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介绍了几种硫化铜精矿的加压湿法炼铜技术,对于氧化铜矿少的地区,由于一段氧压浸出终酸较高,后续工序的降酸过程复杂,渣带走铜损失大,该工艺有一定局限。两段逆流氧压浸出虽然较好的解决了降酸的问题,但是两段氧压浸出需要采用两个高压釜,设备投资较高,操作更复杂。硫化铜精矿控温氧压平行浸出回收电积铜的工艺在高压釜中段部位增加一个进料口,两个进料口分别加入磨细的精矿矿浆,通过控制前后段不同的浸出温度,同时实现了浸铜和除铁降酸的目的,节省了设备投资。  相似文献   

氧化锌矿硫化-胺法浮选及浸出研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对广西河池氧化锌矿进行了浮选分离和硫酸浸出试验,初步探讨了该氧化锌矿石的可选性.浮选可获得锌精矿品位24.52%,回收率69.27%.结果表明可回收氧化锌精矿,但由于氧化锌矿石浮选过程中矿泥和可溶性盐的不良影响使得矿石指标不好.试验还研究了氧化锌矿的浸出.在浸出试验过程中主要考察了加酸方式及固液比对锌的浸出率的影响.试验可获得锌的浸出率为80.39%.浸出效果比较好.  相似文献   

本文对某铜金精矿进行了高温加压氧化—氰化工艺试验研究,探讨了浸出时间、浸出温度、氧分压和初始NaCl浓度等工艺参数对铜浸出率的影响以及后续氰化条件对金银浸出率的影响。结果表明,在综合条件下,即粒度-325目占90%、初始NaCl浓度40 g/L、浸出温度180 ℃、氧分压0.6 MPa、液固比5∶1、浸出时间2.5 h以及搅拌速度750 rpm,在氰化条件:振荡氰化、液固比2∶1、NaCN加入量10 kg/t浸铜渣和氰化时间24 h,金、银、铜的浸出率分别为98.3%、94.7%和99.7%。该铜金精矿采用加压酸浸—氰化提取金银铜工艺具有对3种有价金属回收率高、氧化速度快、对矿石中杂质不敏感及对环境污染小等优点,具有较好的工业化前景。  相似文献   

某金精矿预氧化除铜提高金氰化浸出率的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
该项试验研究了在加温条件下,浸出温度、浸出时间、金精矿粒度、NaCl浓度、H2SO4浓度等因素对化学预氧化除铜、氧化渣氰化浸金的影响。试验结果表明,在金精矿粒度-320目占90%、浸出温度95℃、初始c(H2SO4)=0.72mol/L、起始NaCl浓度0.67mol/L、液固比4∶1、浸出时间26h、搅拌速度750r/min的条件下,铜的浸出率可到达80%以上,氧化渣中金的氰化浸出率可达97.45%。  相似文献   

硫化铜矿微生物浸出-萃取-电积提铜工业试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在景谷民乐铜矿开展了硫化铜矿微生物浸出—萃取—电积提铜工业试验,取得了工业生产厂设计所需的各项工艺技术参数和消耗指标,达到了预定的试验目的。  相似文献   

采用硫酸-双氧水体系氧化浸出铅冰铜,在分析试验原理的基础上,以锌铜铁浸出率为考察指标,重点探讨反应温度、双氧水浓度、反应时间、硫酸浓度对锌铜铁浸出率的影响。试验结果表明:在温度20℃、双氧水浓度40 g/L、反应时间120 min和硫酸浓度120 g/L条件下,锌浸出率为99.35%,铜浸出率为99.16%,铅、硫在浸出渣中富集含量分别提高8.5%和7.11%。有效实现铅冰铜中锌、铜与铅、硫的分离及铅、硫等在浸出渣中的富集。  相似文献   

从黑铜泥中加压氧化浸出铜和砷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了从铜冶炼黑铜泥中低温加压氧化浸出铜、砷,考察了温度、初始硫酸质量浓度、氧分压、液固体积质量比对铜、砷浸出的影响.结果表明:在初始硫酸质量浓度80 g/L、液固体积质量比10/1、温度120℃、氧分压0.3 M Pa、反应时间60 min条件下,黑铜泥中的铜、砷浸出率分别达99.5% 和98.5%.浸出渣中锑和铋质量分数较原料(黑铜泥)富集8.5倍和14.9倍.  相似文献   

进行了低品位硫化铅锌混合矿浮选-氧压酸浸分离铅锌的研究.分析了浸出温度、时间和氧压等因素对Zn浸出率的影响,得出氧压酸浸的最优条件.在最优条件下浸出.铅锌可有效分离,Zn浸出率达97%以上,Pb绝大部分以PbS形式存在于浸出渣中.  相似文献   

针对云南某复杂硫化铜铅锌矿石铜铅混合浮选获得的混合精矿性质,进行了铜铅浮选分离试验研究,考察了脱药预处理及浮选分离的主要影响因素。结果表明:在最佳条件下,采用绿色环保、高效的铜矿物抑制剂BK520和铅矿物捕收剂BK902作为组合选矿药剂,获得了铅回收率93. 87%、铜回收率92. 33%的良好选矿指标。  相似文献   

Experimental results obtained in laboratory leaching studies of primary copper sulfide ore in sulfuric acid systems pressurized with oxygen are interpreted by a computerized geometric model involving the movement of a reaction zone through the ore fragments. Physical properties of the ore, including size, shape, and mineral content, are considered. The leaching mechanism involves mixed kinetics and includes a surface reaction within a moving reaction zone plus pore diffusion of dissolved oxygen through the reacted portion of the ore fragment to the reaction zone. The results are applicable to conditions that would exist innuclear solution mining or similar processes in which the ore is converted into rubble and then inundated by a leach solution adequately supplied with oxidants. Experimental results at 90°C are correlated with the model, which includes temperature-dependent parameters.  相似文献   

The leaching of covellite (CuS), chalcocite (Cu2S), bornite (Cu5FeS4), and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) was carried out in a small, shaking autoclave in perchloric acid solutions using moderate pressures of oxygen. The temperature range of investigation was 105° to 140°C. It was found that covellite, chalcocite, and bornite leach at approximately similar rates, with chalcopyrite being an order of magnitude slower. It was found that chalcocite leaching can be divided into two stages; first, the rapid transformation to covellite with an activation energy of 1.8 kcal/mole, followed by a slower oxidation stage identified as covelite dissolution with an activation energy of 11.4 kcal/mole. These two stages of leaching were also observed in bornite with chalcocite (or digenite) and covellite appearing as an intermediate step. No such transformations were observed in covellite or chalcopyrite. Two separate reactions were recognized as occurring simultaneously for all four minerals during the oxidation process; an electrochemical reaction yielding elemental sulfur and probably accounting for pits produced on the mineral surface, and a chemical reaction producing sulfate. The first reaction dominates in strongly acidic conditions, being responsible for about 85 pct of the sulfur released from the mineral, but the ratio of sulfate to elemental sulfur formed increases with decreasing acidity. Above 120°C the general oxidation process appears to be inhibited by molten sulfur coating the mineral particles; the sulfate producing reaction, however, is not noticeably affected above this temperature. For chalcopyrite, activation energies were determined separately for the oxygen consumption reaction and for the production of sulfate, with values of 11.3 and 16.0 kcal/mole respectively. This paper is based upon a thesis submitted by F. LOEWEN in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of M.A. Sc. in Metallurgical Engineering at The University of British Columbia.  相似文献   

介绍黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿的结构和性质,分析重金属废水、非金属有毒废水、有机物废水等的来源和特点,重点阐述黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿在废水处理中的应用现状。指出硫铁矿应进一步深入探究降解机理,通过改性或研制纳米级硫铁矿等措施提高废水处理效率,开发硫铁矿与传统环保材料或环保技术联合工艺,以期实现并加快硫铁矿的工业化应用。   相似文献   

生物氧化浸矿的发展和现状   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
总结了近2O年来生物氧化授矿基础研究的主要工作和戚果。介绍了细菌授矿机理和动力学研究的发展情况,并对现有的生物氧化浸出工艺的应用状况进行了简单评价。  相似文献   

The Lin-Sohn Leach simulation (DLS) computer model was used to simulate copper extraction from run-of-mine fragment size distributions expected for underground modifiedin situ solution mining. Ventilation was found to be a key variable in obtaining good copper recoveries, and the rate of ventilation was found to vary with ore type and through time. Improving recoveries and recovery rates with improved fragmentation was found to be more difficult than expected. Limitations on surface kinetics and bacterial ferric ion generation often erode benefits expected from reduction in diffusion limitation. Control of fines formation is difficult with the current state of the art in blasting. Fines may also improve the initial leaching rate at the expense of increased ventilation cost and more limited ultimate recovery. Ore grade was found to be less important to solution mining than to conventional copper recovery. Mineralogy was found to be crucial to solution mining economics. Mineralogy affects the grade of the ore and the importance of that grade. Pyrite was found to be helpful in increasing the ultimate copper recovery from ore but, at the same time, was found to reduce the rate of that recovery. Recovery rates were found to be very sensitive to mineral grain size, and calibration of DLS to a given ore may be especially important in this variable. Tortuosity and porosity of ore fragments appear relatively unimportant over the ranges typical of sulfide copper porphyry ore. Modifiedin situ solution mining appears to be a competitive option when a favorable ore type is available. The DLS computer code may be a valuable aid in screening options and selecting the most favorable orebodies.  相似文献   

CaS升温浸出过程的电位-pH图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对炼钢脱硫废渣的浸出去硫热力学研究,采用平均热容法通过热力学计算绘制出不同温度条件下CaS-H2O系电位-pH图;考察了温度对钙、硫稳定存在形式和体系中电极反应平衡关系的影响.结果表明,298 K时,硫化钙的浸出反应即可自发进行;降低pH,硫以H2S的形式逸出,增大pH,硫以S2-的形式进入浸出液.随着温度升高,有利于HS-向S2-和H2S转化和微溶物质CaSO4的浸出,提高硫的浸出率。与常温相比,高温条件下,pH>7时,更有利于钙形成Ca(OH)2和硫以S2-,HS-,SO4-2离子进入浸出液或以H2S的形式逸出.  相似文献   

A computer model was constructed for bacterial ferric sulfate leaching of the major sulfides found in porphyry copper deposits. Leaching occurs by reactions with ferric ion diffusing into the rock fragment. The model incorporates the reaction kinetics of the individual minerals and keeps material and energy balances. The model is needed to aid in the design of modifiedin situ leaching operations and combines desirable features found in previous models with extensions needed for the described study ofin situ leaching. In modeling the leaching of single ore fragments, it is shown that the rate of ferric ion generation by bacteria can limit the rate of copper recovery. The transition from kinetic to diffusion rate limitation is different for each mineral and ore fragment size. The width of the leaching reaction zone is different for each mineral, and many reaction zones cannot be considered narrow. Minerals do not leach in proportion to their concentration in ore fragments.  相似文献   

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