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采用试验的方法对层流预混火焰进行研究可以为实际应用提供可靠的依据。本文对滞止面火焰法、热流法、肥皂泡爆炸法及定容弹法等预混层流火焰试验研究方法进行了归纳,并分析了预混层流火焰燃烧的影响因素。  相似文献   

多孔泡沫陶瓷中预混火焰燃烧速率的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
本文对在多孔泡沫陶瓷中的甲烷/空气预混燃烧的燃速特性进行了实验研究,用一专用燃烧器对两种材质不同孔径尺寸的多孔介质分别测定了它们的预混燃烧速率。所得结果表明,其燃速与层流无多孔介质的自由火焰相比有显著的提高,并且受到材质和孔径大小的影响。同时,当量皆可燃稳定上下界限也有相应扩大。  相似文献   

层流预混滞止火焰结构及传播速度实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
火焰传播速度反映了火焰和燃料燃烧的基本特性,但火焰传播比较复杂,受流动,传热以及化学反应等众多因素的影响,在实际的系统中,无法得到理想化的平面燃烧波,而利用平面滞止火焰可外推得到零位伸率下的火焰传播速度,即理想层流火焰传播速度。在建立稳定的层流预混滞止火焰的基础上,用激光多普勒仪测定了滞止流动的速度分布,得到了火焰结构的一些特征,并根据同一空燃比下不同位伸率与当地火焰传播速度的关系,获得了理想层流  相似文献   

配制辛烷值相同而敏感性不同的高辛烷值燃料,在一台改造的单缸试验发动机上进行了燃料敏感性对部分预混燃烧的燃烧和排放特性影响的研究。采用的不同敏感性的燃料为配制的甲苯参比燃料和市售92#汽油。研究结果表明:燃料敏感性越高,滞燃期越长,油气混合越充分,预混燃烧比例越大,NOx排放越高。燃烧重心(CA50)随着敏感性的增高先推迟后提前,敏感性为2的燃料CA50最迟。燃料敏感性越低,压升率越低,而市售92#汽油挥发性较强,预混比例较大,最大压升率最高;敏感性为2的燃料在上止点附近放热较多,指示热效率较高;汽油及敏感性为5和8的燃料的碳烟排放比其他燃料低。  相似文献   

燃烧火焰法是合成碳纳米管的新方法,具有设备简单、容易实现等优点。以硝酸镍为催化剂,在甲烷-空气受控扩散火焰中合成了多壁碳纳米管,燃烧产物中还发现了碳纳米颗粒、碳纳米纤维和碳黑。实验结果表明,随着采样高度的增加,所合成的无定形多壁碳纳米管和富勒烯状碳纳米颗粒逐渐转变为石墨化程度较高的竹节形多壁碳纳米管和洋葱状碳纳米颗粒。分析表明,火焰温度、甲烷裂解产物以及催化剂种类等因素影响碳纳米管的形态和结构。  相似文献   

微细通道中甲烷与氧气的预混燃烧   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对微细通道中甲烷/氧气预混火焰传播性质进行了实验研究.确定了微细通道中不同甲烷浓度下的火焰传播速度,以及混合气体流量与火焰传播速度的关系.结果表明,混合气体流量对火焰传播速度有显著的影响,在微细通道中火焰传播速度的分布趋势与宏观尺度下火焰传播速度的分布趋势基本相同,但在数值上随着流量的不同相差较大.实验证明,在室温条件下,甲烷和氧气预混火焰可以在细管中稳定停留在一点燃烧,并且可以很好地控制其移动;当量比为1.0时火焰传播速度受流量影响最大.  相似文献   

由Level set方法确定湍流预混燃烧火焰面的位置,考虑CHEMKIN库详细化学反应机理,通过PDF方法建立湍流预混燃烧数学模型,计算组分浓度和温度在火焰内部分布。以矩形突扩燃烧室为例,模拟甲烷/空气预混燃烧的平均火焰位置和火焰内部温度、浓度分布,计算结果与实验结果吻合良好,表明此模型能较好模拟湍流预混燃烧。  相似文献   

在丁烷层流预混气体的燃烧过程中清晰地观察到多棱火焰现象。实验中,对3种喷口冷却条件,8种燃料流量下出现多棱火焰现象的浓度界限进行了测定。实验结果表明,当喷口冷却条件加强时,相同燃料流量下出现多棱火焰时空气消耗系数降低。实验也表明,多棱火焰在一定的燃料流量下出现,燃料流量超过一定值时,多棱火焰现象不再出现。同时,燃料流量越大,出现多棱火焰的棱数也越多。  相似文献   

邵本逑 《工业加热》2004,33(3):15-15
利用精细化学工艺过程直接数字模拟法研究2维紊流中双生预混氢一空气火焰上游的相互作用,主要目的是测定相互作用各阶段中火焰图对总燃烧率的效应,改变对称的富一富至贫一贫相互作用的当量比值可计算出优先扩散效应.试验结果表明,对于响应紊流的局部焰锋与先前对于层流预混火焰的理解是一致的。在该火焰中富预混火焰在负变形或曲率处变为强化,同时对于贫预混火焰已发现有相反的响应。优先扩散对相互作用的紊流预混氢-空气火焰燃烧率的效率@邵本逑  相似文献   

为研究预混气体在多孔介质燃烧器中的火焰燃烧特性,设计了一种新型多孔介质燃烧器,其中多孔介质区域由氧化铝圆柱体有序堆积而成.分别研究了当量比和入口速度对甲烷/空气预混气体在多孔介质燃烧器中的火焰温度分布、火焰最高温度以及火焰传播速度的影响.结果 表明:在当量比0.162~0.324、入口速度0.287~0.860 m/s...  相似文献   

The combustion process of propane/air premixed flame in meso-scale quartz tubes with different hydrogen additions was investigated experimentally to explain the flame-wall interaction mechanism. The ranges of different flame regimes were obtained by changing the flow rates of propane and hydrogen. The effects of hydrogen addition, inlet velocity and equivalence ratio were analyzed. The results show that the hydrogen addition broadens the operation ranges of fast flame regime and slow flame regime significantly. The flame propagation speed is in the same order of the thermal wave speed in solid wall for the slow flames. In fast flame regime, the flame propagation speed has an inverse correlation with the inlet flow velocity irrespective of the equivalence ratio. With the increase of the equivalence ratio, the maximum flame speed in fast flame regime decreases gradually, while the maximum flame speed in slow flame regime increases continually. It indicates that rich fuel condition suppresses the fast flame and promotes the slow flame. In slow flame regime, the output thermal efficiency is dominated by the inlet velocity and equivalence ratio.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a promising energy in the future, and it is desirable to characterize the combustion behavior of its blends with air. The premixed hydrogen/air flame microstructure and propagation in a horizontal rectangular closed duct were recorded using high-speed video and Schlieren device. Numerical simulation was also performed on Fluent CFD code to compare with the experimental result. A tulip flame is formed during the flame propagating, and then the tulip flame formation mechanism was proposed based on the analysis. The induced reverse flow and vortex motion were observed both in experiment and simulation. The interactions among the flame, reverse flow and vortices in the burned gas change the flame shape and ultimately it develops into a tulip flame. During the formation of the tulip flame, the tulip cusp slows down and stops moving after its slightly forward moving, and then, it starts to move backward and keeps on a longer time, after that, it moves forward again. The structure of the tulip flame is becoming less stable with its length decreasing in flame propagation direction. The flame thickness increases gradually which is due to turbulence combustion.  相似文献   

In the present analysis, the flame stabilization and temperature distribution within a premixed burner contain porous wall are studied experimentally. The effects of inner diameter, length, and pore density of the porous wall, thermal load, equivalence ratio, and the inlet velocity of the fuel‐air mixture on these are studied. The fuel used in this study is natural gas and the porous wall is SiC (silicon carbide) ceramic foam. The experimental results clearly indicate that the axial temperature along the porous wall increases when the inner diameter of the porous wall decreases and its length increases. The porous wall temperature with an inner diameter of 40 mm, length of 66 mm, and pore density of 30 PPI (pores per inch) has the highest temperature among the examined states. The results of studying the effect of the porous wall on flame stability show that the flame stability limit has a direct relationship with the length and pore density of porous wall and an inverse relationship with the inner diameter of the porous wall. Also, it is found that the porous wall has the highest temperature causes the maximum flame stability limit.  相似文献   

To study the effects of different diluents on the propagation characteristics of H2/CO/air mixture turbulent premixed flames, a series of experiments were carried out in a turbulent premixed flame experimental system. The effects of turbulence intensity (0.49–1.31 m/s), dilution gas content (10%, 20%, and 30%), hydrogen fraction (50%, 70%, and 90%), and equivalence ratio (0.6, 0.8, and 1.0) on the turbulent premixed flame were studied. The results show that with the increase in hydrogen fraction or turbulence intensity or equivalence ratio, the ST and ut increase at the same radius. Compared with N2 dilution, CO2 dilution showed a more obvious inhibition effect on ST. With the increase of Ka, ST;35mm/u’ gradually decreased, and the extent of ST;35mm/u’ decrease gradually became smaller. As the intensity of turbulence increases or the hydrogen fraction increases, the slope of ST,35mm/u’ with Da/Le gradually decreases. In the turbulence intensity range of this experiment, the ut,35mm/μl under nitrogen dilution condition has a larger floating range. The growth rate of ut,35mm/μl at a low equivalence ratio is significantly higher than that at a high equivalence ratio.  相似文献   

The principle of combustion field detection by using laser tomography, as well as exploitation of the laser tomography apparatus and the tool for image processing is described. An experiment detecting flame fronts by laser tomography was made by employing a V-shaped premixed flame. The results show that the instantaneous geometric shape of flame wrinkles within the light sheet can be clearly resolved. The contours of the flame fronts are precisely tracked through active contour models (ACM) from the digital images of laser tomography, laying the basis for the quantitative analysis of flame wrinkling and propagation. __________ Translated from Journal of Combustion Science and Technology, 2007, 13(3): 275–279 [译自: 燃烧科学与技术]  相似文献   

To investigate self-acceleration propagation characteristics of a laminar premixed flame, an experimental study of H2/CO/air mixtures with various hydrogen fractions and equivalence ratios was conducted. The acceleration exponent and fractal excess were defined to quantitatively investigated flame self-acceleration in the transition and saturation stages. Also, the influence of flame inherent instabilities on the acceleration exponent in the transition stage were investigated. The results indicate that with an increase in the hydrogen fraction, the first and second critical radius decreased, the proportion of the transition (saturation) stage in the whole flame propagation process decreased (increased), and the acceleration exponent and fractal excess of the transition and saturation stages increased. Because of the limits of flame radius and different degrees of pulsation in the saturation stage, the acceleration exponent and fractal excess at the saturation stage measured do not show obvious regularity; the values are less than 1.5 and 0.33, respectively. When the hydrogen fraction in syngas is changed, the acceleration exponent in the transition stage showed a nonlinear decreasing trend with an increase in the effective Le number. The hydrodynamic instability usually increased with a decrease in flame thickness, and the acceleration exponent in the transition stage increased.  相似文献   

Unsteady flame propagation in a tube is examined by introducing a mean velocity variation larger than the burning velocity to a stabilized flame for a period longer than the reaction time scale. In our previous work, stabilized propane-air flames were classified as either one-dimensional or two-dimensional flames. The eventual extinction during the velocity increase was categorized as either acoustic extinction or boundary layer extinction. In this work, the effects of a nonunity Lewis number were estimated through experiments with a methane-air flame; the eventual extinction during the velocity decrease was investigated in more detail; and the growth of the extinction boundary layer was analyzed with a transient one-dimensional model of the flame stretch. In our experiments, the Lewis number did not affect the existence or characteristics of the critical velocity and the characteristic time for boundary layer extinction. An additional critical velocity was found, however, for acoustic extinction when the Lewis number was smaller than unity. In the transient one-dimensional model, the velocity transition along the flame was calculated with a continuity equation and an axial momentum equation. The spatial gradient of the burning velocity and the extinction criterion were simplified with the experimental results and some theoretical studies. The analysis shows that the unsteady flame stretch at the flame edge during a large axial velocity variation is the prevailing cause of the growth of the extinction boundary layer. These results provide some evidence that flame stretch affects the behavior of the flame edge; they also suggest the cause of the finger flame. The findings help explain the unsteady behavior of premixed flames near a flammability limit.  相似文献   

The interacting partially premixed methane and hydrogen flames established in a one-dimensional counterflow field were investigated numerically with the OPPDIF code and GRI-v3.0 was used to consider both fuels. The flame structure and response of the maximum flame temperature, heat-release rate, and flame speed to the equivalence ratios (Φ) and global strain rate (ag) were investigated. The maximum temperature decreased with increasing ag. The maximum temperature for cases with a stoichiometric hydrogen-side flame was higher than for other cases with the same ag.The hydrogen-side flame played a key role in determining the maximum temperature. The maximum heat-release rates (MHRRs) for all cases show different trends. The MHRR of the methane-side flame was affected considerably by the interacting flame structure and hydrogen-side flame condition. However, the MHRRs of the hydrogen were independent of methane-side flame condition. For the cases where Φ of the methane-side flame was varied while the hydrogen-side flame was kept stoichiometric (Var-S), the MHRR and flame speed of the hydrogen-side flame were independent of the methane-side flame conditions. However, the methane-side flames had a negative flame speed except near-stoichiometric conditions. On the other hand, in the cases where Φ of the hydrogen-side flame was varied while the methane-side flame was kept stoichiometric (S-Var), the hydrogen-side flames had the MHRR and flame speed similar to those of an unstretched partially premixed hydrogen flame.  相似文献   

The response of premixed methane-air flames to transient strain and local variations in equivalence ratio is studied during isolated interactions between a line-vortex pair and a V-flame. The temporal evolution of OH and CH is measured with planar laser-induced fluorescence for N2-diluted flames with equivalence ratios ranging from 0.8 to 1.2. One-dimensional laminar flame calculations are used to simulate the flame response to unsteady strain and variations in reactant composition. When the reactant composition of the vortex pair and the V-flame are identical, the measurements and predictions show that the peak mole fractions of OH and CH decay monotonically in lean, stoichiometric, and rich flames. We also investigate the effects of a vortex pair with a leaner composition than the V-flame. In a stoichiometric flame, the leaner vortex enhances the decay of both OH and CH. In a rich flame, we observe an abrupt increase in OH-LIF signal and a disappearance of CH-LIF signal that are consistent with a previous experimental investigation. Our results indicate that the previously observed OH burst and CH breakage were caused by a difference in the equivalence ratios of the vortex pair and the main reactant flow. A numerical study shows that N2 dilution enhances the response of premixed flames to unsteady strain and variations in stoichiometry. Reaction-path and sensitivity analyses indicate that the peak OH and CH mole fractions exhibit significant sensitivity to the main branching reaction, H + O2 ↔ OH + O. The sensitivity of OH and CH to this and other reactions is enhanced by N2 dilution. As a result, N2-diluted flames provide a good test case for studying the reliability of chemical kinetic and transport models.  相似文献   

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