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以流程工厂协同设计应用为背景,提出基于允许误差的最大语义图匹配(MSMGE)算法的异构图形数据近似语义匹配模型。利用类无向图来描述2D和3D异构图形数据的工程属性和拓扑关系,消除了图形信息的异构性,并建立各种类实体的属性标签词典来消除2D和3D属性信息的异构性,用语义表达式来表示类无向图顶点和边的语义关系,将异构图形匹配转化为近似语义图匹配。通过基于工程语义对类无向图进行语义分割和基于最大公共序列算法的语义表达式比较、语义规整和语义裁剪等方法,降低了匹配搜索空间,提高了近似语义图匹配效率,实现了近似语义图匹配判断。该研究已经在流程工厂设计软件中得到较好地应用。  相似文献   

“里特罗”风格的设计流派的特点是强调历史风格的复古和重构,是对欧洲20世纪上半叶的平面设计风格的复兴。“里特罗”风格既是对这个时期的风格特点的偏爱和认可,又是对当时的现代主义和国际主义中的沉闷、刻板、乏味以及过分理性的反对。由于这个风格是对20世纪20年代至30年代流行的某些平面风格的复兴及演绎,对于今天的平面设计依然有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

信息科技不断的发展为视觉设计表现带来了许多新的可能,多媒体的出现,让使用者得以互动的方式融入信息内容之中。本文从视觉传达设计的角度,分析平面设计在被赋予了互动的理念之后所形成的平面互动设计的特征。平面设计发展的方向应是:从静态呈现转向动态传达、从单一媒体体现到多媒体发布、从二维平面构成到三维立体空间展开。  相似文献   

随着电脑的普及,互联网极大地改变了人类的生活,平面设计技术的普及成为可能。现代大工业生产让美术为商业服务,诞生了平面设计这一个行业,但是并不能从本质上抹杀平面设计的思想和表达性。平面设计小众化顾名思义除了为商业获取利润,还可以是为个人服务,以满足个人个性化的需求为主。它作为平面设计思想性和表达性的回归,从根源上说是来自人类深层次的孤寂感。  相似文献   

提出一种基于图模型的结合目标分类信息数据关联算法,目的在于提高多传感器网络的数据关联正确率。通过分析基于图模型的目标分类信息,适当修改顶点兼容函数和连线兼容函数的计算公式,并用结合分类信息的似然函数更改原来只利用运动学信息的兼容函数,最终将分类信息应用到关联算法中。通过对仿真结果的比较,验证了利用分类信息可以较好地改善多目标关联性能。  相似文献   

当今的展示设计,已经上升为一种艺术形式,平面设计与环境设计在展示中都扮演着举足轻重的作用。展示设计内在的平面与空间环境之间存在着微妙的关系,犹如两兄弟,有时对立,有时合作。会展业将这原本不同的学科,有机地进行了融合,并发展出更丰富的表现形式。研究平面设计的重要性,以环境设计为载体,更能有效传达展示的深度内涵。  相似文献   

Graphic objects are an abstract mathematical model for graphic systems. The model is an algebraic approach to represent graphic information, which include modelling operations. This formalism require some method to describe normal graphic procedures, such as changing the object colour or texture mapping, as these procedures are essential to represent graphic processes. This paper extends the theory by introducing the concept of graphic object functions. A graphic object function transforms one graphic object into another, changing its visual appearance or its geometric properties. A formal definition of graphic functions is given, with a characterization of two special kinds of graphic object functions: filters and object transference functions. These two kinds of functions can be used to perform normal graphic operations, such as changing colours, texture mapping or clipping. Equivalence relationships between graphic objects induced by functions are also studied. These relationships establish an hierarchical structure on the graphic object set.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this issue, the paper by Nordbotten & Crosby, entitled 'The effect of graphic style on data model interpretation', attempts to establish a causal link between the graphic style of a conceptual data model (or data modelling language) and the success of users attempting to interpret instances of the use of that data model. It employs the novel technique of eye-movement tracking to determine what is viewed or seen by the interpreters (experimental subjects) as an intermediary construct in the interpretation, in that what is not seen cannot be interpreted. It then further attempts to measure the success of the experimental interpretations and supposes that differences between subjects' interpretations are caused by the differences in the graphic style of the various experimentally presented data models.  相似文献   

在展示空间设计中,平面视觉要素不再只是拘泥于印刷技术或者二维媒介的表现,平面的表现方法和独特的形式语言已经远远超过了我们对平面设计的一般理解,平面和空间的联系变得越来越紧密。平面设计在空间中的应用更倾向于作为多维空间的控制手段对视觉经验的全方位建立发挥着强大的作用。  相似文献   

图形语言分析的研究目的是解决图形符号以及符号组合的语义内涵。本文以凯棠型苗绣纹样为具体研究对象,从语言结构特点出发,分析了纹样的造型、色彩、风格特征以及语义内涵,并借助于现代形式语言对传统苗绣纹样的转换作可行性分析,尝试表达意义的重构。  相似文献   

Graphic displays of information are an important link in the design of user/machine interfaces. However, research on general effectiveness of graphic displays as information organizing formats for judgment and decision making has produced mixed results; graphic formats appear to facilitate judgmental performance in some contexts, but not in others. The two studies reported here examine the relative efficacy of a set of basic graphic display formats, such as might be used to summarize data in an information system, in the context of a task calling for individuals to integrate a set of information cues into an overall judgment. A "lens model" is used as a decompositional framework for representing the relationship between the elements of the information displays and the psychological properties of the multicue judgment task. Combined results from the two studies suggest that judgmental performance is markedly enhanced or degraded by the degree to which the display format provides the user with an organizing structure that facilitates a matching between the relative importance of information and the psychological salience of the display's graphic features.  相似文献   

图形符号是民族文化物化的表现形式,标志设计通过图形符号的形式表达情感,所以要想准确表达标志设计的感情,就要深刻挖掘图形符号所承载的文化内涵。  相似文献   

Student modelling is an important process for adaptive virtual learning environments. Student models include a range of information about the learners such as their domain competence, learning style or cognitive traits. To be able to adapt to the learners’ needs in an appropriate way, a reliable student model is necessary, but getting enough information about a learner is quite challenging. Therefore, mechanisms are needed to support the detection process of the required information. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between learning styles, in particular, those pertaining to the Felder–Silverman learning style model and working memory capacity, one of the cognitive traits included in the cognitive trait model. The identified relationship is derived from links between learning styles, cognitive styles, and working memory capacity which are based on studies from the literature. As a result, we demonstrate that learners with high working memory capacity tend to prefer a reflective, intuitive, and sequential learning style whereas learners with low working memory capacity tend to prefer an active, sensing, visual, and global learning style. This interaction can be used to improve the student model. Systems which are able to detect either only cognitive traits or only learning styles retrieve additional information through the identified relationship. Otherwise, for systems that already incorporate learning styles and cognitive traits, the interaction can be used to improve the detection process of both by including the additional information of a learning style into the detection process of cognitive traits and vice versa. This leads to a more reliable student model.  相似文献   

设计了一套用于工厂系统图形库的图形描述语言,此语言与工厂设计系统的工程背景紧密结合,提供了图形描述语句、图形循环语句、图形运算语句等,方便了对设计过程中用到的元件、设备等的图形描述。  相似文献   

图形渲染是3D图形引擎的重要组成部分,是评价3D引擎的一个重要标志。首先,简要地介绍3D游戏引擎;接着,分析3D游戏图形引擎设计;最后,论述3D游戏图形引擎实现过程。  相似文献   

平面设计与传统美术本身就有着非常紧密的联系,伴随着现代艺术设计民族化的发展趋势,传统美术元素在平面设计领域中,越来越扮演者重要的角色。  相似文献   

随着网络的发展,Web论坛成为Web用户信息共享和分组合作的新平台.Web论坛上积累了海量的知识,由此成为互联网上进行数据挖掘的宝贵资源.在Web论坛上的应用常受到论坛上低质量帖子(垃圾贴)的影响.因此针对在Web论坛上进行垃圾贴过滤的问题,提出了基于隐含狄利克雷分布的CJTM和CAJTM模型,CJTM和CAJTM模型利用了论坛帖子的文本内容,帖子间的回复链接信息和作者信息,和传统的分类方法及基于规则的方法相比,CJTM和CAJTM模型不需要训练集和规则集.在实际Web论坛数据中进行的实验显示出较好的效果.  相似文献   

刘昕 《图学学报》2016,37(5):731
在计算机辅助NC 车削自动编程系统中,既快速又准确输入零件图形信息,是实 现数控编程自动化的首要环节。基于DXF 轴类零件图形的特征信息,通过深入分析DXF 文件 结构,构造基于轴类零件的数据结构(包含几何信息和工艺信息),采用图素求交算法提取与输 入各图素的特征信息,客户可在屏幕上点选特征图素并输入对应的工艺信息,然后利用动态绑 定技术将处理后的数据储存到数据库中。不同的特征图素将产生不同类型的表,可通过打开数 据库的方式输入零件图形,最终输出系统所需的数据结构。结果表明:开发的程序系统可以快 速准确地输入DXF 轴类零件图形,生成的数据结构满足刀位点计算要求,能够为虚拟NC 加工 仿真提供技术支持。  相似文献   

《OpenGL三维图形程序设计》AGC系列讲座第三讲OpenGL基本功能操作——建模、变换、颜色、光照与材质1建模OpenGL提供了绘制各种图原和描述复杂三维图形的函数。这一节主要介绍基本图原,如点、线、多边形,利用这些图原,就可以建立比较复杂的三维...  相似文献   

图形设计可谓源远流长,早在史前人类的祖先就开始用木炭或矿物颜料在洞穴的岩壁上作画,距今六七年前的原始石器时代我国已产生了陶器上的装饰纹样。至今,随着社会的不断发展,科学技术的猛速进步,信息时代已经到来,这时艺术与科学产生了前所未有的"婚姻联盟",由此,图形设计迈进了计算机尖端科技领域。纵观图形设计的演进,无论是远古的传统手工艺,还是现代的计算机图形艺术设计,我们都在传统中不断地突破和创新。本文将通过对图形设计的探讨对其传统与突破进行阐述,并提出本人的看法。  相似文献   

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