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通过分析刀具生产企业的生产业务流程,基于C/S结构设计与开发了一套生产管理系统,主要包括生产进度,废品统计,成品出库统计,成品添加和报表及打印等功能。  相似文献   

全自动米克重控制系统以ATmega16 AVR单片机为核心,引入料斗称重模块、计米器模块、DA变频器驱动模块和报警模块,通过维控触摸屏完成系统中生产薄膜参数的设定,生产数据统计,实时显示生产薄膜的数值,报警状态显示等功能,从而解决原有系统中存在的材料不均匀流动、过滤网堵塞、造成成品薄膜厚度不均匀等问题;改进后的全自动控制系统可达到自动控制米克重,具有缺料、加料超时、牵引超频、比例失调等报警功能,提高了产品品质,减少了人工干预,更方便统计和管理。  相似文献   

石料加工生产过程中石料粒性的质量是非常重要的,石料成品通常要求粒度大小均匀,粒形好。目前许多研究机构采用计算机视觉技术代替传统人工控制取得了良好监控效果。根据对传统石料生产工业流程与粒度表示模型的研究,建立了粒度形状的统计模型,在此基础上开发了一套自适应控制的计算机视觉系统,实现了对生产线的自动监视和控制。  相似文献   

攀成钢φ340mm连轧管机组二级计算机系统为集生产过程监控(即Level2二级,简称L2)和生产管理(即Level3三级,简称L3)、以及参与基础自动化控制(即Level 1一级,简称L1)的一体化集成应用系统。qb340mm连轧管厂二级计算机系统对L1、L2、L3以及14进行无缝连接,实现了数据资源的共享应用系统功能主要有:从坯料入库至成品出厂的轧线全过程的物料跟踪监控与机组作业优化、生产合同接收与管理功能、生产计划制订与优化、配钢与排产、生产计划下达、长坯料库管理功能、定尺坯料库管理功能、精整庠及成品收交库管理功能、质量管理功能、生产实绩采集、生产统计功能等。  相似文献   

通过实例介绍使用Excel中的VB编辑器,转换拆分明细表为列表明细表样式和依据列表明细表统计成品中零件数量的使用情况的宏程序.  相似文献   

主要介绍了昆明卷烟厂卷烟成品入库系统。该系统主要以分拣机子系统和机器人码垛子系统为支撑,能够快速精准地对成品件烟进行分拣和码垛入库,工作时间长、稳定性高,有力地保证了烟草行业对生产效率、生产质量和生产安全的严格要求。  相似文献   

一种精确度达0.02g的微机电子测重全自动分类系统在羽毛球头生产过程中严格控制羽毛球头成品重量,提高成品优质率,明显提高生产效益,其自动分类速度达每班近两万件。  相似文献   

通过对制造企业生产现场的调研,发现在实际的生产过程中存在仓库(有限缓冲区)问题,而且是多条生产线生产不同的成品.针对这一问题,文中研究了一类带有限缓冲区的上游生产线协调的生产调度问题,把生产线简化为一个Flow shop问题,给出了单条生产线输入输出结构图,建立了上下游生产线之间部件成品关联结构,依据该关联结构建立了实用的数学模型,给出Tabu搜索算法.  相似文献   

喷雾干燥是陶瓷生产过程中不可缺少的一个重要环节,原有的控制设备比较落后,因此成品粉料的质量不易稳定,而用微型计算机对喷雾干燥过程进行控制,既能保证成品粉料的质量稳定,又能减少回料,从而提高产量,更能使其适应现代化生产管理的需要。  相似文献   

在生产中,条码技术被广泛用于生产线数据的采集、生产进度管理、成品管理和生产过程的分析中.  相似文献   

面对客户随机需求,制造业生产调度系统应促进生产的快速性、动态性和敏捷性。论文以制造业生产调度体系为研究对象,从生产车间调度的目标、方法、手段、资源等基本要素入手,总结了传统生产调度系统在实际生产中的问题,并概括了系统集成视角下的生产调度方法及其改进措施,介绍了不确定条件下生产调度策略及评价指标。运用系统集成的思想,探讨了供需链环境下的制造业生产调度系统模式,最终提出了生产调度系统的集成化、动态化、高效智能化、柔性化和排程可视化等发展方向。  相似文献   

基于PDA的烟叶生产信息采集与管理技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对订单烟叶生产的特点和要求,提出了一种基于PDA的订单烟叶生产信息采集和管理技术。在分析订单烟叶生产管理模式的基础上,构建了系统集成框架并论述了系统功能。提出了PDA数据采集系统和生产管理系统的实现方法,描述了系统工作流程及其特点。系统的应用提升了烟叶生产管理水平。  相似文献   

计算机网络技术在生产信息管理中的应用   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
概述了莱钢炼铁厂生产信息管理系统的系统结构、实现方案及功能,探讨了企业信息网络的组建。该系统运用计算机网络技术实现过程自动化系统与管理网络的连接,实现数据共享,便于生产人员及时掌握生产状况,采取有效措施指挥生产。投运后,发挥了极大的作用。  相似文献   

吴佰胜  全先江  顾松柏 《软件》2020,(2):215-217,251
针对有多工位、同一工作站船舶管件直管段加工自动化生产线的排产优化,同时考虑管材自动化立体仓库、法兰上位机的精准配料等问题,采用精准算法的多系统协同方式,包含有智能产线管控系统(BCS)、产线主控PLC、仓储配送系统(WMS)、法兰上位机系统,以智能产线管控系统(BCS)为中央处理单元,负责与产线主控PLC通讯处理整条产线的实时管控、包括生产任务的下达,协调立库的仓储配送系统、法兰上位机系统管材、法兰上料,以实现船舶管件直管段自动化产线有序加工、提高生产效率,尤其是解决先焊后弯突破后,大量直管段加工需求,极大降低生产成本。  相似文献   

本文对目前国内油气田的生产管理现状进行了分析,构建了油气生产物联网系统的总体架构。油气生产物联网系统由三个子系统组成:采集与控制子系统、数据传输了系统以及生产现场监控与管理子系统。油气生产物联网系统可对生产动态进行实时监控.对生产信息进行统计分析,对生产工况实时诊断,并具备关键告警集中展现、设备资产在线管理、生产调度指挥管理等功能。另外还有环境监控、气体监测、防盗防泄漏监控、故障预簧、系统管理、数据管理、物联设备管理等功能。该系统的应州町使油气生产过程实现精细化、智能化管理,便于决策者及时、准确地划油气田生产进行决策,优化生产管理流程和组织结构,从而为油气生产的精细化管理奠定技术基础。  相似文献   

Agile intelligent manufacturing is one of the new manufacturing paradigms that adapt to the fierce globalizing market competition and meet the survival needs of the enterprises, in which the management and control of the production system have surpassed the scope of individual enterprise and embodied some new features including complexity, dynamicity, distributivity, and compatibility. The agile intelligent manufacturing paradigm calls for a production scheduling system that can support the cooperation among various production sectors, the distribution of various resources to achieve rational organization, scheduling and management of production activities. This paper uses multi-agents technology to build an agile intelligent manufacturing-oriented production scheduling system. Using the hybrid modeling method, the resources and functions of production system are encapsulated, and the agent-based production system model is established. A production scheduling-oriented multi-agents architecture is constructed and a multi-agents reference model is given in this paper.  相似文献   

Under the present situation of diversification of users' needs, rapid technological innovation and internationalization, most Japanese manufacturers are required, as a management strategy, to develop an effective production system with small lot size and short production lead time. In order to meet these requirements, CIMS(computer-integrated manufacturing system) has been developed and introduced for practical use as a new computer-based production system. CIMS is characterized as an integrated system of software and hardware for production management with the purpose of meeting market requirements and counteracting fluctuations in users' demand by maintaining effective production planning and control. The style of CIMS varies with conditions of production and goals of system design. The purpose of this study is to investigate its effectiveness and examine future problems of system integration of CIMS in terms of production management in Japanese manufacturing companies.  相似文献   

This paper considers modeling and simulation of a unified control system that uses a continuous control-theoretic approach for distributed production scheduling at the shop floor and machine capacity control at the CNC level. Specifically, a distributed production scheduling method is unified with a distributed machine capacity control to generate realistic schedules considering the available capacity of production resources. In this distributed control system, machine capacity is adaptively controlled based on current physical conditions of the production resources and changes in production demands at the shop-floor level as well. The proposed system considers a multi-attribute objective that consists of production rate and product quality, production cost, and mean-squared deviation of job completions about due dates. The results obtained from the computational experiments show that the proposed system can improve the system performance through fully utilizing machine capacity while reducing production costs, production delays, missed deliveries, and customer dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

Tool specification for production system control requires the identification of the main characteristics of the production system. The production systems are varied, and the production control tools (such as scheduling algorithms and resource assignment rules) are often dedicated to only one class of these systems. Tool assessment for production system control requires modelling of the production system. We propose a new approach to production systems, to identify the nature and the complexity of the system according to the classification of Conway et al., and to specify a dynamic model that will allow us to simulate production control decisions. This paper presents this object-oriented approach, which identifies the resources and the organization features of the studied system. It then, proposes some predetermined classes of objects, which enable us to classify the system components and to use pre-existing dynamic models. These dynamic models are based on timed and coloured Petri nets. The overall architecture of our methodology follows three steps: top-down analysis of resources and bottom-up recognition of predetermined objects, instantiation and integration of objects, and implementation of objects. An example illustrates its use in the textile industry.  相似文献   

针对加气混凝土生产与管理自动化的需要,开发设计了一种基于KingSCADA的混凝土生产监控系统。该系统提高了加气混凝土生产的自动化程度及控制精度。介绍了基于KingSCADA的加气混凝土生产系统的总体结构和实现功能。  相似文献   

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