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We address efficient processing of SPARQL queries over RDF datasets. The proposed techniques, incorporated into the gStore system, handle, in a uniform and scalable manner, SPARQL queries with wildcards and aggregate operators over dynamic RDF datasets. Our approach is graph based. We store RDF data as a large graph and also represent a SPARQL query as a query graph. Thus, the query answering problem is converted into a subgraph matching problem. To achieve efficient and scalable query processing, we develop an index, together with effective pruning rules and efficient search algorithms. We propose techniques that use this infrastructure to answer aggregation queries. We also propose an effective maintenance algorithm to handle online updates over RDF repositories. Extensive experiments confirm the efficiency and effectiveness of our solutions.  相似文献   

We propose techniques for processing SPARQL queries over a large RDF graph in a distributed environment. We adopt a “partial evaluation and assembly” framework. Answering a SPARQL query Q is equivalent to finding subgraph matches of the query graph Q over RDF graph G. Based on properties of subgraph matching over a distributed graph, we introduce local partial match as partial answers in each fragment of RDF graph G. For assembly, we propose two methods: centralized and distributed assembly. We analyze our algorithms from both theoretically and experimentally. Extensive experiments over both real and benchmark RDF repositories of billions of triples confirm that our method is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in both the system’s performance and scalability.  相似文献   

In many applications, XML documents need to be modelled as graphs. The query processing of graph-structured XML documents brings new challenges. In this paper, we design a method based on labelling scheme for structural queries processing on graph-structured XML documents. We give each node some labels, the reachability labelling scheme. By extending an interval-based reachability labelling scheme for DAG by Rakesh et al., we design labelling schemes to support the judgements of reachability relationships for general graphs. Based on the labelling schemes, we design graph structural join algorithms to answer the structural queries with only ancestor-descendant relationship efficiently. For the processing of subgraph query, we design a subgraph join algorithm. With efficient data structure, the subgraph join algorithm can process subgraph queries with various structures efficiently. Experimental results show that our algorithms have good performance and scalability. Support by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60533110; the National Grand Fundamental Research 973 Program of China under Grant No. 2006CB303000; the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 60773068 and No. 60773063.  相似文献   

As RDF data continue to gain popularity, we witness the fast growing trend of RDF datasets in both the number of RDF repositories and the size of RDF datasets. Many known RDF datasets contain billions of RDF triples (subject, predicate and object). One of the grant challenges for managing these huge RDF data is how to execute RDF queries efficiently. In this paper, we address the query processing problems against the billion triple challenges. We first identify some causes for the problems of existing query optimization schemes, such as large intermediate results, initial query cost estimation errors. Then, we present our block-oriented dynamic query plan generation approach powered with pipelining execution. Our approach consists of two phases. In the first phase, a near-optimal execution plan for queries is chosen by identifying the processing blocks of queries. We group the join patterns sharing a join variable into building blocks of the query plan since executing them first provides opportunities to reduce the size of intermediate results generated. In the second phase, we further optimize the initial pipelining for a given query plan. We employ optimization techniques, such as sideways information passing and semi-join, to further reduce the size of intermediate results, improve the query processing cost estimation and speed up the performance of query execution. Experimental results on several RDF datasets of over a billion triples demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing RDF query engines that rely on dynamic programming based static query processing strategies.  相似文献   

关皓元  朱斌  李冠宇  赵玲 《计算机应用》2018,38(7):1898-1904
针对在SPARQL查询处理中,随着查询图结构逐渐复杂而导致基于图的查询效率愈发低下的问题,通过分析几种资源描述框架(RDF)图的基本结构,提出了一种基于查询图结构切分的子图匹配方法——RSM。首先,将查询图切分为若干结构简单的查询子图,并通过相邻谓词结构索引来定义查询图节点的搜索空间;然后,通过相邻子图结构来缩小搜索空间范围,在数据图中根据搜索空间中的搜索范围找到符合的子图结构;最后,将得到的子图进行连接并作为查询结果输出。将RSM与RDF-3X、R3F、GraSS等主流查询方法作比较,对比了各方法在不同数据集上对于复杂程度不同的查询图的查询响应时间。实验结果充分表明,与其他3种方法相比,在处理结构复杂的查询图时,RSM的查询响应时间更短,具有更高的查询效率。  相似文献   

The growing popularity of graph databases has generated interesting data management problems, such as subgraph search, shortest path query, reachability verification, and pattern matching. Among these, a pattern match query is more flexible compared with a subgraph search and more informative compared with a shortest path or a reachability query. In this paper, we address distance-based pattern match queries over a large data graph G. Due to the huge search space, we adopt a filter-and-refine framework to answer a pattern match query over a large graph. We first find a set of candidate matches by a graph embedding technique and then evaluate these to find the exact matches. Extensive experiments confirm the superiority of our method.  相似文献   

Semantics preserving SPARQL-to-SQL translation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most existing RDF stores, which serve as metadata repositories on the Semantic Web, use an RDBMS as a backend to manage RDF data. This motivates us to study the problem of translating SPARQL queries into equivalent SQL queries, which further can be optimized and evaluated by the relational query engine and their results can be returned as SPARQL query solutions. The main contributions of our research are: (i) We formalize a relational algebra based semantics of SPARQL, which bridges the gap between SPARQL and SQL query languages, and prove that our semantics is equivalent to the mapping-based semantics of SPARQL; (ii) Based on this semantics, we propose the first provably semantics preserving SPARQL-to-SQL translation for SPARQL triple patterns, basic graph patterns, optional graph patterns, alternative graph patterns, and value constraints; (iii) Our translation algorithm is generic and can be directly applied to existing RDBMS-based RDF stores; and (iv) We outline a number of simplifications for the SPARQL-to-SQL translation to generate simpler and more efficient SQL queries and extend our defined semantics and translation to support the bag semantics of a SPARQL query solution. The experimental study showed that our proposed generic translation can serve as a good alternative to existing schema dependent translations in terms of efficient query evaluation and/or ensured query result correctness.  相似文献   

We propose a new way of indexing a large database of small and medium-sized graphs and processing exact subgraph matching (or subgraph isomorphism) and approximate (full) graph matching queries. Rather than decomposing a graph into smaller units (e.g., paths, trees, graphs) for indexing purposes, we represent each graph in the database by its graph signature, which is essentially a multiset. We construct a disk-based index on all the signatures via bulk loading. During query processing, a query graph is also mapped into its signature, and this signature is searched using the index by performing multiset operations. To improve the precision of exact subgraph matching, we develop a new scheme using the concept of line graphs. Through extensive evaluation on real and synthetic graph datasets, we demonstrate that our approach provides a scalable and efficient disk-based solution for a large database of small and medium-sized graphs.  相似文献   

子图查询是指输入一个图数据库和查询子图,输出图数据库中包含查询子图的图集合,它广泛应用于社会网、生物网和信息网的查询应用中。目前的子图查询算法大多采用静态消耗测算模式,此类测算模式在图中点数和连接边数呈指数分布时,会在少数节点上花费较多时间遍历其邻节点,导致查询算法效率低下。根据信息熵在信息度量中的作用,将条件信息熵作为启发式匹配的依据,提出了基于信息熵的子图匹配算法。实验表明,基于信息熵的子图匹配算法具有更高的查询效率,且在指数分布的数据集上效果更明显。  相似文献   

随着语义网络中数据量的激增,在RDF数据集中高效查询数据已成为一个亟待解决的问题。传统的基于物化视图的RDF模式匹配方法虽然能降低表的自连接操作次数,加快查询模式重写过程,但在视图集中检索模式匹配的视图等价于子图同构这一NP-hard问题。为了减小查询模式重写代价,提高RDF模式匹配过程效率,引入可排序视图概念,设计包含映射发现算法contain及其扩展算法contain+,简化等长度模式间包含映射发现过程,同时保证模式间的匹配代价与输入数据的规模线性相关。此外,提出基于倒排表/MapReduce检索候选可排序视图的方法,实现RDF模式重写算法rewrite,用以处理不同规模数据集上的模式匹配问题。理论分析及实验证明,基于可排序视图的RDF模式匹配算法能有效地兼顾算法效率及算法可扩展性。  相似文献   

Linked Open Data initiatives have encouraged the publication of large RDF datasets into the Linking Open Data (LOD) cloud, including DBpedia, YAGO, and Geo-Names. Despite the size of LOD datasets and the development of (semi-)automatic methods to create and link LOD data, these datasets may be still incomplete, negatively affecting thus accuracy of Linked Data processing techniques. We acquire query answer completeness by capturing knowledge collected from the crowd, and propose a novel hybrid query processing engine that brings together machine and human computation to execute SPARQL queries. Our system, HARE, implements these hybrid query processing techniques. HARE encompasses several features: (1) a completeness model for RDF that exploits the characteristics of RDF in order to estimate the completeness of an RDF dataset; (2) a crowd knowledge base that captures crowd answers about missing values in the RDF dataset; (3) a query engine that combines on-the-fly crowd knowledge and estimates provided by the RDF completeness model, to decide upon the sub-queries of a SPARQL query that should be executed against the dataset or via crowd computing to enhance query answer completeness; and (4) a microtask manager that exploits the semantics encoded in the dataset RDF properties, to crowdsource SPARQL sub-queries as microtasks and update the crowd knowledge base with the results from the crowd. Effectiveness and efficiency of HARE are empirically studied on a collection of 50 SPARQL queries against the DBpedia dataset. Experimental results clearly show that our solution accurately enhances answer completeness.  相似文献   

The RDF-3X engine for scalable management of RDF data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RDF is a data model for schema-free structured information that is gaining momentum in the context of Semantic-Web data, life sciences, and also Web 2.0 platforms. The “pay-as-you-go” nature of RDF and the flexible pattern-matching capabilities of its query language SPARQL entail efficiency and scalability challenges for complex queries including long join paths. This paper presents the RDF-3X engine, an implementation of SPARQL that achieves excellent performance by pursuing a RISC-style architecture with streamlined indexing and query processing. The physical design is identical for all RDF-3X databases regardless of their workloads, and completely eliminates the need for index tuning by exhaustive indexes for all permutations of subject-property-object triples and their binary and unary projections. These indexes are highly compressed, and the query processor can aggressively leverage fast merge joins with excellent performance of processor caches. The query optimizer is able to choose optimal join orders even for complex queries, with a cost model that includes statistical synopses for entire join paths. Although RDF-3X is optimized for queries, it also provides good support for efficient online updates by means of a staging architecture: direct updates to the main database indexes are deferred, and instead applied to compact differential indexes which are later merged into the main indexes in a batched manner. Experimental studies with several large-scale datasets with more than 50 million RDF triples and benchmark queries that include pattern matching, manyway star-joins, and long path-joins demonstrate that RDF-3X can outperform the previously best alternatives by one or two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

在SPARQL查询过程中,含有复杂结构的资源描述框架(RDF)图的查询效率低下。为此,通过分析几种RDF图的基本结构与RDF顶点的选择性,提出RDF三元组模式选择性(RTPS)——一种基于RDF顶点选择性的图结构切分规则,以提高面向RDF图的子图匹配效率。首先,根据谓词结构在数据图与查询图中的通性建立RDF相邻谓词路径(RAPP)索引,将数据图结构转化为传入-传出双向谓词路径结构以确定查询顶点的搜索空间,并加快顶点的过滤;接着,通过整数线性规划(ILP)问题计算建模将复杂RDF查询图结构分解为若干结构简单的查询子图,通过分析RDF顶点在查询图中的相邻子图结构与特征,确立查询顶点的选择性以确定最优切分方式;然后,通过RDF顶点选择性与相邻子图的结构特征来缩小查询顶点的搜索空间范围,并在数据图中找到符合条件的RDF顶点;最后,遍历数据图以找到与查询子图结构相匹配的子图结构,将得到的子图进行连接并将其作为查询结果输出。实验采用控制变量法,比较了RTPS、RDF子图匹配(RSM)、RDF-3X、GraSS与R3F的查询响应时间。实验结果充分表明,与其他4种方法相比,当查询图复杂度高于9时,RTPS的查询响应时间更短,具有更高的查询效率。  相似文献   

The Semantic Web’s promise of web-wide data integration requires the inclusion of legacy relational databases,1 i.e. the execution of SPARQL queries on RDF representation of the legacy relational data. We explore a hypothesis: existing commercial relational databases already subsume the algorithms and optimizations needed to support effective SPARQL execution on existing relationally stored data. The experiment is embodied in a system, Ultrawrap, that encodes a logical representation of the database as an RDF graph using SQL views and a simple syntactic translation of SPARQL queries to SQL queries on those views. Thus, in the course of executing a SPARQL query, the SQL optimizer uses the SQL views that represent a mapping of relational data to RDF, and optimizes its execution. In contrast, related research is predicated on incorporating optimizing transforms as part of the SPARQL to SQL translation, and/or executing some of the queries outside the underlying SQL environment.Ultrawrap is evaluated using two existing benchmark suites that derive their RDF data from relational data through a Relational Database to RDF (RDB2RDF) Direct Mapping and repeated for each of the three major relational database management systems. Empirical analysis reveals two existing relational query optimizations that, if applied to the SQL produced from a simple syntactic translations of SPARQL queries (with bound predicate arguments) to SQL, consistently yield query execution time that is comparable to that of SQL queries written directly for the relational representation of the data. The analysis further reveals the two optimizations are not uniquely required to achieve a successful wrapper system. The evidence suggests effective wrappers will be those that are designed to complement the optimizer of the target database.  相似文献   

Flesca  Sergio  Furfaro  Filippo  Greco  Sergio 《World Wide Web》2002,5(2):125-157
In this paper we present a graphical query language for XML. The language, based on a simple form of graph grammars, permits us to extract data and reorganize information in a new structure. As with most of the current query languages for XML, queries consist of two parts: one extracting a subgraph and one constructing the output graph. The semantics of queries is given in terms of graph grammars. The use of graph grammars makes it possible to define, in a simple way, the structural properties of both the subgraph that has to be extracted and the graph that has to be constructed. We provide an example-driven comparison of our language w.r.t. other XML query languages, and show the effectiveness and simplicity of our approach.  相似文献   

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