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The effect of surface roughness of Si3N4 films on time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) characteristics of SiO2/Si3N4/SiO2 (ONO) stacked films was investigated. The surface roughness of Si3N 4 films-was found to become higher with increasing deposition temperature and to cause the degradation of TDDB characteristics of ONO films in DRAMs. A local thinning of ONO films, evaluated from the TDDB characteristics, agreed with the surface roughness measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM). Dependence of time to breakdown of ONO films on the deposition conditions was interpreted by electric field intensification due to the surface roughness of Si3N4 films  相似文献   

Experimental results are presented demonstrating that by using rapid thermal nitridation (RTN) of rugged poly-Si surface prior to Si 3N4 deposition, the quality and reliability of reoxidized Si3N4 dielectric (ON dielectric with an effective oxide thickness of about 35 Å) can be significantly improved over ON films on rugged poly-Si without RTN treatment. These improvements include significantly reduced defect-related dielectric breakdown, 103 × increase in TDDB lifetime, lower leakage current, and suppressed electron-hole trapping and capacitance loss during stress  相似文献   

This paper describes the mechanism of selective Si3N4 etching over SiO2 in capacitively-coupled plasmas of hydrogen-containing fluorocarbon gas, including CHF3, CH2F2 and CH3F. The etch rate of Si3N4 and SiO2 is investigated as a function of O2 percentage in all plasma gases. Addition of O2 in feed gases causes plasma gas phase change especially H density. The SiO2 etch rate decreases with increase of O2 percentage due to the decline of CFx etchant. The Si3N4 etch rate is found to be strong correlated to the H density in plasma gas phase. H can react with CN by forming HCN to reduce polymer thickness on Si3N4 surface and promote the removal of N atoms from the substrate. Thus the Si3N4 etch rate increases with H intensity. As a result, a relative high selectivity of Si3N4 over SiO2 can be achieved with addition of suitable amount of O2 which corresponds to the maximum of H density.  相似文献   

Effects of various surface pretreatments of polysilicon electrode prior to Si3N4 deposition on leakage current, time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) and charge trapping characteristics of thin Si3N4 films deposited on rugged and smooth poly-Si are investigated. Surface pretreatments consist of different combinations of HF clean, rapid thermal H2 -Ar clean, and rapid thermal NH3-nitridation (RTN) and are intended to modify the surface of bottom poly-Si electrode. Results show that RTN treatments lead to lower leakage current, reduced charge trapping, and superior TDDB characteristics as compared to rapid thermal H2-Ar clean  相似文献   

MNOS, MNS and MOS devices have been fabricated on p-type 6H–SiC substrates without epitaxial layers. They have been characterised using high frequency CV, GV, and IV measurements. The high frequency CV characteristics of p-type 6H–SiC MNOS structures indicate a very similar interface quality to p-type 6H–SiC MOS devices. A lower effective fixed insulator charge QI is found in MNOS devices with a higher oxide thickness xox. An xox of 10 nm is effective in avoiding charge instability. The effective fixed insulator charge QI can be modified in the 10 nm oxide SiC MNOS devices by injecting carriers into the nitride. Similar leakage current characteristics compared to p-type 6H–SiC MNS structures have been found for p-type 6H–SiC MNOS devices, but the SiO2/Si3N4 insulator current is lower, particularly for positive electric fields. At the oxide breakdown limit (−10 MV/cm), Poole–Frenkel conduction is observed in the nitride for negative electric fields due to direct tunnelling of holes into the nitride.  相似文献   

This article reports the technological fabrication and the electrical characterisation of SiO2/Si3N4 ion sensitive field effect transistors (ISFET) for the detection of H+, K+ and Na+ ions. ISFET chemical sensors show quasi-nernstian pH response with sensitivities around 54 mV/pH. pK and pNa measurements are also investigated, evidencing sensitivities lower than 20 mV/pH and non-nernstian pH-dependent phenomena for the highest K+ or Na+ concentrations (pK and pNa, respectively, lower than 4 and 3). It is shown that the detection properties of H+, K+ and Na+ ions are dependent on each other, being responsible for saturation effects for the highest concentrations. It is finally concluded that SiO2/Si3N4 ISFETs are well adapted for the pH measurement, can be used for the pK or pNa measurements in the case of buffered solutions but are not fully suitable for multi-ion detection in the case of medical analysis.  相似文献   

激光合成非晶态Si3N4粉末   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李道火  仲志英 《激光技术》1991,15(4):220-224
本文描述了大功率CO2激光辐照SiH4+NH3的快速流动气体合成Si3H4超细粉末的实验,揭示了激光谱线变化对合成反应的影响。讨论了粉末红外吸收光谱的畸变现象等。  相似文献   

A novel device structure with a high-k HfO2 charge storage layer and dual tunneling layer (DTL) (SiO2/Si3N4) is presented in this paper. Combining advantages of the high trapping efficiency of high-k materials and enhanced charge injection from the substrate through the DTL, the device achieves a fast program/erase speed and a large memory window. The device demonstrates excellent retention due to its physically thick DTL and also improved endurance without any increase of programming Vth throughout the cyclic test as compared with SONOS Flash memory devices using an Si3N4 trapping layer.  相似文献   

Rugged polysilicon stacked capacitors recently emerged as the storage structures of choice for the manufacture of advanced DRAMs. The authors present the charge-trapping characteristics of such capacitors showing a capacitance increase of more than 50%. It is observed that electron trapping is dominant on rugged structures, whereas hole trapping is observed on smooth structures. Conduction and breakdown properties are also reported. Measurements show that rugged polysilicon capacitors provide the low leakage current, the sharp breakdown distributions, and the trapping characteristics needed for advanced DRAM applications  相似文献   

Stacked HfAlO-SiO2 tunnel layers are designed for Pd nanocrystal nonvolatile memories. For the sample with 1.5 nm-HfAlO/3.5 nm-SiO2 tunnel layer, a smaller initial memory window is obtained compared to the sample with 3.5 nm-HfAlO/1.5 nm-SiO2 tunnel layer. Owing to the thermally induced traps in HfAlO-SiO2 films are located at a farther distance from the Si substrate and more effective blocking of charge leakage by asymmetric tunnel barrier, a larger final memory window and better retention characteristic can be obtained for Al/blocking oxide SiO2/Pd NCs/1.5 nm-HfAlO/3.5 nm-SiO2/Si structure. A N2 plasma treatment can further improve the memory characteristics. Better memory characteristics can be obtained for Pd-nanocrystal-based nonvolatile memory with an adequate thickness ratio of HfAlO to SiO2.  相似文献   

Silicon-rich silicon nitride (SRN) films were grown by low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD) with excess silicon concentrations varying from 8.8 to 12.8%. All films were found to be predominantly -Si3N4 with free silicon crystallites being found in the films with the greatest silicon content.

MIS capacitors were fabricated from the films and transient flat band measurements were performed on these devices. For positive (negative) applied bias voltages, the flat band shift was in a positive (negative) direction implying a net increase in negative (positive) charge within the SRN film. A logarithmic time dependence was found for the transient flat band shift while for long periods of time (i.e. t > 1 s) the curren transient was found to be inversely proportional to time. A charge trapping model is presented which predicts a logarithmic increase in the flat band shift with time. The model is based on the simple assumption that there is electron tunnelling between the silicon valence and conduction bands and the deep defect levels in the SRN films. Very good agreement was found between the data and the model for low electric fields. At high fields, the situation becomes complicated by other transport processes which lead to a saturation of the flat band shift with time. The current transients are similarily affected. For these SRN films the density of trapping centres near the SRN-silicon interface was found to be of the order of 3 × 1019 cm−3.  相似文献   

设计并制备了一种基于热光效应的集成可调谐氮化 硅(Si3N4)波导微环谐振腔滤波器,通过采用马赫-曾德干涉仪(MZI)构成的可调谐 耦合器控制耦合区耦合比,以实现滤波器消光比的调谐。设计并优化了微环谐振 腔的波导截面尺寸、弯曲半径和耦合区波导间隔等参数,并通过光刻、反应离子刻蚀(RIE )等工艺制备 了两种不同弯曲半径的Si3N4波导微环谐振腔。实验结果表明,本文器件在波长1550nm附近处的自由光谱 范围(FSR)为68pm,3dB带宽约为16pm,品质因子Q达到了9.68×10 4,消光比可调范围约为17dB。  相似文献   

Charge trapping and interface-state generation in very thin nitride/oxide (4-nm Si3N4+8-nm SiO2) composite gate insulators are studied as a function of gate electrode work function and bottom oxide thickness. The behavior of the trapped positive charge under bias-temperature stress after avalanche electron injection (AEI) is investigated. Evidence is presented that secondary hole injection from the anode (gate/Si3N4 interface) and subsequent trapping near the SiO2-Si interface result in a turnaround of the flatband voltage shift during AEI from the substrate. Just like the thermal oxides on Si, slow-state generation near the SiO2-Si interface and boron acceptor passivation in the surface-space charge layer of the Si substrate are also observed after AEI in these nitride/oxide capacitors, and they are found to be strongly related to the secondary hole injection and trapping. Finally, interface-state generation can take place with little secondary anode hole injection and is enhanced by the occurrence of hole trapping  相似文献   

A junctionless transistor is emerging as a most promising device for the future technology in the decananometer regime. To explore and exploit the behavior completely, the understanding of gate tunneling current is of great importance. In this paper we have explored the gate tunneling current of a double gate junctionless transistor(DGJLT) for the first time through an analytical model, to meet the future requirement of expected high-k gate dielectric material that could replace SiO2. We therefore present the high-k gate stacked architecture of the DGJLT to minimize the gate tunneling current. This paper also demonstrates the impact of conduction band offset, workfunction difference and k-values on the tunneling current of the DGJLT.  相似文献   

A plasma etching process for patterning LPCVD (low-pressure chemical vapor deposition) Si3N4 which has been formed on thin thermally grown SiO2 has been developed and characterized with an Applied Materials 8110 batch system using 100-mm-diameter silicon wafers. To fulfill the primary process objectives of minimal critical dimension (CD) loss (~0.08 μm), vertical profiles after etch, retention of some of the underlying thermal SiO2, and batch etch uniformity, the reactor has been characterized by evaluating the effects of variation of reactor pressure (15 to 65 mTorr), O2 concentration by flow rate (30 to 70%) of an O2/CHF2 mixture, and DC bias voltage (-200 to -550 V). Analysis of the resulting etch rate, etch uniformity, dimensional, and profile data suggests that satisfactory processing may be achieved at low reactor pressure (~25 mTorr), 50-60% O2 by flow rate in O2/CHF3, and low DC bias (-200 to -250 V)  相似文献   

The drift or “walk-out” of the breakdown voltage in 6H-SiC mesa diodes passivated by a double layer of 1000 Å SiO2 and 3000 Å Si3N4 was studied and related to the charge trapping in the oxide. The first-order trapping kinetics using four distinct electron traps with trapping cross-sections in the range 10−16 to 10−19 cm2 were found to best describe the breakdown voltage drift curves. The wet oxide trapping cross-sections are 2 to 10 times larger compared to the dry oxide ones, resulting in about one order of magnitude faster charging of the traps. No significant differences in the amount of drift and saturation level of breakdown voltage were found between the different passivations. The influence of UV illumination, supplied by a HeCd laser with wavelength 325 nm, on the walk-out characteristics and on the reverse current was also investigated. The build-up of the surface states was observed in wet oxide under UV illumination and DC stress. The results are consistent with the coexistence of large concentrations of positive charge and acceptor type deep interface electron traps. The walk-out is a result of the acceptor states being filled by hot electrons supplied by the mechanism of avalanche injection. The suitability of the walk-out measurements as a tool for characterisation of the charge trapping properties of the passivation is demonstrated.  相似文献   

High-reliability and good-performance stacked storage capacitors with high capacitance value of 17.8 fF/μm2 has been realized using low-pressure-oxidized thin nitride films deposited on roughened poly-Si electrodes. These novel electrodes are fabricated by H 3PO4-etching and are RCA-cleaned. The leakage current density at +2.5 and -2.5 V are 0.07×10-9 and -2.4×10-8 A/cm2, respectively, fulfilling the requirements of 256 Mb DRAM's. Weibull plots of time-dependent-dielectric-breakdown (TDDB) characteristics under constant current stress and constant voltage stress also show tight distribution and good electrical properties. Hence, this easy and simple technique is promising for future high-density DRAM's applications  相似文献   

High-performance stacked storage capacitors with small effective-oxide-thickness (tox,eff) as thin as 37 Å has been achieved using low-pressure-oxidized nitride films deposited on NH 3-nitrided poly-Si electrodes. The capacitors exhibit excellent leakage property and time-dependent dielectric-breakdown (TDDB) characteristics. Furthermore, this technique is promising for the 64- and 256-Mb dynamic-random-access-memory (DRAM) applications because the process temperatures never exceed 850°C  相似文献   

利用氮化硅陶瓷多孔材料作为毛细芯设计了一种以乙烷为工质的低温回路热管样机, 并对其降温及传热性能进行了研究。试验结果表明,通过在蒸发器上施加4 W的热量, 这种低温回路热管能够在常温下实现启动,并能顺利实现降温;在降温过程中,通过不断增大加热功率,可以加快低温回路 热管的降温;当蒸发器的温度为190 K时,该样机可以稳定传输30 W的热量。  相似文献   

A dielectric film technology characterized by a novel multilayer structure formed by oxidation of Ta2O5/Si3 N4 films on polysilicon has been developed to realize high-density dRAMs. The dry oxidation of the Ta2O5/Si3N4 layers was performed at temperatures higher than 900°C. This film has a capacitance per unit area from 5.5 to 6.0 fF/ μm2, which is equivalent to that of a 6.0- to 6.5-nm-thick SiO2. The leakage current at an effective electric field of 5 MV/cm is less than 10-9 A/cm2. Under such an electric field, the extrapolated time to failure for 50% cumulative failure can be as high as 1000 years  相似文献   

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