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The European tarnished plant bug, Lygus rugulipennis, is an important pest of agricultural and horticultural crops throughout Europe. Adult male L. rugulipennis were previously shown to be attracted to traps baited with live virgin females, which suggests the females produce a sex pheromone. Volatiles produced by virgin female L. rugulipennis were shown to contain three components, hexyl butyrate, (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate, and (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal which elicited electroantennographic (EAG) responses from males in analyses by linked gas chromatography-electroantennography (GC-EAG). They were produced in 1.5:1:0.08 ratio, respectively, by single females. Collections from 1, 2, or 4 virgin females showed the proportions of hexyl butyrate and (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal to increase relative to that of (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate with increasing number of females. Although these compounds were found in body extracts of both male and female L. rugulipennis, they were not detected in volatiles released by virgin males. EAG dose-response studies showed that both males and females responded to these chemicals with minimal differences in sensitivity between the sexes or to the three components, except that males were more responsive than females to (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal at the two highest doses tested. Release rates of the compounds from rubber septa, polyethylene vials, and polyethylene sachets were measured under laboratory conditions. Four field tests were carried out using sticky traps baited with all possible binary and tertiary combinations of the three chemicals using different combinations of dispensing systems. Catches of male L. rugulipennis in baited traps were similar to those in unbaited traps. Significantly fewer females were caught on traps baited with blends containing hexyl butyrate than on traps without hexyl butyrate or unbaited traps in one test and overall. The roles of the three compounds and possible reasons for their failure to attract males are discussed.  相似文献   

Female Phytocoris calli Knight produce a sex pheromone from metathoracic scent glands. The pheromone consists of hexyl acetate (HA; present in both sexes), with the female-specific compounds (E)-2-hexenyl acetate (E2HA), octyl acetate (OA), and (E)-2-octenyl acetate (E2OA). HA and E2OA are key components of the pheromone, since deletion of either ester from the blend resulted in a total suppression of conspecific male trap catches. However, the binary blend of HA and E2OA was only slightly attractive to males, and was significantly less active than the four-component blend. The two ternary blends, HA/OA/E2OA and HA/E2HA/E2OA, were each as attractive as the full four-component blend. Evidence from previous research on the pheromones of Phytocoris species suggests that the apparent chemical redundancy in the pheromone of P. calli may actually be involved in maintaining reproductive isolation from other sympatric species. The patterns observed for pheromones of the five Phytocoris species whose pheromones have been directly (P. californicus, P. relativus, P. difficilis, and P. calli) or indirectly (P. breviusculus) studied are discussed vis-à-vis the pheromone intractable species of Lygus and Lygocoris plant bugs.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of female dogwood borers (DWB) Synanthedon scitula (Harris) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) was determined to be an 88:6:6 ternary blend of (Z,Z)-3,13-octadecadienyl acetate (Z,Z-3,13-ODDA), (E,Z)-2,13-octadecadienyl acetate (E,Z-2,13-ODDA), and (Z,E)-3,13-octadecadienyl acetate (Z,E-3,13-ODDA) by gas chromatography–electroantennographic detection (GC–EAD) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The major sex pheromone component, Z,Z-3,13-ODDA, was attractive as a single component. A blend of Z,Z-3,13-ODDA with 1–3% of E,Z-2,13-ODDA (binary blend) was more attractive than the single component. A third component, Z,E-3,13-ODDA, was sometimes observed in GC–EAD analyses, and enhanced attraction to the binary blend in some field bioassays. Lures containing 1 mg of binary and ternary blends attracted 18 and 28 times more male DWB moths, respectively, than caged virgin females in field trials. Attraction was strongly antagonized by addition of as little as 0.5% of E,Z-3,13-octadecadienyl acetate (E,Z-3,13-ODDA). In a period of 12 wk in 2004, more than 60,000 males were captured in sticky traps baited with synthetic pheromone blends in six apple orchards in Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina. Lure longevity trials showed that ∼76% of the pheromone remained in rubber septum lures after 12 wk in the field.  相似文献   

Adults and juveniles of the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius L. (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), return to and aggregate in harborages after foraging for hosts. We tested the hypothesis that the aggregation is mediated, in part, by an airborne aggregation pheromone. Volatiles from experimental C. lectularius harborages were captured on Porapak Q, fractionated by liquid chromatography, and bioassayed in dual-choice, still-air olfactometer experiments. Of 14 compounds with >100 pg abundance in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of two bioactive fractions, 10 compounds [nonanal, decanal, (E)-2-hexenal, (E)-2-octenal, (2E,4E)-octadienal, benzaldehyde, (+)- and (-)-limonene, sulcatone, benzyl alcohol] proved to be essential components of the C. lectularius airborne aggregation pheromone.  相似文献   

Coupled gas chromatographic (GC)–electroantennographic detection (EAD) analyses of ovipositor extract of calling Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor, females revealed that seven compounds elicited responses from male antennae. Four of the compounds—(2S)-tridec-2-yl acetate, (2S,10Z)-10-tridecen-2-yl acetate, (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-yl acetate, and (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-ol—were identified previously in female extracts. Two new EAD-active compounds, (2S,8Z,10E)-8,10-tridecadien-2-yl acetate and (2S,8E,10E)-8,10-tridecadien-2-yl acetate, were identified by GC–mass spectroscopy (MS) and the use of synthetic reference samples. In a Y-tube bioassay, a five-component blend (1 ng (2S)-tridec-2-yl acetate, 10 ng (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-yl acetate, 1 ng (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-ol, 1 ng (2S,8Z,10E)-8,10-tridecadien-2-yl acetate, and 1 ng (2S,8E,10E)-8,10-tridecadien-2-yl acetate) was as attractive to male Hessian flies as a similar amount of female extract (with respect to the main compound, (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-yl acetate). The five-component blend was more attractive to male flies than a three-component blend lacking the two dienes. Furthermore, the five-component blend was more attractive than a blend with the same compounds but that contained one tenth the concentration of (2S,8E,10E)-8,10-tridecadien-2-yl acetate (more accurately mimicking the ratios found in female extract). This suggests that the ratios emitted by females might deviate from those in gland extracts. In a field-trapping experiment, the five-component blend applied to polyethylene cap dispensers in a 100:10 μg ratio between the main component and each of the other blend components attracted a significant number of male Hessian flies. Also, a small-plot field test demonstrated the attractiveness of the five-component blend to male Hessian flies and suggests that this pheromone blend may be useful for monitoring and predicting Hessian fly outbreaks in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Analysis of extracts of sex pheromone glands of grapevine moth females Lobesia botrana showed three previously unidentified compounds, (E)-7-dodecenyl acetate and the (E,E)- and (Z,E)-isomers of 7,9,11-dodecatrienyl acetate. This is the first account of a triply unsaturated pheromone component in a tortricid moth. The monoenic acetate (E)-7-dodecenyl acetate and the trienic acetate (7Z,9E,11)-dodecatrienyl acetate significantly enhanced responses of males to the main pheromone compound, (7E,9Z)-7,9-dodecadienyl acetate, in the wind tunnel. The identification of sex pheromone synergists in L. botrana may be of practical importance for the development of integrated pest management systems. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

The southern cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), is a major pest of stored legumes in warm temperate and tropical climates. The female sex attractant pheromone was extracted from filter-paper shelters taken from containers that housed virgin females. The extracts were purified by various chromatographic techniques, and the biologically active components in the fractions were screened by gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection analysis with male antennae. Two compounds that elicited electrophysiological responses were isolated, and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, and micro-chemical analyses suggested that the active compounds were homofarnesals, (2Z,6E)- and (2E,6E)-7-ethyl-3,11-dimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatrienals. Males of C. chinensis were significantly attracted to filter paper discs loaded with the synthetic compounds at 0.01–0.1 ng compared to solvent control in a Y-tube olfactometer assay. These pheromone components represent unique chemical structures within the genus Callosobruchus.  相似文献   

Two Melittini species, Macroscelesia japona and M. longipes (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), are native to Japan, but occupy different localities as their host plants seldom grow together. The contents of the sex pheromone gland of adult females of both species, obtained after rearing larvae collected from the field, were investigated by gas chromatograph-electroantennogram detection (GC-EAD) and gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses. Two GC-EAD-active components were found in a crude extract of M. japona female pheromone gland, and identified as (2E,13Z)-2,13-octadecadien-1-ol (E2,Z13-18:OH) and (2E,13Z)-2,13-octadecadienal (E2,Z13-18:Ald). The average ratio of these two components was about 1:10. In the field, M. japona males were attracted to traps baited with E2,Z13-18:Ald alone, but the strongest attraction was observed with a 1:100 mixture of E2,Z13-18:OH and E2,Z13-18:Ald. The same two components were found in extracts of M. longipes females, but in a markedly different ratio. Male M. longipes were attracted most strongly to lures containing a 20:1 mixture of E2,Z13-18:OH and E2,Z13-18:Ald, although some males were also attracted to lures with E2,Z13-18:OH alone. Although the two species do not generally occur in sympatry, our data indicate that, in the event of overlap, cross attraction of the two species is unlikely.  相似文献   

Coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection analyses of ovipositor extracts of calling Contarinia nasturtii females revealed two compounds that elicited responses from antennae of male midges. Using synthetic reference samples, these components were identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and enantioselective GC as (2S,9S)-diacetoxyundecane and (2S,10S)-diacetoxyundecane. In addition, trace amounts of 2-acetoxyundecane were found in ovipositor extracts, and the (S)-enantiomer was synthesized. When tested in the wind tunnel, a blend of 5ng (2S,9S)-diacetoxyundecane and 10 ng (2S,10S)-diacetoxyundecane (mimicking the ratio found in the extracts) did not attract any of the males tested, but when 0.1 ng (S)-2-acetoxyundecane was added to the blend, 86.8% of the males were attracted to the bait. Three-component blends with lower or higher relative concentrations than 1% of (S)-2-acetoxyundecane [relative to (2S,10S)-diacetoxyundecane] were less attractive. In a field trapping experiment with released laboratory-reared C. nasturtii adults, traps baited with 500:1000:10 ng of (2S,9S)-diacetoxyundecane/(2S,10S)-diacetoxyundecane/(S)-2-acetoxyundecane applied to rubber septa or dental cotton rolls were tested. Traps without dispensers were used as controls. All three treatments were tested at 20 and 50 cm above ground. The estimated recapture rate was 30–50%, and 81.9% of the recaptured males were caught in traps positioned at 20 cm above ground, and 88.4% in traps with dental cotton rolls as dispensers.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of Lonomia obliqua Walker (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) was studied in the laboratory. All female calling occurred during the scotophase. Most females (70.6%) called first within 24 hr of eclosion. Calling varied with age of female, with older (5- to 6-day-old) females calling earlier in the scotophase and for longer durations than younger (0- to 1-day-old) females. The sex pheromone gland of 1- to 3-day-old virgin females was extracted during the calling peak. A Y-olfactometer bioassay showed significant attraction of males to a filter paper containing the female gland extract. Gas chromatographic-electroantennogram detection (GC-EAD) analysis of the extract indicated the presence of at least two possible pheromone components. Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of the major GC-EAD-active peak indicated a hexadecenyl acetate; chemical derivatization indicated Δ11 unsaturation. Synthetic samples of (E)- and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate were obtained by coupling 10-bromo-1-decanol and 1-hexyne, utilizing lithium chemistry. The comparison of the retention time of dimethyl disulfide derivatives of the natural compound, to those of synthetic chemicals, confirmed the natural compound as (E)-11-hexadecenyl acetate. The minor component was identified as the related alcohol, (E)-11-hexadecenol. The ratio of the two components in female extract was 100:35. Preliminary tests of males in a Y-olfactometer showed that their response to a mixture of the two compounds was not significantly different from that to gland extract.  相似文献   

The Indian gypsy moth, Lymantria obfuscata (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), has been recognized as a distinct species since 1865 but closely resembles a diminutive form of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. We tested the hypothesis that the sex pheromones of L. obfuscata and L. dispar are similar. In laboratory mate acceptance studies, very few male L. dispar made copulatory attempts when paired with female L. obfuscata, suggesting that female L. obfuscata emit one or more pheromone components antagonistic to male L. dispar. In coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC–EAD) analyses of pheromone gland extract of female L. obfuscata, (Z)-2-methyloctadec-7-ene (2Me-7Z-18Hy) and (7R,8S)-cis-7,8-epoxy-2-methyloctadecane [(+)-disparlure] were most abundant and elicited the strongest responses from male L. obfuscata antennae. In field experiments near Solan (Himachal Pradesh, India), 2Me-7Z-18Hy and (+)-disparlure in combination attracted more male L. obfuscata than did either component alone. This two-component sex pheromone contrasts with the single-component sex pheromone [(+)-disparlure] of L. dispar. The contrasting composition of the lymantriid communities inhabited by L. obfuscata and L. dispar may explain why 2Me-7Z-18Hy is a pheromone component in L. obfuscata and a pheromone antagonist in L. dispar and why (−)-disparlure reduces pheromonal attraction of male L. dispar but not male L. obfuscata.  相似文献   

We report the identification, synthesis, and field bioassays of a volatile, male-produced aggregation pheromone of a long-horned beetle, the banded alder borer, Rosalia funebris Mots. Headspace collections from males contained a major male-specific compound, (Z)-3-decenyl (E)-2-hexenoate, and several minor components, identified as (Z)-3-decenol, (Z)-3-nonenyl (E)-2-hexenoate, and (Z)-3-decenyl (E)-3-hexenoate. The antennae of both males and females responded strongly to (Z)-3-decenyl (E)-2-hexenoate. We collected significant numbers of adult R. funebris in field bioassays using traps baited with this compound. This pheromone structure is unprecedented in the literature of cerambycid pheromones and distinct from the more common diol/hydroxyketone pheromone motif of many other species of the diverse subfamily Cerambycinae. This is the first pheromone identified for a species in the tribe Rosaliini. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Extracts of female sex pheromone gland of the carpenterworm moth, Holcocerus hippophaecolus Hua, a pest of sandthorn, Hippophae rhamnoides L. were found to contain (E)-3-tetradecenyl acetate (E3-14:Ac), (Z)-3-tetradecenyl acetate (Z3-14:Ac), (Z)-7-tetradecenyl acetate (Z7-14:Ac), the corresponding alcohols, E3-14:OH, Z3-14:OH, Z7-14:OH, and (E)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (E9-14:Ac). Electroantennographic (EAG) analysis of these chemicals and their analogs demonstrated that Z7-14:Ac elicited the largest male EAG response, followed by E3-14:Ac. In field trials, traps baited with either Z7-14:Ac or E3-14:Ac alone caught no male moths, whereas a combination of these two components in a 1:1 ratio caught more males than control traps. Addition of Z7-14:OH and Z3-14:OH or the alcohols plus E9-14:Ac did not enhance trap catches. We conclude that the sex pheromone of H. hippophaecolusis composed of Z7-14:Ac and E3-14:Ac. Optimal ratios and doses of these two components, and the possible role of other minor components, remain to be determined.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone released by the adult female Tenebrio molitor, 4-methyl-1-nonanol, is well known. In addition, there is evidence that adult males release a pheromone that attracts females. The purpose of the present study was to isolate and identify male-released pheromone(s). Emissions from virgin adult males and females were collected on filter paper and extracted with pentane. Extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. One male-specific compound was detected and identified as (Z)-3-dodecenyl acetate (Z3-12:Ac). In arena bioassays, E3-12:Ac was attractive to females only, at 1 and 10 μg doses. E3-12:Ac was also attractive to females at a 10-μg dose. The presence of both male and female pheromones, each attracting the opposite sex, may contribute to maintaining a high-density population of both sexes.  相似文献   

Our objective was to identify the sex pheromone of Lymantria bantaizana (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) whose larvae feed exclusively on walnut, Juglans spp., in China, and Japan. Coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analyses of pheromone gland extracts revealed a single EAD-active component. Retention index calculations of this compound on four GC columns suggested that it was a methyl-branched octadecadiene with conjugated double bonds. In GC-EAD analyses of 2-methyloctadecenes, (Z)-2-methyl-7-octadecene and (E)-2-methyl-7-octadecene elicited the strongest antennal responses, suggesting that the double bond positions were at C7 and C9. In comparative GC-EAD analyses of pheromone gland extract and stereoselectively synthesized isomers (E,E; E,Z; Z,E; Z,Z) of 2-methyl-7,9-octadecadiene, the (E,Z)- and (Z,E)-isomer had retention times identical to that of the candidate pheromone, but only the latter isomer elicited strong EAD activity. Results of field experiments in Japan substantiated that (7Z,9E)-2-methyl-7,9-octadecadiene is the L. bantaizana sex pheromone, a compound previously unknown in the Lepidoptera. Detection surveys in North America for exotic Eurasian forest defoliators could include traps baited with the L. bantaizana pheromone.  相似文献   

Pheromonal communication of adult peach twig borers, Anarsia lineatella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), was reinvestigated based on recent findings that virgin female-baited traps were more attractive to mate-seeking males than a two-component synthetic sex pheromone consisting of (E)-5-decen-1-yl acetate (1000 μg) and (E)-5-decen-1-ol (100 μg), suggesting that females use additional pheromone components. Hypothesizing that these additional components may be released from body parts other than abdominal sex pheromone glands, we extracted female body scales and analyzed aliquots by coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and GC–mass spectrometry. Eight straight-chain and four methylated aliphatic hydrocarbons, as well as two acetates, all elicited responses from excised male antennae. In laboratory experiments with synthetic candidate pheromone components, a combination of octadecyl acetate, (R)-11-methyltricosane, and (S)-11-methyltricosane in the presence of gland-derived sex pheromone components were shown to elicit contact of female decoys by males. However, body pheromone components did not enhance attractiveness of sex pheromone components in field trapping experiments, suggesting that they are effective only at close range and that other stimuli are responsible for superior attractiveness of female-baited traps.  相似文献   

(Z, Z)-6,9-Heneicosadien-11-one (Z6Z9-11-one-21Hy) was identified as the major sex pheromone component of the painted apple moth (PAM), Teia anartoides (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), on the basis of (1) comparative gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analyses, GC-mass spectrometry (MS), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-MS, and HPLC-UV/visible spectroscopy of pheromone gland extracts and authentic standards; (2) GC-EAD analyses of effluvia of calling females; and (3) wind tunnel and field trapping experiments with a synthetic standard. In field experiments in Australia, synthetic Z6Z9-11-one-21Hy as a single component attracted male moths. Wind tunnel experiments suggested that a 4-component blend consisting of Z6Z9-11-one-21Hy, (6Z,9R,10S)-cis-9,10-epoxy-heneicosene (Z6-9R10S-epo-21Hy), (E, E)-7,9-heneicosadien-6,11-dione (E7E9-6,11-dione-21Hy), and 6-hydroxy-(E, E)-7,9-heneicosadien-11-one (E7E9-6-ol-11-one-21Hy) (all present in pheromone gland extracts) might induce more males to orient toward, approach, and contact the source than did Z6Z9-11-one-21Hy as a single component. Additional experiments are needed to determine conclusively whether or not Z6-9R10S-epo-21Hy, E7E9-6,11-dione-21Hy, and E7E9-6-ol-11-one-21Hy might be minor sex pheromone components of PAM. Moreover, attractiveness of synthetic pheromone and virgin PAM females needs to be compared to determine whether synthetic pheromone could replace PAM females as trap baits in the program to monitor eradication of exotic PAM in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Olfactometer bioassays showed that odors from mature Thyanta perditor males attracted females but not males. Furthermore, odors from females did not attract either sex, indicating that like other phytophagous pentatomid bugs, the males produce a sex pheromone. Attraction appeared to peak in late afternoon to evening. The headspace volatiles collected from male and female T. perditor were analyzed by GC-MS and HPLC. A male-specific compound, methyl (2E,4Z,6Z)-decatrienoate (2E,4Z,6Z-10:COOMe), was identified along with a number of other compounds found in extracts from both sexes. Bioassays carried out with 2E,4Z,6Z-10:COOMe showed it was as attractive to females as the crude extract of male volatiles, suggesting that the male-produced sex pheromone consists of 2E,4Z,6Z-10:COOMe as a single component. Consecutive volatiles collections from males showed that 2E,4Z,6Z-10:COOMe began appearing in extracts from males about 9 d after the final molt, as the males became sexually mature.  相似文献   

Both sexes of adult western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae), released three volatile chemicals in relatively large amounts when attacked by ants (Pogonomyrmex rugosus and Solenopsis xyloni) or when grabbed by forceps, as determined by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The relative amounts of the volatile compounds, hexyl butyrate, (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal, and (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate, absorbed by SPME as a percentage of the largest were 100%, 44%, and 4%, respectively, from females, and 83%, 37%, and 3% from males. Both ant species were repelled by the defensive discharges (confirmed by SPME) when the ants attacked L. hesperus adults. Sexually mature L. hesperus were individually extracted in pentane to quantify the mean amounts of hexyl butyrate (14.9 μg/female; 10.3 μg/male), (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal (2.7 μg/female; 3.1 μg/male), and (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate (1.2 μg/female; 0.6 μg/male). (E)-4-Oxo-2-hexenal was unstable in solvent when in contact with a macerated adult, but relatively stable when the solution was decanted within minutes. The production of the three major volatile components began soon after the emergence of the adult and amounts increased for about 5–10 d with little or no increase thereafter. Minor additional constituents were cross-correlated in many cases with the three major ones. A cost of defensive secretion is suggested for females but not for males, because heavier females produced more volatile compounds than lighter females. The initial discharge percentage, defined as the proportion of volatile compounds initially present that is discharged to defend against predation was estimated at about 50% in males and 70% in females. Newly eclosed adults did not produce volatile chemicals until 2 d after molting.  相似文献   

The aggregation pheromone of Riptortus clavatus (Heteroptera: Alydidae) consists of (E)-2-hexenyl (Z)-3-hexenoate (E2HZ3H), (E)-2-hexenyl (E)-2-hexenoate (E2HE2H), and myristyl isobutyrate (MI). Experiments were conducted to examine the attraction of Piezodorus hybneri (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) to the pheromone components of R. clavatus, individually and in combination, and to determine if P. hybneri produces these compounds. Electroantennogram (EAG) responses of P. hybneri to E2HE2H were significant in a dose dependent manner, while those to E2HZ3H were not significantly different from those to hexane and air. Field trapping tests using E2HZ3H, E2HE2H, and MI, individually or in combination, showed that only E2HE2H was attractive to P. hybneri. E2HE2H was not detected in whole-body extracts or volatile collections from either sex of P. hybneri adults. We propose that the response of P. hybneri adults to the R. clavatus aggregation pheromone may be related to finding suitable host plants.  相似文献   

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