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我国城市用水发展和用水效率分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
大量国内外统计数字表明,我国城市用水结构正在发生新的变化.城市用水总量经过了快速增长期后进入了平缓发展阶段;城市人均综合用水指标虽有较大幅度下降,但仍较部分发达国家平均水平高出1倍以上;单位用水量产生的GDP仅为发达国家的1/6~1/20;供水损失率也较高;节约用水的潜力还很大,用水效率有待提高. 相似文献
Adaptation of urban water supply infrastructure to impacts from climate and socioeconomic changes: The case of Hamilton,New Zealand 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1
Matthias Ruth Clark Bernier Nigel Jollands Nancy Golubiewski 《Water Resources Management》2007,21(6):1031-1045
While the relations between climate variables and sectoral water demand have been well established in the literature, few
studies have attempted to quantify changes in urban water usage with climate change. Concentrating on the city of Hamilton,
New Zealand, we investigate possible water use and infrastructure needs for a range of climate and population projections.
We find that water demand (at the monthly aggregate level) is largely driven by changes in population, and not significantly
affected by changes in climate. However, as population increases, the effect of climate variables on per capita consumption
will be magnified. Monthly aggregate changes may further mask potenially significant short-term shortages. In several scenarios,
water supply shortages in 2030 occur with a 30--40% probability, suggesting needs for long-term capacity expansion or aggressive
demand side management, rather than implementation of short-term management of water demand. 相似文献
Sustaining a steady supply of water to urban communities is of importance in a period that is characterised by rapid urban population growth, a global pandemic, and a changing climate that threatens the availability of the resource from its sources. Water supply to the City of Mutare is from three sources, Small Bridge Dam, Odzani, and the Pungwe River. The Pungwe source provides better quality water resources equivalent to the combined quantity supplied by the other two. It becomes an important source for the city, but climate change threatens the availability of water resources in the southern African region. Thus, it is imperative to quantitatively assess the impacts of a changing climate on water resources to enable the development of sustainable management alternatives. Using two carbon emission scenarios Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5, the study assesses the future availability of water resources from the Pungwe River to the City of Mutare using the Pitman hydrological model applied in an uncertainty framework. Available historical streamflow observations at gauging station F14 indicate a Q95 flow of about 2 Mm3/year. Projected future water resources at the end of the 21st century show a slight increase of up to 2.38% under the low carbon emission scenario (RCP4.5) and a decrease of up to 9.73%under the high carbon emission scenario (RCP8.5). These model-generated results are useful to water managers to plan for catchment management strategies that would ensure continuous urban water supply, and the identification and development of possible future alternative water sources. 相似文献
为适应城市发展对水系的多功能需求,特别是对生态环境功能的需求,我国城市水系治理已开始从单纯的河道治理到水环境综合治理的转变。实现这种转变,需要相应的理论支撑,也需要在实践上进行积极的探索。本文从概念上阐述了广义水环境的内涵,分析了城市水系流动缓慢、水体交换性能差、水体自净能力弱等特点。结合我国城市化进程的主要水环境问题,指出在水系建设中重视水环境在生态、景观、文化等方面的作用对支撑城市发展的意义,并讨论了在水系建设重塑环境功能时应考虑的自然性、多样性、连续性和系统性原则。 相似文献
ABSTRACTA Coupled Infrastructure Systems perspective is applied to three cases in north-western China to explain how and why water rights systems and water markets have changed since 1949. The evolution of water rights systems has been shaped by periods of water-supply projects and periods that emphasized regulatory and institutional measures to manage water resources. We argue that water supply infrastructure and water markets have been developed not in sequence but in parallel. The development of water diversion projects and nationwide market-oriented water allocation reform programmes will continue to co-evolve in the future as part of complex coupled infrastructure systems. 相似文献
关于当前农田水利建设若干问题的思考 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在农村税费改革和“两工”取消的新形势下,当前我国农田水利建设呈现出了下滑趋势。以山东省为例,通过对当前农田水利建设形势的分析和判断,从制定支持农田水利建设的政策、出台《农村水利发展基金法》、探索推动农村水利发展的新体制、加大投入力度等方面提出了加快农田水利建设的相关建议。 相似文献
AbstractDue to increasingly frequent incidents of pluvial flooding of public spaces and private properties, climate-adaptive building and urban water management are gaining momentum in Dutch water governance. This study assesses the Dutch approach to urban water management by looking at the governance approaches of three of the largest Dutch municipalities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. By analyzing the municipalities’ governance approaches in a holistic way, paying attention to knowledge, organization and implementation, the research provides good practices in terms of different aspects of resilience as well as lessons regarding setting performance indicators in service levels, clarifying responsibility division, applying binding rules instead of soft policies, and more. 相似文献
Michael Rouse 《国际水资源开发杂志》2014,30(1):20-27
There are two parts to the challenge of providing the infrastructure necessary for universal access to water and sanitation. One challenge is the extension of existing infrastructure and new infrastructure to serve all in today's urban areas and to keep up with the expected rapid growth of cities; the other is the refurbishment of existing infrastructure to maintain access to water and sanitation. Meeting the second challenge is the more costly; it is also essential to meeting the first challenge. Infrastructure is the means, not the end, with a requirement for clear policies on objectives, priorities and service standards. Delivery will require effective planning, regulation, innovation, capacity building and training. Although the infrastructure costs will be high, the benefits will be greater. 相似文献
详细讨论了我国城市水资源开发利用趋势和问题,认为城市供水将是未来水资源开发利用的重点,生活和生态环境用水将迅速增加,水资源短缺将促进高效用水和部分农业用水向城市转移,水资源开发利用方式也将发生相应变化,供水安全、水源地安全和城市防洪排涝安全将日益重要.将全国分为六大区,根据各分区自然条件、水资源和社会经济状况,讨论了各分区城市水资源开发利用策略,提出了解决各分区城市水资源问题的出路. 相似文献
AbstractTwo important environmental challenges for many cities are to prevent flooding after heavy rain, and to minimize warming due to the urban heat island effect. There is a close link between these two phenomena, as rainfall intensity increases with rising air temperature. The two problems of flood management and urban warming therefore need to be tackled together. In particular, management strategies that contribute to reducing urban temperatures should be recognized as a means of reducing flood risk, especially in regions prone to intense rainfall. 相似文献
根据近年昆明市水资源量监测及其开发利用的有关资料,分析了昆明市发展过程中水资源及其开发利用变化的特征量。结果表明:昆明市水资源总量呈减少趋势,用水结构发生变化,生活用水缓慢增加,生产用水小幅减少,城市绿化等其他用水大幅度增长,供用水矛盾日益突出;GDP总量用水量增大,用水效率提高,但与发达地区相比,具有一定的节水潜力;同时,饮用水水源地水质也呈下降趋势,滇池及其入湖河流水质长期处于Ⅴ类或劣Ⅴ类;随着经济社会快速发展,滇池流域水资源将不能满足昆明市发展的需要。昆明仍是全国14个最缺水城市之一,城市用水将依赖于外流域远距离调水,但应充分考虑城市雨水资源利用,同时也应做好突发性水安全事故的应急预案。 相似文献
在城市化水平迅速提高以及水质标准提高而水源污染日趋严重、供排水设备老化的行业背景下,水务市场出现巨大的资金需求。资金成为拉动水务市场发展的核心动力和产业纽带。水务市场项目的部分公益性特征,使水务市场发展受到来自法律和政策体系的多重制约。水务市场作为一种稳定的低回报的长期投资,高效稳定的运营成为赢利的关键。国家职能部门和各级地方政府是水务市场化进程的积极推动者,国有资本也是这一过程的重要参与者。 相似文献
城市水资源可持续发展微观尺度的评价系统一直是环境可持续发展理论领域的空白。本研究提出了城市水资源可持续发展公众化的概念,讨论了城市水资源可持续发展公众化系统组成,构建了城市水资源可持续发展公众化评价指标体系、计算方法与评价等级。提出通过多边形包络评价法进行城市的社会经济科技发展水平评价计算,作为验证手段检验本理论与方法正确性。最后指出,进行城市水资源可持续发展公众化评价理论及其体系研究对城市科学发展的重要意义。 相似文献
Cecilia Tortajada 《国际水资源开发杂志》2014,30(1):8-19
Infrastructure is essential for development, but by itself it will not contribute to improving the quality of life of millions of people unless it is part of an overall framework for development, economic growth, social equity and environmental protection. As mentioned by Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, the absence of infrastructure has a pervasive influence on poverty, but at the same time is not a free-standing factor in lifting people from it. The focus should thus not be on physical infrastructure per se but on infrastructure as a driver for growth and sustainable development. This requires more comprehensive institutional, legal, regulatory, policy and management frameworks than the ones existing at present. 相似文献
分析目前海绵城市建设无法根本解决"城市看海"问题的原因,提出大幅提高城市暴雨洪水蓄排能力的建议:完善海绵城市建设方案;加大城市内涝防治资金的投入力度;因地制宜,一城一策;长期规划,稳步推进。 相似文献
河北省城市水资源开发利用存在问题及对策建议 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对河北省城市水资源开发利用中存在的水资源短缺、地下水超采严重、水资源浪费、水价偏低、管理体制不顺等问题 ,提出了对策建议 :统筹城乡水资源 ,增加地表水资源调配工程 ,强化节水 ,建设节水防污型城市 ;加快产业结构调整步伐 ;加大治污和水资源保护力度等 相似文献
为从水利基础设施建设方面对支撑皖北地区加快发展提出政策建议,以地区发展实际结合防洪减灾、供水保障等需求综合分析的方法,介绍了皖北地区经济社会和水利基础设施概况,从水旱灾害防御、水资源保障、水生态环境、水利信息化等方面分析了皖北地区水利基础设施存在的问题与不足,提出了畅通骨干防洪通道,增强洪水调蓄能力,提升城市防洪排涝能力,提高重点涝区排涝能力,建设重大引调水工程和区域水资源配置工程,保障乡村振兴用水需求,实施水生态环境和地下水超采治理,保障河湖生态环境需水,完善水网信息基础设施,构建数字孪生流域等工程措施建议,为皖北地区高质量发展提供坚实的水安全保障。 相似文献