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Eight cases of microglandular hyperplasia arising in vaginal adenosis are presented. Five of the patients were known to have taken oral contraceptives and a sixth was pregnant at the time the lesion was discovered; a history of prenatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) was present in 5 cases. It is important to differentiate microglandular hyperplasia, which is benign, from clear cell adenocarcinoma, which also arises in a background of vaginal adenosis.  相似文献   

A working model for the histogenesis of carcinoma of the uterine cervix is summarized in Table I. The inclusion of squamous metaplasia in this chart does not imply that this reaction falls into the spectrum of cervical neoplasia or is necessarily an antecedent to neoplasia. It does simply imply that the carcinogenic event or events apparently occur in or involve an epithelium that is indistinguishable from squamous metaplasia. The chart intentionally implies that the lesions mentioned are not separate diseases but arbitrary points in the spectrum of cervical neoplasia. It must be emphasized that one stage does not necessarily progress to the next and that at any stage up to indisputable cancer the changes may regress, persist or progress. The careful evaluation of histologic material from the uterine cervix will permit the pathologist to exclude those epithelial abnormalities which are not a part of the spectrum of cervical neoplasia and allow him or her to place the patient with cervical neoplasia at the proper stage in the development of the process. With this information the clinician can then intelligently plan appropriate therapy.  相似文献   

Much attention has recently been focused on vaginal adenosis and other cervical and vaginal alterations occurring in female offspring exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero. These alterations consist of heterotopic glandular epithelium in the vagina, a characteristic cervical transformation zone, and the frequent presence of a cervical collar, or hood. It is believed that these changes occur during embryonic differentiation of the lower genital tract following failure of squamous epithelium to migrate in a cephalad direction to replace columnar epithelium which normally lines the vagina and ectocervix. A number of cases clear-cell carcinoma have occurred in DES-exposed girls who also had adenosis. In an attempt to characterize the cellular populations of these areas of adenosis, we have made an ultrastructural study which is herein reported.  相似文献   

The conformation of lens crystallins in vivo or in a highly concentrated solution is not well established. Most studies were carried out in dilute solutions in which protein-protein interaction is minimal. In order to see whether there is conformational change (tertiary and secondary structures) when crystallin solutions are brought to high concentrations, we have performed the following molecular spectroscopic measurements: circular dichroism (CD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). Near-UV CD measurements showed a more than two-fold increase in CD intensity (molar ellipticity) for the total water-soluble (WS) protein from young calf lens nucleus in a highly concentrated solution (> 300 mg/ml in a 0.01-mm cell), when compared with a dilute solution (1000-fold dilution in a 10-mm cell). The individual crystallins in concentrated solutions also showed an increase in CD intensity, but of different magnitude: alpha-crystallin > beta-crystallin > gamma-crystallin. The increased CD indicates that lens crystallins are in a more compact structure in highly concentrated solutions; they likely undergo a transition from a mobile to an immobile state. Change in near-UV CD usually is caused by restricted mobility of aromatic side groups, particularly Trp. The transition involves not only a change in protein tertiary and/or quaternary structure, but also in protein backbone structure. The change of protein backbone structure was drawn from FTIR measurements. FTIR spectra, sensitive to the secondary structure in the amide I region, could be measured for a highly concentrated solution for which far-UV CD measurement is not feasible. The secondary structure that showed prominent change for alpha-crystallin in a highly concentrated solution was beta-conformation: increase in beta-turn with a concomitant decrease of alpha-helix structure.  相似文献   

Human lipoproteins after their intestinal or hepatic synthesis undergo within vascular compartment important remodeling through the agency of endothelial lipases, Lecithin: Cholesterol Acyl Transferase and lipid transfer proteins, Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) and Phospholipid Transfer Protein (PLTP). Following CETP and PLTP characteristics presentation, transfer proteins activities and role were described specifying notably mechanism and kinetic models of cholesteryl ester transfer reaction (shuttle and ternary collision complex mechanisms). Comparative study of Phospholipid Transfer Activities mediated by CETP and PLTP has shown that phospholipid transfer activities of PLTP and CETP are different and might rely on distinct mechanisms. PLTP mediated phospholipid transfers modulate cholesteryl ester transfer activity of CETP. In vivo PLTP is responsible for the net mass transfer of phospholipid from triglyceride rich lipoprotein towards HDL. Whereas PLTP has no intrinsic cholesteryl ester transfer activity, it enhances the transfer of cholesteryl ester from HDL to VLDL and LDL. Thus PLTP might be a determinant factor in modulating the CETP mediated redistribution of cholesteryl esters between pro-(LDL) and anti-(HDL) atherogenic lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Ion-transporting ATPases (pumps) hydrolyze ATP to maintain ion gradients across cell membranes. A presupposition for the maintenance of the gradients is that the ionophore of the pump that conducts the ions is accessible only from one of the two surfaces of the plasma membrane at any given time. Thus, a characteristic feature of pumps is an occluded state of the transported ions, whereas ion channels upon stimulation remain open at both ends and allow ions to flow through them down their chemical gradients. Recent experiments, however, provide evidence that a channel, simultaneously open on both sides of the plasma membrane, can also be formed within the mammalian sodium pump (Na+,K+-ATPase) upon its interaction with the marine toxin palytoxin, thus underlining common structural features shared by channels and pumps. This assumption is further supported by the demonstration of structural and functional homology between the extracellular loop of the sodium pump alpha subunit connecting the M7 and M8 transmembrane spans and the P-loops of Na+ channels. Possibly, pumps are simply channels that are able to be gated by ATP and its product phosphate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the histopathologic changes that occur in human small intestine or time when preserved in Viaspan organ preservation solution. DESIGN: Short segments of human small intestine were placed in standard organ preservation solution (Viaspan) and stored in conditions that mimic the clinical situation associated with clinical organ procurement, preservation, and transplantation. The intestinal segments were removed at sequential time points and placed in 10% formalin. Specimens underwent histopathologic examination to determine time-related changes. SPECIMENS: Short intestinal segments were obtained from seven multiorgan cadaver donors. Specimens were obtained in a way that exactly mimicked small intestinal organ retrieval. RESULTS: Small intestinal histology remained normal for the first 6 hours. After 6 hours, vacuolar separation began to occur between the epithelium and the basement membrane in the upper half of the villi. After 9 hours of cold preservation, epithelial detachment extended deep into the crypts with occasional shedding of cells and villi. CONCLUSIONS: Currently used small intestinal preservation using Viaspan results in considerable histopathologic changes in human jejunum after 9 hours of cold storage. The histopathologic pattern appears normal for the first 6 hours and suggests that preservation times should be limited to this time period when possible.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: By using the single strand conformation analysis to search for point mutations in the choroideremia gene, we had previously identified the first truncative mutation responsible for CHM in France. The aim of the present study was to perform a simple and nonisotopic routine test to identify carriers and non carriers in the relevant family. METHODS: We used a PCR-based restriction analysis to detect the presence or absence of the mutation in the family members, as the mutation creates a restriction site in the coding sequence of the CHM gene. RESULTS: We could follow the segregation of the mutation in the pedigree, and unambiguously determine the genetic status of the females. CONCLUSION: When a mutation responsible for choroideremia modifies a restriction site, the PCR-restriction provides an efficient and unexpensive one-day test to detect heterozygosity in the family.  相似文献   

Sedation is often required to achieve immobilisation of small children during radiotherapy to avoid irradiation of normal tissues during the course of treatment. At the University College Hospital, Ibadan radiotherapists provide sedation for such patients with administration of parenteral and/or oral promethazine, diazepam, chlorpromazine and paraldehyde. This retrospective review of 84 children aged 1 month to 6 years who received sedation for radiotherapy over a period of twenty-one to twenty-eight days showed that 48% had complications. These included injection cellulitis (85.3%), injection abscess (4.87%), paresis of the lower limb (7.3%), aspiration pneumonia (2.4%). Anaesthetists in developing countries should be encouraged to extend their expertise in caring and resuscitation of sedated or unconscious patients to the radiotherapy unit. This will allow for the use of a wider variety of sedative agents and better monitoring as well as minimise or eradicate complications.  相似文献   

The histopathologic study of 24 specimens of radiated rectal cancers suggested new histologic criteria to define tumor regression after neo-adjuvant therapy. Better than traditional UICC staging system (pTNM), such criteria have identified those patients at higher risk of failure. Moreover, the study has confirmed the known difficulties of imaging studies in assuring an accurate staging of radiated rectal cancer before surgery.  相似文献   

Two experiments (with 60 adult male hamsters and 4 sexually naive male hamsters) examined the importance of vaginal secretion relative to other feminine odors for attraction of males and elicitation of copulatory behavior by comparing the behavior of males toward normal females with that toward vaginectomized Ss. Males were more attracted to intact females than to vaginectomized Ss when odors were the only cues available and also when auditory, visual, and odor cues were available but contact was prevented. There were no differences in the attractiveness of estrous and diestrous Ss whether intact or vaginectomized. When males and females were allowed to interact, there were no differences in any measures of male sexual behavior toward normal vs vaginectomized females, which indicates that the presence of vaginal secretion is not necessary for male sexual behavior. The significance for conceptions of pheromone action in mammals is discussed. (45 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Few gastrointestinal functions decline to an important extent as a result of old age alone and there is little clinical evidence that significant malnutrition occurs in any normal elderly person as a result of the aging process itself. Nevertheless, decreased gastrointestinal reserve makes older people highly sensitive to minor insults and decompensation can rapidly occur. Drugs appreciably affect taste sensation, which is already blunted and psychological as well as physical disability can have a major impact on appetite. Malabsorption can be caused by gastric hypochlorhydria with small bowel bacterial overgrowth and while gastrointestinal dysmotility can be caused by subclinical hypothyroidism, it can improve in response to physical exercise. Evidence is now mounting that thorough investigation of gastrointestinal disturbances in elderly patients coupled with intensive nutritional support can make a very real impact on their outcome. Gastroenterologists should therefore seek out and actively treat gastrointestinal disorders in the elderly and not just ascribe them to old age.  相似文献   

Vaginal cytology was evaluated weekly over 12 months in 20 adult female Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). After sacrifice of the animals the histology of the ovaries, uterus and vagina were studied in different phases of the menstrual cycle. The cytological examination of the vaginal smears showed that the superficial cells increased in number towards the middle of the cycle and the number of intermediate cells declined gradually. Parabasal cells were observed mainly at the beginning of the cycle; they disappeared towards the middle of the menstrual cycle. During the early follicular phase, the cells were moderately separated from each other, and during the second half of the proliferative or follicular phase, the superficial cells appeared clumped together. Leucocytes were usually absent except for at the beginning of the cycle and in the last few days of the late secretory or luteal phase. The maturation index of the vaginal smears can be considered as a tool for distinguishing the different phases of the menstrual cycle. The microscopic examination of the genital organs showed that during the proliferative or follicular phase of the cycle, which corresponds to the development of the ovarian follicles, the uterus showed growth of endometrial glands, stroma and endothelial cell proliferation with capillary sprouts. Shortly after ovulation and parallel to the formation of the corpora lutea, the endometrium enters the secretory or luteal phase, which is characterized by coiling of endometrial glands, glandular secretion and the differentiation of the spiral artery. The most striking changes in the vagina, is the marked basal cell proliferation and thickening of the stratum granulosum during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. The histological changes observed in the vagina demonstrated a good correlation with the observation on cytological examination of the smears. The present study demonstrated that the process of angiogenesis in the uterus during the different phases of the menstrual cycle is a multiple phenomenon involving proliferation, maturation and differentiation.  相似文献   

We focus on aspects of health changes, the importance of cohort effects, age related health changes and the effect of labour market status and work history on health. We moreover assess the relative importance of gradual changes and sudden shocks in health changes and the role of work status on the likelihood of experiencing a health shock. A fixed effect panel data model is estimated on two waves of a survey of Dutch elderly. We find strong differences in health outcomes for different age cohorts and gender. We also find that health deteriorates with employment and labour market history.  相似文献   

A 36-year-old pregnant woman with a rapidly growing hemangioma in the vagina was treated by transcatheter arterial embolization after delivery. Blood flow characteristics within the tumor were evaluated using transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound both before and after the embolization. The vascular resistance in the tumor vessels within the vaginal hemangioma was observed to be significantly decreased; the tumor reduced in volume following this non-surgical treatment.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, the authors examined the control of spatial attention in depth in advanced age. Observers viewed 2 sets of lines that overlapped in two-dimensional (2-D) space but that were presented at different depth locations. An exogenous cue indicated the depth at which a colored target line would appear. On some trials, a distracting colored element was also presented. The luminance of this distracter varied from high to low. For both older and younger adults, distractors slowed reaction time less if they were at a different depth from the target. This effect was more robust for older adults with low-luminance distractors, indicating an important role for target features as well as attentional control. Adding another feature (i.e., color) that distinguished between target and distracter reduced the effects of slowing shown by the older observers and eliminated the cost of low-luminance distractors for all observers. The results suggest that attentional control in depth is maintained in aging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Complete diagnosis of chronic hepatitis relies on exploring the liver by bipsic punction, performing the classic histopathologic and immunohistochemic exams. We worked out viral antigens hepatocytes by using avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex technique as following: Ag HBs placed in cytoplasm or at the level of the cell membrane. Ag HBc preferably placed in nucleus and, a small part of it, in cytoplasm. Ag HD present especially in nucleus. A correlation between tissular antigen expression and hepatic histopathologic aspect was established. Two main types of viral expression were remarked: a regressive type reflected by cytoplasmatic Ag HBs in the absence of generalised nuclear Ag HBc--situations linked to persistent chronic hepatitis: an aggressive type characterised by the presence of the focal nuclear Ag HBc, cytoplasmatic Ag HBc or antigen HD--situations linked to active chronic hepatitis with various degrees of severity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the histopathologic and morphometric features of neovascular lesions in human proliferative sickle cell retinopathy. METHODS: Postmortem ocular tissue was obtained from three subjects (aged 20, 28, and 40 years) with SS hemoglobinopathy and prepared for adenosine diphosphatase flat-embedding. Morphometric analysis was performed before serial sectioning. RESULTS: Numerous active and autoinfarcted lesions were found that represented virtually all stages in the life cycle of preretinal neovascularization. These formations ranged from single small loops extending from arteries and veins along the retinal surface to the typical complex, elevated sea fan formations. Sea fans developed at hairpin loops and at arteriovenous crossings. There was an average of 5.6 connections between sea fans and retinal vessels; of these, 45% were arteriolar, 52.5% were venular, and 2.6% were at the capillary level. Six of eight sea fans were located at arteriovenous crossings. Autoinfarction appeared to occur initially within the sea fan capillaries. The average height of sea fans was 123 microns above the retinal surface. CONCLUSIONS: Preretinal neovascularization in sickle cell retinopathy can arise from both the arterial and venous sides of the retinal vasculature and can assume a variety of morphologic configurations. Multiple feeding arterioles and draining venules are common, and autoinfarction appears to occur initially at the preretinal capillary level rather than at feeding arterioles. Arteriovenous crossings may be a preferential site for sea fan development.  相似文献   

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