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This paper presents the experimentation conducted in knowledge elicitation, with special reference to bridge design, as part of a much greater research effort in the computational modelling of conceptual design using artificial intelligence techniques. The extent of the knowledge elicitation encompasses the entire process of extracting, characterizing and crafting design knowledge into an exploitable form. The merits and shortcomings of the methods used in the experimentation are compared and contrasted; the problems involved in acquiring knowledge in a multiple expert environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Suburban development in the Greater Vancouver Region of British Columbia, as with edge-city development elsewhere in North America, continues to erode forest and farm, disrupt hydrological patterns, and weaken the overall ecological integrity of the region. Fragmented landscapes and equally fragmented communities isolate citizens from nature as well as from one another. Alternative approaches and models for creating sustainable communities are urgently required. This paper presents one such model, using criteria developed from a wide range of exemplary sustainable community approaches employed elsewhere in North America and Europe. It compares this model sustainable community with an existing edge community in the region and concludes with the assertion that a high level of sustainability is not only attainable but also can improve a community's sense of the civic and sense of place.  相似文献   

The architectural design competition remains a widely accepted method to advance design innovation, creativity, theoretical discourse, and the profession. In the realm of healthcare facility design, by contrast, clients and their sponsoring organizations seldom utilize this method. The reasons for this are many, and continue to stand in stark contrast to a growing body of evidence-based research and design (EBR&D)that is potentially of value in improving performance-based dimensions—esthetic and otherwise—of healthcare facilities globally. A comparative analysis of the entrants to a recent U.S. completion was conducted. Based on the results of this analysis, a two-phased healthcare facility design competition paradigm is put forth that is premised on the assumption that the intuitive dimensions of design creativity can be further advanced by means of a well timed and thoughtful injection of quantitatively based knowledge pertaining to patient, family, staff, and organizational concerns and priorities. This proposal׳s limitations, and future opportunities, are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper examines the issue of assessing the value of social design research. It locates the emergence of social design practice and research against a background in which public and social organisations are increasingly bureaucratised as a result of New Public Management and shifts to New Public Governance. Within universities, too, organisational processes and structures require research to demonstrate impact within an audit culture. Through the study presented in this paper, we claim that the bureaucracies found in contemporary academia are ill-equipped to adequately assess generative, impactful, and multi-sited research in which value is co-produced with diverse participants. This presents challenges when attempting to understand the value of social design research. Building on social research and studies of innovation policy, sustainable human-computer interaction and evaluation, we define social design research as inventive, contingent, and political. To address the issue of its evaluation, we propose two-stage social design research. In the first stage, research issues, questions, methods, data, and ‘proto-publics’ are assembled, which reveal the conflicting framings and ways that value is assessed. These are re-assembled in a second stage during which the research is stabilised. The findings have implications for research managers, academics and their partners, and university administrators.  相似文献   

2020年,突如其来的疫情导致广大高校无法正常线下教学,各高校纷纷开展线上教学实践。但由于传统工科设计类课程的特殊性,线上教学无法适应其要求。基于此,以南京大学城市设计课程教学为例,对其教学任务、目标进行剖析,认为线上教学存在基地现场调研难、线上教学深化难(方案信息损失大、师生线上交流浅)、线上答辩误差大等问题。继而提出“云”调研的创新(线上“云”选题、线上“云”调研)、线上教学的改革(“VR”技术的运用、线上交流的优化)、线上答辩的纠偏等系统化改革创新思路,为未来设计类课程线上线下融合和线上教学改革深化提供了有益的经验借鉴。  相似文献   

通过分析3D打印技术特征,结合高等院校产品设计专业教学的课程、逻辑、体系等,优化两者之间的衔接与组合,特别是以内容分析的方式,综合课程设计和体系优化、工程实训(实践)与项目化实战、校企合作联合培养、创新创业与职业技能训练、建立3D打印高新技术产业联盟等模块,并集约各个内部要素单元,完成技能型知识结构模型设计,对高等院校3D打印高新技术人才培养有一定示范价值。  相似文献   

As a highly interdisciplinary field, architecture is being influenced by many subjects of natural and social sciences. Biology despite being apparently distant from architecture is currently a scientific field blending into design practices, which have evolved and shifted towards a new hybrid framework. In this article, we present an emerging design field of what we categorize as biomimetic architecture pioneering by six architectural offices in France. We observe the impact of scientific researches on design processes and practices through six case studies led by these offices, which can be seen through the actors who involved in various types of interdisciplinary collaborations, through the competencies of the architect himself, and through new sources of ideas coming from biological sciences and related fields. We propose to use a classification of theoretical uses in modeling practice to better understand the role that biological knowledge plays in architectural design practices. Finally, the result of this analysis shows that the use of biology taking place in a design space has external purposes, which transform it to produce engineering devices or urban schemes rather than architectural projects. It also shows that biology in architectural design induces other kinds of non-biological knowledge, is not strictly theoretical and could be obsolete or approximate. These findings lead to an epistemological discussion concerning the confusion between biological ‘knowledge’ and architectural design ‘know-how’.  相似文献   

A framework that integrates the fragmented elements of concept derivation, processing, and translation is developed and discussed. This framework aims to consolidate the divergent components of design conception into a comprehensive system that facilitates design conceptualization, initiation, and integration of various concept evolution phases, components, layers, and aspects. Accordingly, the framework describes a comprehensive approach based on a series of alternating divergence/convergence cycles. Subsequently, the approach encompasses a concept evolution process, derivation methods, aggregation/segregation technique, translation channels, and development layers. Each of the major divergent phases of the framework consists of eight parts. Furthermore, the skills and tasks associated with framework implementation are mapped into the main processing phases. The scope of this study is architectural design in higher education and practice. To demonstrate its applicability, the framework is implemented and illustrated by a case study. Reflections about its implementation and limitations are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

The Level of Service (LOS) is a measure to evaluate the degree of accommodation of different transport modes in a given infrastructure (road, railway, street, etc.). While the last decades have seen a growing interest regarding the use of level of service for managing and planning private and public transport infrastructures, shortcomings appear when it is used in the context of pedestrian mobility (i.e. the complexity of pedestrian mobility in terms of behaviour and the consideration of urban design factors associated with pedestrianisation). This paper aims to gain insight into the abovementioned issues by developing an alternative walking index, the Quality of Pedestrian Level of Service (Q-PLOS) method. This novel method is based on the quality of urban design for pedestrian and its relationship with walking needs. The city of Granada (Spain) provided the empirical focus. The paper found that the Q-PLOS was a more accurate measurement of pedestrian mobility characteristics. This was based on the relevance of specific factors linked to urban design together with public preferences about them. Finally, the obtained high-detailed outputs provide a platform to increment the effectiveness of level of service specifically for pedestrians that want to access to a public transport stop.  相似文献   

基于土木工程专业人才培养方案对学员"知识、能力、素质"三个层次的培养要求,将土木工程材料课程知识体系相对应地划分为"教材知识、拓展知识、科学知识"三个层次。通过课前预习、课堂教学、实验教学、课程考核四个阶段的课程设计,分别采取不同的教学方法和考核方法,实现学员获得学习、实践和创新等方面能力和素质的目的。  相似文献   

二年级建筑教学在整个建筑教学体系中起着重要的作用。笔者以二年级社区活动中心为例,通过"调研—分析—设计"三个环节,让学生在调查研究中发现问题、解决问题,以问题为切入点思考建筑、设计建筑,并关注影响建筑的环境、城市、社会人文因素,从而培养学生分析和解决问题的能力,树立正确的设计理念。  相似文献   

吴向东  蔡丽芬 《山西建筑》2011,37(12):17-19
从分析目前"生态小区"景观设计原则,人类生态的居住观入手,给小区景观设计注入了新的内容,同时也向景观绿化设计提出了更高的要求。着重探讨了住宅小区绿色景观环境设计的原则和重点,以达到改善城市生态质量和人居环境的目的。  相似文献   


Designing for teamwork in healthcare requires a thorough understanding of the working context and routines of the different user groups involved. This paper presents a design project in the context of child oncology in which we demonstrate the use of a newly developed ethnographic method for design research called the learning history method. The results of this design research project demonstrate that the method provides the designer with a clear path to gather in-depth insights into the needs and wishes of different users and their interactions, while maintaining flexibility in execution. Moreover, the results also show that the proposed tangible outcomes of each design research step focuses high-quality feedback loops between the designer and the different users.  相似文献   

黄雯 《规划师》2005,21(8):91-94
美国的城市设计控制政策是以设计审查制度为核心,以设计导则为方向与依据,以区划法为依托的控制政策,它是美国规划体系发展过程中的新事物,旨在弥补区划法对城市形象、环境质量等不可量化因素控制的不足。给城市建设以美学与感观上的控制,以创造更好的城市空间形态与宜人的生活环境。  相似文献   

Computation-based approaches in design have emerged in the last decades and rapidly became popular among architects and other designers. Design professionals and researchers adopted different terminologies to address these approaches. However, some terms are used ambiguously and inconsistently, and different terms are commonly used to express the same concept. This paper discusses computational design (CD) and proposes an improved and sound taxonomy for a set of key CD terms, namely, parametric, generative, and algorithmic design, based on an extensive literature review from which different definitions by various authors were collected, analyzed, and compared.  相似文献   

社区营造是城市存量更新的重要方式,其出发点为增进居民福祉。以此为目的,文章基于积极心理学幸福感相关理论,寻找积极心理学与设计之间的契合点,运用积极设计框架于社区营造。该框架指出设计可作为幸福感的直接来源、促进者、象征物或指导者,提升人的积极情绪、参与感、良好关系、意义感及成就感,并通过广州东莞庄南街社区营造实践进行了初步验证,得出了积极设计框架适用于社区营造的结论。  相似文献   

为适应国家人才培养模式向高素质、宽口径的转变,荷载与结构设计方法课程的教学内容必须由原来少量的专业领域向更宽领域拓宽,拓宽后的知识点内容繁多,讲解时应突出大土木的共同点和不同专业的特殊性。本文对该课程具体讲授内容的异同性及其侧重点安排作了详细的对比总结。  相似文献   

许露 《山西建筑》2009,35(20):8-9
对北极阁广场在全天不同时段的使用方式、使用人群进行观察,拍照记录各地块不同时段的活动人群数量、年龄、活动方式,分析了空间环境与人的活动的关系,提出了一些广场设计中值得关注的问题。  相似文献   

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