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Heat transfer in the presence of a low-frequency ultrasonic field has been investigated. Experiments were performed using a home-made shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ultrasound on heat exchange performed by this new type of “vibrating” heat exchanger named sonoexchanger. Comparison was then made between overall heat transfer coefficients with and without ultrasound for the same hydrodynamic configurations. It was shown that under ultrasonic conditions, the overall heat transfer coefficient can be increased from 123 to 257%.  相似文献   

Design of a laboratory experiment on heat transfer in an agitated vessel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel teaching laboratory experiment is described, which demonstrates heat transfer under agitation. The experiment involves a simple and inexpensive apparatus with necessary basic components. The laboratory deals with the experimental determination of the heat transfer rates and the overall heat transfer coefficient between steam and water in an agitated vessel. The apparatus can be operated under both static and flow conditions, which affords the student an improved understanding of heat transfer during transient and steady-state modes. Further, student is trained to study the effect of the impeller speed and water flow rate on the rate of heat transfer. By performing the experiment, the student is able to determine the overall heat transfer coefficients experimentally, and compare the results with those obtained from theoretical calculations using correlations available in the literature. In addition, while working in groups, students develop team work and technical writing skills in preparing a comprehensive laboratory report.  相似文献   

Differential evolution (DE) and its various strategies are applied for the optimal design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers in this study. The main objective in any heat exchanger design is the estimation of the minimum heat transfer area required for a given heat duty, as it governs the overall cost of the heat exchanger. Lakhs of configurations are possible with various design variables such as outer diameter, pitch, and length of the tubes, tube passes, baffle spacing, baffle cut, etc. Hence the design engineer needs an efficient strategy in searching for the global minimum. In the present study for the first time DE, an improved version of genetic algorithms (GAs), has been successfully applied with different strategies for 1,61,280 design configurations using Bell's method to find the heat transfer area. In the application of DE, 9680 combinations of the key parameters are considered. For comparison, GAs are also applied for the same case study with 1080 combinations of its parameters. For this optimal design problem, it is found that DE, an exceptionally simple evolution strategy, is significantly faster compared to GA and yields the global optimum for a wide range of the key parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, the experimental comparisons of shell side thermodynamic and hydraulics performance are made among three helical baffles heat exchangers and one segmental baffles heat exchanger. The experiment scale is larger than the previous experimental setup as the diameter of test heat exchangers are 500 mm and the effective tube length are 6 m; the experiment mainly focuses on the small helical angle scheme as the helical angle ranges from 7° to 25°. Among all the four heat exchangers, both the shell side heat transfer rate and the shell side pressure drop peak when helical angle equals 7°, and the shell side heat transfer rate per unit pressure drop at this angle is the smallest. This phenomenon could be easily illustrated as the concept ‘fluid-flow distance’ is presented. At last, the correlations for the shell side Nusselt number and friction factor are presented as a reference.  相似文献   

对并流多通道进出口(MPC)轴流管壳式换热器壳程传热性能进行数值模拟,分别研究了管排数N,Re,不同开孔率的挡板对壳程进口段的局部传热系数分布、局部平均Nu的分布、换热器的平均Nu等特性的影响。结果表明:在无挡板条件下,随着N的减小,壳程传热系数分布不均现象得到有效的遏制,N=7时基本上无传热死区。挡板的存在,不但使得进口段的局部传热系数分布更加均匀,而且能够提高换热器的整体传热Nu。不同参数的挡板之间,挡板1的作用最为明显,可以使得Nu提高10%—12%。  相似文献   

换热器传热强化在换热网络中的应用可以解决现有换热网络改造中的瓶颈问题,在热回收系统配置没有过多结构改造的条件下,可以达到明显的节能及降低成本的目的;同时,在换热网络设计中,换热器传热强化技术的应用可以降低设备投资,实现更好的经济效果。本文首先通过文献检索数据说明了在换热网络改造和设计中考虑传热强化技术的研究在近5年得到了研究者的关注。然后概述了管壳式换热器传热强化的基本原理及主要方式,分析了传热强化技术的应用对换热器传热性能的影响,系统总结了管壳式换热器传热强化技术的分类和强化效果。进一步从设计和改造两个方面,对换热网络优化中考虑管壳式换热器传热强化的应用研究进行了综述,展示了传热强化对换热网络设计和改造的效果和优势。最后对下一步的研究进行了展望,指出可进一步探究换热器传热强化设备几何尺寸和换热网络同步优化、传热强化和换热器详细设计同步优化等。  相似文献   

Presented in this paper are experimental test and comparison for several shell-and-tube heat exchangers, one with segmental baffles and four with helical baffles at helix angles of 20°, 30°, 40° and 50°, respectively. The results show that, based on the same shell-side flow rate, the heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger with helical baffles is lower than that of the heat exchanger with segmental baffles while the shell-side pressured drop of the former is even much lower than that of the later. Further enhancement techniques should be incorporated in order to enhance shell-side heat transfer based on the same flow rate. The comparison of heat transfer coefficient per unit pressure-drop (and pumping power) versus shell-side volume flow rate shows that (1) the heat exchanger with helical baffles have significant performance advantage over the heat exchanger with segmental baffles; (2) for the same shell inner diameter, the performance of heat exchanger with helical baffles with 30° helix angle is better than that of 20°, and the performance of 40° helix angle is better than that of 50° helix angle. The heat exchanger with helical baffles of 40° angle shows the best performance among the five heat exchangers tested.  相似文献   

管壳式换热器作为工程中应用广泛的换热器,具有结构坚固、适应性强、能够利用和回收热能等优点。在追求高能源利用效率的背景下,换热器的强化传热得到广泛关注。本文重点阐述了管壳式换热器的强化传热相关研究进展,包括换热器本身几何结构的优化、换热流体的热物性改善以及多种强化传热技术结合的复合强化传热方法。其中几何结构优化主要包括改变换热管管型、增加管内插入物以及壳程中的隔板优化研究等。换热流体热物性改善包括纳米流体提高热导率、潜热型热流体提高比热容等。复合强化传热是将多种强化方法结合,可弥补单一方法的不足,以获得更高强化传热效果。最后指出管壳式换热器强化传热未来的研究方向在于持续开发强化传热管、制备稳定的纳米流体及潜热型流体以及多种强化方式复合提高强化效果。  相似文献   

为了研究单弓形折流板的切口方向对管壳式换热器传热与流动性能的影响,文中通过建立3个不同折流板切口方向的管壳式换热器简化实体模型,运用CFD软件Fluent对管壳式换热器壳程传热与流动状态进行了三维数值模拟。以水为壳程流体介质,在不断改变壳程进口流速,使得壳程进口雷诺数Re在10 000到70 000范围内变化时,得到了不同状态下的壳程流场与温度场。根据数值模拟结果,以总传热系数α,壳程总压降Δp以及单位压降下的传热系数α/Δp作为综合衡量标准,分析不同折流板切口方向时的管壳式换热器壳程流场与温度场。数值模拟分析结果表明:折流板为垂直切口方向时,管壳式换热器总传热系数最大,压降最小,综合性能最好,另外2种折流板切口方向的管壳式换热器综合性能差不多。  相似文献   

建立考虑传热耗散率和总泵功率的线性加权复合函数,在总冷凝率和总传热面积一定的条件下以复合函数最小为目标,对有机工质的管壳式冷凝器进行构形优化,得到最小复合函数和冷凝管最佳外径。结果表明:冷凝器最优构形与初始设计结构相比,总耗散率提高了10.70%,而总泵功率和复合函数分别降低了54.94%和6.46%。这说明复合函数牺牲了一定的传热性能,使得冷凝器流动性能显著提高,最终使得其综合性能得到提高。选择合适的冷凝管数目可实现复合函数二次最小化。将理论应用到有机工质管壳式冷凝器的构形优化中,为其结构优化设计提供了新的指导,这一方法可进一步推广到有机工质循环系统的优化设计中。  相似文献   

A complex function composed of linear weighted sum of the entransy dissipation rate (EDR) caused by heat transfer and total pumping power is established in this paper. Under the conditions of fixed total condensation rate and heat transfer area, constructal optimization of a shell-and-tube condenser (STC) with organic fluid is carried out by taking minimum complex function as optimization objective. The minimum complex function and the optimal external diameter of the condensation tube are obtained. The results show that compared with the initial design construct, the optimal construct of the STC increases the total EDR caused by heat transfer by 10.70%, and reduces the total pumping power and complex function by 54.94% and 6.46%, respectively. This illustrates that the complex function sacrifices a certain heat transfer performance, and improves the fluid flow performance evidently, which leads to the overall performance improvement of the STC. The twice minimization of the complex function can be realized by choosing an appropriate number of the condensation tubes. New guidelines for the optimal structure designs of the STCs are provided by introducing entransy theory into constructal optimizations of the organic fluid STCs, and this method can be further extended to the optimal designs of the cycle systems with organic fluids.  相似文献   

管壳式换热器强化传热技术进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了管壳式换热器强化传热技术的最新进展及技术动向。管程强化传热采用螺旋槽管、横纹槽管、波纹管、缩放管、菱形翅片管、花瓣形翅片管等传热元件,壳程强化传热采用弓形折流板支撑、折流杆式支撑、螺旋折流板支撑、空心环网板支撑、旋流网板支撑和管子自支撑等管束支撑结构。随着技术的进步,目前节能、高效的旋流网板急扩加速流缩放管管壳式换热器已广泛应用于硫酸生产中,提高了转化工序热能利用效率。  相似文献   

建立了肋片与内外管壁的辐射换热方程及肋片的温度分布计算方程 ,分析了它们之间的辐射换热对肋片温度、散热量和外壁温度的影响  相似文献   

管壳式换热器管束振动分析及防振措施   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对管壳式换热器常见的振动破坏形式 ,全面分析了管束振动的机理 ,并提出了相应的抗振措施  相似文献   

管壳式换热器工艺设计的新挑战   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
随着计算机技术的发展,计算机辅助设计法(CAD)和基于计算流体动力学 (CFD)和数值传热学的设计方法将是 21世纪管壳式换热器的 2种主要设计方法;同时,为了进行有效的管壳式换热器工艺设计,还需要面对目前存在的诸如多相流动及传热、最优化、传热强化、流体振动、污垢、高粘度流体、物性数据库、湍流、非线性传热、换热器中流动及传热过程的数值模拟等十大挑战性难题,这也是未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

高效节能换热器在氮肥工业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了新型折流杆换热器的强化传热和降低壳层压力降的原理 ,它与传统折流板换热器相比 ,传热效率高 ,材料及能耗小。介绍了这种新型换热器在合成氨变换工段和尿素装置中的应用情况及所起的节能降耗作用 ,指出该高效节能换热器在设计和生产中的关键技术。  相似文献   

管壳式换热器壳程高黏度流体的传热强化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
朱冬生  蒋翔 《化工学报》2005,56(8):1451-1455
传统的管壳式高黏度流体换热器采用光滑管设计制造,其壳程传热及流动效能低,壳程传热阻力占总热阻的80%以上,且流动阻力损失较大,提高壳程流体的传热膜系数和降低流动阻力是提高高黏度流体换热器效能的技术关键.  相似文献   

曾文良  邓先和 《化工学报》2011,62(12):3352-3360
对一种新型并流多通道进出口结构(MPC)轴流管壳式换热器壳程流场分布与阻力性能进行全面研究,分别研究了管排数、Reynolds数、不同挡板对壳程流场分布、阻力性能的影响,并且采用实验方法对数值模型与方法的正确性进行论证。研究结果表明,在无挡板的情况下,随着管排数的减小,壳程流场分布不均现象得到有效的遏制,压降大幅降低,最大降幅达到70%以上;挡板能够有效促进流场的二次分布,但是同时亦使阻力增大较为显著。  相似文献   

螺旋折流板换热器螺距计算的通用公式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李斌  陶文铨  何雅玲 《化工学报》2007,58(3):587-590
螺旋折流板换热器在许多工程领域尤其是石油化工领域应用广泛。本文以四块板连续搭接型螺旋折流板换热器为例,推导出了其螺距的计算公式,进而扩展到n块板连续搭接型、完全连续型和交错搭接型。最后得出一个能用于任何种类螺旋折流板换热器螺距计算的通用计算公式。并对现有文献中采用的计算公式的局限性做了简要讨论。  相似文献   

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