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The aim of this article is to conduct an evidence-based analysis of stakeholder engagement in decision-making processes affecting multifunctional irrigation systems. The selection of case studies has allowed us to examine different tools that promote stakeholder engagement and good governance. The case studies show how stakeholder engagement in irrigation systems shapes hydrosocial territories: (1) by reducing tension between stakeholders, (2) by redirecting regional planning and strategy, (3) by highlighting water crises, (4) by decentralizing water responsibilities, and (5) by integrating values and beliefs from different stakeholders.  相似文献   


The OECD Principles on Water Governance aim to contribute to good water governance. Learning and change through assessments are useful ways to strengthen water governance systems. This article presents a methodology for a learning assessment based on the OECD principles. The methodology has been applied to the Dutch Flood Protection Programme. The analysis revealed various functions of the OECD principles, from enhancing understanding to reforming the agenda, reflection and informed action. Recommendations are given on how the OECD principles can be used to come to meaningful action-oriented water governance assessments; they include contextualization, multiple methods, inclusiveness and periodic assessments.  相似文献   

In most democratic countries, government officials make water-allocation decisions. Citizens depend on these officials and their technical advisors to take account of both technical and political considerations in determining which water uses get priority, what infrastructure investments to make and what water quality standards to apply. In many parts of the world, water users and stakeholders have additional opportunities to comment on such decisions before they are implemented. Under some circumstances, citizens can challenge water management decisions in court. This is not enough. More direct democracy, involving stakeholders before such decisions are made, can produce fairer and increasingly sustainable results. The steps in collaborative adaptive management – a form of stakeholder engagement particularly appropriate to managing complex water networks – are described in this article along with the reasons that traditional forms of representative democracy are inadequate when it comes to water policy.  相似文献   

Stakeholder analysis and social network analysis were used to analyze stakeholders’ social and structural characteristics based on their interests, influence and interactions in Lake Naivasha basin, Kenya. Even though the Kenyan government and its agencies seem to command higher influence and interest in water resource management, the presence of influential and central stakeholders from non-government sectors plays a key role in strengthening partnership in a governance environment with multiple sectors, complex issues and competing interests. Interactions in the basin are guided by stakeholders’ interest and sphere of influence, which have both promoted participation in implementing a collaborative water governance framework.  相似文献   


This paper provides a synthetic presentation of French water governance and its evolution since the 1960s. Through this French experience, it discusses the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) water governance cycle showing disputes as the main drivers of change. France has been a pioneer in introducing water river basin management some 50 years ago. It is also noted for its water services management by local authorities, leaving a significant role to private and public companies. But French water governance has not been frozen since the 1960s and continues to change radically within a framework based upon its unique history.  相似文献   

A growing number of countries are reforming their water allocation regimes through the use of economic instruments. This article analyzes the performance of economic instruments in water allocation reforms compared against their original design objectives in five European countries: England, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. We identify the strengths of, barriers to and unintended consequences of economic instruments in the varying socio-economic, legal, institutional and biophysical context in each case study area, and use this evidence to draw out underlying common guidelines and recommendations. These lessons will help improve the effectiveness of future reforms while supporting more efficient water resources allocation.  相似文献   

Climatic variation and intersectoral water competition increasingly challenge the effective provision of irrigation services. This article explores their combined effects on irrigation allocation from the Angat Reservoir (Philippines), where domestic water use in Metro Manila has overtaken regional irrigation as the dominant right-holder. Rules protecting Metro Manila’s large right to water ‘interact’ with dry spells to affect irrigation security in wet and dry seasons. Historically, irrigators were uncompensated because re-allocation’s cause was contested as (1) an unforeseeable climatic event (releasing domestic utilities of liability), or (2) produced by urban demand (requiring compensation). Trade-off rules must be prepared to navigate combinatory effects.  相似文献   


Despite increasing convergence on the social learning concept as a theoretical foundation of collaborative practices for water governance, this article shows the pitfalls of its uncritical application as a normative ideal. The discussion is based on the analysis of a community-based initiative for water supply and slum upgrading in India, which is considered a best practice of good governance due to its collaborative approach. A different interpretation of the project is proposed through the analysis of its successes and failures from a community perspective. Finally, a recommendation for context-specific selection of theoretical bases for participatory practices is made.  相似文献   

Despite longstanding interest in reducing water use in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, public policy responses have tended to be restricted to the water sector’s traditional remit, e.g., improving public access to water data. However, it is not clear that these type of measures will be enough to address concerns over water quantity and advance water sustainability, as they are tied to other socio-economic concerns, external to the water sector. The purpose of this study is to understand the range of external factors that influenced the development and implementation of the water use reduction (WUR) policy in Ontario, and to identify opportunities for harnessing these factors to advance WUR objectives. To do so, we propose a diagnostic framework that maps external factors in relation to a specific water governance situation. We carried out 13 semi-structured interviews and reviewed 56 documents. We combined deductive and inductive approaches to content analysis. We found many non-water factors influencing the governance of WUR in Ontario. Particularly, the economic development provincial objective strongly shaped Ontario’s WUR policy by influencing the adoption of a demand management approach centering on water efficiency, rather than conservation. Furthermore, the WUR policy primarily serves the economic development objective. An implication is that water policies can be used instrumentally, raising the question of what constitutes a “water policy”. In summary, this study argues that non-water factors can thus influence our path to water sustainability, in this case represented by the water conservation approach, by defining an enabling (or hindering), institutional framework.  相似文献   

广西冬春水利建设的新实践与新思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,广西在冬春水利建设推动机制和管理体制探索上迈出了新步伐,取得了突破性实践成果。系统总结广西冬春水利建设近年来的新实践,分析了在新形势下抓好冬春水利建设需要把握的重要环节,为强化能动因素,充分调动广大群众的积极性,推动水利建设新发展提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical basis for local water-governance reforms in the Philippines using primary data from 299 water managers representing water districts, community-based water organizations, irrigators’ associations and local government water providers. Survey results showed that local water organizations are subject to various forms of laws and regulations; there are no set bases for water price determination; and water administration set-up varies from the formal to the loosely informal structures. Recommendations are offered towards responsive local water governance arrangements.  相似文献   

Over the last several decades, multiple environmental issues have led to dramatic changes in the water clarity of the Great Lakes. While many of the key factors are well-known and have direct anthropogenic origins, climatic variability and change can also impact water clarity at various temporal scales, but their influence is less often studied. Building upon a recent examination of the univariate relationships between synoptic-scale weather patterns and water clarity, this research utilizes nonlinear autoregressive models with exogenous input (NARX models) to explore the multivariate climate-to-water clarity relationship. Models trained on the observation period (1997–2016) are extrapolated back to 1979 to reconstruct a daily-scale historical water clarity dataset, and used in a reforecast mode to estimate real-time forecast skill. Of the 20 regions examined, models perform best in Lakes Michigan and Huron, especially in spring and summer. The NARX models perform better than a simple persistence model and a seasonal-trend model in nearly all regions, indicating that climate variability is a contributing factor to fluctuations in water clarity. Further, six of the 20 regions also show promise of useful forecasts to at least 1 week of lead-time, with three of those regions showing skill out to two months of lead time.  相似文献   

Research on water resource conflicts needs to be better aligned with practitioner approaches to water resources development, chiefly integrated water resources management (IWRM). This paper bridges the gap between research and practice through a novel application of the social–ecological systems framework to a set of 10 conflict cases from an IWRM initiative in rural Central America. The conflicts in the empirical cases are found to be primarily the result of socio-political variables, particularly low levels of trust and social capital, and peacebuilding is suggested as a promising approach to address this suite of conflicts. The paper concludes with a proposed course of research designed to further both theoretical and applied knowledge of water resource conflicts.  相似文献   


Better yields of high-value crops are necessary for a profitable irrigation industry in sub-Saharan Africa. We introduced two simple tools, the Chameleon soil moisture sensor and the FullStop wetting front detector, which represent soil water, nitrate and salt levels in the soil by displaying different colours. These tools form the basis of an experiential learning system for small-scale irrigators. We found that farmers quickly learned from the tools and changed their management within a short time. The cost of implementing a learning system would be a small fraction of that of building or revitalizing irrigation schemes.  相似文献   


This paper examines new forms of political participation on the part of rural water committees in Nicaragua in the mid-2000s. In particular, it explores the role of multisectoral alliances in facilitating water committees’ (1) physical mobility and political visibility, (2) political and legal capacity-building, and (3) access to state channels of representation. Contributing to theories of social capital, this case reveals a transformation of participation in water governance from locally grounded collective action for water management to engagement in public policy processes. In practical terms, the paper casts lessons for improved water governance via more inclusive policy processes.  相似文献   

Adaptive management is a structured approach for people who must act despite uncertainty and complexity about what they are managing and the impacts of their actions. It is learning‐by‐doing through deliberate cycles of experimentation, review, and synthesis. However, understanding the processes of learning and how they relate to achieving resource management goals is in its infancy. Reflexive learning—a process of identifying and critically examining assumptions, values, and actions that frame knowledge—is critical to the effectiveness of adaptive management. It involves adaptive feedbacks between stakeholders as they examine assumptions, values, and actions. Adaptive management has been applied to environmental flows because it offers a system for making decisions about tradeoffs. In the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), Australia, adaptive management is applied as a cycle of plan, do, monitor, and learn, facilitated by short‐ and long‐term learning among stakeholders. An alternative conceptualization of adaptive management as an integration of single‐, double‐, and triple‐loop learning across multiple levels of governance is presented. This is applied to environmental flows in the MDB to map adaptive feedbacks of reflexive learning. At the lowest level of governance (Water Resource Planning Area), goals are assessed as Thresholds of Potential Concern related to flow‐ecology responses, which are reviewed every 3–6 years. At the second level of governance (Basin‐States), Water Management Targets are the key goals; reviewed and reframed every 6–10 years. The highest level of governance (the MDB) is concerned with policy targets, with review and reframing over 8–15 years. Feedbacks that generate reflexive learning are complex and require commitment to move through the modes of single‐, double‐, and triple‐loop learning. Effective adaptive management of environmental water requires practitioners to situate themselves within a matrix of information flow across modes of learning, levels of governance, and components of a social‐ecological system, where reflexive learning drives the achievement of management goals.  相似文献   


In recent decades, an agro-export boom has deeply transformed Peru’s coastal valleys, resulting in dramatic territorial changes and social inequality in the Ica Valley. This article explains how politico-economic and socio-institutional forces have triggered the emergence of a new ‘hydrosocial territory’, transforming the Ica Valley into a virtual-water extraction zone that produces luxury export crops for the North and China. In addition, it shows how these territorial reconfigurations have led to ecological damage, water scarcity and increasing rural–urban inequality sustained by a hegemonic development discourse that supports agribusiness-elite territorial dominance and discourages social unrest.  相似文献   

根据第一次全国水利普查广西水利行业能力建设情况普查成果,分析我区乡镇水利管理单位现状及存在的主要问题,并结合2011年中央一号文件关于提高基层水利服务能力的要求,提出我区基层水利服务体系建设的建议。  相似文献   

Joan Ramon Ostos 《国际水》2013,38(5):587-605
Water consumption in Barcelona in Spain, and the corresponding water imprint, followed a path resembling an Environmental Kuznets Curve. They grew slowly from the mid-19th century before reaching a peak in 1967–70, and a downward trend followed up to 2010. This paper uses a decomposition analysis to assess the role played by population growth, income increase and water intensity as determinants of these trends. It is stressed that water intensity does not express technical change alone, but includes social inequalities, consumer habits and cultural perceptions as well. It can be explained by taking into account the social conflicts and public policies of each period.  相似文献   


The article analyzes Tidal River Management in Bangladesh from a social learning perspective. Four cases were investigated using participatory assessment. Knowledge acquisition through transformations in the Tidal River Management process was explored as an intended learning outcome. The study finds that social learning occurred more prominently at the individual stakeholder level and less at the collective level. For Tidal River Management to be responsive and sustainable, especially in times of increased uncertainty and climate vulnerability, more attention needs to be paid to coordination and facilitation of multi-level learning that includes all stakeholders.  相似文献   

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