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Studied were a total of 16,571 cows on 89 farms by means of the Bernburg test. Milk was sampled from the positively reacting quarters of the udder by taking 18,047 samples intended for bacteriologic investigation. The demonstration of mastitis streptococci was carried out on "TKT" agar Merk, of pathogenic staphylococci, hemolytic streptococci, and Corinebacteria--on dextrose agar Oxoid containing 7.5% citrated calf blood. The isolated hemolytic streptococcus bacteria from the two nutrient media were differentiated through the CAMP test as well as serologically by the precipitation agar gel and Difco sera. The pathogenicity of Staphylococcus bacteria, in addition through hemolysis, was tested by the use of plasma coagulase with citrated rabbit plasma. In 53.95% of the cases there were secretory lesions due to Sc. agalactiae (6.23%) to Sc. dysgalactiae (5.69%) to Sc. uberis (8.47%), to Staph. aureus (2.44%), to hemolytic streptococci of the C, G and L groups (0.28%), to Sc. viridans (0.03%), to Corynebacterium pyogenes (0.41%), and catarrhal mastitis (30.4%). Some of the causative agents, such as Sc. agalactiae, Staph. aureus, and others have proved of epidemiologic importance to humans.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The present report summarizes the experience of an evacuation hospital in southern Croatia in treating 96 patients with spine and spinal cord war injuries. METHODS: A retrospective review was done for 96 wounded persons (86 soldiers, 10 civilians) with spinal cord injuries from August 1991 through December 1995. The ages ranged from 15 to 59 years (mean, 28.3 years for soldiers, 38.5 years for civilians). Diagnostic procedures were plain radiography, computed tomography, and computed tomographic myelography. However, in most cases a more conservative surgical approach was used. RESULTS: The highest rates of admittance were recorded in 1992 (N = 38) and 1993 (N = 47). The lumbar spine was injured in 55% of the patients, the cervical and thoracic spines in 17.7%. All injuries were caused by projectiles from automatic rifles and sniper fire (51%) and from fragments of explosive devices (49%). Blast injury of the spinal cord was found in 10 patients. The most frequent complications caused by the fragments were wound infection, urinary tract infection, decubitus, and pneumonia. Four patients (4.2%) died in the hospital, and 43.0% of patients survived but were severely handicapped. CONCLUSION: Careful clinical examination combined with modern diagnostic imaging and use of broad-spectrum antibiotics reduced the need for surgical intervention in patients with spinal cord injuries.  相似文献   

We evaluated the progressing period of ligature induced periodontitis in chinese minipig. Plaque index (PLI), bleeding index (BI), probing pocket depth (PD) and clinical attachment level (CAL) were measured in 3 minipigs. On weeks 4 and 8, there was a significant increase of the mean values of PD and CAL. After this active phase, there was no further destruction up to 20 weeks. Following ligature removed probing depths decreased in 3 weeks, but they did not restore to the baseline. It suggests that using ligature induced periodontitis model to evaluate the treatment therapy and medicine effect have to consider the self-healing of lesions, when a treatment trail is carried out in a model.  相似文献   

Formulated diets associated with a high risk (HR) or low risk (LR) for colon cancer were used to assess the effect of diet on putative metabolic biomarkers in human flora-associated rats: The HR diet was high in fat and sucrose and low in calcium and fiber; the LR diet was low in fat and high in starch, calcium, and fiber. The nutrient-to-energy ratio and energy intake were the same for both diets. Body and liver weights were significantly higher in animals fed the HR diet, possibly due to greater energy availability from fat. Cecal weights were significantly higher in animals fed the LR diet, presumably due to a bulking effect of the fiber and increased bacterial biomass. The HR diet significantly altered cecal bacterial enzyme activity: beta-glucuronidase activity increased 2.5-fold, and beta-glucosidase activity was halved. Ammonia production and the bacterial metabolism of 2-amino-3-methyl-7H-imidazo[4,5-f] quinoline (IQ) to 7-hydroxy-IQ (7OHIQ) were significantly higher in animals fed the HR diet. The HR diet, which contained factors common to diets consumed throughout the Western world, increased beta-glucuronidase activity, elevated cecal ammonia concentrations, and enhanced the genotoxic risk from 7OHIQ formation, three putative metabolic biomarkers of colorectal cancer. The significance of the reduction in beta-glucosidase is unclear.  相似文献   

目的:研究不同厚度的上腭托对无牙颌患者连续发[n]音时下颌位置的影响.方法:10名无牙颌患者,平均年龄为76.4岁.每一个患者按照随机原则,在不戴上腭托(对照组)和分别戴用3 mm、5 mm的上腭托时,用K7下颌运动轨迹描记仪记录下颌的位置,包括连续发[n]音4 s时下颌的位置和下颌息止颌位.结果:不戴上腭托(对照组)连续发[n]音时,垂直向的颌间距离的平均值为(1.69±1.26)mm,前后向的平均值为(1.74±1.18)mm,戴入实验上腭托后,在垂直向和水平向的颌间距离都稍有增加,但差异无统计学意义.不戴实验上腭托(即对照组)的息止颌位时,在垂直方向和水平方向的颌间距离的平均值分别是(2.91±2.28)mm和(2.56±1.88)mm,戴入实验上腭托后,在垂直向和水平向的颌间距离都稍有减小,即戴3 mm上腭托分别为(2.52±1.88)mm和(2.46±1.64)mm;戴5 mm上腭托的颌间距离分别为(2.45±1.70)mm和(2.22±1.31)mm,但差异无统计学意义.结论:总义齿患者连续发[n]音时,戴不同厚度的上腭托对下颌的颌间距离没有显著影响;总义齿患者戴不同厚度的上腭托对下颌息止颌位没有明显影响.  相似文献   

Endothelial cell-specific molecules are potential targets for new therapeutic strategies in the control of inflammatory reactions, immune responses and neoangiogenesis. We describe the production and characterization of MEC 14.7, a monoclonal antibody directed to murine endothelial cells recognizing a glycosylated protein with an apparent molecular mass of about 100 kDa in cultured endothelioma cell lysate and about 80 kDa in lung lysate. MEC 14.7 antigen was selectively expressed by the endothelium in vivo, particularly in small vessels and neoformed capillaries and by developing vascular structures in embryonal bodies. Deglycosylation of the molecule with neuraminidase, O- and N-glycanase showed that the MEC 14.7 epitope is neuraminidase-sensitive. MEC 14.7 antigen was purified from lung lysates by chromatographic techniques, and sequenced internal peptides indicated it was identical with murine CD34. Thus the apparent molecular mass of CD34 is heterogeneous, depending on the glycosylation state in the different cell types. Immunomagnetic isolation and culture of MEC 14.7-positive bone marrow cells showed that this antibody recognizes hematopoietic progenitors (particularly myelomonocytic) and can be used in murine models of bone marrow reconstitution.  相似文献   

目的:观察两单位单端金属翼板粘结桥修复的临床效果.方法:随访16例2005至2009年间行单端金属翼板粘结桥修复的患者,修复后每6~12个月检查修复体固位和基牙健康状况.结果:16例患者共20件修复体的观察时间15~53个月,平均观察时间34个月,1件修复体脱落,脱粘结率5%.结论:单端金属翼板粘结桥可获得良好的临床效果.  相似文献   

The author reviews the epidemiological, etiological aspects of stone disease of the urinary tract, and prophylactic treatment. The occurrence of urolithiasis has increased considerably since the second world war and now affects 10% of the adult male and 4% of the adult female population. In Norway the yearly incidence of patients presenting with urinary stone colic in general practice is two per 1,000 inhabitants. Urinary calculi form when the concentration of the crystal-forming substances such as calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid and cystine exceed their solubility. Important risk factors for stone formation are low fluid intake and high consumption of animal protein. Etiological examination and stone prophylactic treatment should reflect the most prevalent types of stone disease. An examination programme that probably can reveal one or several causes of the stone disease in about 60-70% of the patients is described. The recommended examinations car be performed in general practice. Prophylactic treatment in terms of dietary advice and fluid intake is suggested. In patients with a high recurrence rate of stone formation prophylactic drug treatment with tiazid or alluopurinol should be considered. The beneficial effect of the treatment is well documented.  相似文献   

Ceramic optimized polymer and fiber-reinforced composite materials represent a significant development in prosthetic dentistry. When utilized in conjunction with adhesive luting techniques, exceptionally conservative crown and bridge restorations may be achieved. This article discusses utilization of these materials in inlay and onlay restorations, as well as clinical and laboratory procedures for fabrication, preparation, and seating of adhesive crown and bridge restorations. The initial results of restorations utilizing these innovative materials are presented.  相似文献   

Several authors have established a relationship between osteoporosis and periodontal disease. The ageing process is associated with a loss of both oral and total bone mass. It has been shown that a reduction of bone mineralization aggravates pathological periodontal changes, resulting in less support for the teeth. The present study investigates the nutritional influences that may condition the appearance of both pathological process. Insufficient dietary calcium and a reduction in the calcium: phosphorous ratio may favour the appearance of both these conditions by promoting bone reabsorption. Bone loss affects the following in descending order: jaw bones (especially alveolar bone), cranial bones, ribs, vertebrae and long bones. Alveolar bone which has the highest rate of renewal, is affected first and consequently is the most severely affected in the long term. The role of calcium in the etiology of osteoporosis is a controversial issue. Nevertheless, its implication has been proven in numerous investigations. The effect of adequate calcium intake on dental health has formed the basis of several recent studies. These investigations have demonstrated that increased calcium intake improves the suffering of inflammatory processes and tooth mobility in patients suffering from gingivitis with haemorrhaging. Based on the results of studies which link dietary calcium and phosphorous to the risk of osteoporosis and periodontal disease, and bearing in mind that in a large proportion of the Spanish population calcium intake is below that recommended, there is a need for a general improvement of the diet. It may be of special interest to increase the calcium intake of patients suffering periodontal disease. It may also help in the prevention of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the value of tumour markers CA-72-4 and CA 19-9 and the cardioembryonic antigen (CEA) in the follow-up of patients after potentially curative surgery of gastric carcinoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: CA 72-4, CA 19-9 and CEA were measured prospectively in 279 patients 1-36 months after potentially curative primary surgery for histologically proven gastric carcinoma. Evaluation was by "receiver-operating-characteristics" (ROC) curves using "believe the positive" rules as well as by linear combinations. RESULTS: Recurrences were found in 54 patients. CA 72-4 (by radioimmunoassay) was the most sensitive single test (sensitivity 43%, specificity 95%). Radioimmunological and enzyme-immunological tests of CA 79-4 correlated well (r = 0.8). The various values, obtained by certain test kits, when newly calculated for the purpose of after-care, differed markedly from upper limits reported by the manufacturers. Measurement of both CA 72-4 and CA 19-9 increased the sensitivity to 54%. INTERPRETATION: Special levels of CA 72-4 and CA 19-9 have been identified which are of value in the follow-up of patients after operation for gastric carcinoma. Single measurements of CA 74-2 are as a rule preferable to those of CA 19-9 or of both CA 11-9 and CEA. In fact, CEA should be measured only in exceptional circumstances. But combined measurements of CA 72-4 and CA 19-9 increase sensitivity and prognostic value of the results.  相似文献   

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