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The use of soyabean proteins as meat extenders has spread significantly due to the interesting nutritional and functional properties that are present in soyabean proteins. Together with these, health and economical reasons are the major causes for the addition of soyabean proteins to meat products. Nevertheless, despite the good properties associated to soyabean proteins, there are many countries in which the addition of these proteins is forbidden or in which the addition of soyabean proteins is allowed up to a certain extent. Thus, the need of analytical methods enabling the detection of added soyabean proteins in meat products is obvious. Microscopic, electrophoretic, immunologic, and chromatographic methods are the most widely used for this purpose. However, the detection of soyabean proteins in meat products presents difficulties related to the composition (meat species, meat quality, soyabean protein source, presence of other non-meat proteins, etc.) and the processing of the meat products, and, although these analytical methods have tried to overcome all these difficulties, there is still not a method enabling quantitative assessment of soyabean proteins in all kinds of meat products.  相似文献   

肉及肉制品的保鲜理论与防腐技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对肉及肉制品的保鲜理论及防腐技术进行了综述,介绍了栅栏技术、微生物预报技术等保鲜理论;阐述了乳酸链球菌素、那他霉素、茶多酚、壳聚糖等防腐保鲜剂在肉及肉制品中的应用机理及现代物理杀菌技术、包装技术等防腐技术。  相似文献   

Mechanisms of meat batter stabilization: a review.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comminuted meat products are a complex mixture of muscle tissue, solubilized proteins, fat, salt, and water. The two theories that have been presented to explain meat batters stabilization are reviewed. The emulsion theory explains stabilization by the formation of a protein film around fat globules, whereas the physical entrapment theory emphasizes the role of the protein matrix in holding the fat in place during chopping and subsequent heating. However, some aspects of stabilization cannot be explained adequately by either one of these theories. In this article the role of meat proteins, aqueous phase, and lipid phase are examined in light of past and recent research findings.  相似文献   

肉及肉制品掺假鉴别技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着市场对肉类产品需求的逐渐增加,肉类掺假事件时有报道,不仅扰乱了经济秩序,而且危害人们的身体健康。目前对肉制品掺假进行定性定量鉴别的检测技术主要包括基于蛋白质的酶联免疫吸附(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)技术、基于代谢物的红外光谱(infrared spectroscopy,IR)技术和基于核酸的聚合酶链式反应(polymerasechain reaction,PCR)技术。基于核酸的检测技术,尤其是等温扩增技术、数字PCR技术具有快速、灵敏、简便、高效等优势,将成为未来肉类物种鉴别的发展方向,具有良好的应用前景。本文综述了肉及肉制品掺假鉴别技术的应用与特点,并深入探讨了其发展趋势,期望为肉类食品安全检测提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Due to food safety concerns, the European Food Safety Authority asked for novel approaches for identifying mechanically separated meat (MSM) in meat products. In this work, a novel and simplified approach for MSM identification in meat products is presented. This approach is based on the calcium and magnesium determination by suppressed cation-exchange chromatography coupled to conductivity detection, after sample mineralisation. One hundred samples of meat products were analysed. The difference between calcium and magnesium concentration (MSMindex) was identified as the most significant parameter useful for discriminating the presence of MSM in the product. The approach was also validated by analysing simulated meat samples containing increasing percentages of MSM. Meat samples with MSMindex higher than 390 mg kg−1 can be classified as MSM products, even if the MSM was obtained at high or low pressure. The protocol is applicable for MSM identification in meat products with MSM percentage higher than 25%.  相似文献   

Milk and dairy products continue to raise concerns with regard to contamination with mycotoxins, most of which have a likely or confirmed carcinogenic status. Such concerns are more serious for certain cheeses due to their frequent contamination with high concentrations of mycotoxins from various sources, including the milk used as a raw material and moulds found as contaminants or purposely added for ripening. Different control measures have been suggested to prevent the formation or to remove mycotoxins in dairy products once formed therein. However, these methods either provide an insufficient degree of protection or are onerous to implement. This review surveys the main mycotoxins associated with dairy products and discusses their health significance. Attention is drawn to the lack of knowledge on the emerging and masked mycotoxins with relevance to dairy products. Known control measures are discussed from the perspective of their application while presenting their strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

Microbial transglutaminase (MTG) is an enzyme isolated from a variant of Streptomyces mobaraensis that forms covalent cross-links between protein molecules. Studies are being conducted since last two decades on utilization of MTG in meat foods to improve their characteristics, such as gelation, water-binding, emulsion stability, purge loss, cooking loss, etc. MTG is one of the important topics of interest in meat processing industry due to its advantages in practical utilization and commercial exploitation. This review will discuss about the overall applications of MTG in manipulating the functional properties of meat and meat products by means of various processes such as restructuring, value addition, etc.  相似文献   

Factors influencing meat emulsion properties and product texture: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emulsion-based meat products play an important role in modern meat industry. Though meat batters have been prepared traditionally since long back in the history, the scientific principles and the knowhow are significantly important in the case of commercial products. In India, the market for emulsion meat products is gaining importance in the recent years and the native producers are in critical need for the scientific basis of production of emulsion meat products with better yield, good sensory qualities and nutrition. Hence, this review will throw light on some of the important factors which influence the properties of meat emulsion such as stability, structure, etc. and the product texture and yield as the revealed by past researches which will be useful to the meat processors in their practical application in preparing meat emulsion products.  相似文献   

真菌及其所产危害物已成为食品中最为严重的污染之一。文章主要就近年来乳及乳制品中真菌污染概况以及真菌快速检测技术相关研究进行概述,对比传统检测方法和快速检测技术在乳品应用概况,可通过进一步改进快速检测技术体系及开发新型检测体系,更好地监控乳品质量,推动乳品行业持续健康发展。  相似文献   

Demand for plant-based meat alternatives has increased in recent years due to concerns about health, ethics, the environment, and animal welfare. Nevertheless, the market share of plant-based meat alternatives must increase significantly if they are to support sustainable food production and consumption. Flavor is an important limiting factor of the acceptability and marketability of plant-based meat alternatives. Undesirable chemosensory perceptions, such as a beany flavor, bitter taste, and astringency, are often associated with plant proteins and products that use them. This study reviewed 276 articles to answer the following five research questions: (1) What are the volatile and nonvolatile compounds responsible for off-flavors? (2) What are the mechanisms by which these flavor compounds are generated? (3) What is the influence of thermal extrusion cooking (the primary structuring technique to transform plant proteins into fibrous products that resemble meat in texture) on the flavor characteristics of plant proteins? (4) What techniques are used in measuring the flavor properties of plant-based proteins and products? (5) What strategies can be used to reduce off-flavors and improve the sensory appeal of plant-based meat alternatives? This article comprehensively discusses, for the first time, the flavor issues of plant-based meat alternatives and the technologies available to improve flavor and, ultimately, acceptability.  相似文献   

近年来食源性疾病事件频发,食源性疾病已成为全球化的公共卫生问题,其中有害微生物污染占了较大比重,而乳品因营养丰富可以为众多微生物提供生长所需的营养物质易被其污染。传统的微生物检测方法虽然设备简单、成本低廉,但普遍检测周期长、操作繁琐,对人员操作水平和检验经验要求高。本文综述了分子生物学技术、免疫学技术、光谱技术、基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱技术、生物传感器技术以及流式细胞技术在乳品食源性致病菌快速检测的研究进展,展望了乳品中食源性致病菌检测技术向在线化、便捷化、高效化发展前景,以期为后续研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

肉制品中动物源性成分DNA检测方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉制品主要成分标识的真实性是全球重要的食品安全问题之一,特别是肉制品中动物源性成分的掺假和标识问题已引发全球关注。如何对肉制品中动物源性成分进行鉴定和标识已成为产品真实性鉴定的热点。基于DNA分子稳定性强的优点,DNA检测技术被广泛用于食品安全检测和监测诸多领域,体现出了灵敏度高、特异性强等优势。本文重点从动物源性检测的靶序列DNA选择和DNA分析技术研究2个方面,阐述了肉制品中动物源性成分定性、定量检测技术的研究和应用,并讨论动物源性成分定量分析的可能性,为我国实施动物源性成分量化监管提供思路。  相似文献   

Sugar overconsumption continues to increase worldwide and contributes to multiple health-related issues. Dairy foods represent a large market, grossing more than $125 billion per year worldwide. Consumer demands for healthier products are leading to a large push for sugar reduction in dairy foods. Sugar plays an important role in dairy foods, not only in flavor but also in texture, color, and viscosity. Replacing sugar can have negative effects, making substitution inherently difficult. Natural and artificial nonnutritive sweeteners exist for sugar reduction. Natural nonnutritive sweeteners are popular, particularly for label appeal, but many consumers still prefer the taste of artificial nonnutritive sweeteners. Sweet taste perception can also be affected by texture of the food matrix and the presence of fat. Other sugar reduction techniques include hydrolysis of lactose, ultrafiltration, and direct reduction. This review will address the role of sugar, alternative sweeteners, and sugar reduction in ice cream, yogurt, and flavored milk.  相似文献   

Two techniques, ELISA and dot-blot, were applied to the qualitative detection of very low levels of whey proteins in liver pãtés. The use of an avidin-biotin amplification system for both methods led to a useful improvement of the detection limit. The detection level which was 4 g kg?1 with the classical ELISA method was improved to I g kg?1 with the amplified ELISA method. Using the dot-blot technique, the results showed that the minimum detectable level was 1–7 g kg?1 for the classical method with nitrocellulose (NC), 0–7 g kg?1 for the amplified method with NC, 0–7 g kg?1 for the classical method with cyanogen bromide-activated NC (activated NC) and 0–3 g kg?1 for the amplified method with activated NC.  相似文献   

Mechanically recovered meat (MRM) is generated by mechanical treatment of remnants following hand deboning. EU regulations exclude MRM from the definition of meat; as a consequence there is a need for robust analytical procedures to differentiate MRM from hand-deboned meat (HDM) and desinewed meat. Present study represents the development of an analytical platform for the detection of adulteration of meat products with MRM. Small molecular weight compounds were extracted from meat samples and analysed using GC–MS. Obtained metabolite profiles were modelled with OPLS-DA for the accurate classification of MRM, HDM and desinewed pork and chicken samples. Separation of three classes of products for fresh chicken and pork meat samples was achieved. In addition, the procedure also enabled proper prediction of samples not included in the model as well as pork commercial meat products. Compounds that could be potential markers for MRM detection in commercial products were also selected.  相似文献   

There is a higher demand for calorie-reduced foods. In the dairy industry, fat is separated to produce low-calorie products and fat-soluble vitamins such as A and D are also removed along with them. There are different factors leading to a significant decrease in people's sun exposure, which has a substantial role in isomerisation of 7-dehydrocholesterol to vitamin D. It seems logical to add vitamin D to dairy products and potentially restore their nutritional value or fortify them to improve vitamin D intakes. The main biological function of vitamin D is to control the absorption, transport and deposition of calcium and, to a lesser extent, phosphorus, which are important in bone mineralisation. Dairy products are the ideal candidates for vitamin D fortification. This article reviews the vitamin D fortification of dairy products including the concepts, fortification methods, sensory properties of final products and storage stability.  相似文献   

Muscle foods (especially fresh meat, precooked, and restructured meat products) are highly prone to lipid oxidation, which ultimately leads to certain problems, viz. discoloration, off-flavor, drip losses, loss of essential fatty acids and vitamins, and generation of toxic products. These problems can be minimized with the help of various agents and or techniques such as use of natural/synthetic antioxidants, metal chelating agents, physical conditions, vacuum packaging, and encapsulation techniques. Among these, the role of synthetic antioxidants is quite debatable due to certain health risks to humans. Among the natural molecules, milk proteins and their bioactive peptides offer a promising potential for the meat industry. Various forms of milk proteins and peptides including caseinates, whey proteins, skim milk, and milk co-precipitates can be used to prevent lipid oxidation in meat products either in the form of added ingredients or as edible coatings. However, in addition to prevention of lipid oxidation, they also provide nutritional benefits and improve the technological processing and shelflife of meat and meat products. This review focuses on the utilization, mechanism of action, and efficacy of milk proteins and peptides to inhibit lipid oxidation in muscle food products.  相似文献   

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