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对N型Si80Ge20(P4)x及P型Si80Ge20Bx固溶体合金的化学计量比进行了研究,采用已总结出的最佳工艺条件,制备了一系列N型、P型固溶体合金,并比较了各系列样品的热电性能.结果表明,x=1.5的N型Si80Ge20(P4)x固溶体合金具备良好的热电性能,与未掺杂Si80Ge20固溶体合金相比,最高热电优值ZT为0.651,提高了3.34倍.x=1.5的P型Si80Ge20Bx固溶体合金也具备较佳的热电性能,最高热电优值(ZT)值为0.538.  相似文献   

热电元件焊接常用的焊料为铟基焊料和铋基焊料.由于碲化铋材料与低熔点合金焊料之间的浸润性较差,常在碲化铋基热电元件上镀覆镍镀层.本文在大气条件下,不加助焊剂,采用共晶SnBi和SnIn焊料分别对n型热电元件进行了铺展实验及界面显微组织的观察.铺展温度主要选择了210℃和300℃,实验表明300℃界面结合比250℃更好.此外,热电元件表面通过蒸镀仪蒸镀上薄镍层.对含薄镍层的热电元件与不含镍层的热电元件的铺展实验进行对比,得到薄镍镀层可能会增加界面裂纹.  相似文献   

采用熔融法结合放电等离子烧结(SPS)技术合成了P型填充方钴矿化合物Sr0.5Co4-xFexSb12,并研究了Fe掺杂对该化合物高温热电性能的影响。采用X.射线衍射(XRD)及电子探针(EPMA)表征了化合物的物相及化学成分,在300~850K温度范围内测试了化合物的电导率、赛贝克系数和热导率,采用Vande Pauw方法测试了化合物的室温载流子浓度。实验结果表明,化合物的主要相组成为Sr0.5Co4-xFexSb12方钴矿相,同时含有少量FeSb2和CoSb2杂质相。化合物的赛贝克系数均为正值,表明为空穴导电。随着Fe掺杂量的增加,化合物的载流子浓度及电导率增加,赛贝克系数降低,晶格热导率降低,最小室温晶格热导率为1.97 Wm^-1K^-2。对于化合物Sr0.5Co2.32Fe1.68Sb12在850K时获得的最大热电性能指数ZT约为0.60。  相似文献   

The p-type and n-type organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) were fabricated in the same experimental conditions by using hexadecahydro copper phthalocyanine (H16CuPc) and hexadecafluoro copper phthalocynine (F16CuPc) molecules, respectively. The mobilities of H16CuPc and F16CuPc-based OTFT devices in saturation region were measured to be ∼1.22 × 10−3 cm2/V s and ∼1.04 × 10−3 cm2/V s, respectively. The temperature dependence of the mobility and activation energy (Ea) for both OTFTs were measured in saturation and linear regions of the drain-source current. We found that the Ea of the F16CuPc-based OTFTs was lower than that of H16CuPc-based ones. The gate voltage (Vg) dependence of the field-effect mobility measured in linear region for the F16CuPc-based OTFTs was more stable, i.e., weaker variation of the field-effect mobility with increasing Vg, than that of the H16CuPc-based ones. The high electron affinity of the hexadecafluorine (F16) in CuPc contributed to the effective electron accumulation in the active channel.  相似文献   

目的研究硫酸体系中元素铋、碲和硒的电沉积行为,为电沉积制备n型Bi2Te3-ySey温差电材料提供理论参考。方法采用电化学循环伏安测试技术,对硫酸溶液体系中铋、碲、硒三种元素的电沉积及不同元素间的共沉积过程进行研究。结果纯铋硫酸溶液体系中,Bi3+还原成单质铋的电化学反应是分步进行的,游离态和络合态的铋离子先后发生还原反应。纯碲硫酸溶液体系中,HTe O2+以吸附态和游离态两种形式先后发生还原反应。纯硒硫酸溶液体系中,溶液中的H2Se O3也通过分步还原反应生成硒单质。在Bi-Te-Se三元硫酸溶液体系中,Bi3+的浓度和基材对电沉积过程有显著影响,Bi-Te-Se化合物对电沉积过程具有促进作用。结论在Bi-Te-Se三元硫酸溶液体系中,Se,Te和Bi元素可依次在阴极表面发生还原反应而实现共沉积,从而制备出n型Bi-Te-Se温差电材料。  相似文献   

采用机械合金化(MA)结合热压烧结(HP)技术制备了n型Bi2 Te2.85Se0.15热电材料,在常温下测量了电阻率(ρ)、塞贝克系数(α)和热导率(κ)等热电性能参数,考察了掺杂剂AgI的含量(质量百分比分别为0,0.1,0.2,0.3和0.4%)对材料热电性能的影响.结果表明:试样的电阻率和塞贝克系数的绝对值均随AgI掺杂量的提高而增大,热导率则随AgI掺杂量的提高而大幅降低,在AgI掺杂量为0.2%(质量)时有最大热电优值,为2.0×10-3/K.  相似文献   

Eklund  J.  Phother  J.  Sadeghi  E.  Joshi  S.  Liske  J. 《Oxidation of Metals》2019,91(5-6):729-747
Oxidation of Metals - The present study investigates the initial corrosion behaviour of HVAF-sprayed NiCr, NiAl and NiCrAlY coatings in two different environments, O2 + H2O and...  相似文献   

The n-type thermoelectric properties of the half-Heusler compound ZrNiSn can be converted to p-type by the addition of Co and Ir. We found that Co and Ir atoms preferably occupy the vacancy sites instead of substituting at Ni sites. This implies that the phase stability of the compound gradually changes towards that of the Heusler compound Zr(Ni,M)2Sn, where M is Co and/or Ir. The occupation of vacancy sites by Co and Ir atoms leads to a drastic reduction in lattice thermal conductivity owing to the enhancement of phonon scattering by the solid solution effect.  相似文献   

采用区熔法制备了P型(Bi0.15Sb0.85)2Te3+x%Te(z=0-6)热电材料,利用电子探针(EPMA)观察了区熔材料的显微结构并进行了物相分析,在300~500K的温度范围内分别测量了材料的塞贝克系数α、电导率σ以及热导率κ。结果表明:随着额外Te的含量增加,材料的载流子(空穴)浓度减小,电导率降低;同时,载流子对声子的散射作用减弱,但第二相的存在对声子的散射作用增强,二者的共同作用使晶格热导率在室温附近随着Te含量先减小而后增大。材料的性能优值ZT则随Te含量先增大后减小,当额外Te的质量分数为3%时具有最大的ZT值,约为0.92。  相似文献   

Titanium aluminide (TiAl) alloys exhibit high specific strength, low density, good oxidation, corrosion, and creep resistance at elevated temperatures, making them good candidate materials for aerospace and automotive applications. TiAl alloys also show excellent radiation resistance and low neutron activation, and they can be developed to have various microstructures, allowing different combinations of properties for various extreme environments. Hence, TiAl alloys may be used in advanced nuclear systems as high-temperature structural materials. Moreover, TiAl alloys are good materials to be used for fundamental studies on microstructural effects on irradiation behavior of advanced nuclear structural materials. This article reviews the microstructure, creep, radiation, and oxidation properties of TiAl alloys in comparison with other nuclear structural materials to assess the potential of TiAl alloys as candidate structural materials for future nuclear applications.  相似文献   

Presynthesized nanocrystalline Ni-20Cr powder was deposited on SA 516 and T91 boiler steels by a high-velocity oxy-fuel spraying process. Ni-20Cr powder was synthesized by the ball milling approach. The high-temperature oxidation behavior of bare and coated samples was then studied under cyclic isothermal conditions at 900 °C for 50 cycles. The kinetics of oxidation was established using weight change measurements for the bare and coated boiler steels. Uncoated and coated samples of T91 steel were exposed to the superheated zone of a power plant boiler at 750 °C under cyclic conditions for 15 cycles. Each cycle consisted of 100 h of heating followed by 1 h of cooling. Attempts were made to study the kinetics of erosion–corrosion using weight change and thickness loss data for the samples. Different characterization techniques were used to study the oxidized and eroded–corroded samples, including x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive spectroscopy, and x-ray mapping analyses. The Ni-20Cr alloy powder coating was found to offer excellent oxidation resistance to the base steels and was successful in reducing the weight gain of SA 516 steel by 98.5 % and that of T91 steel by 65 %. The coating was observed to reduce the erosion–corrosion rate of T91 steel by 86 % in terms of thickness loss. This indicates that the investigated nanostructured coating can be a better choice over conventional coating for erosion–corrosion control of boiler tubes.  相似文献   

Effect of Ag-doping on thermoelectric properties of n-type Bi2(Te0.94,Se0.06)3 is studied. Bulk Bi2(Te0.94,Se0.06)3 sample with single solid solution phase and high relative density (over 95%) is obtained by mechanical alloying and subsequent hot press sintering. The as-sintered sample has a microstructure of randomly distributed plate grains and its size is about 1 μm. A V-shaped variation for the electrical properties with Ag doping is found which corresponds to different Ag atomic position in lattice among the doping range studied. A maximum figure of merit of about 1.7 × 10−3/K is achieved.  相似文献   

In the present study, p-type (Bi,Sb)2Te3 thermoelectric materials have been fabricated through the spark plasma sintering (SPS) method by using powders with various particle sizes. Electrical conductivity (σ), Seebeck coefficient (), and thermal conductivity (κ) were evaluated in the temperature range of 300–500 K. The effect of annealing of the sintered samples on thermoelectric properties was also investigated. The maximum figure of merit ZT (ZT = 2σT/κ) of the sintered samples in the direction perpendicular to the pressing direction (with c-axis preferred orientation) was 1.15 at about 350 K, corresponding to be about 115% of that of the zone-melted ingot with the same composition in the same crystallographic orientation; while the bending strength was highly improved from about 10 to 80 MPa.  相似文献   

For zone-melted(ZM) bismuth telluride-based alloys, which are widely commercially available for solidstate cooling and low-temperature power generation around room temperature, introducing point defects is the chief approach to improve their thermoelectric performance. Herein, we report the multiple effects of Se doping on thermoelectric performance of p-type Bi_(0.5)Sb_(1.5)Te_(3-x)Se_x+3 wt% Te ZM ingots, which increases carrier concentration, reduces lattice thermal conductivity and deteriorates the carrier mobility. As a result, the peak figure of merit(ZT) is shifted to a higher temperature and a high ZT~1.2 at 350 K is obtained, due to the reduced thermal conductivity and suppressed intrinsic conduction. Further,decreasing Sb content is followed to optimize the room temperature performance and a ZT ~1.1 at 300 K is obtained. These results are significant for designing and optimizing the thermoelectric performance of commercial Bi_(0.5)Sb_(1.5)Te_3+3 wt% Te ZM alloys.  相似文献   

The research on high-temperature shape memory alloys has been growing because of the interest of several potential industrial fields, such as automotive, aerospace, mechanical, and control systems. One suitable candidate is given by the CuZr system, because of its relative low price in comparison with others, like the NiTi-based one. In this context, the goal of this work is the study of hot workability of some CuZr-based shape memory alloys. In particular, this study addresses on the effect of hot rolling process on the metallurgical and calorimetric properties of the CuZr system. The addition of some alloying elements (Cr, Co, Ni, and Ti) is taken into account and their effect is also put in comparison with each other. The alloys were produced by means of an arc melting furnace in inert atmosphere under the shape of cigars. Due to the high reactivity of these alloys at high temperature, the cigars were sealed in a stainless steel can before the processing and two different procedures of hot rolling were tested. The characterization of the rolled alloys is performed using discrete scanning calorimetry in terms of evolution of the martensitic transformation and scanning electron microscopy for the microstructural investigations. Additionally, preliminary tests of laser interaction has been also proposed on the alloy more interesting for potential applications, characterized by high transformation temperatures and its good thermal stability.  相似文献   

Silicon nanowires, whose thermal conductivity is strongly reduced with respect to that of the bulk silicon, are very promising for high-efficient thermoelectric conversion. This work focuses on the development of a technique for the fabrication of thermoelectric generators which are based on vertical silicon nanowire forests, achieved through a metal-assisted chemical etch. As heavily doped nanowires are essential in thermoelectric applications, this chemical process has been applied both on lightly and on highly doped (>?1019 cm?3) silicon substrates. A comparison of the results shows that the etch behaves in a completely distinct way when applied to the differently doped substrates. The results of this comparison and a preliminary insight into the diverse behavior occurred are reported. The different initial nucleation of silver, which determines the hole injection, essential to the etching of silicon, seems to be the key point of this different behavior.  相似文献   

P-type (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 powders were fabricated by melting/grinding and mechanical alloying processes. Thermoelectric properties of the hot-pressed (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 were characterized with the powder processing method, powder size, hot pressing temperature, and the amount of excess-Te dopant. Specimens fabricated by melting/grinding exhibited lower Seebeck coefficient, lower electrical resistivity and higher thermal conductivity, compared to the specimens prepared by mechanical alloying. 3 wt.% excess Te-doped (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2 Te3, fabricated by melting/grinding and hot pressing at 550°C, exhibited a figure-merit of 3.2 x 10-3/K. For 1 wt.% excess Te-doped specimen prepared by mechanical alloying and hot pressing at 550°C, a figure-merit of 3.05 x 10-3/K was obtained.  相似文献   

采用感应熔炼制备得到了P型Bi0.5 Sb1.5Te3+x%(质量)Te(x=0、2、4和6)合金.将合金均匀分成R和S两组,R组不作处理,S组通过急冷甩带过程获得厚度约为5~15 μm的薄带,然后将两组样品分别粉碎过筛后,热压烧结成块体材料.利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察了薄带和烧结块体的形貌结构,在室温下测量其电性能....  相似文献   

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