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Dendritic cells (DC) are regarded as attractive candidates for cancer immunotherapy. Our aim is to improve the therapeutic efficacy of DC-based tumor vaccine by augmenting DC preferential chemotaxis on T cells. Mouse bone marrow-derived DC were transduced with lymphotactin (Lptn) gene by adenovirus vector. The supernatants from Lptn gene-modified DC (Lptn-DC) were capable of attracting CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in a chemotaxis assay, whereas their mock control could not. Lptn expression of Lptn-DC was further confirmed by RT-PCR. Lptn-DC were pulsed with Mut1 peptide and used for vaccination. Immunization with the low dose (1 x 10(4)) of Mut1 peptide-pulsed DC induced weak CTL activity, whereas the same amounts of Mut1 peptide-pulsed Lptn-DC markedly induced specific CTL against 3LL tumor cells. A single immunization with 1 x 10(4) Mut1 peptide-pulsed Lptn-DC could render mice resistant to a 5 x 10(5) 3LL tumor cell challenge completely, but their counterpart could not. The protective immunity induced by Mut1 peptide-pulsed Lptn-DC depends on both CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells rather than NK cells in the induction phase and depends on CD8+ T cells rather than CD4+ T cells and NK cells in the effector phase. Moreover, the involvement of CD28/CTLA4 costimulation pathway and IFN-gamma are also necessary. When 3LL tumor-bearing mice were treated with 1 x 10(4) Mut1 peptide-pulsed Lptn-DC, their pulmonary metastases were significantly reduced, whereas the same low dose of Mut1 peptide-pulsed DC had no obvious therapeutic effects. Our data suggest that Lptn-DC are more potent adjuvants for peptide delivery to induce protective and therapeutic antitumor immunity.  相似文献   

The effects of perivascular nerve stimulation and phenylephrine on osmolyte release were studied in the intact perfused rat liver and isolated liver parenchymal cells (PC) and nonparenchymal cells. In the perfused liver, electrical stimulation of perivascular nerves (20 Hz/2 ms/20 V) led to a phentolamine-sensitive increase of cell hydration by 6.5% +/- 1.2% (n = 3) and a transient phentolamine-sensitive stimulation of taurine and inositol, but not betaine, release. These nerve effects were mimicked by phenylephrine, but not prostaglandin F2alpha, and were not affected by sodium nitroprusside (SNP) or ibuprofen. Nerve stimulation-induced taurine, but not inositol, release was inhibited by 4, 4'-di-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (DIDS) (50 micromol/L). Single-cell fluorescence studies with isolated liver PC, Kupffer cells (KC), sinusoidal endothelial cells (SEC), and hepatic stellate cells (HSC) revealed that phenylephrine induced an increase in cytosolic free Ca2+ only in PC and HSC, but not in KC and SEC, whereas extracellular uridine triphosphate (UTP) produced Ca2+ transients/oscillations in all liver cell types studied. Phenylephrine had no effect on osmolyte release from isolated KC and SEC, but increased taurine (but not inositol) release from PC and inositol (but not taurine) efflux from HSC. The data suggest that: 1) liver cell hydration and-consecutively-osmolyte content are modulated by hepatic nerves via an alpha-adrenergic mechanism, which does not involve eicosanoids or hemodynamic changes; 2) that PC and HSC are the primary targets for nerve-dependent alpha-adrenergic activation, whereas 3) KC and SEC probably do not express alpha-adrenoceptors coupled to Ca2+ mobilization or osmolyte efflux.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infection has been shown to elicit strong CTL responses in some infected persons, but few data are available regarding the relationship between targeted epitopes and in vivo viral quasispecies. In this study, we examined the CTL response in a person infected for 15 yr with a CD4 count persistently >500 cells/microl. The dominant in vivo activated CTL response was directed against two overlapping Gag CTL epitopes in an area of p17 known to be essential for viral replication. The 9-mer SLYNTVATL (amino acids 77-85) was recognized in conjunction with HLA-A2, whereas the overlapping 8-mer TLYCVHQR (amino acids 83-91) was recognized by HLA-A11-restricted CTL. Analysis of in vivo virus sequences both in PBMC and plasma revealed the existence of sequence variation in this region, which did not affect viral replication in vitro, but decreased recognition by the A11-restricted CTL response, with maintenance of the A2-restricted response. These results indicate that an essential region of the p17 protein can be simultaneously targeted by CTL through two different HLA molecules, and that immune escape from CTL recognition can occur without impairing viral replication. In addition, they demonstrate that Ag processing can allow for presentation of overlapping epitopes in the same infected cell, which can be affected quite differently by sequence variation.  相似文献   

Essential to the dendritic cell system of antigen-presenting cells are the veiled dendritic cells that traverse afferent lymph to enter lymph nodes, where they initiate immune responses. The origin of veiled cells, which were discovered 20 years ago, is unclear. Monocytes cultured with endothelium differentiated into dendritic cells within 2 days, particularly after phagocytosing particles in subendothelial collagen. These nascent dendritic cells migrated across the endothelium in the ablumenal-to-lumenal direction, as would occur during entry into lymphatics. Monocytes that remained in the subendothelial matrix became macrophages. Therefore, monocytes have two potential fates associated with distinct patterns of migration.  相似文献   

Ag is presented to CTL as peptide associated with MHC class I molecules, which are present on most types of cells. We have investigated the presentation of Db-restricted lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) peptides by a fibroblast line (MC57) and a dendritic cell line (JawsII) to splenocytes from LCMV-immune C57BL/6 mice. We found that when LCMV-infected MC57 were used to restimulate the spleen cells, the resulting CTL line lost its ability to respond to the two dominant epitopes of the immune response to LCMV glycoprotein (gp)33 and nucleoprotein (np)396 but remained strongly lytic for targets coated with the subdominant gp276 epitope. In contrast, when LCMV-infected JawsII cells were used to restimulate the splenocytes, the resulting line continued to target gp33 and np396 but lost reactivity to gp276. When uninfected JawsII or MC57 cells were coated with peptides and used as stimulators, the resulting CTL lines continued to recognize all three epitopes, indicating that costimulatory or other potential innate differences in Ag presentation between the two cell lines are unlikely to account for the selective expansion of CTL specificities. When infected, both cell types produce similar levels of infectious LCMV, have similar levels of the NP and GP proteins from which np396 and gp33 are derived, and can be recognized by CTL specific for each of the three epitopes. These data indicate that in the generation of peptides for MHC-I binding and presentation to CTL, MC57 and JawsII process the same set of virus proteins in quantitatively different ways.  相似文献   

Investigations into the incidence of Salmonella abortus ovis (S. abortus ovis) infections should not be neglected in diagnosis of ovine abortion cases. For detection of this pathogen agent, direct cultivation, as well as pre-enrichment combined with enrichment procedures in tetrathionate or Rappaport-Vassiliadis medium, should be performed with respect to the features of S. abortus ovis. The detection limit of S. abortus ovis using pre-enrichment and enrichment media could be determined using 6.5 x 10(3)-6.5 x 10(4) bacteria. For subsequent cultivation of S. abortus ovis Gassner, XLD or Rambach agar are suitable. In infected sheep showing no excretion of S. abortus ovis, the pathogen can be detected by serological studies using microagglutination or the ELISA test. The ELISA test proved to be more sensitive than the microagglutination test, detecting antibodies against S. abortus ovis in 17% of the 814 sheep tested. The microagglutination test revealed positive results in only 2% of the sheep tested.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the cross-priming of CTL responses in vivo involves the transfer to host APCs of heat shock protein glycoprotein 96-chaperoned antigenic peptides released from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of dying or infected cells. We have tested this possibility directly using TAP-deficient cell lines lacking antigenic ER peptides derived from two model Ags, the human adenovirus type 5 early regions E1A and E1B. Although both proteins were well expressed, the cells were not recognized by E1A- or E1B-specific CTLs unless the relevant epitope was either provided exogenously as a synthetic peptide or targeted to the ER in a TAP-independent fashion. Despite the absence of these ER peptides, the TAP1-/- cells were able to efficiently cross-prime E1A- and E1B-specific CTLs following immunization of syngeneic mice. These results indicate that, although purified peptide/glycoprotein 96 complexes are potent immunogens, the mechanism of CTL cross-priming in vivo does not depend upon antigenic peptides in the ER of immunizing cells.  相似文献   

Novel peptide motives targeting endocytosing receptors were isolated from phage display libraries of random peptides by recovering internalized phage from mammalian cells. The peptide-presenting phage selected by internalization in HEp-2 and ECV304 human cells were taken up 1000- to 100,000-fold more efficiently than their parent libraries, and from 10 to 100 times faster than phage particles displaying integrin-binding peptides. A high degree of selectivity of phage uptake was observed in these cells: phage selected in ECV304 cells were internalized approximately 100-fold more efficiently in ECV304 cells than in HEp-2 cells. Likewise, phage selected in HEp-2 cells were subsequently taken up approximately 40-fold more efficiently by HEp-2 cells than by ECV304 cells. In multiple independent trials using a cyclic peptide library, an identical peptide sequence displayed on phage was internalized by and recovered from ECV304 cells. These findings indicate that the internalization process is highly selective, and is capable of capturing a specific peptide from 2 x 10(7) peptide variants. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed juxtanuclear localization of internalized phage. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using multivalent phage-display libraries to identify new targeting ligands for the intracellular delivery of macromolecules.  相似文献   

A target identification paradigm was used to study cross-modal spatial cuing effects on auditory and visual target identification. Each trial consisted of an auditory or visual spatial cue followed by an auditory or visual target. The cue and target could be either of the same modality (within-modality conditions) or of different modalities (between-modalities conditions). In 3 experiments, a larger cue validity effect was apparent on within-modality trials than on between-modalities trials. In addition, the likelihood of identifying a significant cross-modal cuing effect was observed to depend on the predictability of the cue-target relation. These effects are interpreted as evidence (a) of separate auditory and visual spatial attention mechanisms and (b) that target identification may be influenced by spatial cues of another modality but that this effect is primarily dependent on the engagement of endogenous attentional mechanisms.  相似文献   

Most monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC) display CD1a, like Langerhans cells (LC) and some dermal DC, but their relationship with these skin DC remains unclear. To address this issue, we studied the expression of different antigens characteristic of skin DC and of monocyte/macrophages in CD1a+ and CD1a- monocyte-derived DC. Their phenotype indicated that they may be related to dermal DC rather than to LC, i.e., they were all CD11b-positive, and 72% were Factor XIIIa-positive, but they did not express E-cadherin nor VLA-6. It is interesting that CD1a+ and CD1a-cells showed intracytoplasmic granules that were different from LC Birbeck granules. These phenotypical and ultrastructural features are comparable to those of CD14-derived DC obtained from cord blood precursors [C. Caux et al. J. Exp. Med. 184, 695-706]. These results show a close relationship between these two in vitro models, which are both related to dermal DC.  相似文献   

We have investigated mechanisms involved in immunodominance of the CTL response of C57BL/6 (B6) mice against cells of BALB.B origin. This transplantation barrier consists of at least 40 minor histocompatibility (H) Ags. Insufficient presentation of nondominant epitopes in the presence of dominant epitopes was investigated as a possible mechanism for immunodominance. Ag presentation was assessed by recognition of dendritic cells of BALB.B origin, MLC restimulatory capacity, and quantification of cell surface presentation by peptide elution from intact cells. Cells from BALB.B mice, which fail to elicit CTL against nondominant epitopes, presented nondominant epitopes to a similar extent as cells from minor H congenic mice; the latter do elicit CTL against nondominant minor H Ags. Nevertheless, presentation of nondominant and dominant epitopes by the same APC appeared to be an important factor for immunodominance to occur, since simultaneous immunization with the epitopes on separate cells elicited CTL against both types of epitopes. This suggested that immunodominance is determined in the interaction between different responding T cells and the APC. Support for this was obtained in an in vitro model in which the CTL response against a nondominant epitope was inhibited by the concomitant response against a dominant epitope. This study suggests that immunodominance in the CTL response against certain minor H Ags results from interference between T cell responses and not from insufficient presentation of peptide epitopes. The study also provides an in vitro model for further investigations of the immunodominance phenomenon.  相似文献   

Human dendritic cells (DC) are highly professional antigen presenting cells for the priming of naive cytotoxic T cells. Gene transfer in DC would be a useful strategy to load DC with relevant de novo synthesized antigens for immunotherapeutical purposes. As a first step towards a DC-based gene therapy, we examined the efficiency of nonviral transfection in different types of cultured human dendritic cells with a humanized red-shifted green fluorescent protein reporter gene. Plasmid DNA transfection by electroporation or lipofection was used to transfect CD34+ progenitor cell-derived DC (PC-DC) and Langerhans' cells (PC-LC), as well as monocyte-derived DC (Mo-DC). While lipofection was unsuccessful in all types of DC, we obtained high-efficiency gene transfer by electroporation in PC-LC (16%) and PC-DC (12%). In contrast, electroporation was strikingly less efficient in Mo-DC (< or = 2%). The potent allostimulatory capacity of DC was still retained in electroporated PC-DC and PC-LC. In conclusion, electroporation of antigen expressing plasmid DNA is an efficient tool for nonviral gene transfer in PC-DC and PC-LC, but not in Mo-DC and could be useful for the development of DC-based tumor immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Host cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) that recognize specific viral peptides (epitopes) are thought to provide the most effective control of viral replication and spread. However, viruses may escape this recognition through mutations in CTL epitopes. We tested the hypothesis that, as an adaptation on the part of the host to constrain parasite escape from immune control, class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules present peptides that are derived from conserved regions of foreign proteins to CTLs. We did this by estimating the relative conservation of CTL epitopes of the functionally important Nef protein of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) and relating this to the structure and function of the protein. In comparisons among sequences from several HIV-1 subtypes and both major groups, CTL epitopes had lower rates of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitution per site than did the remainder of the protein, indicating the relative conservation of these epitopes. In contrast, helper T-cell epitopes were as conserved as, and monoclonal antibody epitopes less conserved than, the remainder of the protein. The conservation of CTL epitopes is apparently due to their derivation from functionally important domains of Nef, since CTL epitopes coincide with these domains and these domains are conserved relative to the remainder of the protein, in contrast to secondary structural elements, which are not. Recent studies provide evidence of CTL selection on HIV-1 epitopes, but the variational range of viral escape mutants appears to be limited by functional constraints on the protein regions from which epitopes are derived. The presentation of conserved foreign peptides to CTLs by class I MHC molecules may be a general adaptation of vertebrate hosts to constrain the adaptation of their intracellular parasites.  相似文献   

目的:携带癌胚抗原(carcinocmbryonic antigen,CEA)基因的重组人腺相关病毒(reconstructive human adeno-association virus,rh-AAV)感染树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DC)诱导获得抗原特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(cytotoxic lymphocyte,CTL),体外检测其对CD44+CD24-/low乳腺癌干细胞的杀伤效果.方法:分离供者外周血单个核细胞,以细胞因子白介素-4(interleukin-4,IL-4)、粒细胞-巨噬细胞克隆刺激因子(granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor,GM-CSF)和肿瘤坏死因子α(tumor necrosis factor-alpha,TNF-α)诱导培养获得DC,细胞因子白介素-2(interleukin-2,IL-2),刺激培养获得T淋巴细胞.含CEA基因的rh-AAV感染培养DC,诱导成熟后将DC和T细胞混合培养获得CTL细胞.流式分选MCF-7和MA-MDB-231细胞系中CD44+CD24-/low乳腺癌干细胞,MTT法检测CTL细胞对CD44+CD24-/low乳腺癌干细胞的杀伤效果.结果:MCF-7和MDA-MB-231中CD44+/CD24-/low群比例分别为5.1%和76.3%.CEA基因转染DC诱导的CTL细胞对表达CEA抗原的MCF-7杀伤率为46.5%±15.0%,与未转染组相比,差异有统计学意义(P=0.009);对MCF-7细胞中分选的CD44+CD24-/low乳腺癌干细胞的杀伤率为44.7%±28.2%,明显高于未转染组.对非乳腺癌干细胞杀伤率为50.6%±22.2%,与未转染组相比,差异有统计学意义(P=0.05).在不表达CEA基因的MDA-MB-231乳腺癌细胞,CEA转染诱导的CTL细胞对未分选细胞、分选的CD44+/CD24-/low亚群和非干细胞亚群的杀伤率与未转染的对照组相比,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:携带CEA基因rh-AAV转染DC诱导产生的抗原特异性CTL细胞可杀伤表达CEA的乳腺癌细胞,对CD44+CD24-/low乳腺癌干细胞也具有一定的杀伤活性,提示免疫治疗可能是治疗乳腺癌干细胞潜在有效的手段.  相似文献   

These two experiments, which were conducted at a large midwestern American university, demonstrated that naive art observers can recognize tangible objects that are represented realistically in a picture. However, naive art observers cannot perceive the abstract themes that are portrayed in a picture unless they are informed about the relationships between the pictorial symbols and the concepts they represent.  相似文献   

Comments on M. W. Lipsey and D. B. Wilson's (see record 1994-18340-001) review of meta-analytic assessments of research on psychological treatment effectiveness. Sohn considers the comparative properties of empirical research (typically referred to as primary research) and the literature review as a means of scientific discovery and discusses the way that scientific discovery is made. Sohn described the hypothesis-testing view of science in psychology and argues that psychological researchers need to develop the kind of fundamental (probably biological) knowledge of the organism that will enable researchers to formulate hypotheses that are in touch with basic knowledge. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

目的:探讨黏蛋白1(mucins 1,MUC1)基因磁转染体外人树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DC)的可行性,观察其诱导的特异性抗MUC1膀胱癌CTL的免疫效应.方法:以葡聚糖磁性纳米颗粒(DMN)作为载体,在多聚赖氨酸(PLL)的辅助下,通过静电作用结合MUC1基因的真核表达载体pEGFP-C1-MUC1,在钕-铁-硼稀土强磁块的磁场作用下转染DC,荧光显微镜下观察及流式细胞术检测转染效率,并用RT-PCR法检测转基因DC中MUC1基因的表达;再将转染MUC1基因的DC与自体T细胞共培养,并分别用乳酸脱氢酶释放法检测所致敏的细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(cytotoxic lymphocyte,CTL)对MUCI特异性抗膀胱癌(膀胱肿瘤BIU87细胞系)的杀伤活性,用透射电镜观察CTL诱导靶细胞凋亡情况;ELISA法测定MUC1基因修饰后的DC刺激自体T细胞分泌IFN-γ的能力.结果:pEGFP-C1-MUC1转染效率为10%左右,荧光显微镜下可观察到明显绿色荧光蛋白的表达,RT-PCR法可检测到MUC1条带,转染MUC1基因的DC与自体T细胞混合培养后能诱导出MUC1特异性的CTL,对BIU87细胞的杀伤实验表明T-DC-MUC1的杀伤活性显著高于对照组T-DC-pEGFP-C1和T-DC诱导的CTL(P均<0.05);在透射电镜下也可观察到部分BIU87膀胱肿瘤细胞出现了细胞核核仁消失,染色质浓集于核膜周围等早期凋亡表现;基因修饰后的DC能刺激自体T细胞分泌高水平的IFN-γ,明显高于未转染的DC(P<0.05).结论:葡聚糖磁性纳米颗粒在同定磁场的作用下成功将MUC1基因转入DC,并可有效诱导出特异性抗MUC1膀胱癌的细胞毒性T细胞.  相似文献   

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