C did not affect ice cream quality.  相似文献   

孙欢  杨凯  刘晓彤 《食品与机械》2024,41(2):78-83,138
目的:在直冷式块冰机冰模蒸发器内部增设冷冻剑以实现快速制冰。方法:使用COMSOL模拟冷冻剑截面形状及冷冻剑倾角对制冰过程的影响。结果:随着制冰过程的持续进行,增设不同截面形状冷冻剑的冰模内部平均温度不断降低,冰模内固相体积分数也随时间而增加,但在相同时间内增设圆形截面冷冻剑的冰模内部平均温度要比三角形、矩形和菱形低0.1~0.2 ℃。此外,冷冻剑倾角越小制冰速率越快。结论:冷冻剑截面形状为圆形或近圆形时,制冰速率较快;且在保证便于脱冰的前提下,应尽可能减小冷冻剑倾角。  相似文献   

The influence of calcium fortification by the addition of calcium chloride on quality parameters of ice cream based on physical properties was investigated, as was the effect of κ-carrageenan at modifying the effects of this calcium fortification. Four ice cream mixes of conventional composition, with added κ-carrageenan (0 or 0.025%) and added calcium chloride (0 or 4.4 g L−1 = 40 mM of added Ca2+), were prepared. Modulated temperature-differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate the effect of calcium chloride on the nucleation temperature, enthalpy of melting, and freezing point depression. The protein composition of 15.4% (wt/wt) reconstituted skim milk powder solutions with or without 4.4 g L−1 added CaCl2 and in the supernatant after ultracentrifugation was determined. Fat particle size distributions in ice cream were characterized by light scattering. Ice crystal sizes before and after temperature cycling were determined by cold-stage light microscopy. The results demonstrated that the addition of calcium chloride led to a substantial increase in ice crystal sizes and in fat partial coalescence, which were exacerbated by the addition of κ-carrageenan. These results can be explained by the interaction between Ca2+ ions and casein micelles, rather than any effects on freezing point depression. The calcium ions led to a more compact micelle, less serum β-casein, and high fat destabilization, all of which would be expected to reduce macromolecular structure and volume occupancy in the unfrozen phase, which led to increased rates of ice recrystallization.  相似文献   

冷冻肉因具有易贮藏、易运输、安全性高的优势而被肉类加工企业广泛使用,是肉类加工的主要原料,但是肉类在冷冻解冻过程中会发生一系列品质下降和损耗的现象,如重结晶、油烧、汁液流失和干耗等。因此在肉类加工中为了防止冷冻解冻时品质劣变有必要采用高效的冷冻解冻技术。本文综述了不同冷冻解冻技术(传统技术、高新技术)在肉类加工中的应用,为肉类的高效冷冻解冻技术的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

阐述了香气的释放及传递的基本原理。巧妙运用调香技术开发冰淇淋新产品,同时列举了冰淇淋生产中香精香料的搭配实例。  相似文献   

用含有2500mg/L GeO2的培养基对灵芝进行富锗培养,收集菌体后用水浸提取汁,再将枸杞煮熟、去籽、磨浆后一并加入到冰淇淋配料中,所得的冰淇淋风味独特,营养价值高,为难得的高档冰淇淋品种.  相似文献   

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