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TAR RNA is a potential target for AIDS therapy. Ligand-based virtual screening was performed to retrieve novel scaffolds for RNA-binding molecules capable of inhibiting the Tat-TAR interaction, which is essential for HIV replication. We used a "fuzzy" pharmacophore approach (SQUID) and an alignment-free pharmacophore method (CATS3D) to carry out virtual screening of a vendor database of small molecules and to perform "scaffold-hopping". A small subset of 19 candidate molecules were experimentally tested for TAR RNA binding in a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay. Both methods retrieved molecules that exhibited activities comparable to those of the reference molecules acetylpromazine and chlorpromazine, with the best molecule showing ten times better binding behavior (IC50 = 46 microM). The hits had molecular scaffolds different from those of the reference molecules.  相似文献   

Reddy TR  Li C  Fischer PM  Dekker LV 《ChemMedChem》2012,7(8):1435-1446
Protein interactions are increasingly appreciated as targets in small‐molecule drug discovery. The interaction between the adapter protein S100A10 and its binding partner annexin A2 is a potentially important drug target. To obtain small‐molecule starting points for inhibitors of this interaction, a three‐dimensional pharmacophore model was constructed from the X‐ray crystal structure of the complex between S100A10 and annexin A2. The pharmacophore model represents the favourable hydrophobic and hydrogen bond interactions between the two partners, as well as spatial and receptor site constraints (excluded volume spheres). Using this pharmacophore model, UNITY flex searches were carried out on a 3D library of 0.7 million commercially available compounds. This resulted in 568 hit compounds. Subsequently, GOLD docking studies were performed on these hits, and a set of 190 compounds were purchased and tested biochemically for inhibition of the protein interaction. Three compounds of similar chemical structure were identified as genuine inhibitors of the binding of annexin A2 to S100A10. The binding modes predicted by GOLD were in good agreement with their UNITY‐generated conformations. We synthesised a series of analogues revealing areas critical for binding. Thus computational predictions and biochemical screening can be used successfully to derive novel chemical classes of protein–protein interaction blockers.  相似文献   

The processes of molecular design and synthetic route selection are necessarily intertwined during discovery. Computational tools have been developed to facilitate synthesis planning, but in a discovery setting, finding a single route to a single molecule of interest may be less important than finding a route that enables rapid access to a library of analogs. Here, we demonstrate how we can estimate route “diversifiability” and use it as a criterion during route selection. We illustrate how the chemical space of synthetically accessible analogs is influenced by properties of alternative starting materials or constraints on their cost. Finally, we integrate these analyses with a synthesizability-constrained hit expansion workflow in a virtual screening pipeline for focused library expansion around putative hits to support molecular optimization. As medicinal chemistry and adjacent fields shift toward more autonomous design and synthesis of new molecules, it will be increasingly important to embed considerations of synthesizability into molecular design to ensure that computational recommendations are actionable.  相似文献   

We present a method for fragment/scaffold substitution based on protein–ligand interactions. This concept goes beyond bioisosteric replacement, which only uses the structure of the fragment to replace as query. The methodology is validated with more than 10 biological targets relevant for drug discovery.


Docking‐based virtual screening : Flexible docking, scoring, and virtual screening of ligand databases are on the way to fulfilling the promise. Docking‐based virtual screening that targets taxane and colchicine binding sites will certainly provide new antitubulin agents.


E‐selectin is an endothelial protein that participates in the adhesion of metastatic cancer cells, and is therefore a relevant target for antitumor therapeutic intervention. In this work, virtual screening was used to identify new E‐selectin inhibitors from a subset of drug‐like molecules retrieved from the ZINC database, including the physiological ligand sLex as reference structure (PDB ID: 1G1T ). Four hits were chosen and subjected to molecular dynamics simulations and fluorescence binding assays, which led to the determination of experimental dissociation constants between 333 and 1012 μm . The candidate with the highest affinity was studied by saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR experiments and complete relaxation and conformational exchange matrix analysis of saturation transfer (CORCEMA‐ST), aimed at identifying the preferable binding mode with E‐selectin. Our results revealed that this new inhibitor binds more strongly than sLex in the E‐selectin binding site, in good agreement with simulation predictions. These properties will prove valuable for the future design of drugs that target E‐selectin.  相似文献   

Traditionally, drug development involved the individual synthesis and biological evaluation of hundreds to thousands of compounds with the intention of highlighting their biological activity, selectivity, and bioavailability, as well as their low toxicity. On average, this process of new drug development involved, in addition to high economic costs, a period of several years before hopefully finding a drug with suitable characteristics to drive its commercialization. Therefore, the chemical synthesis of new compounds became the limiting step in the process of searching for or optimizing leads for new drug development. This need for large chemical libraries led to the birth of high-throughput synthesis methods and combinatorial chemistry. Virtual combinatorial chemistry is based on the same principle as real chemistry—many different compounds can be generated from a few building blocks at once. The difference lies in its speed, as millions of compounds can be produced in a few seconds. On the other hand, many virtual screening methods, such as QSAR (Quantitative Sturcture-Activity Relationship), pharmacophore models, and molecular docking, have been developed to study these libraries. These models allow for the selection of molecules to be synthesized and tested with a high probability of success. The virtual combinatorial chemistry–virtual screening tandem has become a fundamental tool in the process of searching for and developing a drug, as it allows the process to be accelerated with extraordinary economic savings.  相似文献   

Although the inhibitors of singly mutated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase are effective for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), their clinical efficacy has been limited due to the emergence of various double and triple EGFR mutants with drug resistance. It has thus become urgent to identify potent and selective inhibitors of triple mutant EGFRs resistant to first-, second-, and third-generation EGFR inhibitors. Herein, we report the discovery of potent and highly selective inhibitors of EGFR exon 19 p.E746_A750del/EGFR exon 20 p.T790M/EGFR exon 20 p.C797S (d746-750/T790M/C797S) mutant, which were derived via two-track virtual screening and de novo design. This two-track approach was performed so as to maximize and minimize the inhibitory activity against the triple mutant and the wild type, respectively. Extensive chemical modifications of the initial hit compounds led to the identification of several low-nanomolar inhibitors of the d746-750/T790M/C797S mutant. Among them, two compounds exhibited more than 104-fold selectivity in the inhibition of EGFRd746-750/T790M/C797S over the wild type. The formations of a hydrogen bond with the mutated residue Ser797 and the van der Waals contact with the mutated residue Met790 were found to be a common feature in the interactions between EGFRd746-750/T790M/C797S and the fourth-generation inhibitors. Such an exceptionally high selectivity could also be attributed to the formation of the hydrophobic contact with a Gly loop residue or the hydrogen bond with Asp855 in the activation loop. The discovery of the potent and selective EGFRd746-750/T790M/C797S inhibitors were actually made possible by virtue of the modified protein–ligand binding free energy function involving a new hydration free energy term with enhanced accuracy. The fourth-generation EGFR inhibitors found in this work are anticipated to serve as a new starting point for the discovery of anti-NSCLC medicines to overcome the problematic drug resistance.  相似文献   

Lysine and arginine methyltransferases participate in the posttranslational modification of histones and regulate key cellular functions. Protein arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) has been identified as an essential component of mixed lineage leukemia (MLL) oncogenic complexes, revealing its potential as a novel therapeutic target in human cancer. The first potent arginine methyltransferase inhibitors were recently discovered by random‐ and target‐based screening approaches. Herein we report virtual and biological screening for novel inhibitors of PRMT1. Structure‐based virtual screening (VS) of the Chembridge database composed of 328 000 molecules was performed with a combination of ligand‐ and target‐based in silico approaches. Nine inhibitors were identified from the top‐scored docking solutions; these were experimentally tested using human PRMT1 and an antibody‐based assay with a time‐resolved fluorescence readout. Among several aromatic amines, an aliphatic amine and an amide were also found to be active in the micromolar range.  相似文献   

曾涛  吉训聪  芮凯  符美英  田威  马瑞  黄伟康 《农药》2022,(1):24-28,33
[目的]基于槟榔黄化病毒的RNA依赖性RNA聚合酶筛选抗槟榔黄化病毒先导化合物.[方法]使用基于片段的药物设计方法,从PADFrag农药分子片段子库中筛选出14个片段作为骨架进行生长,得到140个分子,取11个CDOCKER得分靠前的分子进行分子动力学模拟和MM/GBSA计算以评估这些分子与RNA依赖性RNA聚合酶的亲...  相似文献   

Structure‐ and ligand‐based virtual‐screening methods (docking, 2D‐ and 3D‐similarity searching) were analysed for their effectiveness in virtual screening against four different targets: angiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX‐2), thrombin and human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV‐1) protease. The relative performance of the tools was compared by examining their ability to recognise known active compounds from a set of actives and nonactives. Furthermore, we investigated whether the application of different virtual‐screening methods in parallel provides complementary or redundant hit lists. Docking was performed with GOLD, Glide, FlexX and Surflex. The obtained docking poses were rescored by using nine different scoring functions in addition to the scoring functions implemented as objective functions in the docking algorithms. Ligand‐based virtual screening was done with ROCS (3D‐similarity searching), Feature Trees and Scitegic Functional Fingerprints (2D‐similarity searching). The results show that structure‐ and ligand‐based virtual‐screening methods provide comparable enrichments in detecting active compounds. Interestingly, the hit lists that are obtained from different virtual‐screening methods are generally highly complementary. These results suggest that a parallel application of different structure‐ and ligand‐based virtual‐screening methods increases the chance of identifying more (and more diverse) active compounds from a virtual‐screening campaign.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3/NS4A serine protease is essential for viral replication, which is regarded as a promising drug target for developing direct-acting anti-HCV agents. In this study, sixteen novel compounds with cell-based HCV replicon activity ranging from 3.0 to 28.2 μM (IC50) were successfully identified by means of structure-based virtual screening. Compound 5 and compound 11, with an IC50 of 3.0 μM and 5.1 μM, respectively, are the two most potent molecules with low cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) has attracted wide interest as a key player in immune regulation, fostering the design and development of small molecule inhibitors to restore immune response in tumor immunity. In this framework, biochemical, structural, and pharmacological studies have unveiled peculiar structural plasticity of IDO1, with different conformations and functional states that are coupled to fine regulation of its catalytic activity and non-enzymic functions. The large plasticity of IDO1 may affect its ligand recognition process, generating bias in structure-based drug design campaigns. In this work, we report a screening campaign of a fragment library of compounds, grounding on the use of three distinct conformations of IDO1 that recapitulate its structural plasticity to some extent. Results are instrumental to discuss tips and pitfalls that, due to the large plasticity of the enzyme, may influence the identification of novel and differentiated chemical scaffolds of IDO1 ligands in structure-based screening campaigns.  相似文献   

NAD+-dependent histone deacetylases (sirtuins) are enzymes that cleave acetyl groups from lysine residues in histones and other proteins. Potent selective sirtuin inhibitors are interesting tools for the investigation of the biological functions of these enzymes and may be future drugs for the treatment of cancer or neurodegenerative diseases. Herein we present the results from a protein-based virtual screen of a commercial database with subsequent biological testing of the most promising compounds. The combination of docking and in vitro experimental testing resulted in the identification of novel sirtuin inhibitors with thiobarbiturate structure. To rationalize the experimental results, free-energy calculations were carried out by molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann/surface area (MM-PBSA) calculations. A significant correlation between calculated binding free energies and measured Sirt2 inhibitory activities was observed. The analyses suggested a molecular basis for the interaction of the identified thiobarbiturate derivatives with human Sirt2. Based on the docking and MM-PBSA calculations we synthesized and tested five further thiobarbiturates. The MM-PBSA method correctly predicted the activity of the novel thiobarbiturates. The identified compounds will be used to further explore the therapeutic potential of sirtuin inhibitors.  相似文献   

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