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An efficient and accurate numerical scheme is proposed, analyzed and implemented for the Kawahara and modified Kawahara equations which model many physical phenomena such as gravity-capillary waves and magneto-sound propagation in plasmas. The scheme consists of dual-Petrov-Galerkin method in space and Crank-Nicholson-leap-frog in time such that at each time step only a sparse banded linear system needs to be solved. Theoretical analysis and numerical results are presented to show that the proposed numerical is extremely accurate and efficient for Kawahara type equations and other fifth-order nonlinear equations. This work is partially supported by the National Science Council of the Republic of China under the grant NSC 94-2115-M-126-004 and 95-2115-M-126-003. This work is partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0610646.  相似文献   

In this paper we continue the study, which was initiated in (Ben-Artzi et al. in Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 35(2):313–303, 2001; Fishelov et al. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2667, pp. 809–817, 2003; Ben-Artzi et al. in J. Comput. Phys. 205(2):640–664, 2005 and SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 44(5):1997–2024, 2006) of the numerical resolution of the pure streamfunction formulation of the time-dependent two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation. Here we focus on enhancing our second-order scheme, introduced in the last three afore-mentioned articles, to fourth order accuracy. We construct fourth order approximations for the Laplacian, the biharmonic and the nonlinear convective operators. The scheme is compact (nine-point stencil) for the Laplacian and the biharmonic operators, which are both treated implicitly in the time-stepping scheme. The approximation of the convective term is compact in the no-leak boundary conditions case and is nearly compact (thirteen points stencil) in the case of general boundary conditions. However, we stress that in any case no unphysical boundary condition was applied to our scheme. Numerical results demonstrate that the fourth order accuracy is actually obtained for several test-cases.  相似文献   

A Central Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a central discontinuous Galerkin method is proposed to solve for the viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Central discontinuous Galerkin methods were originally introduced for hyperbolic conservation laws. They combine the central scheme and the discontinuous Galerkin method and therefore carry many features of both methods. Since Hamilton-Jacobi equations in general are not in the divergence form, it is not straightforward to design a discontinuous Galerkin method to directly solve such equations. By recognizing and following a “weighted-residual” or “stabilization-based” formulation of central discontinuous Galerkin methods when applied to hyperbolic conservation laws, we design a high order numerical method for Hamilton-Jacobi equations. The L 2 stability and the error estimate are established for the proposed method when the Hamiltonians are linear. The overall performance of the method in approximating the viscosity solutions of general Hamilton-Jacobi equations are demonstrated through extensive numerical experiments, which involve linear, nonlinear, smooth, nonsmooth, convex, or nonconvex Hamiltonians.  相似文献   

Real life convection-diffusion problems are characterized by their inherent or externally induced uncertainties in the design parameters. This paper presents a spectral stochastic finite element semi-Lagrangian method for numerical solution of convection-diffusion equations with uncertainty. Using the spectral decomposition, the stochastic variational problem is reformulated to a set of deterministic variational problems to be solved for each Wiener polynomial chaos. To obtain the chaos coefficients in the corresponding deterministic convection-diffusion equations, we implement a semi-Lagrangian method in the finite element framework. Once this representation is computed, statistics of the numerical solution can be easily evaluated. These numerical techniques associate the geometrical flexibility of the finite element method with the ability offered by the semi-Lagrangian method to solve convection-dominated problems using time steps larger than its Eulerian counterpart. Numerical results are shown for a convection-diffusion problem driven with stochastic velocity and for an incompressible viscous flow problem with a random force. In both examples, the proposed method demonstrates its ability to better maintain the shape of the solution in the presence of uncertainties and steep gradients.  相似文献   

A p-type spectral-element method using prolate spheroidal wave functions (PSWFs) as basis functions, termed as the prolate-element method, is developed for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) on the sphere. The gridding on the sphere is based on a projection of the prolate-Gauss-Lobatto points by using the cube-sphere transform, which is free of singularity and leads to quasi-uniform grids. Various numerical results demonstrate that the proposed prolate-element method enjoys some remarkable advantages over the polynomial-based element method: (i) it can significantly relax the time step size constraint of an explicit time-marching scheme, and (ii) it can increase the accuracy and enhance the resolution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a spectral method for the $n$ -dimensional Navier–Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions by using divergence-free base functions. The numerical solutions fulfill the incompressibility and the physical boundary conditions automatically. Therefore, we need neither the artificial compressibility method nor the projection method. Moreover, we only have to evaluate the unknown coefficients of expansions of $n-1$ components of the velocity. These facts simplify actual computation and numerical analysis essentially, and also save computational time. As the mathematical foundation of this new approach, we establish some approximation results, with which we prove the spectral accuracy in space of the proposed algorithm. Numerical results demonstrate its high efficiency and coincide the analysis very well. The main idea, the approximation results and the techniques developed in this paper are also applicable to numerical simulations of other problems with divergence-free solutions, such as certain partial differential equations describing electro-magnetic fields.  相似文献   

In this paper, we prove that the Legendre tau method has the optimal rate of convergence in L 2-norm, H 1-norm and H 2-norm for one-dimensional second-order steady differential equations with three kinds of boundary conditions and in C([0,T];L 2(I))-norm for the corresponding evolution equation with the Dirichlet boundary condition. For the generalized Burgers equation, we develop a Legendre tau-Chebyshev collocation method, which can also be optimally convergent in C([0,T];L 2(I))-norm. Finally, we give some numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this paper,a boundary element method is first applied to real-tim animation of deformable objects and to simplify data preparation.Next,the visibleexternal surface of the object in deforming process is represented by B-spline surface,whose control points are embedded in dynamic equations of BEM.Fi-nally,the above method is applied to anatomical simulation.A pituitary model in human brain,which is reconstructed from a set of anatomical sections, is selected to be the deformable object under action of virtual tool such as scapel or probe.It produces fair graphic realism and high speed performance.The results show that BEM not only has less computational expense than FEM,but also is convenient to combine with the 3D reconstruction and surface modeling as it enables the reduction of the dimensionality of the problem by one.  相似文献   

The local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) viscous flux formulation was originally developed by Cockburn and Shu for the discontinuous Galerkin setting and later extended to the spectral volume setting by Wang and his collaborators. Unlike the penalty formulations like the interior penalty and the BR2 schemes, the LDG formulation requires no length based penalizing terms and is compact. However, computational results using LDG are dependant of the orientation of the faces especially for unstructured and non uniform grids. This results in lower solution accuracy and stiffer stability constraints as shown by Kannan and Wang. In this paper, we develop a variant of the LDG, which not only retains its attractive features, but also vastly reduces its unsymmetrical nature. This variant (aptly named LDG2), displayed higher accuracy than the LDG approach and has a milder stability constraint than the original LDG formulation. In general, the 1D and the 2D numerical results are very promising and indicate that the approach has a great potential for 3D flow problems.  相似文献   

We propose a pseudospectral hybrid algorithm to approximate the solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) with non-periodic boundary conditions. Most of the approximations are computed using Fourier expansions that can be efficiently obtained by fast Fourier transforms. To avoid the Gibbs phenomenon, super-Gaussian window functions are used in physical space. Near the boundaries, we use local polynomial approximations to correct the solution. We analyze the accuracy and eigenvalue stability of the method for several PDEs. The method compares favorably to traditional spectral methods, and numerical results indicate that for hyperbolic problems a time step restriction of O(1/N) is sufficient for stability. R.B. Platte’s address after December 2009: Arizona State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Tempe, AZ, 85287-1804.  相似文献   

A spectral collocation scheme for the three-dimensional incompressible \(({\varvec{u}},p)\) formulation of the Navier–Stokes equations, in domains \(\varOmega \) with a non-periodic boundary condition, is described. The key feature is the high order approximation, by means of a local Hermite interpolant, of a Neumann boundary condition for use in the numerical solution of the pressure Poisson system. The time updates of the velocity \({\varvec{u}}\) and pressure \(p\) are decoupled as a result of treating the pressure gradient in the momentum equation explicitly in time. The pressure update is computed from a pressure Poisson equation. Extension of the overall methodology to the Boussinesq system is also described. The uncoupling of the pressure and velocity time updates results in a highly efficient scheme that is simple to implement and well suited for simulating moderate to high Reynolds and Rayleigh number flows. Accuracy checks are presented, along with simulations of the lid-driven cavity flow and a differentially heated cavity flow, to demonstrate the scheme produces accurate three-dimensional results at a reasonable computational cost.  相似文献   

A new efficient Chebyshev–Petrov–Galerkin (CPG) direct solver is presented for the second order elliptic problems in square domain where the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are considered. The CPG method is based on the orthogonality property of the kth-derivative of the Chebyshev polynomials. The algorithm differs from other spectral solvers by the high sparsity of the coefficient matrices: the stiffness and mass matrices are reduced to special banded matrices with two and four nonzero diagonals respectively. The efficiency and the spectral accuracy of CPG method have been validated.  相似文献   

In this work we prove that the original (Bassi and Rebay in J Comput Phys 131:267–279, 1997) scheme (BR1) for the discretization of second order viscous terms within the discontinuous Galerkin collocation spectral element method (DGSEM) with Gauss Lobatto nodes is stable. More precisely, we prove in the first part that the BR1 scheme preserves energy stability of the skew-symmetric advection term DGSEM discretization for the linearized compressible Navier–Stokes equations (NSE). In the second part, we prove that the BR1 scheme preserves the entropy stability of the recently developed entropy stable compressible Euler DGSEM discretization of Carpenter et al. (SIAM J Sci Comput 36:B835–B867, 2014) for the non-linear compressible NSE, provided that the auxiliary gradient equations use the entropy variables. Both parts are presented for fully three-dimensional, unstructured curvilinear hexahedral grids. Although the focus of this work is on the BR1 scheme, we show that the proof naturally includes the Local DG scheme of Cockburn and Shu.  相似文献   

We consider the variable coefficient Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions on irregular domains. We present numerical evidence for the accuracy of the solution and its gradients for different treatments at the interface using the Ghost Fluid Method for Poisson problems of Gibou et al. (J. Comput. Phys. 176:205–227, 2002; 202:577–601, 2005). This paper is therefore intended as a guide for those interested in using the GFM for Poisson-type problems (and by consequence diffusion-like problems and Stefan-type problems) by providing the pros and cons of the different choices for defining the ghost values and locating the interface. We found that in order to obtain second-order-accurate gradients, both a quadratic (or higher order) extrapolation for defining the ghost values and a quadratic (or higher order) interpolation for finding the interface location are required. In the case where the ghost values are defined by a linear extrapolation, the gradients of the solution converge slowly (at most first order in average) and the convergence rate oscillates, even when the interface location is defined by a quadratic interpolation. The same conclusions hold true for the combination of a quadratic extrapolation for the ghost cells and a linear interpolation. The solution is second-order accurate in all cases. Defining the ghost values with quadratic extrapolations leads to a non-symmetric linear system with a worse conditioning than that of the linear extrapolation case, for which the linear system is symmetric and better conditioned. We conclude that for problems where only the solution matters, the method described by Gibou, F., Fedkiw, R., Cheng, L.-T. and Kang, M. in (J. Comput. Phys. 176:205–227, 2002) is advantageous since the linear system that needs to be inverted is symmetric. In problems where the solution gradient is needed, such as in Stefan-type problems, higher order extrapolation schemes as described by Gibou, F. and Fedkiw, R. in (J. Comput. Phys. 202:577–601, 2005) are desirable.  相似文献   

A new discrete non-reflecting boundary condition for the time-dependent Maxwell equations describing the propagation of an electromagnetic wave in an infinite homogenous lossless rectangular waveguide with perfectly conducting walls is presented. It is derived from a virtual spatial finite difference discretization of the problem on the unbounded domain. Fourier transforms are used to decouple transversal modes. A judicious combination of edge based nodal values permits us to recover a simple structure in the Laplace domain. Using this, it is possible to approximate the convolution in time by a similar fast convolution algorithm as for the standard wave equation.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new lattice Boltzmann model based on the rebuilding-divergency method for the Poisson equation is proposed. In order to translate the Poisson equation into a conservation law equation, the source term and diffusion term are changed into divergence forms. By using the Chapman-Enskog expansion and the multi-scale time expansion, a series of partial differential equations in different time scales and several higher-order moments of equilibrium distribution functions are obtained. Thus, by rebuilding the divergence of the source and diffusion terms, the Laplace equation and the Poisson equation with the second accuracy of the truncation errors are recovered. In the numerical examples, we compare the numerical results of this scheme with those obtained by other classical method for the Green-Taylor vortex flow, numerical results agree well with the classical ones.  相似文献   

The Bayesian method is widely used in image processing and computer vision to solve ill-posed problems. This is commonly achieved by introducing a prior which, together with the data constraints, determines a unique and hopefully stable solution. Choosing a “correct” prior is however a well-known obstacle. This paper demonstrates that in a certain class of motion estimation problems, the Bayesian technique of integrating out the “nuisance parameters” yields stable solutions even if a flat prior on the motion parameters is used. The advantage of the suggested method is more noticeable when the domain points approach a degenerate configuration, and/or when the noise is relatively large with respect to the size of the point configuration.  相似文献   

We present an accurate and efficient finite difference method for solving the Black–Scholes (BS) equation without boundary conditions. The BS equation is a backward parabolic partial differential equation for financial option pricing and hedging. When we solve the BS equation numerically, we typically need an artificial far-field boundary condition such as the Dirichlet, Neumann, linearity, or partial differential equation boundary condition. However, in this paper, we propose an explicit finite difference scheme which does not use a far-field boundary condition to solve the BS equation numerically. The main idea of the proposed method is that we reduce one or two computational grid points and only compute the updated numerical solution on that new grid points at each time step. By using this approach, we do not need a boundary condition. This procedure works because option pricing and computation of the Greeks use the values at a couple of grid points neighboring an interesting spot. To demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the new algorithm, we perform the numerical experiments such as pricing and computation of the Greeks of the vanilla call, cash-or-nothing, power, and powered options. The computational results show excellent agreement with analytical solutions.  相似文献   

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