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The bioactive ingredients in commonly consumed foods include, but are not limited to, prebiotics, prebiotic‐like components, probiotics, and postbiotics. The bioactive ingredients in functional foods have also been associated with beneficial effects on human health. For example, they aid in shaping of gut microflora and promotion of immunity. These functional components also contribute in preventing serious diseases such as cardiovascular malfunction and tumorigenesis. However, the specific mechanisms of these positive influences on human health are still under investigation. In this review, we aim to emphasize the major contents of probiotics, prebiotics, and prebiotic‐like components commonly found in consumable functional foods, and we present an overview of direct and indirect benefits they provide on human health. The major contributors are certain families of metabolites, specifically short‐chain fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids produced by probiotics, and prebiotics, or prebiotic‐like components such as flavonoids, polyphenols, and vitamins that are found in functional foods. These functional ingredients in foods influence the gut microbiota by stimulating the growth of beneficial microbes and the production of beneficial metabolites that, in turn, have direct benefits to the host, while also providing protection from pathogens and maintaining a balanced gut ecosystem. The complex interactions that arise among functional food ingredients, human physiology, the gut microbiota, and their respective metabolic pathways have been found to minimize several factors that contribute to the incidence of chronic disease, such as inflammation oxidative stress.  相似文献   

益生菌和益生元在功能性食品中的应用现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了肠道为机体提供能量的功能及其重要性,肠道内的微生态系统与人体免疫和人体健康的重要关系.根据肠道中菌群的类别,着重介绍了肠道内益生菌的分类、功能及增加肠道益生菌的两种途径,这两种途径分别是进食含活性益生菌的食品和摄取益生元类的非活菌食品.根据这两种不同的增加肠道内益生菌的途径,调节肠道健康的功能性食品可分为两类,一类为添加益生菌的功能性食品,另一类是添加益生元的功能性食品.根据全球不同国家和地区的现状,本文对益生菌和益生元在各国功能食品中的应用情况进行分析、介绍和举例说明,发现虽然各国和地区在益生菌或益生元的使用量及使用领域存在较大差异,但益生菌和益生元的市场都呈现良好的增长趋势,最后本文展望了益生菌和益生元的在功能性食品中应用的发展趋势.  相似文献   

随着人类社会进步和发展,食品卫生安全越来越受到重视,因此需要对食品进行杀菌处理。如何更大限度保持食品天然色、香、味和一些生理活性成分,满足现代人生活要求,一些新型杀菌技术应运而生,较传统杀菌方法,其有着无可比拟优点。该文主要介绍当今世界食品领域杀菌高新技术原理及其发展应用现状。  相似文献   

益生菌是指能够促进宿主健康,对机体有益的一类活性微生物。目前存在的益生菌一类是动物体内本身就存在的,另一类是从发酵食品和自然界中筛选的有益于人体健康的菌种。因益生菌可以通过抑制肠道病原菌、降血脂血糖血压、增强机体免疫力、抗氧化等不同的途径对人体机体有益,从而在世界各地不断的有新的益生菌被筛选出来和进行开发应用。该文通过综述益生菌的定义、种类、功能;益生菌的筛选标准;不同益生菌的筛选途径、功能性益生菌在食品中的开发应用和发展趋势,以期为功能性益生菌的进一步研究开发提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   


Processed foods, generally known as modified raw foods produced by innovative processing technologies alters the food constituents such natural enzymes, fatty acids, micronutrients, macronutrients and vitamins. In contrast to fresh and unprocessed foods, processed foods are guaranteed to be safer, imperishable, long lasting and consist high level of nutrients bioactivity. Currently, the evolution in food processing technologies is necessary to face food security and safety, nutrition demand, its availability and also other global challenges in the food system. In this scenario, this review consists of information on two food processing technologies, which effects on processed foods before and after processing and the impact of food products on human health. It is also very well established that understanding the type and structure of foods to be processed can assist food processing industries towards advancement of novel food products. In connection with this fact, the present article also discusses the emerging trends and possible modifications in food processing technologies with the combination of conventional and modern techniques to get the suitable nutritional and safety qualities in food.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, consumer´s preference for and their attention to food products presented as healthy and with favorable nutritional information has been significantly increased. In this line, both the addition of dietary fiber and the incorporation of probiotic strains in the elaboration of fermented meat products has been established as a useful tool for the development of healthy products. Thus, the aim of this review is to present an overview of the studies involving fermented meat products with added dietary fiber and probiotic microorganisms, and also, to discuss about some of the challenges regarding the reformulation of this innovative product category.  相似文献   

食品新技术的产生,对食品安全产生了一定影响。现介绍现代生物技术、辐照技术、微波技术及其对食品安全的影响,并对如何消除其影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In recent years, consumers have been demanding convenient and healthy foods which have ‘fresh-like’ characteristics while still being safe and a long shelf-life. These requirements are hard to achieve using existing traditional thermal food processing technologies and the innovative new food process and preservation technologies based on thermal processing systems are needed. However, non-thermal technologies in food processing do not generate high temperature and use short treatment times. This means that the nutritional components of foodstuffs are better retained, and the sensory properties of foods are less changed compared with traditional thermal processing. The aim of this review was to present non-thermal technologies applications and its mechanism in food industry in recently, and to explore the potential application prospects of combining non-thermal treatments applied in food industry because it not only could overcomes the drawback of single technology, but also can enhances the processing efficiency at lower treatment intensity.  相似文献   

功能性寡糖研究及其在食品中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
功能性寡糖是一种新型低热值甜味剂及功能性食品重要的添加剂,具有多种有益人体健康的生理功能。本文介绍了食品中应用较多的几类功能性寡糖——低聚木糖、低聚果糖、低聚半乳糖、低聚异麦芽糖、几丁寡糖等的理化性质及生理功能,详细综述了其制备、检测方法及其近年来在食品中的应用和未来的开发前景。  相似文献   

近年来,食品安全问题层出不穷,食品安全问题正受到人们前所未有的关注。食品中的有害物质严重威胁人类的身体健康,对其含量进行快速准确分析具有重要意义。快速检测技术比通常的检测技术具有更快的检测速度,且装置便携、易于实现在线现场检测,在食品安全分析中发挥了重要作用;本文简单介绍了快速检测技术在食品污染物残留检测中的运用,包括检测食品中的农药残留、兽药及饲料添加剂残留、重金属残留、生物性污染物残留等,对检测方法的优点和不足做了透彻的分析,并展望其发展方向,以期为进一步开展食品安全快速分析研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Molecular gastronomy (MG) is a relatively new scientific discipline, which focuses on food preparation mainly at domestic and restaurant levels. The number of scientific papers on MG has increased in the past few years. It is, however, difficult to differentiate specifically between the MG discipline or other research areas in food science and technology. Otherwise, molecular cooking, i.e., an application of MG principles, seems limited to a few “fancy” techniques supported by famous chefs. This paper aims to critically review the recent developments of MG, the most interesting applications, and the outcomes obtained from the fruitful collaboration among food scientists and innovative chefs. The controversies and merits associated with MG are also presented, e.g., the principle of food pairing and consumers’ appreciation of innovative dishes, and a few research papers promising exciting future developments.  相似文献   

我国作为世界上饲养牦牛数量最多的国家,拥有丰富的牦牛种质资源。然而,随着牦牛产业的不断发展,牦牛骨作为牦牛加工处理时的主要副产物却未得到有效的利用。研究表明,牦牛骨中含有丰富的胶原蛋白和钙、磷等矿物质,具有较高的营养价值,并在治疗骨质疏松、增强免疫力、抗疲劳、调节肠道菌群与抗炎症等方面具有良好的效果,在保健食品的开发上表现出巨大的潜力。但是,以牦牛骨为原料的保健食品在功能声称与剂型选择方面却呈现出品种单一和特异性差的特点。因此,本文分析了牦牛骨的营养成分,国内外牦牛骨保健功能的研究进展以及牦牛骨在我国保健食品中的应用现状,以期为牦牛骨类保健食品开发提供一定的建议,拓宽牦牛骨类原料在保健食品上的应用,为深度开发利用牦牛骨提供参考并提高其附加值。  相似文献   

植物甾醇酯--一种新型的降胆固醇健康食品   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许新德  邵斌 《中国油脂》2004,29(8):25-28
植物甾醇是一种新型的降胆固醇健康食品,是国际生命科学学会推荐的十大功能性食品之一.而植物甾醇一般是以甾醇酯的形式应用于食品中.概述了植物甾醇酯的降胆固醇效果、作用机制、性质及应用,以及对它的安全性评价等.  相似文献   

The development of a suitable technology for the production of probiotics is a key research for industrial production, which should take into account the viability and the stability of the organisms involved. Microbial criteria, stress tolerance during processing, and storage of the product constitute the basis for the production of probiotics. Generally, the bacteria belonging to the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium have been used as probiotics. Based on their positive qualities, probiotic bacteria are widely used in the production of food. Interest in the incorporation of the probiotic bacteria into other products apart from dairy products has been increasing and represents a great challenge. The recognition of dose delivery systems for probiotic bacteria has also resulted in research efforts aimed at developing probiotic food outside the dairy sector. Producing probiotic juices has been considered more in the recent years, due to an increased concern in personal health of consumers. This review focuses on probiotics, prebiotics, and the microencapsulation of living cells.  相似文献   

免疫球蛋白是人体重要的免疫物质之一。由于他对人体的生理功能具有重要的影响,因此把他应用到功能性食品中已经成为人们的研究热点。  相似文献   

免疫球蛋白的开发及其在食品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵明  刘宁 《食品工程》2006,(1):25-27
免疫球蛋白是人体重要的免疫物质之一。由于他对人体的生理功能具有重要的影响,因此把他应用到功能性食品中已经成为人们的研究热点。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,食品安全问题越来越受到人们的关注。在现代农业生产中,化学肥料的使用,为保证粮食稳产、高产等做出了重要的贡献,但粮食品质下降、生态污染、食品安全等一系列问题也随之显现。发展有机农业,生产安全、健康的绿色食品成为我国乃至世界农业发展的趋势。作为一种新型肥料,生物有机肥在粮食作物、经济作物、林业生产和园林绿化等领域均受到人们的重视。本文主要介绍了生物有机肥的功能微生物,论述了生物有机肥检测方面的问题和对食品质量安全等的影响,希望生物有机肥在减少化肥污染、改善生态环境、确保食品质量安全等方面发挥更好的作用。  相似文献   

当前,我国食品生产加工小作坊和食品摊贩发展迅速、数量非常巨大,在对其监管过程中存在监管思路不清晰、相关监管配套法规缺失、监管机构整合遗漏、监管手段单一等问题,亟待解决。本文从我国食品生产加工小作坊和食品摊贩的现状出发,结合我国对生产加工小作坊和食品摊贩的监管模式的变迁,分析其主要特点及存在的必然性,探讨对其监管过程中存在的主要问题,借鉴欧盟、美国、新加坡等国家先进的监管经验,进而提出理顺小作坊和食品摊贩监管思路,建立健全配套法律法规体系,完善监管体制、壮大监管力量,对作坊和食品摊贩实行统一规划安置、划片集中经营,以及强化风险交流机制,建立信息共享平台等建议措施,以期为我国食品生产加工小作坊和食品摊贩监管工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

“药食同源”是中国传统的智慧、哲理,吃是为了健康。这种传统正在全球的饮食文化中热起来。在全球范围内,特别是在欧美发达国家,“功能食品”、“健康食品”、“营养食品”、“强化食品”常为人们津津乐道,非常流行。本文介绍国内外功能食品市场的概况并特别介绍植物营养添加剂在功能食品中的应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

随着现代食品的快速发展,食品添加剂已经成为食品产业中必不可少的角色,并成为食品工业技术进步和科技创新的重要推动力。然而,同时由食品添加剂带来的对消费者身体健康和生命安全的食品安全问题凸显了出来。一些企业为降低生产成本,超范围、超限量地使用食品添加剂,危害食品安全,或在食品生产和食品添加剂生产中违法添加非食用物质,影响人们的身体健康。掌握食品添加剂的正确使用方法,按国家相关法律法规、国家标准严格控制使用量,才能使食品添加剂在发挥最大功效的同时保证食品安全。本文综述了食品添加剂的使用要求及原则,并对食品添加剂在加工中存在的问题进行了初步的分析与探讨,提出了相应的解决对策,旨在确保食品的质量和食用安全。  相似文献   

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