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Measurement of Residual Stress Field of Hardfacing Metal with RE Oxide and Its Numerical Simulation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The temperature and residual stress fields of a medium-high carbon steel, welded by a cracking resistance electrode with rare earth (RE) oxide, were measured by thermo-vision analyzer and X-ray stress analyzer respectively. Meanwhile, the martensitic transformation temperatures of matrix, hard-face welding (hardfacing) metal welded by conventional hardfacing electrode and that welded by cracking resistance electrode with RE oxide were determined. According to the experimental data and the thermo-physical, mechanical parameters of materials, finite element method (FEM) of temperature and stress fields was established. In this FEM, the effect of martensitic transformation on residual stress of hardfacing metal of medium-high carbon steel was taken into account. The results show that, by adding RE oxide in the coat of hardfacing electrode, the martensitic transformation temperature can be decreased, so that the residual tensile stress on the dangerous position can be decreased. Therefore, the cracking resistance of hardfacing metal can be improved. 相似文献
Effects of RE and N on Properties of Corrosion Resistance and Oxidation Resistance of Gray Cast Iron 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Zeng Qi 《中国稀土学报(英文版)》1998,16(3):189-192
ItiswelknownthatthemechanicalpropertiesofgraycastironcanbeimprovedbyaddingsuitableamountofREandN.Tohighcarbonequivalent(CE)gr... 相似文献
Study on Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in RE Oxide Minerals 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
StudyonOxygenIsotopeFractionationinREOxideMineralsFangTao(方涛),QiuYuzhuo(裘愉卓)(InstituteofGeochemistry,AcademiaSinica,Guiyang5... 相似文献
Yang Qingxiang Wang Airong Liao Bo Yao Mei Qi JunjieYanshan University Qinhuangdao 《钢铁研究学报(英文版)》1998,(1)
EfectofREOxideonImpactToughnesandPrimaryStructureofSurfacingMetalYangQingxiang,WangAirong,LiaoBo,YaoMei,QiJunjie①ABSTRACTThee... 相似文献
RecentlythebeneficialactionsofREonironandsteelshavebeenreportedaroundtheworld.REcannotonlydeoxidizeanddesulphurizethemeltandf... 相似文献
The modifying effect of rare earth(RE)oxide on inclusions in hardfacing metals of medium-high carbon steel was investigated by means of thermodynamics,The thermodynamic analsys for inclusion formation shows that RE oxide can be reduced to RE element by carbon,then the RE element can react with oxygen and sulfur to form the RE oxide,RE sulfide and RE oxide-sulfide in hardfacing molten pool.The deoxidization and the desulphurization can be carried otu and the liquid metal can be purified.In addition,RE oxide can also react with sulfur to form RE oxide-sulfide dirdctly.Therefore,the harmful effect of sulfur can be decreased. 相似文献
The cracking morphology of the hardfacing specimens taken from steel 5CrNiMo was observed. Meanwhile, the residual stress fields were measured and simulated. Based on experiment mentioned above, the improved structure and modified inclusion in hardfacing metal with rare earth (RE) oxide were analyzed. The results show that, the hardfacing crack is initiated from the coarse dendritic crystal grain boundary, inclusions and coarse austenite grain boundary in the HAZ and propagated by the residual stress existing in the center of the hardfacing metal and HAZ. The primary columnar grain structure can be refined by adding RE oxide in the coating of the electrode. The inclusion in the hardfacing metal can be modified as well. Meanwhile, if the martensite transformation temperature is decreased, the largest value of the residual tensile stress in the dangerous region can be reduced. 相似文献
Study on Structural Stability of RE/Fe Multilayers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
StudyonStructuralStabilityofRE/FeMultilayersLiShengli(李胜利),WangChangzheng(王长征),BaoWenliang(鲍文良)(DepartmentofMaterialsScience... 相似文献
方涛 《中国稀土学报(英文版)》1997,(4)
OxygenIsotopeFractionationofCommonREFluorocarbonateFangTao(方涛)(InstituteofGeochemistry,AcademiaSinica,Guiyang550002,China)Re... 相似文献
Effect of Rare Earths on the Wear Resistance and High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of H13 Steel Surface-Treated with S-N-C Co-diffusion 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hu Zhengqian 《中国稀土学报(英文版)》1998,16(3):227-230
SteelH13isacommonlyusedhotworkingdiesteel,whichchemicalcompositionisgivenasfolows:C:032~045,Si:080~120,Mn:020~050,Cr:4... 相似文献
Inordertoimprovetheactivityandselectivitytodimethylamine(DMA)inaminationreaction,manyresearchershavedonemanyworksmainlyonthe... 相似文献
Effect of RE Modification and Heat Treatment on Impact Fatigue Property of a Wear Resistant White Cast Iron 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Withhigherhardnessandbetterwearresistance ,whitecastironscanbeusedaswearresistantpartsinmanyfields .Inpractice ,thewearresistantpartsareoftenrequiredtobesubjectedtogrindingofabrasivesandrepeatedimpactaction .Therefore ,fatiguecracksareliabletobegeneratedo… 相似文献
The effect of Y-base rare earth alloy in ultra-high hardfacing was observed by means of OM, SEM and XRD. Precipitated carbide can be metamorphosed and spheroidized in surfacing by adding Y-base rare earth alloy, which contributes to the increase of precipitated carbide. Rare earth combined with oxygen and sulfur can improve the morphology of slag inclusion as well as purify surfacing. The result shows proper rare earth alloy in surfacing can fine its microstmcture, improve hardness and impact toughness. 相似文献
Itisthebasicmethodtoproducehighpurityscandiummetaltopurifytheroughscandiummadefromcalciumthermalreductionanhydrousscandiumfluoridebyvacuumdistillationmethodathomeandabroad.Previousstudiesshowthatitisnotdifficulttousehighpurityscandiumoxideasthemat… 相似文献
Mn2+doped LuAG phosphors with different contents of Si4+ions were synthesized via the solid-state reaction method and the effects of Si4+doping on the crystal structure and luminescence properties of phosphors were studied.XRD patterns of all phosphors exhibit a pure phase but with different extents of deviations.Owing to the 4 T1→6 A1 transition of Mn2+,the LuAG:Mn2+,Si4+phosphors exhibit a broad emission band with an emission peak at 582 nm.Moreover,the introduction of Si4+not only improves the emission intensity but also induces a red-shift with the emission peak from 582 to 612 nm and the spectra broadening with the full width at half maximum value from 64 to 74 nm,which results from the decrease of bond length between O2-anions and Mn2+cations and the re-absorption of Mn2+-Mn2+pairs.Suitable content of Si4+replacement can weaken thermal quenching of Mn2+.Thus,via regulating the content of Si,the Mn2+,Si4+co-doped LuAG phosphor with low correlated color temperature is a candidate for warm wLEDs. 相似文献
Types,CharacteristicsandFormationMechanismsofIon-adsorptedREDeposits¥LinChuanxian(林传仙),WangYixian(王一先),QianZhixin(钱志鑫),ZhengZ... 相似文献