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为了提高甜菜单产和含糖率,我们于1996年4月在克山农场的三个连队,进行了甜菜“大双覆”、“大双行”栽培试验,以探索不同的栽培方式在现代化大农场应用的可行性和增产增糖效果。1试验材料与方法供试地膜;克山农场生产的超薄农用地膜.幅宽105cm,厚0.006mm。供试品种:科研302。试验设三个处理,大垄双行地膜覆盖栽培(以下简称“大双覆”),以常规直播栽培为对照,以大垄双行直播栽培(以下简称“大双行”)为参考对照。采用大区对比法,每个处理面积4000rn’。试验设在三个连队(即三个点),以统一试验方案进行实施。“大双亚”与… 相似文献
甜菜不同栽培方式试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
甜菜是我市种植面积最大的经济作物之一 ,常年种植面积都在 6 70 0hm2 以上 ,自从海伦糖厂投产以来 ,甜菜种植面积已扩大到 2万hm2 以上。为探索甜菜高产途径 ,提高甜菜的经济效益 ,在不继续扩大种植面积的前提下 ,为保证海伦糖厂的原料供应 (每年约 5 0万t) ,我们采取不同栽培方式 ,进行了甜菜产量和效益的对比试验。1 试验设计与处理试验采取大区直接对比法 ,试验地面积0 5 4hm2 ,每个处理占地 0 1 3 5hm2 。试验设 4个处理 :处理A :地膜覆盖甜菜栽培。处理B :甜菜串带玉米。处理C :大垄双行直播甜菜。处理D :直播甜菜 (… 相似文献
不同种植方式对甜菜产质量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
甜菜群体结构的布局、合理密植及其保苗 ,是甜菜高产、高糖的基础。我国甜菜栽培过去是传统的小垄栽培 ,行距一般是 65~ 70cm ,每公顷保苗突破 6万株非常困难 ,没有发挥甜菜群体的增产潜力 ,没有充分利用光照、温度、水分等条件 ,致使甜菜产量低 ,含糖低。目前甜菜生产中 ,固有传统耕作条件下普遍存在着低密度的问题 ,尤其是在我省中西部干旱地区春季播种保苗非常困难 ,加之小垄本身抗旱力差 ,甜菜地中缺苗、断条现象十分严重 ,一般缺苗 1 5 %~ 30 % ,严重的达 5 0 %以上。因此 ,探讨不同种植方式条件下的甜菜群体结构变化规律以及对甜… 相似文献
巴彦淖尔盟河套灌区位于内蒙古自治区的西部,是内蒙甜菜主要产区,历史上以单产高、含糖高而著称。但近年来由于糖厂数量、加工能力的增加以及农产品市场的变化使糖厂深感原料不足。为了适应目前甜菜制糖加工能力,可以从两方面着手解决,一是提高单位面积产量,二是开辟新区扩大原料种植面积。本文就黄河南岸的杭锦旗沿河地区自然环境条件、种植甜菜的可行性进行探讨。杭锦旗位于东经107o~111”30’,北纬40~41”之间,紧靠黄河南岸,为一狭长微倾斜地带,和巴盟的临河相毗邻。杭锦旗是伊盟的主要粮食产区之一,其经济、文化比较发达,… 相似文献
静电处理甜菜种子试验 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
拜泉县的甜菜多年来单产低,含糖不稳定,严重制约着甜菜生产的发展。因此,需积极应用和探索提高甜菜产量和含糖的新技术,使甜菜发挥更大的增产潜力,达到高产高糖的目的。近几年国内有用静电处理甜菜种子的报道,这项技术是内蒙古大学研究并通过鉴定的新技术,对甜菜有增产增糖作用。拜泉糖厂于2000年用静电处理甜菜种子进行试验和生产示范,取得了比较好的效果,现简报如下。1 试验设计与方法本试验于2000年分别在拜泉镇镇郊村、新生乡青山村进行。试验地都选择了地势平坦,排水良好,地力中等的地块,前茬是玉米和豆茬,都是从没种过甜菜的地块… 相似文献
为确保2008年甜菜万亩种植计划任务的顺利落实,黑龙江省宝清县夹信子镇党委、镇政府将甜菜生产工作纳入各村三职干部考核指标内,同三职干部的工资及奖罚资金挂勾,加大甜菜面积落实工作力度。 相似文献
甜菜种植大户生产模式经试验示范取得很大的增产增糖效果。甜菜种植大户平均单产为50.25t/hm2,含糖率为19.06%,较近5年依安县甜菜产量和糖分的平均值分别增产103%和增加2.44个糖度。 相似文献
A simple quantitative TLC method for the determination of the residues of herbicide inhibiting photosynthesis was compared with capillary GLC for the analysis of atrazine, chloridazone, lenacil, phenmedipham and desmedipham in sugar beet and sugar. No significant differences in the determination limit and precision of the two methods were found. Monitoring of herbicide residue levels in commercial sugar revealed low levels of atrazine (0.003 mg.kg-1 on average) in all the samples. This contamination level does not present a health hazard consumers. 相似文献
《Food Hydrocolloids》1986,1(1):71-88
Acetylated pectin has been isolated from whole sugar beet tissue and from sugar beet pulp. A variety of extraction sequences and fractionation procedures were employed; all the extracts were of the pectin polysaccharide type containing 44–60% uronate, 12–22% neutral sugars, 4–6% methoxyl and 2–9% acetyl groups. The neutral sugars rhamnose, arabinose and galactose were present in all the extracts, and were covalently linked to the acidic polymer. Many of the extracts were surface active, and possessed foaming and emulsifying properties. Typically, foam volumes of 20–50% with t½ of 120–180 min were obtained. The extracts were used to emulsify a model oil-in-water system containing 10% (v/v) groundnut oil. Oil droplet sizes of ~1 μm were obtained, considerably less than those obtained with commercial pectins, and the emulsions were stable for at least 36 h at 4°C. No correlations could be found between the foaming/emulsifying properties of the acetylated pectin fractions and their chemical structure. 相似文献
Refined white sugar is a very pure food product, even though it contains very small amounts of soluble and insoluble impurities. The content of these impurities has nutritional significance and determines the usefulness of sugar for various industrial applications. The main quality criteria used to indicate the content of these impurities are ash and colour. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the quality according to the EU sugar market regime and the content of iron, copper and zinc in white sugar samples from Serbian sugar beet refineries during the 2003 campaign. A total of 166 samples representative of the production of four Serbian sugar refineries were investigated. After wet digestion the concentrations of iron, copper and zinc were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The mean content of iron, copper and zinc in sugar samples was 0.37 mg/kg, 0.06 mg/kg and 0.02 mg/kg and was significantly different from the average content 0.28 mg/kg, 0.09 mg/kg and 0.07 mg/kg respectively in the analysed European sugar factories. The data were also compared with literature values for commercial white sugar samples from European sugar beet refineries and European legislation set for copper and zinc. Furthermore, the quality of produced sugar was evaluated according to the standards of the European Union indicating that 76% of all investigated Serbian samples belonged to the second sugar quality category. 相似文献
1世界糖源趋势及耗糖情况欧、美及日本等发达国家,蔗糖在糖源中已降至50%,目前正被葡聚糖、高果糖浆、伯拉金糖、木糖醇、蔗糖酯、寡糖(乳果聚糖)、菊粉果糖等所取代,尤其高果糖浆发展更为迅速。蔗糖主要缺点是发热量高,易生龋齿,而果糖发热量低,甜度为蔗糖的1·8倍,且口感较好。菊粉果糖是近来发展起来的一种新糖源,而生产此糖原料的菊芋、菊苣,尤其前者是一种栽培容易,抗旱、抗病虫害强、产量高的块根作物,据资料记载6t可产1t成品糖。世界114个国家年产蔗糖1·1亿t,甜菜糖占33%,主要分布在欧洲、拉丁美洲及亚洲。世界人均耗糖约20kg,欧美… 相似文献
Physico-chemical and technological studies on sugar beet roots 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The morphological and chemical characteristics of ten varieties of sugar beet roots were evaluated during the season of 1996-1997. The best morphological characteristics were found in Top, Ito and Pamela varieties. The highest expected technological yield of sugar was found in Pamela and Top. The chemical constituents of different varieties of sugar-beet roots showed significant differences. The suitability of sugar beet juice for preparing beet syrup as a new product was also evaluated and compared with sugar cane syrup. Purified beet-syrups concentrated under vacuum or under atmospheric pressure showed more stability during storage than sugar cane syrup. The effect of storage conditions (at cold storage and at room temperature) and packaging materials (glass and polyethylene high-density bottles) on properties of beet-syrup and sugar cane syrup were also studied. 相似文献
甜菜制糖中渗出汁中的果胶含量对生产有较大的影响.采用果胶酶对甜菜渗出汁进行清净效果研究,考察果胶酶的用量、酶解pH、酶解温度、酶解时间对渗出汁的过滤速度和果胶去除率的影响.单因素实验结果表明:果胶酶用量为5 - 15mg/kg,温度为50 - 60℃,pH值为4.0 -5.5,酶解时间10-15min条件下,果胶酶对渗出汁澄清处理的效果较好.在单因素的基础上,采用正交实验优化工艺,得到最佳的工艺条件为:果胶酶用量为15mg/kg,酶解pH 5.0,酶解温度50C,酶解时间15 min.此时果胶去除率为44.38%. 相似文献