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Suppose a graph G is given with two vertex-disjoint sets of vertices Z1 and Z2. Can we partition the remaining vertices of G such that we obtain two connected vertex-disjoint subgraphs of G that contain Z1 and Z2, respectively? This problem is known as the 2-Disjoint Connected Subgraphs problem. It is already NP-complete for the class of n-vertex graphs G=(V,E) in which Z1 and Z2 each contain a connected set that dominates all vertices in V?(Z1∪Z2). We present an O∗(1.2051n) time algorithm that solves it for this graph class. As a consequence, we can also solve this problem in O∗(1.2051n) time for the classes of n-vertex P6-free graphs and split graphs. This is an improvement upon a recent O∗(1.5790n) time algorithm for these two classes. Our approach translates the problem to a generalized version of hypergraph 2-coloring and combines inclusion/exclusion with measure and conquer. 相似文献
S. Pozzorini 《Computer Physics Communications》2006,175(5):381-387
We present a double precision routine in Fortran for the precise and fast numerical evaluation of the two Master Integrals (MIs) of the equal mass two-loop sunrise graph for arbitrary momentum transfer in d=2 and d=4 dimensions. The routine implements the accelerated power series expansions obtained by solving the corresponding differential equations for the MIs at their singular points. With a maximum of 22 terms for the worst case expansion a relative precision of better than a part in 1015 is achieved for arbitrary real values of the momentum transfer.
Program summary
Title of program:sunemVersion: 1.0Release: 1Catalogue identifier: ADYC_v1_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADYC_v1_0Program obtainable from:http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/Progdata/Computers: allOperating system: allProgram language used:FORTRAN77No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.:1080No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 11 835Memory required to execute: Size: 1532KNo. of bits in a word: up to 32No. of processors used: 1Distribution format: tar.gzOther programs called: noneExternal files needed: noneNature of the physical problem: Numerical evaluation of the two Master Integrals of the equal mass two-loop sunrise Feynman graph for arbitrary momentum transfer in d=2 and d=4 dimensions.Method of solution: Accelerated power series expansions obtained by solving the differential equations for the MIs at their singular points. With a maximum of 22 terms for the worse case expansion a relative precision of better than a part in 1015 is achieved for arbitrary real values of the momentum transfer.Restrictions on complexity of the problem: Limited to real momentum transfer and equal internal masses.Typical running time: Approximately 1 μs to evaluate the four Master integrals for a fixed momentum transfer value on a Pentium IV/3 GHz Linux PC. 相似文献6.
Chiun -Chieh Hsu 《New Generation Computing》1997,15(4):403-419
This paper proposes an approach for embedding two complete binary trees (CBT) into ann-dimensional star graph (S n), and provides a fault-tolerant scheme for the trees. First, aCBT with height Σ m=2 n ?logm? is embedded into theS n with dilation 3. The height of theCBT is very close to ?Σ m=2 n logm?, the height of the largest possibleCBT which can be embedded into theS n. Shifting the firstCBT by generating function productg 2 g 3 g 4 g 3, anotherCBT with height Σ m=2 n ?logm? can also be embedded into theS n without conflicting with the first one. Moreover, if three-eights of nodes in the firstCBT and all nodes in the secondCBT are faulty, all of them can be recovered. Under the condition that the firstCBT with smaller height (?Σ m=2 n logm? ? 1) is embedded, all the replacement nodes will be free. As a consequence, even in the case that all nodes in the two trees are faulty, they can be recovered in the smallest number of recovery steps and only with dilation 5. 相似文献
本文旨在讨论使用中国剩余定理(CRT)表示解密指数的RSA系统.由于中国剩余定理表示可被用来提高计算速度,这样的系统具有很高的实际应用价值.文中主要分析当前文献中一个对具有小CRT解密指数的RSA系统的攻击.本文指出,该攻击巧妙地运用了格理论,但其中某些论断一般是不正确的,并为此提供了几个反例.本文改进并完善了这个小CRT解密指数的攻击方法. 相似文献
We provide closed-form expressions for the quantile functions of the Erlang and negative binomial distributions with shape parameter equal to two. These expressions are related to the Lambert W function. 相似文献
《Computers & Geosciences》1987,13(3):287-292
A classification problem which has arisen during the design of a magnetic survey profile-adjustment system is discussed. The problem is seen to be equivalent to a standard problem in combinatories —that of determining the maximum independent set of a given undirected graph. This problem is NP-complete with probable exponential computer-time requirements, and it therefore is intractable except for the smallest of graphs. An acceptable alternative is to determine a large, maximal (but not necessarily maximum) independent set, which can be done efficiently by the simple algorithm presented here. 相似文献
Y. Wallach 《Computing》1984,32(1):33-41
The methods of Jacobi, Givens and Householder were adapted for an “Alternating Sequential Parallel”, the ASP-system in [1]; the poer, inverse-power and the bisection method (using Sturm sequences) in [2]. This shrot paper extends the collection of methods. Section 1 describes the simultaneous vector-iteration method, shows a modification for thue normal uniprocesor execution and an adaptation for ASP. In Section 2, the historically important method of Levlerrrier is parallelized because of two reasons: It exemplifies a general approach of solving problems on the ASP and can be used also for the Krylov, Danilewski or Lanczos methods which are gaining importane lately. This paper is a continuation of [1] and uses the same notation. 相似文献
V. V. Skobelev 《Cybernetics and Systems Analysis》2012,48(2):249-256
This paper establishes some interrelations between a finite sequence of sets of mappings of an abstract set S into complete residue systems of pairwise relatively prime elements of any Dedekind ring and the corresponding sequence of sets of mappings of the set S into the complete residue system corresponding to the product of these elements. A relationship is revealed between the established interrelation and Lang’s theorem on isomorphic factor rings. A string model is presented that is an interpretation of structures investigated in the cases of the ring of integers and a one-element set S. It is shown that the results obtained can be used for computing the number of combinatorial objects defined in terms of finite residue rings. 相似文献
Marco Loog Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2007,40(6):1753-1755
In two very recently published rapid and brief communications, both from the same authors, an alternative formulation of the well-known Fisher criterion is presented in order to overcome the ‘small sample problem’. A theorem in the first of the two communications provides the basis for the equivalence of both formulations.By providing a simple counterexample, we disprove the theorem. Subsequently, based on an illustrative example, we demonstrate that their criterion differs from the classical one and argue that the proposed criterion is not a suitable measure of discriminability. 相似文献
Corina Fetecau W. Akhtar M.A. Imran D. Vieru 《Computers & Mathematics with Applications》2010,59(8):2836-2845
Exact solutions for some oscillating motions of Oldroyd-B fluids, between two infinite coaxial circular cylinders, are established by means of the Laplace transform. These solutions, presented as sum of the steady-state and transient solutions describe the motion of the fluid at small and large times and reduce to the similar solutions for Maxwell, second grade and Newtonian fluids as limiting cases. After some time, when the transients disappear, the starting solutions tend to the steady-state solutions which are periodic in time and independent of the initial conditions. The required time to obtain the steady-state for the cosine and the sine oscillations of the boundary is determined by graphical illustrations. This time decreases if the frequency of the velocity of the boundary increases. 相似文献