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Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a long-lasting form of synaptic plasticity induced by brief repetitive afferent stimulation that is thought to be associated with learning and memory. It is most commonly studied in the hippocampus where it may last for several weeks, and involves the synthesis of new proteins that might play a structural role. In this review we summarize the evidence in favor of modifications of neuronal architecture during LTP. We focus our attention on changes occurring at the level of single synapses, including components of postsynaptic dendrites (dendritic spines, the postsynaptic density, and synaptic curvature), of presynaptic terminals, and the formation of new synapses. We conclude that although many morphological changes at various sites have been observed during LTP, there is no definitive proof in favor of structural changes associated with LTP. However, morphological modifications remain a valid candidate for mechanisms of learning and memory.  相似文献   

Drug therapy in short bowel syndrome can be complicated by inadequate or incomplete absorption of drugs in the small intestine. Many case reports claim that warfarin absorption is not affected by the syndrome. We treated a patient with oral warfarin for recurring deep vein thrombosis; up to 20 mg/day was administered with no increase in the international normalized ratio. Drug-drug interactions that may prevent absorption, increase metabolism, or antagonize the effects of warfarin were ruled out. Intravenous lipid administration, which is anecdotally reported to precipitate warfarin resistance, may have contributed to the condition, but dosing was less frequent than in published reports. The most probable explanation of warfarin resistance is the reduced surface area for drug absorption secondary to surgical removal of the patient's duodenum and gastrojejunostomy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To study the role of bezafibrate in prevention of restenosis after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), we evaluated the incidence of restenosis and its correlation with serum lipid levels and effects on the coagulation-fibrinolytic system. METHODS: Subjects who had undergone successful elective PTCA were classified into three groups based on their triglyceride level and whether or not bezafibrate was administered. Fifty-two patients who had a triglyceride level < 150 mg/dl were classified as group A. Those with a triglyceride level +/- 150 mg/dl were randomly and prospectively allocated to receive either bezafibrate (group B, n = 21), or no lipid-lowering treatment (group C, n = 22). The restenosis rates in all three groups were subsequently monitored and correlated with serum levels of lipids and coagulation-fibrinolytic system markers. RESULTS: In the bezafibrate group, three of 21 patients (14%) had restenosis compared with 12 of 22 (55%) in group C and 18 of 52 (35%) in group A. In groups A and C, fibrinogen and triglyceride levels were significantly higher in the patients with restenosis. At the time of re-evaluation, serum triglyceride, fibrinogen, and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) levels were lower and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels were higher in the bezafibrate group than in group C. By logistic regression analysis, triglyceride and PAI-1 were found to be significant risk factors for postangioplasty restenosis. CONCLUSIONS: Triglyceride is a risk factor for post-PTCA restenosis, and bezafibrate reduces the post-PTCA restenosis rate in patients with a high triglyceride level. In the bezafibrate group, a significant decrease in PAI-1 was observed in association with a decrease in triglyceride level and an elevation of HDL cholesterol level. This suggests that improvement in fibrinolytic capacity is involved in the mechanism of decrease in the rate of restenosis.  相似文献   

A simple, fast, reliable, and specific immunoassay has been developed to detect and measure AD7C-NTP, a biochemical marker for Alzheimer's disease, in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This assay, called the AD7C Test, is an enzyme-linked sandwich immunoassay (ELSIA) using 96 well microtiter plates. The plate surface is coated with a monoclonal antibody (N3I4) which has a high affinity and specificity for AD7C-NTP, capturing it effectively from CSF samples. The detection was achieved using a polyclonal antibody (ADRI). Both N3I4 and ADRI were generated using recombinantly produced AD7C-NTP. The assay is highly sensitive (30-50 pg), linear to 2.0 ng (r2 > 0.99), and reproducible (C.V. < 10%). The utility of the assay has been demonstrated using CSF specimens from early Alzheimer's disease patients and age matched controls (sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 89%).  相似文献   

The efficacy, tolerability and safety of simvastatin was compared to that of bezafibrate in a randomized placebo controlled double-blind trial including 64 patients with primary hypercholesterolemia with total cholesterol levels above 240 mg/dl and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol above 195 mg/dl. During a placebo period of four weeks patients were counselled for a diet low in cholesterol (< 300 mg/day) and saturated fat (< 10% of calories). This period was also used for randomization of the individuals into the bezafibrate and simvastatin group, respectively. Patients assigned to bezafibrate treatment took bezafibrate at 600 mg/day throughout the entire 12 weeks of active treatment. Patients assigned to simvastatin took simvastatin at 10 mg/day when LDL-cholesterol was below 195 mg/dl, and at 20 mg/day when LDL-cholesterol was above 195 mg. To compare the lipid lowering effect of both substances total cholesterol, LDL- and high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol were measured as well as triglycerides, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-cholesterol and the concentrations of apolipoproteins (apo)-AI, apo-AII and apo-B, respectively. These variables were compared between the two study groups with respect to the percentage change from baseline levels obtained during the placebo period. After a 12 week treatment period mean percent reduction of total cholesterol in the simvastatin group was 24% and that of LDL-cholesterol was 36%, both more pronounced than the respective reductions (14% and 17%) observed in the bezafibrate group. The mean percent increase in HDL-cholesterol was similar in both treatment groups (simvastation by 20% vs. bezafibrate by 17%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Pregnant Wistar-MS strain rats were irradiated with 2.6 Gy of gamma-rays at day 20 of pregnancy. Rats in the control group (n = 48) were then implanted with a diethylstilbestrol (DES) pellet at 35 days after weaning, while being fed a control (MB-1) diet. The incidence of mammary tumors was 89.6% within 1 year. In the experimental group (n = 22), a bezafibrate (0.15%) diet was initiated immediately after weaning, and 35 days after weaning a DES pellet was implanted. Administration of dietary bezafibrate together with DES-implantation continued for a period of 1 year, at which time the experiment was terminated. The incidence (27.3%) of the mammary tumors in the bezafibrate-fed rats was less than one-third of that in the control rats. Compared with the control group, the number of mammary tumors per tumor-bearing rat in the bezafibrate-treated group was reduced. For clarification of the mechanism of the chemopreventive effects of bezafibrate, lipid and hormone concentrations in serum were measured. Bezafibrate-fed rats showed a significant decrease in serum prolactin (56%) and triglyceride (63%) concentrations, and a significant increase in serum estradiol-17beta (3.8-fold), cholesterol ester (2.0-fold) and TSH (2.0-fold) concentrations in comparison with the control rats. The bezafibrate diet inhibited the formation of DES-induced pituitary tumors. However, the development of mammary glands in the bezafibrate-fed rats was stimulated more than that in the control rats treated with DES alone. The present results demonstrate that bezafibrate is effective in preventing mammary tumors induced by radiation together with DES, possibly by reducing prolactin and triglyceride concentrations.  相似文献   

The exotic or non-indigenous species model for deliberately introduced genetically engineered organisms (GEOs) has often been misunderstood or misrepresented. Yet proper comparisons of of ecologically competent GEOs to the patterns of adaptation of introduced species have been highly useful among scientists in attempting to determine how to apply biological theory to specific GEO risk issues, and in attempting to define the probabilities and scale of ecological risks with GEOs. In truth, the model predicts that most projects may be environmentally safe, but a significant minority may be very risky. The model includes a history of institutional follies that also should remind workers of the danger of oversimplifying biological issues, and warn against repeating the sorts of professional misjudgements that have too often been made in introducing organisms to new settings. We once expected that the non-indigenous species model would be refined by more analysis of species eruptions, ecological genetics, and the biology of select GEOs themselves, as outlined. But there has been political resistance to the effective regulation of GEOs, and a bureaucratic tendency to focus research agendas on narrow data collection. Thus there has been too little promotion by responsible agencies of studies to provide the broad conceptual base for truly science-based regulation. In its presently unrefined state, the non-indigenous species comparison would overestimate the risks of GEOs if it were (mis)applied to genetically disrupted, ecologically crippled GEOs, but in some cases of wild-type organisms with novel engineered traits, it could greatly underestimate the risks. Further analysis is urgently needed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) of warfarin therapy for the treatment of nonvalvular atrial fibrillation from the perspective of patients using 2 different elicitation methods. DESIGN: All patients completed 2 face-to-face interviews, which were 2 weeks apart. For each interview, they were randomized to receive 1 of 2 elicitation methods: ping-ponging or starting at the known efficacy. SETTING: The practices of 2 university-affiliated family medicine centers (8 physicians each), 14 community-based family physicians, and 2 cardiologists. PATIENTS: Sixty-four patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation who were initiated with warfarin therapy at least 3 months before the study. INTERVENTION: During each interview, the patients' MCIDs were determined by using (1) a pictorial flip chart to describe atrial fibrillation; the consequences of a minor stroke, a major stroke, and a major bleeding episode; the chance of stroke if not taking warfarin; the chance of a major bleeding episode if taking warfarin; examples of the inconvenience, minor side effects, and costs of warfarin therapy; and then (2) 1 of the 2 elicitation methods to determine their MCIDs (the smallest reduction in stroke risk at which the patients were willing to take warfarin). Patients' knowledge of their stroke risk, acceptability of the interview process, and factors determining their preferences were also assessed. MAIN RESULTS: Given a baseline risk of having a stroke in the next 2 years, if not taking warfarin, of 10 of 100, the mean MCID was 2.01 of 100 (95% confidence interval, 1.60-2.42). Fifty-two percent of the patients would take warfarin for an absolute decrease in stroke risk of 1% over 2 years. Before eliciting their MCIDs, patients showed poor knowledge of their stroke risk, which improved afterward. The interview process was well accepted by the patients. The MCID using the ping-ponging elicitation method was 1.015 of 100 smaller compared with use of the starting at the known efficacy method (P = .01). CONCLUSIONS: We were able to determine the MCID of warfarin therapy for the prevention of stroke from the perspective of patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Their MCIDs were much smaller than those that have been implied by some experts and clinicians. The interview process, using the flip chart approach, appeared to improve the patients' knowledge of their disease and its consequences and treatment. The method used to elicit the patients' MCIDs can have a clinically important effect on patient responses. The method used in our study can be generalized to other conditions and, thus, could be helpful in 3 ways: (1) from a clinical decision-making perspective, it could facilitate patient-physician communication; (2) it could clarify the patient perspective when interpreting the results of previously completed trials; and (3) it could be used to derive more clinically relevant sample sizes for randomized treatment trials.  相似文献   

1. Anticoagulant therapy with warfarin is now established as effective thromboprophylaxis against stroke in atrial fibrillation, in high-risk persons. Aspirin is indicated in moderate-risk persons or if warfarin is contraindicated. 2. Risk stratification is suggested, using clinical factors supplemented by echocardiography, to aid choice of prophylaxis. 3. Further studies are required to establish how best to identify undiagnosed patients who have atrial fibrillation; to develop new therapeutic strategies; and to refine risk stratification to define which patients with atrial fibrillation are at the highest risk of stroke.  相似文献   

The diagnostic value of zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) as an indicator of iron-deficient anemia (IDA) in hospitalized patients is assessed in this study. ZPP was measured using an AVIV hematofluorometer with a coefficient of variation (CV) less than 5% and a recovery of greater than 97%. A reference range of 53-70 mu mol/mol heme was determined for ZPP in non-anemic patients in a hospital population. Hospitalized patients (221) with low hemoglobin (< 120 g/l) were evaluated for their iron status. ZPP and other anemia tests were performed. Macrocytic patients with mean corpuscular volume (MCV) greater than 98 fl) were excluded from the study. Seventy-four microcytic patients (MCV < 80 fl) were determined as having IDA according to a diagnostic algorithm. A distribution study of these microcytic patients showed that there was a significant overlap of values between the IDA and non-IDA patients for all serum anemia tests. A receiver-operator curve analysis revealed that ZPP has a relatively high degree of diagnostic efficiency better than iron and ferritin for this patient population. At a cutoff value > 170 mu mol/mol heme, ZPP has a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 90%. In addition, ZPP is also elevated in normocytic patients (MCV = 80-98 fl) with low ferritin values, who may have iron depletion. From these data, it is proposed that ZPP may be used as a screening tool for IDA in hospitalized patients.  相似文献   

Positive identification of human remains is one of the most important tasks in mass disaster management. Here we report on the use of radiography for positive identification of fragmentary human remains recovered from the scene of a terrorist bombing in the Jewish-Argentine Mutual Association Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 1994. Radiographic examination of all human remains from mass disaster scenes is recommended for identification purposes. Establishing a computerized data bank of antemortem information on missing persons and postmortem findings in disaster victims greatly facilitates and expedites the identification process.  相似文献   

1. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors exert their cardiovascular effects not only by preventing the formation of angiotensin II (AII), but also by promoting the accumulation of bradykinin in or at the vessel wall. In addition, certain ACE inhibitors have been shown to augment the vasodilator response to bradykinin, presumably by an interaction at the level of the B2 receptor. We have investigated whether this is a specific effect of the ACE inhibitor class of compounds in isolated endothelium-denuded segments of the rabbit jugular vein where bradykinin elicits a constrictor response which is exclusively mediated by activation of the B2 receptor. 2. Moexiprilat and ramiprilat (< or = 3 nM) enhanced the constrictor response to bradykinin three to four fold. Captopril and enalaprilat were less active by approximately one and quinaprilat by two orders of magnitude. Moexiprilat and ramiprilat, on the other hand, had no effect on the constrictor response to AII or the dilator response to acetylcholine. 3. The bradykinin-potentiating effect of the ACE inhibitors was not mimicked by inhibitors of amino-, carboxy-, metallo- or serine peptidases or the synthetic ACE substrate, hippuryl-L-histidyl-L-leucine, at a concentration which almost abolished the residual ACE activity in the vessel wall. In contrast, angiotensin-(1-7) (10 microM), an angiotensin I metabolite, significantly enhanced the constrictor response to bradykinin. 4. Ramiprilat did not alter the binding of [3H]-bradykinin to a membrane fraction prepared from endothelium-denuded rabbit jugular veins or to cultured fibroblasts, and there was no ACE inhibitor-sensitive, bradykinin-induced cleavage of the B2 receptor in cultured endothelial cells. 5. These findings demonstrate that ACE inhibitors selectively potentiate the B2 receptor-mediated vascular effects of bradykinin. Their relative efficacy appears to be independent of their ACE-inhibiting properties and might be related to differences in molecule structure. Moreover, the potentiation of the biological activity of bradykinin by this class of compounds does not seem to be mediated by a shift in affinity of the B2 receptor or a prevention of its desensitization, but may involve an increase in the intrinsic activity of unoccupied B2 receptor molecules.  相似文献   

We present a theory of latent inhibition based on the Pearce–Hall (Pearce & Hall, 1980) model for classical conditioning. Its central features are (1) that the associability of a stimulus declines as it comes to predict its consequences and (2) that nonreinforced exposure to a stimulus engages an associative learning process that makes the stimulus an accurate predictor of its consequences (in this case, the occurrence of no event). A formalization of this theory is shown to accommodate the finding that preexposure in compound with another cue can potentiate latent inhibition to the target cue. It further predicts that preexposure to the added cue will eliminate the potentiation effect. An experiment using rats and the flavor-aversion procedure confirmed this prediction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two models have been used to study the effects of ethanol on injuries of the central nervous system. The spinal cords of cats were injured by delivering a 200 gm-cm impact to the exposed dura mater. A second group of animals received a similar injury to the exposed dura mater overlying the cerebral hemispheres. The animals were divided into two groups, those that received an infusion of ethanol before injury, and control animals that received no ethanol. The parameters of injury used in this model produced small and insignificant lesions in those animals that received no ethanol; however, when the animals were pretreated with ethanol, a considerable increase in the extent of the injury was noted. These include alterations in membranes-bound enzymes and clotting mechanisms, and alteration of cell membranes through abnormal free radical reactions.  相似文献   

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