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BACKGROUND: We compared long-term results of coronary artery bypass grafting between 1976 and 1988 in 176 patients 40 years old or younger with a matched control group of 176 patients 25 to 30 years older. METHODS: Mean age was 37.4 +/- 2.7 years (+/- standard deviation) in the study group and 64.2 +/- 2.9 years in the control group. Matching criteria were age, sex, left ventricular ejection fraction, number of bypass grafts, and year of operation. RESULTS: The study group had more smokers (p = 0.000) and more patients with hypercholesterolemia (p = 0.026), unstable angina (p = 0.003), and preoperative myocardial infarction (p = 0.009); fewer patients had hypertension (p = 0.000) and diabetes (p = 0.005) in this group than in the control group. The internal mammary artery was used in 31% of the study patients and in 30% of the controls. The actuarial survival rates after 5, 10, and 15 years were 92%, 86%, and 72% in the study group and 92%, 86%, and 66% in the control group (p = 0.202). Young age was a predictor of cardiac reoperation. CONCLUSIONS: Late survival is similar for young and older patients, but the reintervention rate is higher in the younger group. The absence of unstable angina, a left ventricular ejection fraction greater than 0.45, and the use of internal mammary artery grafts increase survival in all patients.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that differences in vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferative responses between spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats can be attributed to transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) actions. Because vascular collagen content is reported to be lower in SHR than in WKY rats, in this study we investigated in cell culture whether the differences in collagen content might also be attributed to differential actions of TGF-beta on VSMCs from the two strains. Exposure of VSMCs from WKY to the TGF-beta isoforms -beta1, -beta2, or -beta3 induced rapid, transient elevations in mRNAs encoding collagens alpha1(I), alpha2(I), and alpha1(III); maximum increases were apparent by 2 hours and ranged from twofold [collagen alpha1(III)] to ninefold [collagen alpha1(I)]. Thereafter they returned to near basal levels. When VSMCs from SHR were exposed to these TGF-beta isoforms, only reductions in collagen mRNA levels were observed, persisting for 24 hours. Basic fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor, factors known to stimulate production of the TGF-beta1 isoform in VSMCs, also induced a pattern of gene responses similar to those induced by the TGF-beta isoforms in VSMCs from SHR and WKY rats. The simultaneous presence of TGF-beta did not affect the time course or magnitude of the changes in collagens alpha1(I), alpha2(I), or alpha1(III) mRNA levels in SHR or WKY VSMCs. Examination of the induction of c-myc mRNA and immunoreactive oncoprotein content indicated that c-myc is a likely contributor to the downregulation of the collagen gene activity in both SHR and WKY VSMCs despite the differential regulation of its mRNA by TGF-beta1 in the two VSMC lines. Together these data suggest that in VSMCs from SHR, a number of gene responses to TGF-beta, in addition to cell proliferation, appear to be abnormal compared with WKY rats, and the lower than normal collagen levels observed in the vasculature of SHR may be in part due to abnormalities in TGF-beta responsiveness.  相似文献   

The specific activity of enkephalinase in endometrial tissue of nonpregnant ovulatory women is correlated in a highly significant, positive manner with the plasma level of progesterone. The specific activity and levels of enkephalinase messenger ribonucleic acid and immunoreactive protein also are increased in human endometrial stromal cells in culture by treatment with a synthetic progestin, medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), in a time- and dose-dependent manner. From an analysis of the temporal relationship between the specific activity and half-life of enkephalinase in endometrial tissue and the level of progesterone in plasma, it appeared highly likely that some mechanism, in addition to progesterone withdrawal, was operative to reduce enkephalinase activity in endometrium during the late luteal phase of the ovarian cycle before progesterone levels had declined below those known to be effective for progesterone action. In stromal cells previously (and concurrently) treated with MPA (10(-9) mol/L), the addition of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF beta 1) or TGF beta 2 (1 ng/mL) to the medium caused a decrease in enkephalinase specific activity despite the continued presence of MPA. The half-life of enkephalinase (activity) in stromal cells treated with MPA plus TGF beta 1 was 2.8 days, which is similar to the computed half-life for enkephalinase in endometrial tissue during the mid- to late secretory phase of the endometrial cycle (2.5 days). Simultaneous treatment of endometrial stromal cells with MPA (10(-9) mol/L) and TGF beta 1 (1 ng/ mL) prevented the progestin-induced increase in enkephalinase specific activity and immunoreactive enkephalinase protein. Thus, TGF beta acts to oppose the progesterone-induced increase in enkephalinase expression in endometrial stromal cells, even in the continued presence of MPA.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the complex between a T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain (mouse Vbeta8.2Jbeta2.1Cbeta1) and the superantigen (SAG) staphylococcal enterotoxin C3 (SEC3) has been recently determined to 3.5 resolution. To evaluate the actual contribution of individual SAG residues to stabilizing the beta-SEC3 complex, as well as to investigate the relationship between the affinity of SAGs for TCR and MHC and their ability to activate T cells, we measured the binding of a set of SEC3 and staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) mutants to soluble recombinant TCR beta chain and to the human MHC class II molecule HLA-DR1. Affinities were determined by sedimentation equilibrium and/or surface plasmon detection, while mitogenic potency was assessed using T cells from rearrangement-deficient TCR transgenic mice. We show that there is a clear and simple relationship between the affinity of SAGs for the TCR and their biological activity: the tighter the binding of a particular mutant of SEC3 or SEB to the TCR beta chain, the greater its ability to stimulate T cells. We also find that there is an interplay between TCR-SAG and SAG-MHC interactions in determining mitogenic potency, such that a small increase in the affinity of a SAG for MHC can overcome a large decrease in the SAG's affinity for the TCR. Finally, we observe that those SEC3 residues that make the greatest energetic contribution to stabilizing the beta-SEC3 complex ("hot spot" residues) are strictly conserved among enterotoxins reactive with mouse Vbeta8.2, thereby providing a basis for understanding why SAGs having other residues at these positions show different Vbeta-binding specificities.  相似文献   

The p34cdc2 protein kinase plays a key role in the control of the mitotic cell cycle of fission yeast, being required for both entry into S-phase and for entry into mitosis in the mitotic cell cycle, as well as for the initiation of the second meiotic nuclear division. In recent years, structural and functional homologues of p34cdc2, as well as several of the proteins that interact with and regulate p34cdc2 function in fission yeast, have been identified in a wide range of higher eukaryotic cell types, suggesting that the control mechanisms uncovered in this simple eukaryote are likely to be well conserved across evolution. Here we describe the construction and characterisation of a fission yeast strain in which the endogenous p34cdc2 protein is entirely absent and is replaced by its human functional homologue p34CDC2. We have used this strain to analyse aspects of the function of the human p34CDC2 protein genetically. We show that the function of the human p34CDC2 protein in fission yeast cells is dependent upon the action of the protein tyrosine phosphatase p80cdc25, that it responds to altered levels of both the mitotic inhibitor p107wee1 and the p34cdc2-binding protein p13suc1, and is lethal in combination with the mutant B-type cyclin p56cdc13-117. In addition, we demonstrate that the human p34CDC2 protein is proficient for fission yeast meiosis, and examine the behaviour of two mutant p34CDC2 proteins in fission yeast.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) stimulates phosphorylation of the type I inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate receptor (Sharma, K., Wang, L., Zhu, Y., Bokkala, S., and Joseph, S. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 14617-14623), possibly via protein kinase A (PKA) activation in murine mesangial cells. In the present study, we evaluated whether TGF-beta stimulates PKA activation. Utilizing a specific PKA kinase assay, we found that TGF-beta increases PKA activity by 3-fold within 15 min of TGF-beta1 treatment, and the enhanced kinase activity was completely reversed by the inhibitory peptide for PKA (PKI; 1 microM). In mesangial cells transfected with a PKI expression vector, enhanced PKA activity could not be demonstrated with TGF-beta1 treatment. TGF-beta1 was also found to stimulate translocation of the alpha-catalytic subunit of PKA to the nucleus by Western analysis of nuclear protein as well as by confocal microscopy. TGF-beta1-mediated phosphorylation of cAMP response element-binding protein was completely reversed by H-89 (3 microM), a specific inhibitor of PKA. Stimulation of fibronectin mRNA by TGF-beta1 was also attenuated in cells overexpressing PKI. We thus conclude that TGF-beta stimulates the PKA signaling pathway in mesangial cells and that PKA activation contributes to TGF-beta stimulation of cAMP response element-binding protein phosphorylation and fibronectin expression.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) is known to regulate cardiac cell function and its overexpression in the heart is thought to contribute to the development of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis. We wished to develop a high efficiency gene transfer method that could be used both in vitro and in vivo and result in the overexpression of TGF-beta 1. For this purpose, we constructed a replication-deficient human adenovirus 5 vector encoding for human TGF-beta 1 and used for control purposes an adenovirus lacZ vector. The adenovirus 5 construct was capable of infecting neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, fibroblasts and VSMCs. Of the three cell types, cardiac myocytes appear more susceptible to infection by the adenovirus 5 construct as assessed through beta-galactosidase staining. Infection of cardiac fibroblasts, myocytes and VSMCs with the hTGF-beta 1 adenovirus leads to the expression of hTGF-beta 1 mRNA and enhanced levels of bioactive and total TGF-beta 1 protein. Infection with hTGF-beta 1 adenovirus also results in enhanced levels of collagen type III gene expression in VSMCs and fibroblasts whereas in cardiac myocytes it leads to increased levels for sarcomeric and beta-actin. Thus, this adenoviral vector might be used for the exploration of in vivo effects of altered levels of cardiac TGF-beta 1.  相似文献   

Stimulation of NMDA receptor increases NO-dependent cGMP synthesis. A significantly higher cGMP level was observed in hippocampus (about 8-fold increase) than in cerebral cortex (2.5-fold increase), as compared to basal value. The activity of NO synthase (NOS) and the basal level of cGMP in unstimulated slices were only slightly higher in hippocampus than in the cortex. About 60% of NOS total activity was found in the brain membrane fraction. The enzyme activity was not affected by glucocorticoids, even after 20 days of hydrocortisone treatment in dose of 40 mg/kg b.w. Brain ischemia induced by ligation of the both common carotid arteries in gerbils (Meriones unquiculatus) significantly increased NOS activity as well as cGMP and putrescine concentrations but decreased mono-ADP-ribosolation of proteins. Changes of NOS activity and cGMP concentration evoked by ischemia were decreased by specific inhibitor of the neuronal form of NOS (nNOS), 7-nitrodazole and the inhibitor of guanylate cyclase, LY 83,583 administered respectively in a dose of 25 mg/kg b.w. and 6 mg/kg b.w. 5 min. before ischemia. The inhibitor of nNOS, 7NI, did not change the concentration of putrescine during ischemia and reperfusion. Our results indicated that these inhibitors could protect the brain against excessive production of nitric oxide and biochemical processes dependent on it. In this way they may offer a new strategy in the therapy of brain ischemia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Anastomotic pseudoaneurysms continue to be a late complication of vascular surgery, particulary following prosthetic graft procedures. The purpose of this study was to investigate if a previously reported increase in interval between the original operation and the development of pseudoaneurysm was related to a change in incidence. DESIGN: Retrospective study. METHODS: We reviewed the records of 76 patients who presented with 90 femoral pseudo-aneurysms and underwent reconstructive procedures from January 1989 to June 1994. The median age was 69 years (range: 39-83). In the same time period all femoral artery anastomosis operations were recorded. RESULTS: The incidence of femoral pseudo-aneurysms in Copenhagen was approximately 4.3%. CONCLUSIONS: A previously reported increase in interval between primary operation and aneurysms formation was not related to a change in incidence during the same time period.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) signals from membrane to nucleus through serine/threonine kinase receptors and their downstream effector molecules, termed Smad proteins. Recently, Smad6 and Smad7 were identified, which antagonize TGF-beta family signaling by preventing the activation of signal-transducing Smad complexes. Here we report that Smad7, but not Smad6, inhibits TGF-beta1-induced growth inhibition and the expression of immediate early response genes, including Smad7. Interestingly, in the absence of ligand, Smad7 was found to be predominantly localized in the nucleus, whereas Smad7 accumulated in the cytoplasm upon TGF-beta receptor activation. The latter is in accordance with the physical association of Smad7 with the ligand-activated TGF-beta receptor complex in the cell membrane. Whereas the ectopically expressed C-terminal domain of Smad7 was also exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm upon TGF-beta challenge, a Smad7 mutant with a small deletion at the C terminus or only the N-terminal domain of Smad7 was localized mainly in the cytoplasm in the absence or presence of ligand. This suggests that an intact Mad homology 2 domain is important for nuclear localization of Smad7. The nuclear localization of Smad7 suggests a functional role distinct from its antagonistic effect in receptor-mediated Smad activation.  相似文献   

Selective alpha1-adrenoreceptor blockers were recently reported to have an in vivo antiproliferative effect on hypertensive cardiovascular organs. Cultured vascular smooth-muscle cells (VSMCs) from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) show exaggerated growth compared with cells from Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. We investigated the effects of an alpha1-adrenoreceptor blocker, bunazosin hydrochloride (HCl), on the growth of VSMCs from SHRs. In the absence of serum, bunazosin HCl significantly inhibited basal DNA synthesis by VSMCs from SHRs, but not by cells from WKY rats. In the presence of serum, bunazosin HCl significantly inhibited DNA synthesis by VSMCs from both rat strains. Angiotensin (Ang) II, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-AA, and epidermal growth factor (EGF) dose-dependently increased DNA synthesis by VSMCs from SHRs, but not by VSMCs from WKY rats. Bunazosin HCl significantly suppressed the response of DNA synthesis to PDGF-AA and EGF, but not to Ang II, in VSMCs from SHRs. Expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGFbeta1), and PDGF messenger RNA (mRNA) was markedly greater in VSMCs from SHRs than in cells from WKY rats. Bunazosin HCl significantly inhibited the expression of bFGF and TGFbeta1 mRNA in VSMCs from SHRs, but not in cells from WKY rats. These findings suggest that the inhibition of growth factor hyperresponsiveness and inhibition of the expression of growth factors in VSMCs from SHRs are associated with the antiproliferative effect of bunazosin.  相似文献   

Osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor (OCIF), also termed osteoprotegerin (OPG), is a secreted member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family. It inhibits bone resorption in vivo and osteoclast-like cell (OCL) formation in vitro. To better understand the biological role of OCIF, we first examined the effects of various osteotropic agents on OCIF mRNA levels in mouse calvarial osteoblasts. Northern blot analysis showed that stimulators of OCL formation such as 1,25-(OH)2D3, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and interleukin 1 (IL-1) decreased OCIF mRNA levels. In contrast, transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 increased OCIF mRNA levels in primary osteoblasts as well as in osteoblastic/stromal cell lines. Since it was reported that both TGF-beta1 and OCIF not only inhibited OCL formation but also impaired the survival of OCL by inducing apoptosis in vitro, we next examined the possible involvement of OCIF in TGF-beta1-induced impairment of OCL survival. In a mouse bone marrow culture, we confirmed that addition of OCIF or TGF-beta1 decreased the number of surviving OCL. Anti-OCIF IgG, which completely neutralized the effect of OCIF, partially prevented the TGF-beta1-induced decrease in the number of OCL. Our results suggest that (i) downregulation of OCIF expression is one of the mechanisms for the stimulatory effects of 1,25(OH)2D3, PGE2, PTH, and IL-1 on osteoclastogenesis; and (ii) the TGF-beta1-induced apoptosis of OCL is mediated, at least in part, by upregulation of OCIF expression.  相似文献   

Melanoma invasion requires migration through the vascular barrier. An early event in this process is the adhesion of metastatic cells to the endothelium. To elucidate the role of TGF-beta in the regulation of this process, human melanoma SK-MEL24 cells were labelled with [5'-(3)H]-thymidine and co-cultured with bovine pulmonary artery endothelial-cell monolayers. Radioactivity was assumed to be proportional to the number of SK-MEL24 cells bound to the endothelium. A low number of melanoma cells adhered to endothelial cells in a time-related manner. Pretreatment for 24 hr with 0.001 to 10 ng/ml TGF-beta1 or TGF-beta2 of both cell types enhanced melanoma-endothelium adhesion in a dose-dependent manner. Both melanoma and endothelial cells expressed RI- and RII-type TGF-beta receptors. The effect of TGF-beta was abolished by co-incubation with the proteoglycan decorin. Conditioned media from melanoma-endothelium co-cultures contained latent TGF-beta and failed to affect cell-cell adhesion. However, activation of TGF-beta by heating the medium or reducing the pH, increased melanoma-endothelium adhesion to an extent similar to that of the TGF-beta administered to the cultures. Zimography demonstrated that both cell types expressed urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA). Addition of plasminogen to the co-cultures, which was likely to be activated to plasmin by uPA, resulted in activation of TGF-beta and parallel stimulation of melanoma-endothelium adhesion. In conclusion, TGF-beta may enhance adhesion of melanoma cells to the endothelium, playing a relevant autocrine/paracrine role in the progression of invasive melanoma.  相似文献   

The last decade has been marked by tremendous advances in the biochemical and functional characterization of TGF-betas and their receptors in normal and transformed cells. TGF-betas have been shown to modulate proliferation, differentiation and motility of different cell types in a number of in vitro model systems and in some cases with some intriguing results. It is obvious that there is no simple pattern that explains the TGF-betas biological activity in vitro and their effects on cell behaviour need to be assessed in the context of an appropriate physiological cellular environment. Cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, the differentiating status of the cell together with the functional activity of other soluble growth factors can influence how TGF-betas modulate cell behaviour. However, the overwhelming interest in this field shown by clinicians and basic scientists is rapidly increasing our understanding of how growth factors such as TGF-betas regulate the homeostasis of the GI mucosa and their role in gastrointestinal carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High concentrations of active transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) have been found in synovial fluids from arthritic joints. TGF-beta stimulates articular cartilage proteoglycan synthesis and suppresses proteoglycan degradation in vitro. In an earlier study, we found no effect on cartilage proteoglycan metabolism shortly after a single intra-articular injection of TGF-beta 1. In the present study, we used multiple intra-articular injections and a longer time-scale. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: TGF-beta 1 was injected into the murine knee joint to gain insight in the consequences of its overproduction in joint diseases. This was evaluated using histologic sections of the whole knee joint and measurements of articular cartilage proteoglycan synthesis and content. RESULTS: At 6 hours after a single TGF-beta 1 injection, recruitment of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) was observed. After 24 hours, the amount of inflammatory cells had already decreased. Multiple TGF-beta 1 injections induced synovial hyperplasia and synovitis predominantly consisting of cells of the macrophage/monocyte lineage. Both single and multiple TGF-beta 1 injections induced strong and long-lasting stimulation of articular cartilage proteoglycan synthesis. This in vivo stimulation of proteoglycan synthesis was similar in cartilage of young (3 months) and old mice (18 months). Multiple TGF-beta 1 injections resulted in an increased GAG content in patellar cartilage. After triple TGF-beta 1 injections, impressive osteophyte formation was noted at specific sites. The size and the localization of osteophytes was identical in young and old mice. Interestingly, the localization of TGF-beta 1-induced osteophytes was very similar to that of osteophytes observed in experimental arthritis and osteoarthritis models, suggesting a role for endogenous TGF-beta in osteophyte formation during joint pathology. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that TGF-beta 1 injection into a normal joint induces inflammation, synovial hyperplasia, osteophyte formation, and prolonged elevation of proteoglycan synthesis and content in articular cartilage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adolescents and young adults are four times more likely to be victims of sexual assault than women in all other age groups. In the vast majority of these cases, the perpetrator is an acquaintance of the victim. Date rape is a subset of acquaintance rape where nonconsensual sex occurs between two people who are in a romantic relationship. METHODS: We conducted a MEDLINE and Current Concepts search for articles relating to date rape and then systematically reviewed all relevant articles. RESULTS: Lifetime prevalence of date or acquaintance rape ranges from 13% to 27% among college-age women and 20% to a high of 68% among adolescents. Demographic characteristics that increase vulnerability to date rape include younger age at first date, early sexual activity, earlier age of menarche, a past history of sexual abuse or prior sexual victimization, and being more accepting of rape myths and violence toward women. Other risk factors include date-specific behaviors such as who initiated, who paid expenses, who drove, date location and activity, as well as the use of alcohol or illicit drugs such as flunitrazepam (Rohypnol). Alcohol use that occurs within the context of the date can lead to: the misinterpretation of friendly cues as sexual invitations, diminished coping responses, and the female's inability to ward off a potential attack. CONCLUSIONS: Longitudinal research designs are needed to further our understanding of sexual violence among adolescents and young adults and the most effective ways to eliminate it. Understanding and comparing research findings would be easier if consensus regarding the definitions of date rape, sexual aggression, and sexual assault was obtained. Finally, primary and secondary date and acquaintance rape prevention programs must be developed and systematically evaluated.  相似文献   

The intrathecal (i.t.) injection of endothelins to conscious rats was found to cause respiratory arrest. To gain some insights into this central phenomenon, peripheral vascular permeability and lung oedema were measured after i.t. and i.v. injections of these peptides. When injected at T-8 spinal cord level, endothelin-1 (65 and 650 pmol) and endothelin-3 (650 pmol) enhanced vascular permeability in the lungs by 22-fold and 7-fold, respectively, and caused sudden death at the highest dose. Less prominent increases (between 1.4- and 2.2-fold) of vascular permeability were observed in other tissues (trachea, kidney, ears, skin of hind paws and back skin) with endothelin-1. Endothelin-1 (650 pmol) caused a similar increase (27-fold) in lung vascular permeability when injected at T-2, although the response was significantly less (P < 0.05) if injected at the L-4 (15-fold) spinal cord level. Only endothelin-1 produced lung oedema when injected at the T-2 or T-8 level. In contrast, intravenous injection of endothelins-1 and -3 (650 pmol) did not produce lung oedema and the lung vascular permeability was increased by only 1.4-1.6-fold and all rats survived. The prior i.t. injection of 6.5 nmol BQ-123 (cyclo[D-Trp, D-Asp, L-Pro, D-Val, L-Leu]), a selective endothelin ET(A) receptor antagonist, prevented the increases of lung vascular permeability and oedema and the mortality induced by i.t. endothelin-1 (650 pmol). Whereas i.v. treatment with phentolamine (2 mg/kg) or pentolinium (25 mg/kg + 50 mg/kg per h x 15 min) abolished the lung vascular permeability changes evoked by endothelin-1 (650) pmol), atropine (1 mg/kg), NG-nitro-L-arginine (50 mg/kg) or indomethacin (5 mg/kg) had no effect. Moreover, the effects of endothelin-1 were attenuated in capsaicin pretreated rats (125 mg/kg, 10 days earlier) and almost abolished in rats subjected to sympathectomy with 6-hydroxydopamine (100 mg/kg, 24-48 h earlier). All these treatments except atropine and NG-nitro-L-arginine prevented the endothelin-1-induced lung oedema and reduced the lethality by around 50%. These results suggest that the increases of pulmonary vascular permeability and oedema induced by i.t. endothelin-1 are due to an intense pulmonary vasoconstriction mediated by alpha-adrenoceptors following the release of catecholamines in response to the activation of endothelin ET(A) receptor in the spinal cord. This central phenomenon seems to be reflexogenic, including the involvement of primary afferent C-fibers and spinal cord ascending fibers to the brain. Thus, endothelin-1 could play a role in neurogenic pulmonary oedema through a central mechanism.  相似文献   

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